Psychology week at a preschool educational institution lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic. Project “Psychology Week in Preschool Educational Institution Plan for Psychology Days in Kindergarten

Today, preschool education requires educational psychologists to be actively involved in the educational process, in which he acts as the organizer of the psychological service of a preschool institution.

The professional activity of a teacher-psychologist is aimed at creating and maintaining conditions for the formation of a favorable psychological climate in a team of adults and children.

An effective form of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process is a psychology week.

Psychology Week is not just a set of events that convey psychological knowledge to teachers and parents, but an interactive form of interaction that allows: to increase the interest of subjects of the educational process in psychology, to show real forms of work, the capabilities of the psychological service of a kindergarten, to form adults’ interest in the child’s world, to help him in individual and personal development.

Preliminary work included planning the Psychology Week, designing visual information, and developing events for teachers, children and parents. The implementation of these events evoked positive emotions in children and adults; every day was imbued with lively communication, which ensured the intellectual and emotional unity of all participants in the educational process.

Therefore, Psychology Week has become an annual event at our institution. The following weeks, on the one hand, are perceived as a continuation of the previous ones, as a tradition, but at the same time it is a completely new author’s product in content and form.

We offer ideas and some developments for events.

Psychological training program for teachers on the formation

Goals of the training program:

  1. Introduce participants to the concepts that characterize emotional exhaustion.
  2. To develop the ability and skills of psychological self-regulation and transformation of negative experiences into a positive emotional state.

The training program consists of two sessions of 40-60 minutes each. The format is subgroup (10-15 people).

The implementation of the training program includes the following steps: understanding the information received, awareness of the need, conveying information about the content of a particular skill, developing skills to cope with stress, practicing acquired skills, transferring skills learned in classes to everyday life.

The main components of the work are:

Need-motivational - provides participants with the need for self-development.

Axiological - involves the participant’s awareness of the value, uniqueness of himself, those around him, unity with the world in its entirety.

Educational - provides knowledge about feelings, emotions, constructive ways to overcome burnout syndrome.

During the training, the educational psychologist uses working methods: group work, role-playing games, drawing methods, rituals, group discussion.

As a result of the implementation of the training program expected: expansion of the teacher’s perception of the image of one’s own “I”, familiarization with techniques that contribute to the discovery of new resources.

Scenario of psychological training for teachers on the formation

skills to relieve the effect of emotional burnout

Lesson No. 1.

“Emotions and feelings in professional activities”

  1. Contribute to the development of skills of awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings, strengthening the teacher’s self-confidence.
  2. Provide assistance in developing the ability to analyze the impact of positive and negative feelings on a person.
  3. Stimulate teachers' readiness to communicate with each other.


I. Warm-up

Exercise “Take napkins” (5-7 min)

Target: relaxation, creating a fun positive atmosphere.

Material: paper napkins.

Instructions. The training participants sit in a general circle. The presenter passes around a pack of paper napkins with the words: “In case you need them, please take some napkins for yourself.” After all participants have taken napkins, the presenter asks everyone to introduce themselves and tell as many facts about themselves as they took napkins.

Note. No discussion required.

II. Main part

Exercise “Conversation with changing positions” (10-15 min)

Target: updating problems encountered in the professional activities of participants; assessment of the current professional situation.

Instructions. Participants are divided into groups of 3 people and assigned to roles: Dreamer, Skeptic, Realist. From each of these positions, the groups discuss the topic “I and groups of preschool children.” In the next step, group members switch roles and discuss the same problem. During the exercise, everyone should be in all three positions. After completing the exercise, participants in each group share their impressions of the problem and suggest ways to solve it. At each stage, 3-5 minutes are allotted for discussion.

Discussion: Each group briefly describes their most interesting experiences and conclusions.

Exercise “Impressions” (8-10 min)

Target: contribute to the unification of the teaching staff and increase the self-esteem of each participant.

Instructions. Teachers form two circles: internal and external. The inner circle moves clockwise. Each member of the inner circle moves around, ending up face to face with only one person from the outer circle each time. The resulting couples carefully, looking into the eyes of their partner, holding hands, briefly talk about how they perceive each other, what feelings they experience when communicating. The listener is not allowed to ask questions, interrupt, or argue.

Discussion: participants answer the question “How did you feel during the exercise?”

Exercise “Group drawing in a circle” (8-10 min)

Target: promote cohesion and the emergence of positive emotions in the drawing process.

Material: sheets of paper, pencils - according to the number of participants.

Instructions. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a simple picture or just spots of color, and then pass the baton to the next participant to continue the drawing. In the end, each drawing returns to its original author.

Issues for discussion:

What emotions did you want to convey through the drawing?

What difficulties did you encounter during the exercise?

III. Reflection (3-5 min)

Issues for discussion:

How did your emotions change throughout the training?

What caused the disappointment?

What was unclear? What made you happy?

Continue the phrase: “Today I was surprised...”

IV. Parting

Lesson No. 2.

Topic: “Frozen Feelings”

  1. Create conditions for awareness of your “frozen” feelings, work with them;
  2. To promote the development of effective ways to relieve internal tension and self-regulation techniques.


I. Warm-up

Exercise “Fire - Ice” (3-5 min)

Target: achieving relaxation, mood for the upcoming work.

Instructions. Participants perform the exercise while standing in a circle. At the command of the “Fire” leader, participants begin intense movements with their entire bodies. The smoothness and intensity of movements are chosen arbitrarily by each participant. On the command “Ice”, the participants freeze in the position in which the team caught them, straining their entire body to the limit. The presenter alternates both commands several times, randomly changing the execution time of both.

II. Main part

Game “Frozen and Reanimator” (8-10 min)

Target: updating methods for forming emotional stability, creating a positive emotional mood.

Instructions. One of the participants becomes “frozen”; his task is to be as indifferent as possible. The second - the “reanimator” - must, without touching him or saying any words, make the “frozen” person move or laugh. The game is repeated several times with different participants (voluntary or chosen by the presenters).

Exercise “Sound gymnastics” (8-10 min)

Target: removing muscle tension, releasing negative emotions, creating a positive attitude.

Instructions. Participants are invited to sing sounds that affect the body in a certain way. Starting position - standing with a straight back, a calm, relaxed state. Before pronouncing each sound, a deep breath is taken through the nose, and as you exhale, the sound is pronounced loudly and energetically, as long as the breath is enough.

A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;

E - affects the thyroid gland;

And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;

O - affects the heart, lungs;

U - affects organs located in the abdominal area;

I - affects the functioning of the whole organism;

M - affects the functioning of the whole organism;

X - helps cleanse the body;

HA - helps improve mood.

III. Reflection (3-5 min)

Issues for discussion:

What did you like most?

What was missing during the training?

Do you still want to participate in the training?

Summary of a developmental lesson for children of senior preschool age “My mood”

Program content:

  1. To develop in children the ability to express emotions and understand the emotional states of others.
  2. Develop children's cognitive sphere (attention, imagination).
  3. Cultivate moral feelings.

Equipment: mirror, backpack, tape recorder, audio recordings (funny music, sounds of the forest), a bright multi-colored ball, a letter in an envelope, whatman paper with a blank (sun), felt-tip pens, a soft toy Borovik, a magic bag.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group room to the music. There's a knock on the door.

Teacher: Who came to us? Yes Yes. Please pass.

Clown Tom: Hello guys! I'm Tom, the funny clown.

