Knight of Wands tarot card of the day. Tarot card Knight of Wands - meaning, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling

Each Tarot arcan has a positive and negative meaning. It all depends on what question the querent asked or what situation the esotericist is considering. Figure cards are usually attributed to character traits of the questioner rather than to external events. The Knight of Wands has different meanings in the Tarot. This could be either a trip or an indication of the absence of some kind of personality.

Main plot

In the classic deck by Rider-Wyatt, the card depicts a horseman dressed in knightly armor. He holds the reins with one hand and the staff with the other. The horse does not obey his commands and rears up; a little more and it risks turning over along with the rider. The desert stretches all around.

Every detail of the plot has its own hidden meaning. Yellow robes are draped over the rider's armor. They are bright and attract attention. This is the color of the sun, life, activity. It fills a person and makes him act and not think about the consequences.

Knightly armor indicates that a person wants to be a leader. In this case, he will have to bear full responsibility for his actions. But he overestimates his strength and is not yet ready for such a step.


The knight insists on his point over and over again. Stubbornness and perseverance help him in this.

The symbol of the suit is a rod (in some sources a scepter or staff). This is the personification of the element of fire, which embodies creativity. Activity and passion ignite him. Therefore, the fact that the rider proudly carries the rod in his hand indicates that he is ready to use all this for his life.

The red horse is tense and rearing. She is ready to rush at full speed, but the rider is still holding her back. This is a symbol that the questioner wants to actively act and not think about the consequences.

Pyramids are drawn in the background of the lasso. They are not just architectural structures, they became shelters for the tombs of the pharaohs. This is the embodiment of wisdom and eternity. Pyramids inspire philosophical reflection. The rider does not look at them, but the sun is shining and he still does not forget about them.

Ancient tombs remind a person that when performing various tasks one must be guided by wisdom and knowledge. But for now he is driven more by impulses and fleeting desires.

General value

There is no clear opinion among tarot readers on how to interpret the Knight of Wands card. The traditional meaning is literally "escape". This is a change of residence, separation, departure. In some cases it means immigration and resettlement.

The layout indicates:

  • lack of a certain personality;
  • a person who is able to change the situation;
  • events that have begun.

The most common interpretation of the lasso is travel and trips. It could be an adventure or a vacation. In some cases, it is just a walk for fun. In any case, the appearance of the lasso helps to interrupt the routine and shake off the dust.


The latter is associated with a negative interpretation of the map in ancient sources. In the old days, preference was given to familiar and ordinary life. Therefore, attempts to undermine this were perceived poorly.

The Knight of Wands portends:

  • haste;
  • vanity;
  • activity;
  • stress;
  • a rapid series of events.

It will be a tense time when you won't even be bored. An infusion of fresh strength and a flash of enthusiasm will help in this matter. A person is filled with a pioneering spirit and a willingness to act. He is impulsive and strives to rush forward. He has to “hold his horse” for now, but this won’t last long.

Sometimes a card is a singifier for a specific person. He makes changes in the life of the querent, guides him. The peculiarity of this lasso is that it points to the sprinter, i.e. sprinter. He won't last long. But even such a short exposure is sometimes enough.

Arcanum can be interpreted as a change in the current state of affairs. Whether it will be good or bad depends on the querent. It is important not to take into account the time factor, since the Knight does not tend to adequately assess it. He may think that there is something to do here for three hours, but in reality it turns out to be three weeks.

Personal level

The card describes a creative and charismatic person who has a changeable and impulsive nature. He is independent and optimistic, brave and courageous.

To some extent, the lasso is an illustration of wandering people who just want to feel the wind and see the open spaces around them. This is a crazy person who is looking for adventure and is ready to get involved in all sorts of adventures.

On a note:

The querent is looking for new impressions, experience and wants to try his hand at different things.

Moreover, all this is not done for the sake of some long-term goal. The questioner may not even imagine how much all this will cost him. Now he's more concerned with adrenaline and excitement.

The lesson that the lasso teaches is that you should not always act impulsively. In some situations you need to be patient. Don't forget about conscience. If plans go against her beliefs, then they should be abandoned.

Work area

In layouts for a professional situation, the lasso retains its traditional meaning. Most often it indicates a change in job, position or field of activity.

The querent asserts himself and is eager to work. He is a workaholic and is ready not to stop. If there are other cards of wands in the layout, then this reflects the number of different deadlines. For example, 9 of Wands - 9 burning deadlines.


In some cases, the card indicates professional burnout or over-motivation.

