Uzbek manti recipe with photos. Uzbek manti with meat, potatoes and onions Real Uzbek manti

Manti in Uzbek represents oriental cuisine. The recipe is very simple. To prepare the dough you will need a set of the most common products. This dish is prepared with meat. To prepare manti, it is very important to knead the dough correctly. After all, if you do it incorrectly, the manti can tear. The dough must be rolled out too thin, so it must be elastic and strong.

They first started making manti in Uzbekistan. They are steamed, preserving their beneficial properties. The dish turns out nourishing and tasty. And for making manti, the most important thing is the dough, so their composition will depend on how you make it. Manti in Uzbek style has never left anyone indifferent.


  • 410 ml water;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a couple of eggs.


Recipe without adding eggs

Sometimes it happens that you want to make dumplings or manti in Uzbek style, but there are no eggs at hand. This should not cause you to stop cooking. We came up with an alternative recipe for making dough without adding eggs. If done correctly, it will be impossible to distinguish. The dough will turn out just as juicy and tasty as with the addition of eggs.


  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 250 ml water;
  • a pinch of salt.


Puff pastry recipe

Many have already tried the recipe for making puff pastry for manti. The dish turns out crispy and differs from the classic cooking option. Uzbek-style manti made from puff pastry will please the whole family.


  • 450 grams of flour;
  • egg;
  • 20 ml vodka;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 15 ml vinegar;
  • 210 grams of butter.


  1. First you need to crack the egg into the glass.
  2. You need to add vodka and water to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into an enamel bowl. Send vinegar and salt there. Mix everything well again.
  4. Now you should gradually add flour, stirring.
  5. You need to knead the dough with your hands. This needs to be done for a long time, for 5 minutes.
  6. You can even beat the dough on the table. When you notice that the mass sticks to your hands, you need to form a large ball and wrap it with film. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  7. Now you need to cut the butter into small cubes. Place the pieces in a food processor. There you need to add 75 grams of flour and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  8. Then you need to put parchment paper on the table. Place the dough on top, covering with a second sheet of paper. Now you should roll out the layer using a rolling pin. The result should be a layer of maximum thickness of 4 mm.
  9. The rolled out layer should be placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then the chilled dough ball needs to be rolled out to a thickness of 6 mm. A layer of 4 mm must be placed on top. It should occupy a little more than half the space of the lower layer.
  10. You need to wrap the butter in the dough and roll it out. This should be done 5 times. After which the dough must be placed in the refrigerator. After 15 minutes you can start making manti.

Preparing dough in a bread machine

Some people have a bread machine at home. You can use it to prepare dough for manti. This will simplify the cooking process and save time. The cooking recipe is clear to everyone, without exception, the main thing is to follow all the instructions.


  • half a glass of water;
  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt.


Kefir recipe

The kefir dough turns out very tender. In its quality it is similar to yeast mass. It is prepared quickly and simply. The recipe allows you to replace kefir with sour milk.


  • 3-3.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. kefir;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • a pinch of salt.


Eastern cuisine is very tasty. When preparing manti, you must follow all the technologies and select the filling correctly. Everyone loves this dish, and its recipe will appeal to all housewives. Each time they can be prepared differently, adding new ingredients. Manti is a very nourishing and juicy dish.

In this article we will tell you how to cook manti in Uzbek style. This dish came to us from traditional Asian cuisine and is rapidly gaining popularity among our compatriots. In fact, manti can be somewhat reminiscent of dumplings, since they are small round pies made of unleavened dough with meat filling. However, we note that manti and dumplings are completely different dishes: they differ from each other not only in size, but also in the cooking technology, as well as in the list of necessary ingredients for the dough and filling. Firstly, lamb and lamb fat are traditionally used for manti, which gives the filling a special piquancy. Secondly, manti are usually steamed in a pressure cooker (in this recipe we will cook them in a slow cooker). A distinctive feature of Uzbek-style manti is the way they are sculpted - crosswise, as well as the method of preparing the filling.