Teacher: Hello Tom.

Clown Tom: I always smile and laugh. Sit on the mat. I will teach you to smile too. And for this we need a magic mirror. You need to look at it and smile. Like this.

Teacher: Well done boys! Now you can smile too. And your mood immediately lifted. Tom, what a funny mirror you have, or maybe you have something else fun and interesting in your backpack.

Clown Tom: I'll take a look now. Oh, I found it. This is my funny ringing ball. Let's play with him.

Teacher: But as?

Clown Tom: Stand in a circle. We will pass the ball:

You roll, funny ball.

Quickly, quickly hand over hand,

Who has a funny ball?

He will dance for us now.

Clown Tom: Guys, I played with you so much that I completely forgot about the letter. I never found out who this letter was from, because I can’t read. Help me please.

Teacher: Children, let's help Tom the Clown? Now we will read the letter. “My dear Tom! I miss you very much. Come visit. Yours, Tim."

Clown Tom: Hurray, my friend Tim invites me to his place. Guys, do you want to come with me? Then let's go.

Music of forest sounds.

Let's go along the path into the forest,

Puddle: let's go around,

Let's jump over the stream,

We looked to the right.

We looked to the left

We looked up at the sun,

Looked down at the grass

Oh, how beautiful!

Clown Tom: Guys, come here quickly. Look what I found.

Teacher: Yes, this is the most important mushroom in the forest, it is called King Boletus. Look at him and tell me what mood he is in? Show him how angry he is. Oh, how you furrowed your eyebrows, you immediately looked like King Borovik. Guys, do you want to know why Borovik is so angry? Then we stand on the mat. I will tell and show you a story, and you repeat after me.

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest.

He shook his fist

And he clicked with his heel.

King Borovik was not in a good mood:

The king was bitten by flies.

Clown Tom: Poor Borovik, how I feel sorry for him, what about you guys? Let's take pity on him, pet him . Oh, look, our king Borovik has become cheerful.

Teacher: Why do you think King Borovik became cheerful?

Clown Tom: Guys, say goodbye to King Borovik. It's time for us to move on.

Clown Tom: Hello Tim! Why are you so sad?

Clown Tim: Hello Tom! Hello guys! How can I not be sad? I love it so much when the sun shines brightly. And today it’s cloudy outside, and I’m in such a sad mood that I just want to cry.

Clown Tom: Don't cry, Tim. We'll come up with something now. Children, how can we help my friend.

Clown Tom: Invented! Let's draw the sun. Then Tim will feel happy and won’t want to cry anymore. Look: I have drawn a circle, all you have to do is draw the rays and a smile. Can you handle it?

Joint drawing on whatman paper

Clown Tim: Children, feel the warmth and affection of our sun. Place your palms on it. Thanks so much to you guys and to you, Tom. Now I don't feel like crying anymore. I will smile and have fun. Goodbye, Tom. Goodbye, guys. I'm waiting for you to visit me again.

Clown Tom: How wonderful, I'm so glad that you guys and I helped Tim become cheerful again. I would like you to not be sad and angry too often. For this I brought a magic bag

Teacher: Tom, guys! I suggest you put sadness and anger into it.

Clown Tom: Let me hide this bag in my backpack so that sadness and anger don’t jump out of it.

Teacher: Come on, Tom. But let’s leave ourselves in a cheerful mood, with joy for everyone in the world to live lightly, warmly and pleasantly.

And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Clown Tom: Oh, I completely forgot, I also need to go home. Thank you guys so much for helping me meet my friend. For this I left a surprise for you in the group. Goodbye!

Teacher: Goodbye, Tim. Guys, let's look for a surprise. I have a magic bell: if it rings joyfully, it means Tom’s gift is somewhere nearby, and if it’s sad, it means you need to look elsewhere. Here comes our surprise. And you know what I hear: it will open only when everyone calls each other affectionately. Let's sit on the mat.

Teacher: Guys, did you like our trip? Let's remember what heroes we met today? (Clown Tom, King Borovik, Clown Tim). What was their mood? (cheerful, angry, sad).

Teacher: Children, now our bag will definitely open. Tom the Clown left everyone with some funny candy. Put it in your pocket and when you feel sad, take it out and you will immediately smile.

Materials of the intellectual Olympiad for preschoolers “Umka”

Task 1. “Insert the missing one”

Instructions: insert the missing pictures in place of the question marks. Show with an arrow where the pieces need to be placed.

Task 3. “Comparison”

Instructions: compare the pictures with each other. Note any differences.

Task 5. “Pick a picture”

Instructions: choose the appropriate picture instead of the empty square. Circle it.

Task 7. “Classification”

Instructions: Cross out an item in each group that does not fit with the others.

Form for the campaign “Ask a question to an educational psychologist”

Thank you for your cooperation!

Summary of entertainment for children of senior preschool age

"Fair of Emotions"


  1. To develop in children understanding and feeling each other, the ability to empathize.
  2. To promote the development of auditory perception, the ability to determine the mood of musical works.

Progress of entertainment

Children enter the hall to a Russian folk melody (“Valenki”, “In the Forge”), parents are spectators.

Psychologist: Girls are friends

Veselushki, laughter,

And the boys are great,

What is this noise, what is this commotion?

Children: The fair is coming to us! (in unison)

Attention! Attention! (1st child)

Folk festival! (2nd child)

Hurry up, honest people,

A holiday awaits everyone today! (3rd child)

Psychologist: Dear Parents,

Lovers of children's parties!

Don't stand at the door

Come quickly!

Hello boys! Hello girls! Hello, dear moms and dads! Today we have a special fair - a fair of emotions.

Guys, we have pictograms of emotions in our boxes, but there’s a problem: the boxes aren’t labeled, so we have to guess which box contains which emotion! And music will help us with this!

The psychologist opens the first box, a sad melody is heard (“How can I go to the fast river”)

Psychologist: Guess it, honest people,

What emotion lives here?

Children: Sadness!

The psychologist takes out a pictogram of the emotion of sadness.


Just hear, guys, the sad melody sounds again! Who plays the flute so sadly?

Psychologist: The shepherdess is sitting, bored,

And everyone teaches her:


Get busy and draw with chalk!

Take a shovel and dig up the bed!

Call Kostya, invite him to visit!

Jump, shepherdess, don't sit like an old lady!

Shepherdess: Leave me alone,

I'm in such a mood!

Psychologist: Well, guys, let's play then, because we know that playing is the best remedy for sadness and sadness. And the shepherdess may want to join us and then she will probably have fun!

Children play the game “Roll the funny ball.” The shepherdess gradually joins in the fun game.

Shepherdess: Thank you guys, you made me laugh!

Psychologist: You know, shepherdess, the boys and I have long noticed that if you are sad, you need to tell your friend, or mom, or dad, about your sadness, and they will definitely help you. And we helped you with our game! We played well, guys, you can sit and relax, while I open the second box.

The psychologist opens the box and the melody “Colorful Glasses” is heard. (Children know this song and dance from previous music lessons, it contains the words: “Now open your eyes and be surprised!”)

Psychologist: Guess it, honest people,

What emotion lives here?

Children: Astonishment!

The psychologist takes out a pictogram of the emotion of surprise.

Psychologist: How correctly did you guys guess?

And you, parents, helped us!

And our guys know such poems,

Which will cause great surprise to everyone!

