Why do you dream about Tablets? What does it mean if you dream about pills? Why dream of drinking pills by the handful?

Often in our dreams we see events or objects related to our health.

We dream about doctors, hospitals, injections, examinations and much more.

Why do you dream about pills? How does the dream book explain medications?

See the pills

Large white pills in a dream are a sign that your health is fine, but you shouldn’t forget about preventive measures. And the little ones say that it would not be superfluous for you to undergo a general examination.

Seeing them in paper packaging means listening to the advice of doctors. And if they are in a glass bottle, then you will soon get better.

  • Multi-colored pills - for a fun evening with friends.
  • Seeing them in a car first aid kit is a sign of improved health on vacation.
  • Broken pills mean a sudden change of plans.
  • The tablet fell on the floor - to an unexpected meeting.
  • Medicines on the shelf - to achieve the goal.

The dream book explains a handful of different pills in a dream by saying that in reality you are a versatile person. And many identical pills are a sign that your talents will soon find their use.

Seeing them in the trash bin means getting carried away with traditional medicine. And the pills on the pharmacy window signify the acquisition of a valuable item in the near future.

The dream book explains medications for animals in a dream with the kindness of your heart. And pills for a seriously ill person dream of a desire to do charity work.

Drink pills

If in a dream you have a headache and take antispasmodics, then the dream book states that you have problems that require a quick solution. And treating the heart with validol means thinking about your loved one.

As the dream book writes, you dream of taking medicine for an upset stomach before a holiday with a luxurious feast. And taking medicine for heartburn means remembering the bright moments of your life.

  • Take a bitter pill - prepare for the wedding.
  • Sour - to overcome your complexes.
  • Sweet - have a great time in the company of children.
  • Drinking them in the hospital means hoping for help from strangers.
  • Giving to a child means taking care of the well-being of your family.

To take medicine and immediately recover means to be an open, naive person. And chewing a handful of tablets means feeling the support of loved ones.

If you cannot swallow a pill in a dream, the dream book promises you a difficult but highly paid job. And dissolving the pill means gradually climbing the career ladder.

Most often, pills in a dream are a good sign. Therefore, when you have a dream like this, feel free to open your dream book and look for an explanation. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Drinking medicine in a dream means improving something in your life. You will be able to get rid of bad habits, make your dreams come true, throw away unnecessary things from your home and negative people from your environment. To find out more precisely what medicines mean in dreams, remember the details of the vision.

All problems will be left behind

In the Maly Velesov dream book, medicine is included as a symbol of the dreamer’s anxiety. Internal worries are caused by a difficult task - a person is not sure that he can cope with it and manage to complete everything on time. However, these thoughts are in vain - the task will be completed efficiently and on time. Drinking medicine in a dream means good health. If a vision comes to a sick person, then he will soon recover.

Giving medicine means being useful to a loved one, the interpreter reports. You have to help a friend or relative in a difficult moment. Buying medicine is, on the contrary, asking for valuable advice or support from others. At the same time, the Dream Interpretation recommends not to be shy about asking for help; friends will gladly respond to your request.

The classic dream book says that if you drank medicine in a dream, then in reality you may catch a cold. However, if you take care of yourself, you can easily avoid illness. Dress for the weather, follow a proper diet and remember to get a good night's sleep.

In order to find out why you dream of taking medicine, according to the Women’s Dream Book, it is important to remember the taste of the pills:

  • If you drank sweets, you will go through a test that will ultimately improve your life in many ways.
  • Drinking a bitter pill means a minor loss, which you can easily replace with a new and more beautiful thing.
  • The pill was sour - complete an unpleasant task that will bring you income.
  • Tasteless medicine enters a dream as a sign of the onset of a calm period in your life.

Remember how in a dream you give medicine to a friend - in reality you will accidentally harm a loved one. Despite the fact that you can quickly correct the situation, the dream book recommends that you warn your friends in advance about your intentions. This will allow you to achieve your goals without incidents.

In Rus' it was believed that if you dreamed of drinking an unpleasant-tasting medicine, then soon you would have a quarrel with one of your relatives. However, the conflict will serve as a kind of pill for you - it will improve relationships and strengthen trust between you. Together you will find a compromise and an ideal solution to your issue.

Remember how in a dream you threw away old expired pills - in reality you will not pay attention to the stupid gossip of envious people. You will be above this and in this way will be able to show your intelligence and independence from other people’s opinions.

