Sample of filling out a work book about incentives. Entering information about awards into the work book

Magazine: Everything for HR
Year: 2011
Author: Gushchina Inna Aleksandrovna, Eremin Vladimir Sergeevich
Topic: HR documents
Category: Got a problem? Here's the solution

    Document templates
      Record of departmental award in personal card


      Labor Code of the Russian Federation (extract) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” (extract) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 30, 2010 No. 580 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” (extract)

Please tell me, is it necessary to include information about departmental awards and commendations in an employee’s work book? We have a prestigious educational institution, which employs highly qualified teachers with extensive teaching experience. Some time ago, we petitioned to award departmental awards to our distinguished teachers. In a solemn ceremony they were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Now we don’t know whether we should reflect information about such awards in their work books.

According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), among other things, information about awards for success at work is entered into the employee’s work book. The employer has the right to independently determine whether his employee is worthy of promotion or not, and ultimately it is he who decides whether to reward a particular employee or not. But if the decision to reward the employee is made, an order (instruction) of the employer is issued to reward the employee, the corresponding entry must be made in the employee’s work book. And since it is the employee’s work book that is the main document about his work activity and work experience, entering into it information about awards for success at work seems necessary and in every sense logical.

Clause 24 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers (hereinafter referred to as the Rules; approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”) specifies information about which incentives are entered in the work book employee:
a) on the awarding of state awards, including the conferment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;
b) on awarding Certificates of Honor, conferring titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, Certificates of Honor issued by employers;
c) on other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, internal labor regulations, charters and regulations on discipline.

As we can see, we are talking not only about those types of incentives that are applied to an employee for his labor merits by his employer (bonuses, valuable gifts, etc.), but also about incentives of a higher level and importance. In particular, on awarding employees with state awards and conferring state honorary titles.


The specific type of departmental award presented to an employee is determined taking into account the current regulations on awards, as well as the degree and nature of the employee’s labor merits and achievements

The procedure for submitting state awards for award and presenting state awards is determined by the Regulations on state awards of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation”).


Medals, certificates, and honorary titles awarded to citizens on behalf of certain ministries do not have the status of state awards. Such settlements are usually called departmental

Together with the specified Regulations, the President of the Russian Federation approved the statuses of orders of the Russian Federation, provisions on insignia of the Russian Federation, medals of the Russian Federation, honorary titles of the Russian Federation, descriptions of the named state awards of the Russian Federation and breastplates for honorary titles of the Russian Federation. Thus, at the regulatory level it is established who and for what merits can be nominated for the honorary titles “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” and “Honored employee of higher education of the Russian Federation." But all this applies specifically to state awards and state honorary titles.

Our information

Departmental awards and distinctions for conscientious and impeccable work are presented to employees of enterprises and institutions in various industries. For example, various departmental awards approved by the relevant ministries are provided for workers in the social sphere, healthcare, education, transport workers, oil workers, builders, miners, cultural workers, etc.


The decision to initiate an application for a departmental award is made, as a general rule, by the work collective at the place of work of the person nominated for the award.

Each ministry determines its own list of departmental awards, approves regulations on such awards, defining the conditions and procedure for submitting them.

Thus, the regulation on the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2010 No. 580 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.”

The Certificate of Honor is awarded to employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, employees of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments that manage the field of education and (or) science, employees of educational and scientific organizations, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership.

At its core, such a Certificate of Honor is a measure of departmental encouragement for teaching and research workers for conscientious and effective work in the education system or success in scientific activities. In this case, the diploma is awarded to employees who have worked in the relevant organization or body for at least five years.


Departmental awards are presented in a ceremonial atmosphere, usually at the employee’s place of work

So, departmental awards are not state awards, and are also not provided for by local regulations of organizations as measures of employee incentives, but as measures of departmental incentives for success in work activities, they are also necessarily taken into account in the employee’s work book.

In the context of clause 24 of the Rules on information about rewards entered into the employee’s work book, departmental awards for labor merits are among other types of rewards provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (in the case of the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science RF dated 06/03/2010 No. 580 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation”).

In addition, paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by the above-mentioned order, states that an entry about the award of such a diploma is made in the work book of the awardee.

It should be kept in mind that the decision to award a departmental award (Certificate of Honor) is made by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and not by the employer. And it is formalized by a special order signed by the minister or deputy minister himself.