Children: Early in the morning, in the evening,

Late at dawn

The uncle was riding on horseback

In a chintz carriage.

And behind him at full speed,

Jumping steps

The wolf tried to swim across

A bowl of pies.

The hare looked up at the sky -

There's an earthquake

And out of the clouds at him

Jam dripped!

A fisherman is sleeping in the river!

They collect cheese from the bushes!

They graze cows with hares!

The oxen are being milked in the meadow!

The bear starts dancing!

Pumpkins began to sing songs!

Mowers are mowing the forests!

There is dew on the snow!

And the moon is shining for us in the morning!

And children don't like sweets!

Psychologist: Well, dads and moms, did we surprise you?

And now it’s time for us to dance!

Dance to the song “Colorful Glasses”.

Psychologist: Thank you guys for the dance, relax for now, and I’ll open the next box.

The psychologist opens the box, angry music is heard (Lyadov “Baba Yaga”)

Psychologist: Guess it, honest people,

What emotion lives here?

Children: Anger!

The psychologist takes out a pictogram of the emotion of anger.

Psychologist: How correctly did you guys guess?

And you, parents, helped us!

Balloon exercise for coping with anger.

Psychologist: Oh, you have to be careful with anger! Let Katya and Mila come to me, we will show you with the help of balloons how to do this. Imagine that the balloon is you, and the air in this balloon is the anger that is overwhelming you at that moment. What happens if you immediately release all your anger without thinking?

Katya immediately lets go of the inflated but not tied balloon.

Psychologist: How did our ball behave?

Kate: How crazy! He bumped into walls and ran around like crazy! Likewise, if people act this way, they may offend someone, and even get into trouble for themselves!

Psychologist: And now it’s Milina’s turn to show us her ball.

Mila releases the air from the balloon gradually and it deflates carefully.

Psychologist: How did our ball behave?

Mila: My ball expresses anger

But it doesn't offend anyone!

Psychologist: Great! And now we will show you how the inhabitants of one forest kingdom-state do this.

Game "Bolet King"

Round dance. In the center is a child in a mushroom cap: King Borovik.

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest

He grumbled and shouted

And he kicked his feet.

The boletus king was in a bad mood,

The king was bitten by flies.

(V. Prikhodko)

Children(they stop and say to Borovik):

- Hey, King Borovik!

You're a good old man

Don't offend anyone -

Express your feelings!

Borovik(stomps his feet):

- Oh, I'm angry, oh, I'm angry,

I'm very angry!


- Breathe deeply (stop, inhale and exhale twice together), smile from the bottom of your heart! (smile)

Psychologist: It’s so good, guys, we calmed Borovik down, taught him to express his feelings and not to offend anyone. Now it's time to open the last box!

The psychologist opens the box and joyful music is heard (“Lady”).

Psychologist: Guess it, honest people,

What emotion lives here?

Children: Joy!

The psychologist takes out a pictogram of the emotion of joy.

Psychologist: It’s great, you guys know how to recognize emotions! What senses help you recognize these emotions?

Dear parents, come out in a circle with us and let’s play together our favorite game “Sea of ​​Emotions.”

Game "Sea of ​​Emotions"

Psychologist: The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, surprised (guilty, joyful, sad, interested) figure - freeze in place! Thanks everyone! Goodbye! We wish you much, much joy!

“There is no limit to the perfection of craftsmanship”

Note. To conduct the competition, teachers are divided into two teams using exercises "Atoms and molecules". All participants stand in a common circle, they are asked to depict atoms and begin moving around the room. Based on a signal, “atoms” are grouped into “molecules” of a specified “size” (according to the number of participants in the intended team).

The composition of the jury: head, senior teacher.

I. “Greeting” (3-5 min)

Instructions. Participants need to come up with a name for their team and its motto.

II. "Abbreviations" (3-5 min)

Material: forms with abbreviations (each written on a separate form).

Instructions. Team members are alternately asked to decipher the following abbreviations: GDDW (groups of preschool children), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), South Africa (South African Republic), FGT (federal state requirements), PC (personal computer), USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), CSR (collective learning tools), KTD (collective creative work).

After this, it is proposed to decipher the same abbreviations in your own way - so that the topic relates to preschool education. Each team deciphers 2 abbreviations to choose from.

III. Psychological and pedagogical ring (8-10 min)

Instructions. The facilitator asks each team questions in turn. For the correct answer, the team receives a chip.

Questions for the ring:

A stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual in terms of his involvement in social relations. (Answer: personality)

Name the types of thinking as they develop. (Answer: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical)

These children are in a good mood. They respond to positive stimuli with loud laughter, and to negative ones with loud crying. They love noisy games. They do not respond to comments made in a low voice. The speech of these children is loud, energetic, and its pace is fast. Determine your temperament type. (Answer: sanguine people)

These children often change their mood. Emotions have extreme manifestations: they do not cry, but sob, do not smile, but laugh. Unrestrained, impatient, hot-tempered. Have difficulty switching and concentrating. There is a violent protest against the prohibitions of adults. Determine your temperament type. (Answer: choleric people)

Explain the difference between the concepts: sensory and sensory. (Answer: 1) sensitive, feeling, relating to sensations; 2) obtained on the basis of semiconductor, optoelectronic and other elements that are triggered when a finger touches a sensitive (sensory) pad on the device body)

What is diagnostics? (Answer: quantitative assessment and qualitative analysis of pedagogical processes, phenomena, etc. using specially developed techniques)

What is educational technology? (Answer: an orderly system of actions, the implementation of which leads to the guaranteed achievement of pedagogical goals)

What is teaching skill? (Answer: the highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the teacher’s creativity, in the constant improvement of the art of teaching, upbringing and human development).

IV. “Skillful hands know no boredom” (8-10 min)

One person per team participates.

Material: paper, glue, thread, scissors, etc.

Instructions. It is necessary to make a homemade toy from the proposed materials.

V. “Simultaneity” (8-10 min)

Presenter's instructions:“Each team is given time during which you must gather and, without any commands from anyone, simultaneously clap your hands, and after a pause, the duration of which you determine yourself, for example 3 seconds, clap again, etc. The game is considered good fulfilled when its conditions are fulfilled by all participants at the same time (there is no discord in clapping).”

Note. In the future, this game can be used in working with children of older preschool age. Simultaneity is a high indicator of coordination of actions in a group or team. Exercises subordination to the general rhythm.

VI. “Music quiz” (8-10 min)

Material: audio recordings of songs

Instructions. Each team must guess the song using the clue and sing it. No more than 10 seconds are given to think about it.


A song about a long journey of a little girl wearing a headdress. (Answer: “Little Red Riding Hood’s Song”);

A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis (Answer: “Somewhere in this world...”);

A song about animals with long ears that work as lawn mowers (Answer: “Song about hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

A song about four men in hats with feathers who are grateful to their fate for many things (Answer: “The worn saddle creaks again...” from the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”);

A song about the tragic death of a small insect (Answer: “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”);

A song about an unknown toy with big ears (Answer: “Cheburashka’s Song”);

A song about a boy poking his nose into someone else's business (Answer: "Pinocchio")

VII. “Solving educational psychological and pedagogical situations” (5-7 min)

Material: task cards.

Instructions. Each team chooses a card with tasks, discusses and expresses its point of view.