New employees may be hired to refresh the team. Relations between employees will be warm. Cheerfulness, enthusiasm and optimism will appear. But at the same time there will be a tendency towards exaggeration and intolerance.

People enthusiastically discuss possible prospects and negotiate. But no one thinks how feasible this is. The lasso helps to easily convince others of your irresistibility and high professional qualities.

Therefore, the catch of the lasso is that you can be as successful as you like in the eyes of others, but in reality the person turns out to be just a dummy.

Conflicting tasks may arise, which lead to various types of dispersion of activity. All this causes stress and anxiety, fears of not being able to submit work on time.

For those looking for work, the card is favorable. Everything will be crowned with success, provided that the questioner takes everything into his own hands. Don't be afraid of change, challenge yourself and take risks.

But at the same time, the lasso gives a warning. You can't be too active. Otherwise, energy will be wasted on a lot of unnecessary things and this will prevent you from achieving your goal.

Love sphere

In love, the Knight of Wands is not so clear. The card indicates a person who quickly flares up but is easily extinguished. Therefore, it is more a passion than a deep feeling. Any new partner in his eyes is just a welcome decoration. As soon as it gets boring, it is thrown away.


Responsibility and consistency are not qualities of the card.

Therefore, in such relationships there is a big bias towards sexuality and excitement. This is a hot affair without obligations and intimacy on the first date. It's worth worrying about protection.

In some cases, the card is played as a confrontation. In an already established union, this means that two people want freedom so much that they are ready to “break” each other.

For those who are looking for a relationship, the lasso promises only meetings without obligations. Pleasant pastime, insignificant sex, etc. It is too early to make predictions - this also applies to the already established union.

Inverted position

In the reverse position, cards often lose their basic meaning. The Knight of Wands in this position indicates that the querent is in a state of confusion and confusion. He is overwhelmed with feelings and desires, but he does not find use for them.

Problems arise at work that threaten loss of bonus or dismissal. This card becomes an indicator of professional failure. Negotiations, refusals of deals and other conflicts that will interfere with progress. The horse has stopped and the rider cannot move further.

Discord, setups and intrigues begin in the team. The atmosphere is heating up. Similar phenomena prevail among friends. Often the lasso becomes an indicator of divorce, an eloping husband, or the breakdown of a relationship.

On a note:

The lasso may indicate the appearance of a fraudster, thief or amateur. In a word, a dishonest person.

In ancient sources one can find references to the Knight of Wands as the embodiment of immorality. In some cases, the opposite situation is stagnation and burnout. The reveler and adventurer suddenly realizes his essence and his mistakes, but he does not know how to fix everything.

Health issues

In general, the lasso does not foreshadow any serious problems. The knight is healthy, full of strength and due to his energy, he is able to endure and survive a lot. He doesn't care about stress or testing.

But since the querent is prone to a high level of activity, he can burn out or get injured. This leads to increased temperature, fever, burns and other minor troubles. In some cases, this leads to tachycardia and high blood pressure.

Sometimes it unbalances sexual energy. The lasso often becomes an indicator of mental illness. These include hysterics, mania, and depression. If they already exist, then the querent’s condition will worsen.

In general, the Knight of Wands tends to negatively exaggerate what is happening and fall into hypochondria.

Interpretation of the situation

Each esotericist uses different questions for fortune telling. Many people use the Tarot deck to get quick advice. For example, there are “yes-no” layouts that are used to get unambiguous answers. The appearance of the Knight of Wands card in this case is interpreted as “yes,” but with minor reservations. There is a possibility that the work started will not be completed and the person will abandon it or he will quickly lose interest in it. Therefore, everything needs to be done right now, without regard to the future.

In some cases, fortune telling a situation involves pulling out a card of the day. To do this, one card is taken from the deck. The fall of the Knight of Wands is interpreted as follows: the day will be filled with emotions and passion. Either it will be a manifestation of character, or it will come from other people. But you don’t have to worry about the consequences and give free rein to your emotions. It's time to act according to the dictates of your heart. There's no need to make plans.

As the card of the year, the lasso recommends protecting yourself from rash actions. But even if something went wrong, there is no need to be upset. There will be a lot of energy and it will be more than enough. There will be many opportunities to test your strength and overcome obstacles.

Some combinations

In order to better understand the meaning of the alignment, it is important not only to consider each lasso separately, but also their combination. So the presence of a Jester next to the Knight of the Wand increases the degree of childishness, a stupid impulse or hasty actions will be made.