It is on the basis of this order (its original or a copy provided by the employee) that the employer is obliged to make an appropriate entry about the promotion with a departmental award in the employee’s work book ( example 1).

The deadline for making such an entry is not defined by law. On the one hand, paragraph 10 of the Rules states that all entries about awards made by the employer are entered into the work book on the basis of the relevant order (instruction) of the employer no later than a week. On the other hand, within the meaning of the existing wording, it turns out that this requirement about the period applies only to those incentives for work that are applied by the employer, and does not apply to incentives with state or departmental awards. In our opinion, in the current situation, the employer must make a record of awarding the employee with a Certificate of Honor within a reasonable time.


State awards of the Russian Federation are the highest form of reward for citizens for their services in the field of state building, economics, science, culture, art and education, in strengthening the rule of law, protecting health and life, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, education, and the development of sports; for significant contribution to the defense of the Fatherland and ensuring the security of the state; for active charitable activities and other services to the state.

Information about awards for success in work is entered into the work book in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The basis for making an entry in the work book is the corresponding order (instruction) of the manager (clause 10 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” ( further Rules for maintaining and storing work books)).

According to paragraph 24 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, the following information about awards (incentives) for labor merits is entered into the work book:

a) on the awarding of state awards, including the conferment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;

b) on awarding diplomas, conferring titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor, carried out by organizations;

c) on other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, internal labor regulations of the organization, charters and regulations on discipline.

Clause 10 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books establishes a one-week period, no later than which the employer is obliged to make appropriate entries in the work books.

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books” regulates the procedure for entering information about awards into the work book. In column 3 of the “Information about awards” section of the work book, the full and abbreviated name of the organization is indicated as a heading; in column 1 - the serial number of the entry (numbering is in ascending order throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity); in column 2 - date of award; in column 3 - by whom the employee was awarded, for what achievements and with what award; in column 4 - the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

It is mandatory that information about incentives is also entered into the employee’s personal card (unified form T-2, approved by Resolution of the State Committee on Statistics of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration”). .


The work book does not contain entries about bonuses, which are not an incentive for the employee, but are an integral part of his earnings, that is, they are provided for by the remuneration system or are paid on a regular basis (clause 25 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books). If an employee received a so-called “personal” bonus for a specific personal contribution to work, then information about it must be entered in his work book.


Noteworthy is the discrepancy between the wording of Articles 66 and 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires information about awards for success in work to be entered into the work book, and the entry of entries about other types of incentives is not provided for by this article. The aforementioned discrepancy between the concepts of “reward” and “encouragement” makes it difficult to apply labor legislation in the practice of drawing up work books. In this regard, two opposing points of view arose:

1. According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is not obliged to enter information about all employee incentives into the work book, but only information about his awards.

2. A broader interpretation of the term “reward” suggests that those incentives that are not essentially awards, but also characterize the employee on a positive side, should be reflected in the work record in his interests.

Thus, the employee has the right to insist on making a corresponding entry in the work book about any of the types of incentives applied to him, if it has not been made.

You can find out more details regarding the specifics of documenting incentives for work, and the procedure for entering information about incentives and awards into the employee’s work book, in the book “Incentives for Labor” by the authors of JSC “ BKR-INTERCOM-AUDIT.”

One of the sections of the work book is called “information about awards.” It contains all the information about the employee’s awards and incentives. A sample letter of gratitude – entries in the work book can be found below.

It is necessary to include information about the following types of awards in your work book:

  • state awards;
  • awards given by the company in which the employee works (various certificates, titles, diplomas, insignia);
  • awards that are provided for by the working rules or the company’s Collective Agreement.

The following forms of incentives are also included in the work book:

  • presentation of a valuable gift;
  • declaring gratitude for something;
  • presentation of a cash prize;
  • placement in the book of honor or on the honor board.

The meaning of gratitude in work

Employees who have received awards ask themselves: what does gratitude mean in a work record?

Gratitude only increases the employee’s reputation in the eyes of employers; they will trust him more and be more willing to hire him. However, it does not affect work experience in any way.

When to make an entry

Any award must be confirmed by an appropriate document (letter or order). If an employee is thanked, an entry in the work book is made only after the supporting document is ready. Until the order reaches the personnel department (even if the employee has already received his award), the information is not recorded in the book.