Psychological and pedagogical situations:

One of the students is called by his group mates not by his name, but by his nationality. The child constantly cries and does not want to go to kindergarten. The teacher is trying to explain to the children that they are acting cruelly. Then preschoolers begin to tease the baby so that adults do not hear. What is the way out of this situation?

The child has average abilities, but the family set out to make him a child prodigy. Every day is scheduled down to the minute: in the evening he is taken to a mini-school, to English language courses, etc., even during nap time in kindergarten, the baby is taken to the sports section. At home he is forced to listen to serious classical music. A preschooler simply has no time to play. To all the admonitions of teachers, parents respond that they wish only the best for the child. How to help your child find childhood?

VIII. “Making a movie” (15 min)

Material: bows, masks, a costume for the presenter, walking mats, various items for the doctor, scarves, etc.

Instructions. Each team is invited to “shoot” and “show” a short film from the life of a kindergarten on a proposed topic:

Preparation for the matinee;

Organization and conduct of hardening.

IX. Reflection (5-7 min)

Each team makes a collage “Our Mood”.

Summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age
"Journey to the Island of Painted Men"


1. Continue to expand children's understanding of emotions.

2. Develop mental processes (imagination, memory, perception, thinking).

3. Help relieve psycho-emotional stress.

4. Foster moral feelings (mutual assistance, friendliness, kindness).

Equipment: a magic flower, a flannelgraph and figures for it (Good Artist, Evil Artist, Hedgehog, Hedgehog, Cannibals), a tape recorder, a disk with a recording of the sound of the sea and wind, a scarf for blindfolding, materials for the didactic game “Recognize an emotion by touch,” a vase.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

Good morning, children! Let's say hello to our guests.

Look, our magic flower has bloomed again. Why do you think?

Of course, because our little flower loves kindness. He saw how kind you were, how friendly you greeted him, and he blossomed.

Guys, our flower also loves it when everyone around gives each other kind and sincere smiles.

Target: create a positive emotional mood for the lesson.

Progress: Stand in a circle. We will pass the magic flower and blow our smile from our palm to whoever wants it. Like this. Now let's give our smiles to our guests.

Amazing! Look how bright everything around us became from our smiles, as if the sun had warmed us with its rays. Can you feel its warmth?

Main part.

Guys, today a flower will help us get to the amazing island of painted men. Ready to travel? Then let's take hold of the flower, close our eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three. Come to a magical island."

Here we are on the amazing island of painted men. Look how beautiful it is around.

Oh, guys, I was a little tired while we were getting to the island. And you? Then come in and sit down.

Now the flower will introduce us to the inhabitants of this island.

Far, far away, on the shores of the sea-ocean, far away, two brothers of the artist lived in a small town. The younger brother's name was the Good Artist, and the older brother's name was the Evil One.

A good artist is working, drawing. By evening he felt completely cold, his hands were freezing. He went into the dense forest to gather brushwood and heat the stove.

Excuse me, please, I'm freezing...

The Good Artist looked under the Christmas tree, and there was a hedgehog. It’s bad for the poor fellow: his fur coat is frozen, his cheeks are frozen from the frost. He felt sorry for the hedgehog, put it in his bosom to warm up, and injected himself painfully. And suddenly the Good Artist felt: something strange was happening all around. I got dizzy. Voices were heard:

Don't be afraid! You simply became a wizard.

Guys, this happens to everyone who meets a hedgehog in the winter cold and warms it up. The artist looked around, and he was already home.

Did I really dream all this?

He looks and sees hedgehog needles sticking out of his shirt. He put the needles on the table, and now they were no longer needles, but colored pencils.

One gray pencil rolled towards the Evil Artist.

My! - he says. - Will not give it back!

The kind artist immediately guessed: these are not ordinary pencils, but magic ones. And everything you draw with them will be alive! And he thought: “Let me draw myself a little daughter. And I’ll call her Ezhenka.”

I took it and drew it. Blue-eyed, red-haired, with bows - nice! Ezhenka looked around and whined: “Boring!”

The Artist thought and drew a sea - quiet, calm. Let's introduce him. Listen to the waves splashing.

Game “The name is whispered by the waves”

Target: help relieve psycho-emotional stress in children.

Progress: The sea is not simple, but also magical, so it can talk. Let's stand on the seashore, we are standing on the sand, onto which the waves are running. They whisper the name of each of you. Try to silently listen to the waves calling you first. Now hold hands, you will turn into waves and gently whisper the name of the one who is in the center of the circle.

Well done, let's breathe in the clean sea air and find out what happened next on the Island of Painted Men.

Guys, while we were listening to the calm sea, a kind artist drew the sun and flowers and said:

Take a walk, Ezhenka, and I’ll go to work. And left. The wind howled, everything began to spin, and the painted sea began to boil. Just look, Ezhenka will die. And the Evil Artist is jumping for joy. Guys, let's help Ezhenka.

Game "Grow into the ground"

Target: help relieve psycho-emotional stress and release negative emotions.

Progress: We will pacify the raging elements. Stand up and try to press your heels very, very hard on the floor, clench your hands into fists, clench your teeth tightly. You are mighty trees, bushes, and no winds will pass through you to Ezhenka.

Well done, guys, and here the Good Artist arrived in time, rushed into the very abyss, raking the waves with a magic pencil, and in one movement drew an island in the middle of the sea.

Listen, guys, it seems the storm has calmed down. Ezhenka moved to the island, stands, looks and enjoys the sun, blue sky with a multi-colored rainbow. Ezhenka began to thank the Good Artist for saving him and compliment him.

Game "Compliments"

Target: develop a positive attitude towards peers

Progress: And we guys will also say kind words to each other. Our game will begin with the words: “I like about you...”. You will have to say kind words to your neighbor on the right.

How nice it is to hear kind words about yourself. Really, kids? How did you feel?

Everything would be fine, but the Evil Artist drew three cannibals with his pencil so that they would catch Hedgehog and eat him.

And we can only disenchant them if we complete one more task.

Game “Recognize an emotion by touch”

Target: continue to teach children to distinguish emotions by their schematic images.

Progress: Guys, pretend to be happy. Touch your eyebrows, eyes, mouth. Now let's pretend to be sad. Touch and remember the expression on your face. Okay, well done! Let's act surprised. And now I suggest you determine your mood by touch. The one I blindfold will guess the emotion by touching the card with his hands. He can check if he guessed correctly by removing the blindfold.

Well done, you and I have bewitched the cannibals and they have become kind. And the Evil Artist felt sad alone, he promised that he would never harm others again. And everyone began to live together on the island. And this island has since become known as the Island of Painted Men.

Guys, the flower whispers that it’s time for us to return. Let's take it up and say the magic words: “One, two, three - you’ll get into kindergarten.”

Final part.

So, guys, our exciting journey is over.

Let's tell the flower what we liked the most.

Guys, the flower also really enjoyed traveling with us. You can feel how delicious it smells. Let our guests smell it.

Now let's thank each other for an interesting activity.

Parent meeting materials
“The influence of the media on the mental development of children of senior preschool age”
Speech by an educational psychologist

Since ancient times, one of the means of raising children has been telling fairy tales. They teach, expand children's consciousness, and develop their imagination. It has always been this way. With the advent of books, fairy tales began to be collected and printed, and parents, grandparents, nannies read them to their children in the evenings, and, of course, this was followed by thousands of questions from little whys (Why did the fox eat the bun? Why did the wolf eat the kids?) It follows that that fairy tales had an instructive meaning.