Together with the Mage, the card means that the idea is good, but requires improvement. The High Priestess traditionally points to learning and knowledge of subtle matters. But this cannot be done with half a kick and just like that. A thorough approach is required, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

The Empress enhances parental feelings, even if the querent has no children. The Hierophant increases the desire to start a family. And the Emperor promotes enthusiasm in work.

The appearance of the Chariot signals the beginning of a serious journey. The Wheel of Fortune strengthens the desire to put an end to the drab everyday life and finally “light up” life. Justice recommends listening to your inner voice and reasonable arguments, otherwise there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.

The Hanged Man indicates that all the querent’s plans remained plans. Death always means transformation, in combination with the Knight of Wands this desire intensifies and is expressed in the desire to break off the previous life.

Neighborhood with other cards of the Wands suit enhances the manifestation of the fire element. The presence of an ace in a reading leads to weakness in the face of momentary desires and hot temper. The deuce slows down the whole process and forces you to stop. Three brings results, but they are superficial. But the Four already promises good luck in business. Five increases confusion and confusion.

The suit of Cups has a greater influence on relationships. So, together with Ace, a strong desire to bring your plans to life appears. Two and Three indicate superficial and inconsistent relationships. Five brings the likelihood of losing a partner due to impulsiveness. Six indicates a reluctance to return to the past. The Seven and Eight of Cups increase confusion and disorientation.


Knight of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - stupid mistakes in the manual.
The “Mage” card is a crude idea.
With the “High Priestess” card - an attempt to master knowledge right away.
With the Empress card - maternal instinct.
With the “Emperor” card - enthusiasm in work.
With the “Hierophant” card - the desire to start a family.
With the “Lovers” card - passion in relationships.
With the Chariot card - travel.
With the “Strength” card there is a passionate desire to embark on a search for something new.
With the “Hermit” card - the desire to change your life.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - a desire for change; the desire to end the gray everyday life.
With the “Justice” card - unwillingness to listen to reasonable arguments.
With the Hanged Man card, good intentions remain just intentions.
With the “Death” card - an irrevocable desire to end your previous life.
With the “Moderation” card - find a reasonable grain in a seemingly unreasonable idea.
With the “Devil” card - playing with fire.
With the “Tower” card - a fiery idea that crashes into cruel reality.
With the “Star” card - boundless faith in your aspirations.
With the “Moon” card you are in trouble.
With the “Sun” card there is an unbridled desire to become one of the people.
With the “Judgment” card - a speedy deliverance from your past life.
With the “World” card - take your rightful place.

With the Ace of Wands card - an extraordinary rise; unlimited motivation.
With the “Two of Wands” card - inexperience; stop.
With the Three of Wands card - quick but superficial results.
With the Four of Wands card - catch luck by the tail.
There is confusion with the Five of Wands card; inconsistency.
With the Six of Wands card - an inspiring idea leading to a goal.
With the Seven of Wands card, haste and carelessness put what you have won at risk.
With the Eight of Wands card - quick departure; emergency circumstances; lightning events.
With the Nine of Wands card - descend from heaven to earth; cool down the heat
With the Ten of Wands card, efforts go nowhere.
With the “Page of Wands” card - moderate the ardor, but add calculation.
With the “Queen of Wands” card, you will be filled with creative impulse.
With the card “King of Wands” - creative upsurge.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Knight of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Major Arcana

Mag pr and per - Efforts to move will be worth it
Priestess - Meditation, Removal of the spirit to the higher spheres
Empress - Civic Duty
Emperor - Patronage of the authorities
Priest - Journey with the Item of Love
Lovers - Warmth, softness or scorching heat - decide for yourself!
Chariot - Departure, emigration, fierce competition
Justice - Flight from the law, concealment
Hermit pr and per - Change of religious views
Wheel of Fortune - Thirst for pleasure Ruin
Strength - Ruin, sudden
Hanged Man - Sabotage, rather self-mutilation
Death - News from abroad, marriage agency for finding a husband
Moderation - Sale of property
Devil - We need to cool down, immoderate passions are not needed
Tower - Fierce confrontation
Star - Help from an unfamiliar source
Moon - Transition, crime, trespass
Sun - Finding hidden meaning in someone's action
Court - Final Judgment
World - Release on cash bail
Jester - Foolish enthusiasm

Knight of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Minor Arcana

Page of Cups (trans) - Receiving information regarding changes
9 of Pentacles + 6 of Pentacles - Immediate departure

Upright Knight of Wands (Staffs) Tarot

Name: Knight of Wands, Knight of Clubs, Knight of Sceptres, Knight of Staves, Knight of Wands, Horseman of Wands, Prince of Wands, Herald, Conqueror of States, March to the Leader, Lord of the Spirits of Fire. Brunette.