  • Flour - 300 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lamb with fat- 500 g
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Zira - to taste
  • Ground black pepper- taste


Second course
Servings - 4
Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes

Manti in Uzbek: how to cook

We will start preparing our manti in Uzbek style with meat filling. We prepare all the necessary products: lamb, onions, salt and pepper. If you wish, you can use some other meat, such as beef or pork, or even ready-made minced meat. But we will stick to the original recipe, which uses lamb, to preserve the traditional taste of manti. We take the meat, separate it from the lamb fat and cut it into small cubes.

Lamb fat also needs to be finely chopped. Let's put it aside for now.

Next, let's deal with the onion: it needs to be peeled and coarsely chopped. Transfer our onions to a bowl, salt and pepper to taste, add cumin. Instead of cumin, you can use any other seasoning suitable for meat, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Add chopped meat and fat to the onion, mix thoroughly and set aside.

Now the next step is the dough for our manti. Take a large, deep container, pour water into it (it must be at room temperature, never cold), add the egg and beat until smooth, salt to taste. Then sift the flour into this bowl and mix everything thoroughly until our dough becomes dense and elastic.

Next, we begin to roll out the dough. We need it to be thin, but not too thin, otherwise it will tear when sculpting the manti. If the dough sticks too much to the rolling pin and to your hands, you can sprinkle it with a little flour.

After we have rolled out our dough, we need to take a knife and cut it into 10*10 cm squares.

Now let's move on to the central part of our recipe - sculpting manti. First, put all the filling into squares. We connect the ends of each square crosswise to make an envelope, and then fasten the opposite ends.

Appetizing manti will allow you to bring the flavor of the East into your everyday diet. Prepared in Uzbek style, they will delight household members with their excellent taste, juicy filling, and magnificent aroma. Initially prepared by the Uyghurs in China, they later became widespread in Central Asia. The special feature of the dish is that it is cooked in a pressure cooker. The authentic recipe prepares unleavened dough, chopped filling of aromatic lamb, fat tail with the addition of herbs. Taking into account simple nuances and selecting the necessary ingredients, housewives will be able to surprise their household with a traditional Central Asian dish.

Classic performance

An important stage in obtaining real manti is preparing the correct dough in Uzbek style. Flour for it must be sifted. As a result, it is intensively saturated with oxygen, giving the dough airiness. It is advisable to use two types of flour: premium wheat and durum. The latter is distinguished by a slightly beige tint, coarse grinding, and the presence of gluten. It gives the flour mixture the necessary qualities - firmness, elasticity.

Main components:

  • flour (preferably premium) – 420 g;
  • durum flour – 380 g;
  • water – 350-400 g;
  • olive oil – 35 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • two yolks.


  1. Mix salt with yolks.
  2. Add olive oil little by little. Bring the mass to a homogeneous state.
  3. Add flour in parts. Mix with a whisk. At first the dough looks unsightly, but then it acquires a smoother texture.
  4. The next step is kneading by hand. The dough gradually becomes elastic, moves away from the hands, and becomes pliable. At the end, a bun is formed.
  5. Cover it using cling film. Set aside. The dough should rest, during which time the gluten will swell, increasing the elasticity of the mass.

Attention! When steamed in manti, the valuable properties of the product are preserved: vitamins, important micro- and macroelements.

On kefir

Uzbek-style dough becomes tender and soft when adding a fermented milk product. You can use what you find in the refrigerator - kefir, matsoni, katyk, yogurt. You will need the following ingredients:

  • high-grade flour – 460 g;
  • fermented milk product – 350 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda – 3 g.

Process description:

  1. Kefir is slightly heated. It is better to do this using a water bath. Then soda is introduced. Gently stir the mixture.
  2. Don't forget to sift the flour thoroughly. Introduce it into the kefir mass, pouring it in a thin stream. Stir with a spatula.
  3. The next step is kneading by hand. The process cannot be rushed. A sign of the end of kneading is that the dough comes away easily from your hands.
  4. Cover with film. The mixture will infuse for about 40 minutes.

Attention. It is necessary to accurately measure the amount of minced meat; if there is too much, the cakes may burst. And if there is a deficiency, the filling will not turn out juicy.

In a bread machine: tasty, fast, simple

Preparing dough in an electric unit will allow the housewife to use time rationally. She can spend the saved minutes on preparing several types of delicious fillings. Necessary components for the test in Uzbek:

  • flour (premium grade) – 480 g;
  • filtered water – 170 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a small pinch.