HR officer's procedure

  1. First, the HR employee must find the personnel file of the employee who received the award.
  2. You need to find a work book in your personal file.
  3. The manager of the company must issue an order to assign the award to a specific employee.
  4. The employee who received the award must familiarize himself with this order against signature.
  5. After this, the personnel officer can begin to fill out the section of the work book dedicated to awards and incentives.
  6. The first column contains the serial number of gratitude in the work book.
  7. The second column is intended to indicate the date of issue of the award order and affixing the entry.
  8. The third column states who awarded the employee. This may be the name of the company or its branch where the employee operates.
  9. In the same column you need to write down information about the award received, as well as a brief description of the merits due to which the award was received.
  10. In the last column you must indicate the number and date of the order in accordance with which the award was received.
  11. After this, it is necessary for the company manager to affix his signature, as well as the company stamp.

If gratitude was declared and entered into the work book, the procedure is the same.

What to do if there is no space to write

There are cases when the section on awards in the work book is completely filled out. What should HR officers do in such situations?

Under no circumstances should you paste additional sheets or write on the cover or in the work section. The only way out is to insert an insert. Even if you only need to make one recording, making an insert is a must.

Personnel employees should remember that when terminating an employee, they must close the awards section with their signature and company stamp, just like the job information section.

Sample Thank You Note

Incentives give two good results at once: firstly, a diligent and hardworking employee receives a reward for the time and effort he spent in production, and at the same time, other employees, seeing a similar example before their eyes, will try to perform their duties better. Anyway, encouragement is an excellent measure that allows you to increase labor productivity in one single organization. For example, encouragement increases his confidence on the road.

But what should a hardworking employee who is in good standing with his superiors do if he decides to change jobs? How to tell a new manager about your merits? After all, such information will increase the degree of trust of the new employer and immediately contribute to an increase in wages.

For this purpose, the Labor Code provides for a corresponding norm that allows all the merits of an individual employee, if any, to be reflected in the work book. Which one exactly – we’ll look at it later in the article.

Regulatory documents

In the field of labor relations between the employee and, accordingly, the employer, there are many regulations and legal acts. For example, the most important legislative act on labor, namely, the labor code, in its articles also mentions the possibility of rewarding an employee, as well as entering this fact in the work book. This is said in Article 66, namely in paragraph four.

The instructions on maintaining and storing labor books, approved by the government of our country, also mention the possibility of entering this fact into the labor form. This is stated in article 1 of part 4.

In the instructions on maintaining books for personnel officers, the so-called internal instructions, at various points full information is given on exactly how to make entries in the document.

Based on all the listed acts, it is very easy to imagine exactly how to make an entry about the promotion in the work book.

What entries does the work book provide regarding employee incentives?

Incentives in organizations come in different forms. These include:

  • presentation of any valuable gift;
  • announcement of gratitude to the employee for the organization;
  • presenting an employee with a cash bonus;
  • placement on the organizational honor board or book of honor, respectively.

If speak about awards that can be awarded to an employee, they can also have different types. These include:

  • state awards;
  • certificates of honor, diplomas and badges;
  • incentives in various forms.

Of course, this is not a complete list and the legislator suggests a larger number of various employee awards for merit. Many types are associated with specific activities performed by workers.

Due to such a wide variety of incentives, entries in the work book cannot be generalized, but are entered differently depending on their form.

Based on the above types of incentives, depending on the situation, an appropriate entry is made into the labor record. For example: “Awarded with a certificate for many years of conscientious work” or “Awarded with a diploma for his contribution to the development of information technology.”

As an example, here is a record of awarding an order: “Awarded the Order for Services to the Fatherland, 3rd degree.”

Step-by-step instructions in case of awards

Every personnel officer should know how to enter such information into a work book. This is written both in the instructions on storing and maintaining work records, and in the internal instructions of personnel officers.

In order to repeat long-studied information or learn something new, we will once again remind you how to enter information about an employee’s award in his employment document, containing information about experience and places of work.

The main thing in the matter of correct design is the ability to carry out work in stages - this is guarantees the correct result after making an entry.