Papus value: Departure, Change, Relocation, Absence, Removal, Flight, Emigration, Desertion, Plant replanting, Transfer, Relocation, Abandonment, Escape.

Interpretation of Tarot cards and wands: The appearance of the Knight of Wands card means that it is time to begin active action or go on a campaign. If your aspirations are noble and your thoughts are pure, then now is the right moment to take action or go on a long-planned journey.

Interpretation of the Knight of Wands (Staffs) Tarot in the upright position

Interpretation: The Knight of Wands Tarot card is interpreted as the beginning of events whose arrival you were really looking forward to. Your efforts to prepare them were not in vain, and events are beginning to gain momentum. This is noticeable not only to you, but also to the people around you.

Minor Arcana Tarot Horseman of Wands is the source of fire and the center of all world energy. For the person to whom this card, also called the Knight of Staves, indicates, no problem will be too difficult or great. Such a person has already appeared in your environment, he is always ready to come to your aid, no task of yours will fail him, any support is not a burden for him, and timely advice is always welcome. He is quite ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his friends and loved ones.

Look around, you will immediately understand who the Knight of Wands is pointing at. This is a romantic person, brave and decisive, always ready to help. His determination sometimes borders on uncompromisingness, but he can neither be called cruel nor aggressive. Narcissism and selfishness are alien to him; he is extremely honest and fair. He is adequate in his actions, ready for the upcoming difficulties, not afraid to face the enemy and fits perfectly into any situation.

Meeting him means the beginning of big changes for you, ranging from a reassessment of values ​​to spiritual rebirth. These changes may involve traveling or even moving to a new place of residence. If the Knight of Wands card appears in your fortune telling, then expect the appearance of a person who will literally take you by the hand and send you on a journey around the world.

Interpretation of the inverted Knight of Wands (staffs) Tarot

Papus value: Gap, Discord, Disunion, Separation, Section, Divorce, Partisanship, Party, Guard, Quarrel, Quarrel, Cut-off, Cut-off, Break, Non-continuation.

Interpretation: The inverted Knight (Horseman) of Tarot Wands is interpreted as unforeseen obstacles and difficulties in realizing your dreams. Your efforts and resources were wasted. If you only intend to start a new business, then the inverted Knight of Wands advises you to abandon the implementation of your plans for now due to the increased risks. If we are talking about forced travel, then you will not be able to avoid it.

If the inverted Horseman of the Tarot Staff points to a specific person, then this person will bring quarrels and discord into your life. He will be the cause of your quarrels with friends or unpleasant situations in the business you have started, right up to its complete cessation.

Knight of Wands (staffs) card of the day

Today you have a hot day ahead of you, choose the right stage for it. Perhaps today your stormy temperament will make itself known, and you will want to give free rein to your feelings. Passions will be heated to the limit, and you will certainly want everything at once. Although once in your life you can follow the lead of your crazy desires and act according to the dictates of your heart. If your emotions require an outlet, go have fun today or embark on some adventure. The main thing today is not to make far-reaching plans; today is not the right day for this.

Horseman of Wands card advice: Once inside the action, speak out boldly and act temperamentally, but it’s better to let it be a fuss over trifles.

Horseman of Wands Card Warning: For your part, avoid ostentatious businesslike behavior and do not create “noise and dust” yourself.

In the modern understanding of the Tarot, the Figured Arcana are usually considered as aspects of the character of the questioner himself or those around him, but the traditional meaning of the Knight of Wands does not relate to the individual at all. These are separation, departure, care, flight, desertion, absence (“someone on the run”), relocation, emigration, change of address. In layouts, it indicates an absent person, a person who can change the questioner’s situation, and the fact that the events indicated by other cards have already begun.

In the most traditional version, the card foreshadows a trip, business trip, journey or adventure. It could also be just an adventure for the purpose of having fun. The Knight of Wands disrupts the routine with his activity, and gives people who have been sitting too long to shake off the dust from their ears. Perhaps it is for this reason that the card clearly does not have the best reputation among ancient interpreters. When life flowed more measuredly and sedately, the appearance of the Knight of Wands foreshadowed “troubles,” which in themselves were something out of the ordinary.