Attention! You can pinch flatbreads filled with filling in a variety of ways. In the traditional version, they are given a rounded shape, reminiscent of “ears”. A lightweight option is to twist it with a roll, a screw or a pigtail.


  1. Mix the flour with a pinch of salt. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the unit.
  2. Eggs removed from the shell are introduced there. Pour in water.
  3. Set the “Dough” mode.

After this you can start filling. The kneading process in the unit will last about 20 minutes. The finished dough should be immediately removed from the bread machine, otherwise it will lose its softness. The finishing touch is rolling out the flatbreads and filling them with filling.

No eggs

Experienced chefs surprise gourmets with manti using different variations of preparation. One of them is Uzbek-style dough without eggs. In this recipe it turns out soft, elastic, pliable, and does not go stale for a long time. You can freeze it and delight your household with a delicious dish during the work week.


  • flour – 420 g;
  • water – approximately 180 ml;
  • salt – 5 g.

Overview of stages:

  1. The flour is sifted. Use the finest mesh sieve. The water is slightly warmed up. Salted.
  2. Add flour. Add oil. It will give softness and elasticity to the mass.
  3. The kneading process is long. The dough will be stiff, soft, but not yet elastic enough.
  4. Cover with a bowl. It should sit for about 20 minutes. During this time, gluten swells. The dough gradually acquires elasticity.
  5. Start the kneading process again. The dough turns out beautiful, viscous, homogeneous, ready for making manti. It is easy to form thin cakes from it.

By leaps and bounds

In traditional recipes, it is allowed to prepare the dough in the Uzbek way using the yeast method. The manti turns out tender, tasty, melting in your mouth. Required components:

  • flour – 480 g;
  • purified water – 320 ml;
  • live yeast – 35 g;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • refined oil – 60 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the yeast and dissolve it in slightly warmed water.
  2. Add sugar and butter.
  3. The flour is sifted. Using a measuring cup, add it to the mixture with yeast in a thin stream.
  4. Mix thoroughly. Set aside, covered with a towel.
  5. Mix thoroughly again.
  6. They are left to approach.
  7. After 50 minutes you can begin to form manti.

Attention! If a special multi-level pan - a pressure cooker - is not available, do not be upset. It can be completely replaced by a regular double boiler or a popular multicooker.

Good morning, dear cooks!

Do you love Uzbek cuisine as much as I do? And how can you not love this spicy, aromatic and varied oriental cuisine? Delicious, lagman, flatbreads, kebabs and manti.. Wow! My mouth is already watering!

This is the last dish I will write about. This delicious lunch, consisting of minced meat (vegetables) and thin dough, steamed in a pressure cooker, has its fans all over the world.

We have already prepared for you. And today I suggest you choose a recipe for the manti you like to suit your taste - fortunately, I have collected a lot of recipes and there is plenty to choose from.

We are accustomed to consider manti a purely Uzbek dish. But that's not true. The Mongols have a similar dish - buuza, in Buryatia poza, in China - mantou. Presumably, it was from the Chinese word “mantou”, which means “stuffed head”, that the word manti took root in the Russian and Turkic languages.

Despite the fact that this dish is found in the cuisines of other nations, we will learn how to cook Uzbek manti. The calling card of Uzbek manti is thin dough, lamb and fat tail fat. But there are also recipes with pumpkin, potatoes, and beef. They are all very appetizing, aromatic and incredibly tasty!

Today in the article:

Manti dough - a lean version without eggs

Good thin dough is an important part of real manti. The preparation of such a dough has its own nuances and tricks. You can knead the dough yourself or cook it in a bread machine.

But I don't like the last option at all. I made it in the bread machine only 1 time. It came out tight and tough. I barely rolled it out using a dumpling rolling pin. The dough in these dumplings was cooked very poorly. Lunch was practically ruined. In general, this option did not suit me.

It’s a completely different matter to knead the dough with your own hands. When you get your hands full, for example, after kneading 5 times, you only then feel what consistency a good dough for manti, dumplings or dumplings should have.


  • Flour - 700 gr.;
  • Water - 300 ml.,
  • Salt - 1 tsp.