  1. First thing The personnel officer must raise the employee’s personal file.
  2. His work record should be found there.
  3. An order must be issued to the organization, which would already state that a certain employee or employees have been announced for a reward.
  4. The order must be handed over for review to the employee or employees assigned to the awards.
  5. Next, the personnel officer opens a section in the work book dedicated to information about awards.
  6. In the first column a specific serial number is assigned, which corresponds to Arabic numbering.
  7. In the second column information is given about the date in accordance with which the decision to award was made and, accordingly, an entry was made in the work book.
  8. In the third column information is provided about who awarded the employee. As a rule, this is the name of the relevant organization or division within it in which the employee operates.
  9. In the same third paragraph a new line provides information about the award, as well as a brief description of the merits that contributed to its issuance. Examples are given in the paragraph above.
  10. The finishing touch– placing the order number in the fourth column, in accordance with which the entry is made. Both the order number and the date of its issue are written. Then the seal of the organization and the signature of the head or his deputy are affixed. At this point, filling out the worksheet can be considered complete.

It must be remembered that the recording must be made very carefully. In this case, grammatical errors are unacceptable.

You need to fill out the fields only with a black or blue pen and, if possible, in legible handwriting.

If there are disciplinary sanctions, a record of them is made in accordance with the rules described.

Information about awards in the work book - sample:

On what basis?

The basis for making an entry in the work book about the award, in addition to the fact of the award itself, is an order. This document is published by the organization in the form locally a regulatory act on behalf of the head or deputy head.

The order must be posted in a public place to familiarize employees with its contents.

If the employee has been issued a certificate, then its text is also necessary for keeping an entry in the work book. The text of the certificate is briefly retold in the information column about the award.

Procedure for gratitude

Gratitude is a verbal “thank you” to an employee for his work. Gratitude can be expressed in the form of a certificate, diploma, letter or memorable gift. As a rule, gratitude is issued on a special form. Such encouragement of an employee is a whole event and must certainly be reflected in the work book.

About, how to make a corresponding entry in the labor record, we will tell you below.

  1. The HR department employee or employer must issue an order to the organization assigning gratitude to a specific employee.
  2. Next, the employee’s personal file is raised, the work book is retrieved.
  3. In labor we find a reversal dedicated to entering information about employee awards.
  4. Find the leftmost column and indicate the serial number in it, taking into account Arabic numbering. If there are no entries, then put the number one, if there are entries, put the next one in numerical order, after the previous one.
  5. Then, in the second column on the left we put the date indicating the moment the thank-you letter was issued.
  6. In the third column We write the name of the organization, and then we write information about the presentation of gratitude. It should look something like this: “Dandelion LLC. Thank you for your help in organizing the annual talent show.”
  7. Now, we write the number of the order in accordance with which the citizen was awarded.
  8. We put the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager or deputy.

This completes the design. We show the entry in the labor report to the employee, so that if mistakes are made, the entry can be corrected without delay.

If completed correctly, we send the work report to the employee’s personal file.

Entry of gratitude in the work book - sample:

An entry of gratitude in the work book is made on the basis of two documents. The first is, of course, itself thank you letter, which is signed by the head of the organization and given to the employee for his services.

The second document is order, having its own set date and number.

The letter of thanks is given much later than the order is issued.

The order provides a breakdown of the employee’s merits, and also describes in detail to whom this gratitude is awarded. As a rule, the order should be posted for public viewing, for example on a stand, so that employees can familiarize themselves with it. Based on the order, the work book is filled out, as well as the letter or letter itself.

What does gratitude give at work?

The note of gratitude in the work record is of decisive importance. Unfortunately, it does not take into account gratitude, but encouragement, firstly, it increases employee prestige in the eyes of its leaders. The employee has acquired a good reputation, he will be trusted and other employees will want to match their hardworking colleague.

Secondly, when applying for a new job, the employee will immediately be in good standing. He will no doubt be trusted with complex tasks, and this will also contribute to rapid career advancement.

That is why, even if the employer did not offer you a thank you for difficult work, hint to him that it would be nice to receive it.

How do I make other employee benefit records?

If the employee was encouraged in a way other than gratitude or reward, then this should also be indicated in the work book. Labor practice knows many cases when records of various kinds about awards were interpreted incorrectly in the labor record.

That is why, in order to independently make a new entry into the labor record, you need to remember a number of basic rules.

Firstly, we must not forget about numbering. Anyway put it in the required order.

Also, do not forget that the information about the award should contain information regarding the name of the organization, the type of award and information about what exactly it was awarded for. Don't forget to indicate the date and order number. Only after you have completed all the points of this article will the entry you made in your employment record be considered valid.

Entry of promotion in the work book - sample:

Additional information on video:

The “award information” section is over

If an employee constantly receives incentives and, in principle, is very hardworking, then surely the page dedicated to awards and other incentives may quickly come to an end. What should a HR employee do in such a situation?