But even now, this card foreshadows a state of the highest activity, stress, haste, bustle, an exciting flow of events, when time is simply on our heels and we have to do everything at once, because we are suddenly required to do this “everything and at once”. It's a hot, hectic time, a period of turmoil and tension, but you won't be bored.

The Knight of Wands experiences a flash of enthusiasm, an infusion of fresh strength. Energy, initiative, willingness to act, pioneering spirit. His element is storm and stress, impulsiveness and spontaneity. If he has already appeared, the readiness to attack is obvious. The main strength of the Knight of Wands is the indomitable desire to move forward. How this will manifest itself and with what result - other cards will tell you.

She can be a significator of a person who makes changes in our lives, and very quickly. Here there is great inspiration, ardor, enthusiasm, ease of rise and readiness to move mountains, but... The Knight of Wands is a sprinter, he does not last long (in contrast, the Knight of Pentacles is a marathon runner). This feature must be remembered, no matter what the matter concerns. But still, the internal energy of this map is capable of setting in motion surprisingly large and dense layers of existence and moving existing glaciers. The Knight of Wands brings a fresh spirit to the most dead-end and stale matters. In the broadest sense, this card carries the message of a change in the current position and situation (“perestroika”), all that remains is to apply this interpretation to the context of the situation.

With this map, the time factor is never taken into account. This is expressed, firstly, in the fact that everything happens very quickly. Indecently fast. And secondly, the fact is that everything happens much slower than it seems in the fever of the Knight of Wands. It seems to him that there is only five minutes to do here. In reality, everything takes two days, if not more. This is how he lives - always pushing time and always not keeping up with it.

Adventurous! The worn saddle creaks again and the wind of wandering blows into my ears. The Knight of Wands gives courage, bravery, an optimistic approach to life and self-confidence. In this sense, he has a strong will - he knows how to motivate (but not hold back). He is confident in himself and knows what he wants - “everything at once!”

The Knight of Wands is a very independent, charismatic and creative comrade, a changeable and impulsive nature. Daredevil, adventurer, troublemaker, “crazy but nice young man.” Obligations and restrictions disgust him no less than the Jester. The card indicates that a person is in search of new experiences, he is possessed by a thirst for new experience and a huge desire to try his hand at something and then say “I did it!” Why, for what purpose, at what cost - all these questions are taken out of the equation. His classic image is that of a daredevil, a daring young rake (possibly female), attractive and enthusiastic. He makes a great impression, ignites and inspires, but again we must remember that this is a sprinter. Its shine won't last long. More than anything else, the Knight of Wands loves excitement, a surge of adrenaline. Free fall, extreme surfing, racing cars, unbridled sex, jumping on a motorcycle from roof to roof... oh this youth, when will it finally end?! (replica of the King of Swords surgeon putting more stitches on the daredevil). His problem is that actions not performed with high energy, by definition, do not interest him and cause boredom. His sensitivity to subtle vibrations and low-energy phenomena is negligible, and the development of the water (intuitive) aspect of fire is yet to come (the next step is the Queen of Wands).

The Knight of Wands speaks of achieving a very active mode of life, when enthusiasm, energy, and enterprise come to us, we boldly move in all four directions and bravely face any events and turns.

Alchemically, the Knight of Wands personifies fire that is literally choking on oxygen. This is the airy aspect of fire, the path from darkness to light. This is a feverish state of mind. The heat burning in the heart uncontrollably excites and drives you in search of new impressions. In this state it is literally impossible to sit still. Therefore, it carries, in the broadest sense, the meaning of a change in position or position, movement and movement towards the unknown. The fiery coloring of the card, the scarlet plume associated with the image of a burning torch, pyramidal hills, salamanders on a sunny yellow cloak - all this is a clear indication of the element of fire. Yellow is the color of the sun, it correlates with the energy necessary for activity in the material world. In the Hindu tradition, this color is associated with the third chakra, which is the center of the will. Desire and will are presented here in an exceptionally intense form, they require extreme freedom in any sphere, and when annoying obstacles arise, temper, intolerance and rashness easily arise. The conscious mind must recognize the creative self and recognize human limitations - this is the highest task of the Arcana. Overall, he evolves towards the King of Wands (through the "watery" aspect of the Queen - developing a more accurate sensitivity to both reality and the inner impulses of others and gaining an understanding of who and what can be inspired). As he walks his own path, he gradually gains the determination to truly persevere in achieving his goals and lead people with him, awakening in them not only admiration, but also a sense of belonging.