Now let's go back to our time. Who is telling fairy tales to our children now? (TV, computer).

Children look at what is shown to them, what we buy for them. And it is from this that they draw new knowledge and impressions.

Today, before the parent meeting, I went to the older group and asked the children for the magazines they bring to kindergarten. These magazines are in front of you, you can consider them.

note on colors(dirty green, dirty yellow, dirty blue, dirty red, i.e. colors that cause aggression), hero poses(defense, attack, fingers clenched into a fist, they say that there is danger, enemies everywhere, it is necessary to defend yourself), facial expressions(frightening, threatening, evil).

According to psychologists, uncontrolled systematic viewing of magazines, cartoons, and television shows leads to the intellectual corruption of children and, as a rule, to immoral behavior.

After all, children absorb information much more effectively than adults; firstly, they remember everything much faster, and secondly, they directly perceive it (without internal criticism).

By watching films, the child draws a picture of the world and “builds his own personality.” And it is up to mom and dad to provide the child with the “correct” cartoons.

Children always associate themselves with the main character of a work, be it a character from a book or a cartoon. Typically, girls are attracted to feminine images, and boys - to masculine ones.

Girls, having watched films about princesses, queens, ballerinas, imagine themselves exactly like that and imitate not only the behavioral characteristics of these characters, but also adopt their spiritual qualities. For example, what are the qualities of a character like Snow White?

Beauty, modesty, kindness (she loved birds, animals), charm (even the courtiers who obeyed her mother loved her), hard work (once she got to the gnomes’ house, she immediately began cleaning the room). Do you want to see these qualities in a child? If yes, then feel free to show this picture to your daughters.

With boys the situation is a little more complicated. Today, a huge number of feature and animated films demonstrate aggression, war, coming precisely from the strong half of humanity. And this aggressive behavior becomes a model for boys. Everyone has known this for a long time, but so far only a few European countries are introducing bans on violent scenes in children's films.

In preparation for the meeting, I looked at statistics on research on the influence of media on children. I was struck by the following fact: if a child watches adult TV shows for 2-3 hours a day, then even before finishing primary school he will see about 8 thousand murders... Isn’t that alarming?

This is where the first rule comes from - the main characters of the cartoon must promote good qualities, teach the young viewer and push him towards goodness and obedience. Every storyline in a film must promote a simple rule: evil is always evil and is punishable.

For example, many Soviet cartoons clearly demonstrate the consequences of greed, rudeness, and lies based on the main characters, who, by the end of the cartoon, understand that such qualities are bad and abandon them.

Let's dwell on the technical side of the issue. A cartoon can be instructive and kind, but if the artists go too far with bright colors, it will be harmful to the child’s psyche. Bright colors in large quantities, as well as colors that are completely incompatible with each other, have a negative impact of cartoons on the psyche of children - they become aggressive and overly excited. Warm and faded colors, on the contrary, calm children down and allow them to concentrate on the informational part of the cartoon presentation.

I offer you a film on this topic.

Watching the film “The Truth About Cartoons”

Your opinion?

What conclusions have you drawn for yourself personally?

How our children grow up depends only on us.

A fair question arises: how to protect a child from the destructive influence of such cartoons?

A strict ban will not solve the problem; on the contrary, it will create an even greater desire to watch cruel cartoons. There is only one way out: before you sit your baby in front of the screen, look at what you are going to offer him.

If the cartoon is too long, break it into several “series”: after all, preschoolers starting from the age of four are recommended to look at the screen or monitor for 10-15 minutes. By the age of five or six, the “movie show” can be increased to half an hour, but if after 15 minutes of watching the child spins around and hardly looks at the screen, offer him some other exciting activity.

If your child suddenly has questions while watching, be sure to discuss what the child would do in the character’s place. After all, who better than mom and dad will help you figure out what is true and what is fiction in the cartoon, and at the same time understand how important it is to always remain a kind, honest and fair person in any situation.

Well, and, of course, good old fairy tales. Surely you remember well how much joy it gave you to watch the adventures of the Hare and the Wolf or be amazed at the wonderful journey of Nils with wild geese, be sad with tiny Thumbelina or laugh at the funny Puppy who did not understand who said “meow”. So let's not deprive our kids of the opportunity to watch good old cartoons and learn simple life “wisdoms” from their heroes.

After all, Soviet cartoons are multifaceted, deep stories, complete, holistic works. They are also characterized by a special unhurried dynamics along with “theatrical” staging of voices, when the artists emphatically place emotional accents, which allows children to better understand simple truths that are now being forgotten.

So “send” the kids to the Far Far Away Kingdom together with the kind but lazy Vovka, the hardworking Tsar, the wise Golden Fish and the skillful Vasilis the Wise.

I have prepared a reminder for you, let it once again remind you of how to introduce your child to cartoons.

There are sheets of paper in front of you, please write on them your impression of today’s meeting.

  1. Remember that children's cartoons are always instructive, kind, educational and entertaining.
  2. It is better to postpone watching cartoons in which there are strong negative characters or death (for example, “The Lion King” by Walt Disney) until the child learns to distinguish between good and evil, compassion and empathy.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to cartoons where the main characters are female. The excessive aggressiveness or sexuality of the heroines of many modern cartoons forms in the child an incorrect stereotype of the relationship between a man and a woman.
  4. For kids, it is better to choose cartoons with clear, moderately bright pictures and characters, without unnecessary details. It’s good if in a cartoon all objects are proportional, because it is very important to develop the correct eye in a child
  5. Be careful when choosing cartoons with fantastic creatures (mutants, spider-men, superheroes, etc.) with superpowers.

The most important thing is to form in your child the right attitude towards cartoons and not to overuse them.

Let the child spend his free time communicating with peers, playing outdoor games, playing sports, and reading books.

Training scenario for developing creative abilities for teachers

Purpose of the event- improve teachers’ ability to demonstrate creativity and creative qualities (flexibility of thinking, ingenuity, observation, imagination).

Event plan:

  1. Warm-up "Alphabet"
  2. We divide into pairs the exercise “Who are you?”
  3. Exercise “Writing poetry”
  4. Exercise “Superclip”
  5. Exercise “Portrait of a creative person”

Progress of the training

Warm up.

Alphabet game. Participants sit in a circle.

Instructions. To complete this exercise we will need knowledge of the alphabet. Does everyone remember him? I'll start and say a noun that starts with the letter "A". Further in the circle, everyone must say the association word that arose in response to the spoken word, but only beginning with the letter “B”. Let it also be a noun. Then the next one names his association word starting with the letter “B” and so on. Thus, we will have a series of nouns, the initial letters of which will form the alphabet.

This exercise, on the one hand, is aimed at developing the ability to attract the necessary information from one’s experience and at improving the associative mechanisms of thinking; on the other hand, the nature of the task is such that it requires simultaneous work of the left (you need to follow the sequence of letters in the alphabet) and right (associations arise) hemispheres of the brain. In addition, thinking fluency is trained.

Game "Who are you?" Participants sit in a circle.

Instructions:“I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says “elephant,” know that someone else has a card that also says “elephant.”

The psychologist distributes cards (if there is an odd number of participants in the group, the psychologist also takes part in the exercise).

“Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their match. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you just can’t say anything or make the characteristic sounds of “your animal.” In other words, everything we do, we will do silently. When you find your match, stay close, but remain silent, do not talk over each other. Only when all the pairs are formed will we check what we have done.”