The answer to this question is simple.

Just print out a new form

about awards and incentives and place it in the labor record, putting the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager on it.

After this, you can safely make new entries of various kinds about incentives on the newly printed sheets.

A certificate of honor is a type of award, therefore, if there are determining factors, it should be mentioned in the work book. What are these determining factors? The fact is that before you enter any data about awards into the work book, an order is issued. If the order was not issued - information about literacy is not desirable for inclusion in the labor report.

Many employers do not consider a certificate of honor a reward, and therefore, as a result, they do not issue orders.

That is why the question with a certificate of honor is often controversial, but now you know exactly how to answer it correctly.

Entry in the work book about awarding a diploma of honor - sample:

Penalty for depositing

An organization may be fined if:

  • information about the promotion is not true;
  • information was not entered despite the presence of an order;
  • the information was entered despite the fact that the order was not issued;
  • the information was entered incorrectly.

As a rule, all these cases are grounds for an administrative fine against the organization as a whole. The fine is imposed in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles.


Incentives in an organization are a great way to improve performance.

Wise employers systematically reward employees and, as a result, have greater productivity.

Documentation of incentives is a secondary issue rather than a primary one, but it should also be treated very carefully, because the work book is the face of its owner, and most importantly, it shows the professionalism of the personnel department employees. You can find out how to correctly register a record when renaming an organization

A special section is dedicated to awards in the work book. It was introduced back in Soviet times, when it was believed that such records significantly increased labor productivity and encouraged workers to earn rewards for excellent work. Nowadays, this is rather an additional confirmation of the employee’s integrity, which is important during employment. But in order for the entry in the work book about the award to have weight, it must be properly completed.

Legislative regulation

The procedure for making an incentive entry in an employee’s document is mainly regulated by three legal acts:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation - articles 66, 191;
  • Rules for maintaining and storing work books - Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003;
  • Instructions for filling out work books are Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of October 10, 2003.

It is also useful for employers to familiarize themselves with Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 (dated 01/05/2004). It contains a unified form of order/instruction to encourage an employee. Based on this local document, an entry is made in the labor report about awards, a sample of which is given below.

Despite the fact that since the beginning of 2013, unified internal documentation templates have ceased to be mandatory for use, they continue to be used today. They not only offer ready-made forms of orders and other local acts, but also allow you to find out what important details such a paper should contain. With this information, it is easier to develop your own document form.

What incentives are included in the work book?

The above regulations, in particular, state what incentives are recorded in the employee’s book (Article 191 of the Labor Code, clause 24 of the Rules). This could be an entry in the labor record about the award:

  • certificate of honor;
  • state awards/state honorary titles - on the basis of official decisions and decrees;
  • certificates of honor/titles/diplomas/badges awarded at the initiative of the employer (for example, the “Best Builder” badge or the “For many years of conscientious work” diploma);
  • another type of reward for labor/professional successes provided for by Russian legislation or local regulations of the company (for example, a valuable gift for a unique invention).

The work book does not include information about the employee’s monetary bonus if this type of incentive for subordinates is either paid regularly or is fixed in the remuneration system.

Information about awards in the work book: sample filling

How to correctly enter information about awards into work books is explained in the Instructions for filling them out (section 4). This is done in the following sequence:

  • Column 1 – indicates the serial number of the incentive entry;
  • Column 2 – the date of its entry into the work book is reported;
  • Column 3 – enters who awarded the employee and for what;
  • Column 4 – on the basis of which document the award was made (presidential decree, order of the enterprise, etc.).

How to make an entry about an award in a work book - a sample design:

Entry no.

Information about awards (promotions)

Name, date and number

document, based on

whose entry was made

Limited Liability Company


(Svetmontazh LLC)

Awarded a certificate of honor for success in innovative developments

Order dated September 23, 2016 No. 154

Gratitude announced for exceeding planned performance indicators

Order dated 03/05/2018 No. 36

If the award is made at the initiative of the employer, its full and abbreviated name (if any) is indicated in the 3rd column of the document.

An entry in the labor record about rewarding an employee is a sample and example for his colleagues. And for him, this is not only recognition of his merits, but also an opportunity to move up the career ladder faster or qualify for a higher salary. Therefore, it is in the employee’s interests to ensure that the employer makes such entries in the document in a timely manner, since he is often in no hurry to do this.