The Knight of Wands is a reckless and ebullient opponent of everything outdated and boring. He seeks every opportunity to accomplish great feats, correct what is wrong in this world, or simply demonstrate courage and fortitude. He is directed, in general, to the same thing as the King of Wands, but he lacks the stability of the motive (if the King is “fire of fire,” then unstable, changeable, “windy” air interferes with the structure of the Knight), in addition, he plays to the public to a much greater extent. The King's fire is capable of lifting a rocket into space, the Knight's fire is capable of burning half the city during the New Year's fireworks display. However, his flame is not empty or intended only for the public. It is the uncontrollably proud and ardent Knight of Wands who rushes around with such concepts as honor, valor, nobility and glory. He cannot disown them with logic (Swords), subordinate them to practical considerations (Pentacles), or drown them in emotions (Chalices), because he experiences them completely essentially, considering them something like a higher duty. It is the Wands that encourage you to enter into unequal battles without retreating a step. Swords are not characterized by such heroism, and they do not at all consider such behavior to be a glorious achievement. Why if there is no chance? Retreat for now, then you will get even... Swords do not understand reckless marches to a frontal attack - it is the Wands that move into it (the prototype of the Luciferic rebellion). If they consider it a matter of honor, it is impossible to persuade them to take care of themselves. In such situations, they diligently keep their honor intact, for their enemies, from those who love them and to whom they are dear.

Astrologically, the Knight of Wands represents the characteristics of the fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Changes. Perhaps the emergence of new attractive options (compared to the current situation).

The Knight of Wands reversed is considered to indicate non-payment of loans, outstanding loans, money borrowed and a debtor on the run.

Adventurism and enterprise in love. I don’t want to compare a person like the Knight of Wands to a match, although in some ways it would be very accurate. Rather, it is a bunch of dry straw that ignites instantly and burns out just as quickly. Such is the fiery passion for this Arcanum. The Knight of Wands is too much of a fidget to be relied upon. Conquer impromptu? Please! He grabs his partner like a child grabs a new toy, only to throw it into a corner a minute later. So to speak, “loves dearly, leaves silently.” He strives for new acquaintances, but is much more attached to freedom than to those with whom he has hot affairs. Constancy and responsibility are not about him, although the novel can be exciting and unpredictable. According to the Knight of Wands, a person takes the initiative, flirts easily, turns his head, makes dates... the main thing is that he then remembers where, when and to whom. This is a conqueror who storms the fortress he likes without much thought. His frankness, demandingness and pressure can stun a more shy partner until he is speechless (and silence will be interpreted as a sign of consent). He needs “everything at once” in love just as much as in everything else. The Knight of Wands is quite honest and noble, but it is clear from his eyes that it is difficult for him to restrain himself, and delicacy and patience cost him dearly.

Strong instincts, bright sexual temperament, sparks just fly. Excitability and impatience, a person flares up like dry brushwood. This is where “African passion” and violent sex on the first date threaten. The issue of protection will be difficult to resolve, but here it is absolutely necessary (firstly, the Knight of Wands is fickle and careless, and secondly, he personifies situations in which no one thinks about the consequences, but this does not mean that they will not arise) . In intimate relationships, the Knight of Wands is as energetic as in everything else, and before kissing him, it makes sense to fill your lungs with air, since he is unlikely to provide an opportunity to catch your breath. Sex as an adventure and a childish urgency to satisfy desires. It is worth warning that he tends to cool off in the morning after a stormy night (regardless of gender), and he may not at all strive for a new date. The Knight of Wands loves to boast and show off. He is vain and self-confident. At the same time, he has so much life, recklessness and charm that it’s hard not to love him. It is difficult to imagine a more irresistible and “inappropriate” partner for a person striving for reliability in a relationship, but he is the one who cannot resist - the Knight of Wands brings enchanting liberation from routine, which has set the teeth on edge of the respectable man in the street who is tired of serving her. The Knight of Wands is, in general, like an actor in an action film - he is secondary to the fast-paced action on screen. He, like no one else, is able to give, even for a short time, such brightness and fullness of life, to make you forget about problems, everyday life and worries to such an extent that this alone is worth a lot. The paradox is that he himself as a person most likely will not be very memorable, but the time spent with him will be unforgettable. This is what will be remembered all my life as one of the most dizzying and happiest.

The evolutionary task of the Knight of Wands himself is to move to the next level of development, submitting to love (the Queen of Wands as the water aspect of fire) and rising above himself.