After all group members have found their pair, the psychologist asks each pair in turn: “Who are you?”

The exercise promotes the development of expressive behavior, encourages participants, on the one hand, to be attentive to the actions of others, and on the other, to look for means of self-expression that will be understandable to others.

Exercise “Writing poetry”

Instructions: the beginning of the poem is given, you need to come up with an ending (5 minutes are given to complete):

Bad mood in the morning

I can’t put makeup on my eyes...

My husband and I got together

Suddenly go out somewhere...

In spring there are puddles everywhere,

Boats sail in streams...

I decided to lose weight

I went on a diet...

After the shift I decided

Quickly go home...

I decided to surprise everyone

And cook French soup...

Exercise “Superclip”

Instructions: Your task is to write down on a piece of paper all the ways to use a paper clip (previously divide the group into 2 mini-groups, each group is given an A4 sheet).

It is necessary to limit the exercise in time. After completing the task, the groups present their options. The winner is the group that has the maximum number of the most original ways to use a paper clip.

Exercise “Portrait of a creative person”

Instructions. The group is divided into two groups. On sheets of whatman paper it is necessary to depict a portrait of a creative person. You have 10 minutes to create the image. Each team will present their portrait.

Summary of a developmental lesson for children of senior preschool age “Flower - seven-colored”


  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about emotions (recognition of emotions by facial expressions and pantomimes, graphic transmission of emotional states).
  2. Promote the development of imagination, attention, communication skills (the ability to give compliments, flexibly use facial expressions, pantomime and voice in communication).
  3. Create an atmosphere of acceptance, mutual understanding and love; cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers.

Materials and equipment: laptop, multimedia test “Oh, these emotions”, soft toy Borovik, easel with a blank for pictograms, pillows according to the number of children, a flower of seven flowers, a bell, a box with emoticons according to the number of children, magic music, the song “Flower of Seven Flowers”, sounds (bell, wind).

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by V.P. Kataeva “Seven-flowered flower”.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

Come on in, guys! I'm glad to see you!

Let's greet each other and our guests. Stand in a circle and repeat after me.

Larisa Kravtsova

Subject psychology weeks: We happy together

Motto: I hold the Sun in my palms! I give it to my friends! Smile - it's simple. A ray of sunshine - this is for you!

The idea of ​​holding psychology week is not accidental. It is known that the peculiar euphoria that accompanies children and teachers during the first weeks of the school year, is replaced by a natural decline in mood, well-being, and depressive disorders. In this situation, some help can be provided psychology week.

Target: creating a favorable psychological climate in children's and adult groups.

Psychology Week- this is not just a set of events conveying psychological knowledge for educators and parents. This is an interactive form of interaction that allows you to solve the following tasks:

Forming a general mood of an optimistic tone, a mood for « psychological wave» ;

Stimulating interest in psychological knowledge and work of a psychologist in children, teachers, parents, administration, employees of preschool educational institutions;

Promote psychological competence of teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions

Show real forms of work, opportunities psychological kindergarten services;

To form adults’ interest in the child’s world, the desire to help him in individual personal development.

When planning weeks, we adhered to the following principles:

a week must be complete and complete;

The age and individual capabilities of children were taken into account;

Events shouldn't take weeks, if possible, intervene in the educational process (observance of the daily routine);

Events weeks should cover, if possible, the entire kindergarten (adults and children);


1. Introducing participants to the announcement of events.

2. Design of a newspaper poster "Wonderful world psychology»

target: expand adults' knowledge about psychology, evoke positive emotions

3. Distribution of information leaflets to parents topic: "Family conflicts: causes and ways of prevention. Safe quarrel technique."

Target: increase parents’ knowledge in this area

1. Psychological action"Autumn Predictions" target: create a favorable emotional climate in the preschool educational institution, charge its participants with positive emotions. We offered everyone who believes in fate or just wants to cheer up, to pull out one of the leaves and find out what the autumn day has in store.

2. Conversation with children on topic: "What's happened happiness, drawing, applique Birds happiness.

Target: to form a moral concept – happiness. Cultivate positive character traits, kind feelings towards people around you, the need for good thoughts and actions

1. Morning action - test (collective collage tree of moods)

target: studying the mood of children and adults

2. Psychological game for preschool children "Enchanted Heart".

This game provides an opportunity to see relationships within the group, children’s ability to discuss and solve assigned problems. It helps to identify the position of children in the group, emotional relationships, both in the group and in relationships with the teacher.

3. Exhibition "City happiness»

Employees' reflections on happiness.

Invite adults to read mini-essays about happiness with purpose: evoke positive emotions and reflect on your own happiness

1. Promotion results "Mood Tree". Tell us what kind of mood lives in our kindergarten.

2. Organize games - round dances "Blow up the bubble", "Carousels", "Sun", "Aircraft", «» and others on a walk with children of younger and middle age, aimed at bringing children closer to each other and the teacher.

3. Conducting a mini-lecture on the completion of adaptation to a preschool educational institution and games with elements of training with parents of younger groups as part of a parent meeting.

Invite parents to conduct self-analysis on topic: “My child went to kindergarten. How our life as a family has changed.” Target: identify the level of adaptation of children and families

4. Design of a photo exhibition "We're in kindergarten"

1. For concerned parents. Distribution of information leaflets “Recommendations for "difficult" adults.

For the purpose of educating parents.

2. Dance flash mob for children on the street.

With the aim of: bringing children together, accumulating positive emotional experience and a joyful mood.

3. Design of an album of mini-essays by parents on the topic

4. Sports event for preschool employees. Target: relieving emotional tension of employees, team unity.

5. Mail wishes and suggestions about psychology weeks. Summarizing.


Preliminary preparations were carried out Job: decorated newspaper stand "Wonderful world psychology» , a poster has been prepared for the test event "Mood Tree", selected material for psychological action"Autumn Predictions", for information leaflets and games (within the framework of the family meeting) for parents, a summary of a conversation with children about happiness. Together with a physical education instructor, material and music were selected for a sports event with teachers and a dance flash mob for children.

IN psychology weeks Children, parents and teachers took part. The planned events took place in an interesting manner. A lot of different events were held in which children participated. together with teachers, parents.

Thus, we tried to make parents, children and teachers, when entering the kindergarten building, feel the beginning psychology weeks they were presented with an announcement of the events. The hall was decorated with a newspaper poster "Wonderful world psychology» , inviting adults to reflect on this topic. Parents were offered information leaflets on the topic “Family conflicts: causes and ways of prevention. Safe quarrel technique" "Guidelines for Difficult Adults".

Aroused great interest psychological action"Autumn predictions. We offered everyone who believes in fate or just wants to cheer up, to pull out one of the leaves and find out what the autumn day has in store. These prophecies were different, but always positive. The purpose of the action was to charge its participants with positive emotions. And we did it. The next day, one could hear positive feedback from many parents (they maintained a positive attitude for the whole day, which means they gave joy to their children)

A conversation was held with the children from senior preparatory groups - reasoning "What's happened happiness. The conversation was based on a fairy tale "Like a donkey looking for happiness» , then the children spoke about how they understand what it is happiness. The children's statements were very interesting and touched to the core. Children were asked to draw or appliqué their own bird happiness and give it to someone close to you. Preschool employees were asked to reflect on topic: « Happiness for me is...» , later the mini-essays were issued in the form of an exhibition and an album.