Wipe the table dry. We prepare the necessary products: water, salt and wheat flour.

Sift the flour through a sieve onto the table in a heap.

We make a hole in the center of the slide.

Dissolve the salt in a glass of water. Slowly pour water into the hole. Using a tablespoon, scoop up the flour, mix with water and knead the dough.
If desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water. Oil will give the dough additional firmness and elasticity.

Having mixed all the water with flour, continue kneading the dough for another 10-15 minutes. A good dough should feel soft to the touch, like an earlobe.

Leave the finished dough to rest in a bag in a cool place.

Dough with added eggs


  • Flour - 2 tbsp;
  • Water - 300 ml.,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp.


We prepare all the necessary ingredients. Take a large, deep bowl and sift the flour into it.

Break the chicken egg into the flour.

Dissolve salt in water. Add vegetable oil and water to the flour.

Gently mix all ingredients with flour.

Transfer the dough to a dry surface and knead with your hands.

With an egg, the unleavened dough for manti turns out to be somewhat tight, but there is less chance of it tearing when steaming the dish.

Place the dough in a bag and refrigerate for 1-1.5 hours. There our dough will settle and become homogeneous and elastic.

Manti with meat and pumpkin: step-by-step recipe with photos

I don't really like pumpkin. But in this recipe for manti with pumpkin, I just lick all my fingers - it turns out so delicious! The dish comes out aromatic, with a delicate taste of steamed pumpkin, cumin and meat in a thin dough.


  • Flour - 4 tbsp;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs. (large);
  • Water – 600 ml.,
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • Meat (lamb or beef) - 800 gr.;
  • Pumpkin - 600 gr.;
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Fat tail fat - 100 gr.;
  • Spices - cumin, red pepper, salt, coriander.


We prepare the dough according to the recipe with the addition of eggs above in the article. Here you can replace water with milk - this dough will be more tender and retains the juice well in the manti.

We wash a piece of meat, dry it and cut off the veins. Finely chop the meat and place in a large bowl. The smaller we cut it, the tastier it will be!

To make meat and lard easier to chop, you can freeze it a little in advance in the freezer.

We cut the fat tail into the same small cubes.

Peel the pumpkin and onion. Chop the onion into quarters, and chop the pumpkin into small cubes, just like the meat.

Season all ingredients for the filling with seasonings and mix well.

Manti can be applied in any way convenient for you. Check out a few ways in the video below. I sculpted it in the classic way - with two ears. I will describe this sculpting method below.

We take out the rested dough. Sprinkle the table with flour. Divide the dough into even balls and form them into sausages.

Before making manti, put the pan of a double boiler or pressure cooker on the fire so that the water boils. And grease the tiers of the pressure cooker with oil.

We cut each sausage into donuts 2 cm thick.

Press each donut in flour on both sides and roll it into a flat cake 2-3 mm thick.

Try not to roll it too thin - during the cooking process the dough may tear and the aromatic juice will leak out.

Place the filling in the center of the flatbread. One tablespoon is enough.

We sculpt a figure in the form of two ears. This form of modeling is completely closed; all the juice during cooking is retained inside.

Place the manti on the tiers of a steamer and set to cook for 40-45 minutes in boiling water.

Serve the finished manti hot to the table. The tops can be greased with butter.

In Uzbekistan, sour milk, tomato sauce or fried chopped onions are served as a sauce. I have just the recipe for the last sauce in today’s selection, which you can easily find in the contents of the article.

Lamb dish recipe - video

And this recipe for delicious manti with lamb. Juicy, aromatic - they just beg to be put into your mouth!

Manti with pumpkin and onions - a vegetarian (lenten) dish

Uzbeks call this dish “Manti Oshkovok”. It will come to the table of vegetarians and Orthodox Christians who fast.

  • Flour - 700 gr.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Pumpkin - 800 gr.;
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • Spices - cumin, red pepper, salt.


Knead the dough according to the dough recipe without eggs - see the article above.

Wash the pumpkin, peel off the tough skin and cut into very small cubes.

Finely chop the onion. You can take a lot of onions - the same amount as pumpkins.

Place all vegetables in a deep container. Add spices and oil. Mix with a tablespoon.