In Miller's dream book, pills are included as a symbol of the deterioration of the current state of affairs. However, these problems will cheer you up, and you will find an unexpected way out of the situation. As a result, you will get much more than you would have had if everything had remained the same. Remember that it is small troubles that motivate us to move forward.

A harbinger of joyful events

You will certainly be glad to know why you dream about taking pills, according to the Modern Dream Book. This is a good sign that you will be purchasing a home soon. You will find a profitable offer for the sale of an apartment or country house that you cannot refuse.

Taking medicine with great pleasure means living carelessly, according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book. Harmony will reign in all areas of your life: family, work, finances. You should thank your intuition for this to a greater extent - you always sense offers and positive people that are beneficial to you.

Receive unexpected benefits - this is the interpretation of dreams in which you gave a pill to someone. You can make a monetary profit in a simple way - by participating in a lottery, competition, or you will receive an interesting offer from unfamiliar people.

The psychological dream book says: if you bought medicine in, then in reality you will achieve the favor of a person you like. You are probably making every effort to achieve this - showing signs of attention and care. Very soon your efforts will give the expected result and the person will reciprocate your feelings.

Ordering your own prescription medicine in a dream means working on your personal development. You will be able to get rid of bad habits or achieve mastery in something you are passionate about. You are a person who knows how to competently analyze yourself and make plans for self-development.

In a dream, a person you know gave you medicine - you will receive an important and responsible task from an influential person, reports the Dream Book of the 21st Century. For you, the task will be like a challenge, with the help of which you will test your responsibility and professionalism. As a result, the matter will result in a promotion and salary increase for you.

Drinking a sedative (valerian, motherwort) or for the heart (Corvalol) means learning good news that will take your breath away and your heart will beat faster. Taking stomach pills means enjoying delicious food and pleasant conversation in the company of friends. If you buy headache pills at the pharmacy, you will get rid of all your problems.

If you bought pills for a child, in reality you will give wise advice to a child or teenager. A valuable life lesson will be remembered by the child for the rest of his life and will allow him to make the right decisions in the future. Take medicine for your pet - it is likely that a new four-legged friend will soon appear in your home.

If in a dream you made pills yourself or mixed mixtures, then in reality you will help a large number of people. Often such dreams come to individuals involved in the development of people - teachers, doctors, managers. You will give your mentees knowledge and advice that will help them develop their potential and hidden abilities.

Seeing multi-colored pills is a sign of a series of fun events that will improve your mood. An interesting trip, a party or a meeting with close friends may await you. Be positive and have fun.

Taking pills for any illness means success in minor matters awaits you.

Imagine that from the pills you recover very quickly, you are full of strength and energy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing Tablets in a dream

Seeing some pills in a dream portends you success in small matters. For a woman to swallow or throw away a pill in a dream, it means that her life will be troubled by petty envy or other insignificant worries.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream mean? Tablets

You see some pills in a dream - you will not be able to continue the main work of your life until you have completed all the small related things - success awaits you here; in general - a favorable dream.

A woman dreams that she swallowed a pill - this woman will be tormented by envy - even for a minor reason.

A woman dreams that she... threw away the pill - in the near future this woman will forget about calm; first one or another anxiety will torment her, but all the worries are small and often empty.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

Seeing Tablets in a dream

Seeing pills, taking them from someone or buying them at a pharmacy means a successful resolution of small matters and concerns.

To refuse pills means to lose the trust of loved ones.

If a woman swallows or throws away a pill, she will envy someone in small things and suffer from it.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Tablets

If a girl dreams that she swallowed or spat out pills, this foreshadows her petty intrigues of her rivals, which, however, will not affect her relationship with her lover.

Interpretation of dreams from

Miller's Dream Book

Foretells complications that will soon change your life for the better.

Collection of dream books

Take medications- to a quarrel; give to another- to benefit.

If you are taking medicine and it is bitter- you are at risk of prolonged illness, deep sadness or loss; if you give medicine to others- perhaps you will inadvertently harm those who trust you.

If you take the medicine willingly, with joy- the dream promises you a carefree, happy existence.

Give someone a potion- to great benefit for you.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Buying medicine in a dream- you are subconsciously afraid that your partner will be dissatisfied with you for some reason. And therefore you show extreme indecisiveness, while he (she) expects the exact opposite from you.