A storm in a teacup, difficulties in implementing events, stopping at full speed. Bickering, discussions, debates, protests, altercations, rejections and refusals, upset deals and negotiations on them. Discord, fight, discord, division. Intra-team rivalry, envy, temper, tense atmosphere. Disagreements, break of friendship. Parting, flight. Traditionally considered an indicator of an unsuccessful marriage, a broken marriage, associated with grooms on the run, leaving husbands. This is also a card of jealousy and sexual hooliganism, such as seduction into an argument.

Some person who causes a lot of trouble and trouble, a disorderly amateur, a violent hooligan or a desperate swindler. Perhaps he feels left out, unsatisfied, he simply has nowhere to put himself.

Interestingly, one of the traditional meanings of the inverted Knight of Wands: parties, factions, groups (including criminals, gangsters). It carries the spirit of fundamental immorality (the main principle: have no principles).

Archetypal correspondences

Phoebus in a chariot of fire

Siegfried walking through a raging fire to awaken Brünnhilde

Jason mining the Golden Fleece

d'Artagnan and all similar characters, merry fellows and brave men, performing a bunch of feats without any special personal gain, just to accomplish them

"Rebel Without a Cause"

The song “Ne me quitte pas” very closely corresponds to the spirit of the Reversed Knight of Wands in content and manner of performance.

The Knight of Wands card symbolizes dynamics, rapid movement, rapid change. But in order to interpret the meaning of this card in layouts correctly, it is worth knowing some of the nuances that we will share.

Take a closer look at your surroundings - can you trust people who are close to you? Be careful and careful, someone is being dishonest with you and playing a bad game behind your back.

Horseman of Wands Tarot: meaning in relationships

The Knight card, when it appears in a relationship reading, has the following meanings:

  • You will begin to have a frivolous relationship. You and your partner will simply have a pleasant time together - there is no need to talk about any obligations in this situation. It is unlikely that such an alliance will turn into something serious
  • The Knight of Wands in relationships symbolizes bright and dynamic emotions. This is passion, a stormy showdown, a constant confrontation between “who will win.” The card may indicate a sick relationship in which partners are incredibly attracted to each other, but they cannot live a day without violent scandals
  • But sometimes the meaning of the card is favorable - the Knight indicates that your partner is a powerful source of inspiration for you. It gives a lot of energy, thanks to which you develop and constantly strive forward towards achievements.
  • When reversed, the Horseman card indicates jealousy. It’s a paradox, but your chosen one is jealous, despite his complete indifference to you. From a spiritual point of view, there is no connection between you - only physical attraction unites you. You won't get far with sex alone, so your relationship is unlikely to last long.

If the inverted knight falls to a single woman, the card promises an unsuccessful and extremely unhappy marriage.

Knight of Wands: combination with other Tarot

It is known that the meaning of any card can change depending on which other Tarot it appears in the layout with.

Here are the most common combinations of the Knight card with other cards in the deck:

  • With the Page of Swords. There will be a stormy and very hasty showdown, which will lead to unpredictable negative consequences. Try not to start quarrels in the near future. Before you make a complaint, cool down and think about how to convey your dissatisfaction to your chosen one without conflict
  • With the King of Swords. A serious conflict awaits you with someone who has power over you. It will be somewhat of a rivalry. The outcome of the dispute will determine whose authority is recognized as the most significant
  • With the Four of Swords. You will become an heir, but along with the inheritance you will also get a lot of problems. You will have to share the property with other people who claim it. Litigation and long disputes await you
  • With the Ten of Pentacles. After a long absence, you will finally return home. The trip to your native land will be sudden and unplanned, but still very joyful
  • In combination with the Chariot card, the Horseman portends an exciting journey from which you will receive a lot of positive emotions. This could be either a planned vacation or a sudden business trip.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Knight of Wands card:

Meaning in the work schedule

In layouts for money and career, the Knight card has the following meanings:

  • You are very impatient and do not know how to calmly wait for the right moment to realize your goals. This interferes with your career - you often act rashly, spontaneously, on emotions
  • You are full of energy that requires immediate release. I want to redo a bunch of things in order to release everything that has accumulated inside. But take your time and don’t make rash decisions - the consequences can be serious and irreversible
  • To shift energy away from work, go in for sports, find a hobby or passion - shift your focus from work to other energy-consuming things to avoid career problems
  • Sometimes the Knight of Wands indicates that you will receive a responsible task at work. You will have to show all your originality and find a non-standard solution. But if you do the job perfectly, you can expect a big jackpot or a promotion up the career ladder.
  • In rare cases, the card indicates troubles associated with relationships in a team. A series of conflicts and misunderstandings is coming. This prediction is true when the card lands upside down.