Psychological test"Colorful leaves on the tree of our mood" in order to study the mood of children and adults, he showed that all participants had a predominant active mood of red color.

The preparatory group children were very interested psychological game"Enchanted Heart". They took great interest in saving their teacher from the spell of the evil queen. This game helps to identify the position of children in the group, emotional relationships both in the group and in relation to the teacher.

During walks, outdoor games were organized with children of primary and secondary groups aimed at bringing children closer to each other and the teacher.

For parents of adaptation groups, within the framework of parent meetings, psychological games with training elements and a mini-lecture about the end of the adaptation period. The game aimed at self-reflection, in which parents were able to plunge into their world of childhood, caused vivid impressions. Next, parents were asked to conduct a self-analysis on topic: “My child went to kindergarten. How our life as a family has changed". All mini-compositions were compiled into an album. The parents' arguments were very interesting; in them one can trace the attitude of the family towards the child. Group teachers organized a photo exhibition "We're in kindergarten".

A dance flash mob for children, which was held on the street near the main entrance, caused a very big response. The children had so many positive emotions that no one wanted to leave, the children continued to simply dance and give each other joy. And the sports event for the employees gave them a boost of energy, positive emotions, and team unity. They were able to relax and relieve emotional tension.

When organizing our work, we strived to ensure that each event evoked positive emotions, interested us and set us up for further work.

To sum it up weeks a mail of wishes and suggestions was organized, in which there was a lot of positive feedback on the work done. Many parents expressed gratitude for the information leaflets, believing that they contained useful information. Someone was interested in autumn predictions, someone was interested in thoughts about happiness…. But basically all the events, to one degree or another, had their own value for everyone.

List of used literature

1. Kovalko, V. I. The ABCs of physical education minutes for schoolchildren [text]: practical developments of physical education minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games /V. I. Kovalko - M.: VAKO, 2006. - 176 p.

2. Kuraev, G. A., Pozharskaya E. N. Age psychology [text] / G. A. Kuraev, E. N. Pozharskaya. - Rostov-on- Don: Phoenix, 2002. - 146 p.

3. Lyutova, K. K. Training for effective interaction with children [text] / K. K. Lyutova, G. B. Monina. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2005. – 190 p.

4. School workbook psychologist [text] / I. V. Dubrovina, M. K. Akimova, E. M. Borisova and others; Ed. I. V. Dubrovina. – M.: Education, 1991. – 303 p.

5. Rogov, E. I. Handbook of practical psychologist: Textbook. Manual [text] / E. I. Rogov. - M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. – 384 p.

6. Salnikova, N. Work with children: school of trust [text]/ N. Salnikova. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. – 282 p.

7. Sartan, G. N. Independence training for children [text] / G. N. Sartan. – Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. -144 pp.

8. Smid, R. Group work with children and adolescents [text] / R. Smid. - M.: Genesis, 1999. – 272 p.

9. Foppel, K. Psychological groups; Working materials for the presenter [text]: Practical guide / K. Fopel. – M.: Genesis, 1999. – 256 p.

10. Fopel, K. How to teach children to cooperate? [text] In 4 volumes / K. Fopel - M.: Genesis, 1998 - 548 p.

11. Tsukerman, G. A. Types of communication in teaching [text] / G. A. Tsukerman. Tomsk: Peleng, 1993. – 270 p.


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Psychology Week

in kindergarten

Teacher-psychologist 2nd quarter. categories

Engels 2014

Target: creating conditions for the psychological safety of the educational environment and the individual in preschool educational institutions.


To increase the influence of the service of practical psychology of education of preschool educational institutions on society by introducing new additional meanings, sensual colors, and cultural meanings into the educational environment;

To attract the attention of the administration of the preschool educational institution, teachers and parents to the problem of psychological safety of the educational environment and the individual through the service of practical psychology of education of the preschool educational institution

Contribute to the popularization of family well-being and parental success;

Contribute to improving the psychological culture of all participants in the educational process in the direction of ensuring a comfortable educational environment.

Preliminary work:

  • design stands and newsletters on child development issues;
  • develop lesson notes for children,
  • develop provisions for various competitions for parents of all age groups, familiarize parents with them and distribute the provisions to them a few days before the “Psychology Week”.

Plan of events for “Psychology Week”.


Theme of the day







1. Psychological game “Rainbow of Moods”.

Pupils of middle, senior and preparatory school groups


middle, senior and pre-school groups

2. Fun with children “Color mood”.

Children of the preparatory school group (No. 4)



Musical director, Fine Arts teacher.

3. Games: “Guess the Mood”, “Rubik’s Cube”.

Children of younger groups

Teachers of younger groups

4. “Mood and color.”

Children of compensatory groups No. 5, No. 6.


Teacher-psychologist, Teachers of compensatory groups



Friendship Day

1. Conversations with children on the topic “Friendship.”

Pupils of preschool educational institution

Teachers of all groups

2. Fun with children "Let's live together."

Children of the preparatory school group (No. 11)



Musical director.

3. Attendance at the “Let’s Live Together” entertainment.

Children of middle group No. 10


Educators, Teacher-psychologist.



Family day

1. Exhibition of photographs “Happy Day of Our Family”.

Pupils of preschool educational institution,


Teachers of all groups.

2. Exhibition of drawings “My Family”.

Pupils of middle, senior and preparatory school groups,



middle, senior and preparatory school groups.

3. GCD using film products “Beware the Stranger”

Children of older groups:

9.40-10.00 – groups 7 and 9;

10.20-10.50 – 8th group

Educational psychologist

Teachers of older groups.

4. Round table for parents on the topic: “Cartoons. Benefit or harm?


Educational psychologist.


16.10.2014 .

Health Day

1. GCD in the younger group with elements of psycho-gymnastics “Falling Leaves”.

Children of younger groups:

8.45 – №1;

9.00 - №2;

9.20 - №3;

15.30 - №13.

Teacher-psychologist, teachers of younger groups.

2. Training for teachers “My health is in my hands.”

Educators, Preschool Specialists


Teacher-psychologist, Senior educator.



Smile Day

1. GCD “Joy”.

Children of middle groups:

9.00 – №14,

9.30 – №12.

Educational psychologist.

2. Summing up the Psychology Week.

1) Report of an educational psychologist.

2) Presentation of diplomas to the most active participants of the Psychology Week.

Educators, preschool specialists.


Head of preschool educational institution,

Senior teacher,

Educational psychologist.


Goal: Develop the ability to understand your feelings and the feelings of others, continue to develop empathy, imagination, expressiveness of speech and movement.


  1. Teach children to understand their interlocutor by his facial expressions, gestures, and body movements.
  2. Promote self-regulation and relieve psycho-emotional stress in children.

Equipment: cards with images of emotions, Scarves for impromptu dance, balloons for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Psychologist: Hello, children! Today we have an unusual activity. We are about to travel through the Land of Colors. Want to? Then everyone got ready, I’ll take my magic wand and say One - two - three! And you close your eyes! Got it? And so, close your eyes, One - two - three, get to the Land of Colors!

The children are greeted by the character Artist.

Hello guys! Do you recognize me?

A big problem happened in our country, the evil wizard Vostomrak stole all the colored paints, and now everything has become gray and black.

Psychologist: Guys, let's help the inhabitants of a fairyland.

What needs to be done, dear Artist?