Take medicine- in the near future you will need the help and support of a loved one. Be careful when dating members of the opposite sex.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Medicines- anxiety, unpleasant matter; drink- on health (sick) / illness (healthy); give- good advice; buy- illness, need; sell- failure (but fixable); bitters- enemies.

Buy medicine- disorder of affairs.

Treat your wife with medicine- family disorder.

Giving others medicine- success.

Drink a laxative- health.

If the medicine you take while you sleep is a placebo- a dream means that you should reconsider your views on the current situation.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Give, prescribe to others- income .

Buy- malaise.

Medicine (heart) see- to heartfelt (love) experiences. "cores"- to a possible exacerbation of your illness in reality.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Taking medicine is difficult and unpleasant- means a quarrel with one of the people close to you; accept it willingly- means carelessness; give it to someone else- portends an unexpected benefit; regurgitate medicine from the upper passage- means to hear about bankruptcy, and to the bottom it means the successful progress of affairs.

Islamic dream book

Taking medicine while sleeping- to repentance of sins and humility before God.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Taking medicine while sleeping- to repentance of sins and humility before God.

English dream book

In a dream, take some medicine that tastes disgusting and bitter- a dream meaning that something very unpleasant will happen to you, but this event will not last long and the experience will be useful to you. The clouds will clear and bright light will appear, rest will follow hard work, and pain will be softened by joy and a sense of peace of mind. This is a good dream, because it promises the arrival of prosperity after a brief sadness.

Dream book of the 21st century

Taking medicine in a dream- means that you will be given trust by an influential person or boss, perhaps a responsible assignment or an important task.

Bitter or nasty- to a quarrel or disagreement with loved ones or relatives.

Seeing pills in a dream- a harbinger of your success in small matters.

Take medicine- to a cold.

You dreamed that you were buying medicine- at a crucial moment, receive wise advice.

In a dream you were selling medicine- soon you will give wise advice to someone close to you.

Women's dream book

Take a medicine that tastes good in a dream- portends complications that will soon change your life for the better.

Bitters- portends suffering from a protracted illness, deep sadness or loss that will deprive you of self-control.

Giving medicine to others- means in reality harming someone who trusted you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Medicine- an unpleasant thing.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Giving someone medicine- a harbinger of success in business. If they give it to you- you will unwittingly harm someone who trusts you with all his heart and soul.

Pleasant-tasting medicine- promises complications that, at least a little, will change your life for the better.

An incredibly nasty drug- portends a long-term illness.

If in a dream you take highly effective imported drugs- this is a sign of deep sadness or loss, due to which your life will turn into a dull and dull existence.

Taking a laxative in a dream- in the morning you will be in a cheerful mood.

Cold remedies- to a loss that you will experience completely painlessly.

Headache medications- a sign that in the near future you will achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being.

Heart drops or tablets- foreshadow an important event, the consequences of which will depend on your reaction to it.

Giving medicine to other people- portends success in business.

If the husband acts as other people- in reality you will not avoid a family quarrel, if children- you will cause irreparable damage to those who entrusted their funds to you.

Counting out medicinal drops in a dream- portends a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future, accept them- a new family member may enter your home if the family has nothing against your choice.

Medicine in tablets- portends you success in small matters and small doses.

Study instructions for using a particular medicine in a dream- means that unlucky companions will lead you to the monastery.

Collecting medicinal plants in a dream- means receiving significant profits soon.

Roots and roots of medicinal herbs- portend a deterioration in physical and spiritual health; being treated with them means that you will miss an interesting event due to being extremely busy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Drink medicine- to illness.

Rub the medicine on yourself- to health; children- to their longevity.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Rub ointment on yourself in a dream- to butter up someone.

Drinking medicine in a dream- to a short-term illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Drinking medicine in a dream- to recovery if you were sick.

If you rub ointment for a cold on your child in a dream- Beware of complications after the flu.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Take some nice medicine- good changes in life, bitter medicine - try, even in case of big troubles, not to lose faith in the best.

Giving medicine to someone- you will hurt and upset a loved one, completely without meaning to.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing medications in a dream- a sign that you urgently need to take some steps to improve the state of current affairs. Perhaps some of your plans are going wrong or unforeseen events threaten to throw you off track. In this case, problems can be related to both health and any other matters.