Place the lower part of the manti cooker, steamer or manti cascan on the fire with water. Lubricate the tiers with vegetable oil to prevent the manti from sticking.

We make manti from dough using any method convenient for you - see the video recipe below.

We put the manti on tiers and set it to cook in a pressure cooker for 35-40 minutes.

Serve the finished dish to the table with finely chopped herbs and fresh vegetables.

Bon appetit!

Steamed slow cooker recipe step by step recipe

Perhaps the easiest way to cook manti is in a slow cooker. It has made life much easier for housewives. Steam allows you to prepare a dish, preserving all the nutrients and vitamins as much as possible. You just need to put the food in the tray and set the desired program.

I cooked manti in a Philips multicooker. It was while visiting a friend who asked me to help set the table.

I liked cooking Uzbek dishes in a slow cooker. But, with all its advantages, the multicooker has disadvantages:

  • The manti turned out to be somewhat damp at the exit;
  • There are few tiers and I had to prepare several batches, which, of course, took time.

But, when you need to prepare dinner for 3-4 people, a multicooker will help out without question.


  • Flour - 2 tbsp;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc. (large);
  • Water - 300 ml.,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Minced meat with fat - 700 g;
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Spices - cumin, red pepper and black pepper, salt, coriander.


Knead the dough and put it under the bowl to rest so it doesn’t get too windy.

Peel the onion and finely chop it. Mix the onion with the minced meat in a deep bowl. Add spices.

Divide the dough into koloboks. On a dry, clean surface, roll out the bun and divide it into squares. Each square can be made 8x8 cm.

We put the filling in the center of the squares and form manti (see how to make manti in the video below).

Lubricate the multicooker trays generously with vegetable or butter. Place the manti in trays and leave a distance of 0.5 cm between them.

Set the program on the multicooker. Usually 45-60 minutes.

Fill with water. Some multicookers require you to turn on the heating in advance. At Philips, you can fill water through a special hole.

We kept adding water when it evaporated.

Manti cooked in a slow cooker for 50 minutes. We remove the trays with the finished dish and carefully, so as not to burn ourselves, place them on plates.

We sprinkled the manti from the multicooker with freshly ground black pepper from the mill and ate it with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Manti with meat and potatoes: video recipe

In this recipe you will learn how to cook tender and juicy manti with potatoes and meat. Some chefs prefer not purely meat manti, but with potatoes. It is believed that potatoes absorb excess moisture and prevent the delicate dough from tearing when steamed.

It depends on it or not, but the manti really comes out whole and tasty.

Onion and tomato manti sauce - recipe

Manti is served with liquid sauce. Because the aromatic sauce makes manti even tastier and more appetizing. In addition, some manti, for example those stuffed with potatoes or lean meat, turn out a little dry. And the sauce softens the taste and adds fullness of flavor to the dish.

The classic sauce for Uzbek manti is sour milk (yogurt or kefir), sour cream and fried onions and tomatoes.


  • Onions - 2 large heads;
  • Tomatoes - 2 large pieces;
  • Hot capsicum - 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. We cut it very thin, oriental style.

Place the frying pan on the fire and add oil. Fry the onion until slightly golden brown.

Peel the tomatoes and cut them very thinly. You can use half rings, or you can just chop them.

To make it easier to peel the tomatoes, fill them with hot, almost boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

Seed the capsicum and finely chop it.

Add salt, tomatoes and pepper to the pan with the onions. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

The frying can be cooled, or you can pour it directly into our manti while hot and serve it to the table.

Bon appetit!

Manti fried in a frying pan

We fry any mantishes when they are already steamed or in water. Otherwise, the filling, especially meat, will remain raw. And the saying “Hot is never raw” simply does not apply here. Therefore, first we boil the manti with any filling and fry it in a frying pan.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.

Place the manti in a colander or sieve to drain the water.

Place the dried manti in a frying pan and fry on all sides, turning over with a spatula.

Serve the dish with tomato sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

How to beautifully sculpt manti: video recipe

In this video, watch how to sculpt manti rays. Each of them is good in its own way. But any housewife chooses one method for herself and usually sculpts only this way.

As I already wrote above, I like the shape of manta rays in the form of two ears.

Which method did you like best?

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