I dreamed about olives. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of an Olive tree, olives, to see an Olive tree, olives in a dream, what does it mean

Why do you dream of olives according to the dream book -
"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

If you dreamed of an olive grove, this is a sign of wealth, prosperity and sadness about the past.

Seeing an olive tree in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient; For a healthy person, such a dream predicts illness. However, to see an olive tree with fruits in a dream is a harbinger of peace, tranquility, and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Olive tree flowers in a dream foretell the birth of children for women, for girls - early marriage, for men - joy, strong friendship, prosperity and success in business. A wreath of its branches in a dream portends health and prosperity, especially if you see it on your head.

Olive branches you see in a dream foreshadows peace and a serene existence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a marriage without love and without children, and sometimes the reconciliation of rivals or enemies. Olive branches have long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity, prosperity and health. For the military, this dream foreshadows the imminent end of hostilities. Therefore, any dream about them is favorable, unless you see in a dream that the branches are broken, withered, etc. In this case, the dream foreshadows you that you want the impossible. Collecting olives or lifting them from the ground, or extracting oil from them in a dream means that you have a lot of difficult work ahead of you. See tree, branches, leaves.

Find out from the online dream book why Olives are dreamed of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about olives?

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why Olives are in a dream?

Olives - kindness.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does Olive symbolize in a dream?

Olives - Seeing an olive tree means longing.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Olives?

Olives seen in a dream are a sign that an amazing acquaintance awaits you. Imagine that you are treating yourself to large, juicy olives. You eat wine or cognac with them.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Olives?

If you dreamed that you ate a juicy and ripe olive, then someone will unexpectedly kiss you. If you saw green ones in a dream, then you will soon meet an amazing person. If you dreamed about fresh ones, then you will have significant achievements.

See also: olives, olive tree, canned food.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about olives?

Olives - This is wealth and blessings, and the olive tree is a blessed, happy and useful person for his family. And whoever squeezes olives straight from the tree will receive goodness and barakah. If in a dream you see yourself squeezing olive oil and the like, then this is a sign of barakat.

To dream that you are picking olives denotes peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases. Seeing that you are eating them is a harbinger that you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve the favor and support of influential people who will help you take a profitable place and get rich. For lovers, seeing olives in a dream - picking or eating them - is a sign of a happy fate: they can not doubt the sincerity and purity of the intentions of the one who gives them his attention. A happy marriage and a life full of prosperity awaits them.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Olives

An olive grove in a dream is a sign of wealth, prosperity and sadness about the past.

Seeing an olive tree in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient; For a healthy person, such a dream predicts illness. However, to see an olive tree with fruits in a dream is a harbinger of peace, tranquility, and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Olive tree flowers in a dream foretell the birth of children for women, for girls - early marriage, for men - joy, strong friendship, prosperity and success in business. A wreath of its branches in a dream portends health and prosperity, especially if you see it on your head. Olive branches you see in a dream foreshadows peace and a serene existence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a marriage without love and without children, and sometimes the reconciliation of rivals or enemies. Olive branches have long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity, prosperity and health. For the military, this dream foreshadows the imminent end of hostilities. Therefore, any dream about them is favorable, unless you see in a dream that the branches are broken, withered, etc. In this case, the dream foreshadows you that you want the impossible. Collecting olives or lifting them from the ground, or extracting oil from them in a dream means that you have a lot of difficult work ahead of you. See interpretation: tree, branches, leaves.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about olives? Dreaming about them is always a favorable sign. But let's look at the dream book, olives portend happiness, success and prosperity.

Seeing olives in a dream means the state of your health. Strong, green fruits symbolize good health. In addition, the olives you see can have other meanings:

  • Your home will be filled with guests gathered to celebrate some event or holiday.
  • They personify your love affairs; dramatic changes are coming on the personal front in the near future.
  • For people experiencing some difficulties in business, this is a favorable sign that everything will soon get better.
  • Reflection of your feelings. Don't be callous, show sensitivity towards people around you.
  • They may mean purchasing some new and expensive thing.

Eating olives means an office presentation for a business person. If in the near future you are planning to organize your own business, such a dream predicts its successful opening, which will bring considerable income.

Eating olives also means rising above everyone; you will meet influential people from whom you will receive support in your endeavors. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve great success in your work and get a good financial foundation.

For lovers, seeing yourself at a meal with olives means sincerity, purity and honesty of intentions. You can rest assured that your marriage will be successful, you will not have any financial problems.

Sometimes eating olives encourages you to pay attention to your own health. You may feel a slight discomfort, but do not worry, such a dream does not foretell any serious illness. Offering olives to someone promises you joy from communicating with loved ones and children. If you take olives from a jar, expect to meet friends.

Olive trees in a dream

Seeing olives on the tree means a speedy recovery if you have been sick. In addition, you may make new friends. And if you are single, this promises you a meeting with an interesting person with whom a romantic relationship may develop in the future.

An olive tree with fruit means the loyalty of your friends, you can always rely on them under any circumstances. And rest assured, they will never abandon you in a difficult life situation and will make every effort to help you in some way.

If something is bothering you in life, a dream about a flowering olive tree will bring peace and tranquility to your soul, do not worry about problems, everything will work out, you will soon see it. Your cherished wish will definitely come true. For a girl, a dream predicts an early marriage with a promising person. And for men, the dream foretells success in business, happiness in family life and strong male friendship.

If in a dream you pick olives straight from a tree, then expect interesting acquaintances in life. This also portends great success, with the help of which you will be able to solve many issues. A rich olive harvest promises a stable financial situation. Author: Ekaterina Sokolova

To dream that you are picking olives denotes peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases. Seeing that you are eating them is a harbinger that you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve the favor and support of influential people who will help you take a profitable place and get rich. For lovers, seeing olives in a dream - picking or eating them - is a sign of a happy fate: they can not doubt the sincerity and purity of the intentions of the one who gives them his attention. A happy marriage and a life full of prosperity awaits them.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Olives

An olive grove in a dream is a sign of wealth, prosperity and sadness about the past.

Seeing an olive tree in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient; For a healthy person, such a dream predicts illness. However, to see an olive tree with fruits in a dream is a harbinger of peace, tranquility, and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Olive tree flowers in a dream foretell the birth of children for women, for girls - early marriage, for men - joy, strong friendship, prosperity and success in business. A wreath of its branches in a dream portends health and prosperity, especially if you see it on your head. Olive branches you see in a dream foreshadows peace and a serene existence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a marriage without love and without children, and sometimes the reconciliation of rivals or enemies. Olive branches have long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity, prosperity and health. For the military, this dream foreshadows the imminent end of hostilities. Therefore, any dream about them is favorable, unless you see in a dream that the branches are broken, withered, etc. In this case, the dream foreshadows you that you want the impossible. Collecting olives or lifting them from the ground, or extracting oil from them in a dream means that you have a lot of difficult work ahead of you. See interpretation: tree, branches, leaves.

Interpretation of dreams from