The place where you see the medicine- can sometimes hint at the nature of emerging troubles. So, medicine lying on a saucer, cup or spoon usually warns that your income may decrease.

If you see medicine on the bed or sofa- this is a signal that the cause of your troubles may be your passivity.

Bitters- means that you need to take some unpleasant but necessary steps. Sometimes this also indicates that some unpleasant events that may upset you will later turn out to your benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Medicine- seen as a sign of poor health or peace of mind.

Take medicine- deterioration of health, loss of money.

Giving medicine to someone- overcoming difficulties.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

  • The dream of “pills” symbolizes illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: drop pill in a dream - the dream speaks of possible difficulties in communicating with friends. The dream “spit out a pill” also has the same meaning. This dream also characterizes the fact that you are too proud and therefore you have conflicts with people.
  • Dream Interpretation: gnawing pill in a dream - expect health problems.
  • The dream book interprets “sleep pills” as meaning that in reality, thanks to other people’s successes, you will go to the bottom; you are unable to recognize the success of someone else and cannot cope with it.
  • If you dreamed about pills and you give them to a child, you will begin to experience minor anxieties, and you will also begin to worry about loved ones.
  • I had a dream about “taking small pills.” He foreshadows troubles, but they will lead nowhere. If you take large pills in a dream, this means that you are worrying in vain about your health. Drinking colored pills in a dream means a pleasant surprise awaits you.
  • If you dream about “bitter pills,” it means you may get sick from hypothermia. If you dream about “the pills taste sweet”, try to check your stomach or intestines; most likely you have digestive problems.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about pills - usually this portends various problems that will cause you headaches.

Summer dream book

According to the dream book, the dream of “pills” means that in reality you will need to take sick leave.

Women's dream book

Seeing pills in a dream means success awaits you in some matters, but it will be insignificant.
pills (for women) - minor troubles will appear in your life, strangers may envy you or some other problems.

Spring dream book

Pills in a dream are a harbinger of good health.

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Yu.Longo

Dream Interpretation: taking pills in a dream means that in reality you are very sick, so try to find time to devote to your health. If you adhere to the principle that as long as nothing hurts, you will not go to the doctors, then you should not do this, because sometimes the disease can occur in a form that is hidden to you and in order to detect it you need to undergo an appropriate examination.

Dream Interpretation: pills, sitam composition, buy pills in a dream - in fact, you are a suspicious person, and you are always looking for any diseases in yourself, you also look at how certain symptoms occur in other people and how they manifest themselves in you personally . By doing this, you are torturing not only yourself, but also the people around you, but you don’t want to go to the hospital, citing the fact that all the doctors are bad and, moreover, you may have a whole bunch of diseases. It is worth noting that this looks touching to other people.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: pills - this symbolizes illness and various ailments.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing pills in a dream - such a dream can speak of success in business, but only in small matters.
  • For a woman, taking pills in a dream means that a slight addiction will appear in her life or she will be bothered by other experiences.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: pills in a dream – if you take them, it means your body needs certain substances. You need to pay attention to nutrition.
  • Dream Interpretation: pills, instructions, listening to medical advice in a dream - you should take a closer look at your health.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why dream about taking pills - you need to be prepared to use pills in real life. You may have an upset stomach. This is exactly how this dream is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • Interpretation of sleep: pills - this speaks of your luck, but in small things.
  • Seeing pills in a dream or buying them means you simply don’t need to stress yourself out, because all your health problems are simply far-fetched. (cm. )
  • Why dream of taking pills - in reality you have health problems and you urgently need to see a doctor.

Eastern dream book

Why does a young woman dream of taking pills? This suggests that envy has appeared in her heart.

Family dream book

  • Why do you dream about a lot of pills - if you have some minor things to do, then success awaits you in them.
  • For a woman, taking pills in a dream means you will be overcome by petty envy or some other anxieties.


If a sleeping person dreams of taking pills or taking sleeping pills before bed, this may indicate severe fatigue, you are working more than your capabilities allow, and you may also suffer from chronic lack of sleep. Thanks to such sleep, your body warns you that you need to get enough sleep. The dream book can interpret pills for sleep as self-deception, and it is you who become its victim, but in real life. Sometimes beautiful women have such a dream, but at the same time they are not confident in themselves.