Let's summarize: In most cases, the Knight of Wands card has positive meanings. But she often warns a person against committing rash acts, which he may later regret. The card encourages you to make decisions with your mind, and not under the influence of emotions.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

This card indicates that the fortuneteller has the makings of a leader that needs to be realized.


The relationship will not be serious. A short-term hobby, an affair awaits.


In general, there should be no health problems. However, injuries can occur. The weak point is the heart.


The card foreshadows a change of job or type of activity. Arkan may also be talking about moving to a new office.

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✚ For the future

The card is especially significant for relationships between people. A Tarot card can mean a change for the worse. For example, parting with the person you love most, breaking up relationships between strong friends who have had good relationships for a long time. Perhaps the separation will be associated with a long-distance trip. Sometimes love can't stand the test of distance. Distance can test the strength of a relationship and help you understand whether people are that important to each other. Does not have any effect on health.

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✚ On relationships

Regardless of whether a person is in a relationship or is just looking, there is no need to talk about duration and constancy with this card. Most likely, the basis of the relationship is passion, excitement, sexual desire of the partners, but not the desire to spend time together. It is possible that you will meet someone who will become a bright flash, but will quickly fade away, since the relationship will be built only on physical intimacy, which means no attachment and obligations. If the relationship already exists, then it is not very strong yet.

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✚ For today

Initiative and enthusiasm. You are full of ideas in the work aspect, a change of place of work is possible; new financial prospects. Your body is strong, so it can withstand any heavy load. With your powerful drive, sexual relationships without obligations await you, and new acquaintances are possible. You are a creative, resilient and risk-taking person who strives to be active to get what you want. It's time to act!

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✚ For tomorrow

The Knight of Wands personifies situations in which emotions prevail over reason. Zeal and lack of patience, enthusiasm and desire to move forward sometimes even go beyond the bounds of reason.

Tomorrow the questioner will have a day spent “on nerves”; the general life situation will seem to be out of control. Something will start to develop too quickly, and there may not be enough time to understand the situation.

The card can also mean a young enthusiastic person, impetuous and expressive.

In the professional sphere, the card speaks of the need to make decisions quickly, and in love, of outbursts of jealousy.

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✚ What does he think about me

You met a man who captivated you with his decisiveness, self-confidence and passionate gaze. You will be swimming in bright feelings that will be filled with “pepper” for a long time. You will feel at ease and constantly think about your other half. You will feel the need to be near him, like air. This will be a heavy burden, because a person should feel free and calm in any relationship. Harmony must be achieved in all aspects of the relationship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

The result of fulfilling your desire will bring much greater results than the process itself. Awareness of new qualities in oneself is something that has so far escaped attention. The only thing that is stopping me now is some unpleasant person. Contacts with him will have to be interrupted in order to achieve much more important results. If you are just thinking about fulfilling your desire, now it is best to just start building an action plan and prepare for its fulfillment.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

You are assertive and active. Inability to control oneself and lack of control over actions can aggravate the situation. Excessive assertiveness and intemperance increase the likelihood of screwing up.

Rapid changes and changes, quick resolution of cases, successful endeavors, and productive activities await you. The time has come to act. Fate provides a chance to prove yourself. Don't wait for change passively - push yourself and move forward!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Knight of Wands promises global changes. Most often they manifest themselves in a change of partner or in increased feelings for their true soul mate. It depends only on you what exactly to choose, but fate will still guide you in the right direction. Don't be afraid of changes, because they will only bring positive emotions and happiness. When you realize that in front of you is a prince on a white horse, then the wedding will not be long in coming.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A strong partner who will become a support will not leave you alone with difficulties; Dramatic changes in career are possible.

You need help, and it will come soon. There is no reason for worry or fear. A patron may appear in your business. The old problem will be solved because new opportunities will appear.

Don't try to get everything at once. Show restraint and don't lose control.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Perhaps the end of a boring novel and the onset of freedom. At the same time, there is a possibility of experiencing a new meeting away from home. If you were planning a move, it will go quickly and unnoticed. Ease is the motto of your relationship with your spouse. It is possible that some alienation will appear in the relationship. Treat your loved one’s desire to be alone with understanding; perhaps he needs to rethink something. This is not the time for traveling and planning together. Wait a while.

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