Artist: You need to collect the rainbow after passing all the tests. Here is a map of our Country of Colors, you will need it!

P: Thank you, Artist.

Well, guys, let's try to pass all the tests and restore the rainbow?

(after each test, children are given a rainbow stripe).

1.Task: Game “Guess the Emotion.” Cards with emotions are laid out on the table face down. 1 child comes to the table, takes a card and depicts the emotion to the other children. The children must guess what he depicted.

2. Task: “Determine the nature of the musical composition.”

The music director turns on the composition, the children show a card with a certain mood. (each child has 4 cards - surprise, sadness, joy, anger).

3. Task: “Mood and color.”

4. Assignment: “Polar emotions.” Children are divided into two teams. One team needs to complete the portrait of the evil fairy, the other team needs to complete the portrait of the good fairy.

5. Assignment: “Identifying moods from poems.”

6. Assignment: “Improvised dance with scarves.” Children show movements to a certain musical composition: girls with scarves, boys with balloons.

7. Task: “Gifts-balloons.” Children draw their moods on balloons.

Guys, let's put the balls in a vase and create a bouquet of moods for our group.




Fun for Prep

to the school of the group “Our Emotions”.

Educational psychologist

Maksimovich M.A.

Engels, 2014


Goal: Develop the ability to understand your feelings and the feelings of others, continue to develop empathy, imagination, expressiveness of speech and movement. Develop the ability to express your opinion about friends, noticing their good and bad deeds.


  1. Consolidate acquired knowledge about basic emotions;
  2. Teach children to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of other children, motivate, explain their judgments.

Progress of entertainment

Children enter the music room (to the music).

Psychologist: Guys, today you have an unusual lesson. This lesson is dedicated to friendship. Let's stand in a circle and give each other smiles. Adults often tell you: “We need to be friends, live together,” think and tell me what it means to be friends. Many of you correctly tell us how to be friends. He who knows how to be friends takes care of his comrades and tries to do something good for them. I know that some of you have prepared poems about friendship.

Now let's sit down and listen to poems about friendship.

  1. Poems about friendship.

Do you have real friends?

True friends also help each other in difficult situations.

  1. Game "Don't get your feet wet." (In the form of a competition). Let's conditionally divide our hall into two parts: land and swamp. You can cross the swamp using these planks (cardboard in the form of 20x20 squares), but only in pairs with a friend.
  2. Scene "My friend the umbrella."

Scene 1 (On the street).

Butterflies (4 girls) “fly in” to the music.

A lion cub and a cat run out. Then the pig runs.

Piglet runs to visit (cheerful music).

It starts to rain (the sound of rain and thunder).

The piglet stands under the tree. Suddenly I saw a squirrel running past.

Por: - Wait, squirrel, where are you going?

Bel: - Visit!

Piglet hears someone singing (in the background). This is the baby elephant coming.

Elephant: - I like to wander around in the rain,

Splashing puddles.

After all, the fact is that in the rain -

Both the nose and ears are growing!

Poros – This is a real umbrella!

Listen, singer, do you have a friend?

Elephant - Yes, I have never seen anything like this before.

Poros - So that you like it, right?

Elephant - Yeah!

Poros - Look, I can dance the butterfly polka!


Elephant - Well, just like a real butterfly! That's great!

Poros - So we became friends?

Elephant - Made friends!

P - Do you know what a friend is?

S - Friend, this is a friend!

P - He will do anything for each other! So I danced and jumped for you.

S - Can I do something for you?

P - Of course you can! Do you want to hide me from the rain? Then we'll go visit you!

The piglet stands up to the elephant's big ears.

S - Let's go!

Scene 2 (Visiting the rabbit, in the house).

P – am I late?

B – We haven’t had tea with sweets yet!

P - So I’m not late!

K - Interesting! I wonder who is with you? I didn't invite him (quietly).

P - And this is my......(pause) it hides me from the rain... This is my umbrella!

K - Interesting, interesting, well, put it in the corner!

P - Please, for the sake of our friendship, otherwise they will kick you out.

S - Well, if for the sake of friendship, then it’s a different matter.

P - Chur! I'll be a locomotive!

S - That's great! (standing in the corner, looking at them).

Approaches them - Can I be a locomotive?

P - After all, I am the locomotive!

S - Well, I look more like a steam locomotive!

Chug - chug - chug chug - chug! Too-too!

P - What are you doing? Who are you? You are my umbrella! Where should the umbrella be?

Sl - Then I’ll go (crying).

P - think about it

B - I have to go!

P - and tomorrow I ask everyone to come to me!

Scene 3 (Near the pig's house).

P – It’s so hot! What a problem. (looks at the flowers).

Runs around looking for buckets.

A baby elephant is walking, watering itself from its trunk.

P - Baby Elephant. (Calls).

S - Well, what do you want? I don't want to be your umbrella anymore!

P - Who is forcing you?

Be a friend, water the flowers! I don't have a bucket.

S - well, okay, I’ll water it!

P - Yes, this is a real watering can!

K - Hello!

P - Oh, come in, come in, look at my watering can!

K - Interesting, interesting, lend me your watering can for a little while, my cabbage is withering.

B - Here I am!

K – Let’s play an interesting game “Train”!

P - Chur! I'll be a locomotive!

S - can I play with you?

P - Steam locomotive again? Who are you? You are a watering can! And the watering cans must be watered!

The little elephant was offended and left.

B - Eh! You, and we thought it was your friend!

P – wait!

He sits thinking on the porch alone (everyone has left).

Yes, he was a real friend.

What to do? I need to go see a friend!

The baby elephant sits and sings (sadly).


Just piglets.

In the light of the sun and moon I walk along the country roads,

And all my thoughts are full of nothing but pigs!

How did this little pig get into my song? Do I really want to see him?

A piglet runs towards a baby elephant.

P - Hurray, found it!

S - Hurray, he’s arrived!

S - Why did you come?

P - Do you want me to dance for you?

S - Are you for me?

P - Yeah!

S - Butterfly polka?

P - Polka butterfly!

And they started dancing.


  1. A song about friendship.




Musical and theatrical entertainment for pre-school groups.

Educational psychologist

Maksimovich M.A.

Musical director

Rassoshanskaya E.M.

Engels, 2014

This material is of interest to methodologists, teacher psychologists and kindergarten teachers. Using the example of the event, an interesting form of interaction between a Preschool Educational Institution and the family of pupils is shown. All employees, parents and children of the kindergarten were involved in it. This experience can be used in any Preschool Institution. Such an event does not have clear instructions, and much depends on the desire, initiative and skill of the teacher-psychologist.

Psychology Week in Preschool Educational Institutions

“Life is not the days that have passed,

and those that are remembered!

Every adult has memories of childhood that fill the soul with incomparable warmth. “We all come from childhood...” We want to “take the best things with us” into adulthood. It is parental love that provides children with emotional protection and psychological comfort, gives them support in life, and the child’s love and boundless trust in his parents make him especially susceptible to their influence. Special psychological, pedagogical and sociological studies show that families are in dire need of help from specialists at all stages of preschool childhood. It is obvious that family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other and must interact for the sake of the full development of the preschool child.

Any preschool institution tries to outline forms of work with families throughout the year that would create conditions for creative, joint cooperation between children, parents and kindergarten staff. Today, every kindergarten has a teacher-psychologist, where he acts as the organizer of the psychological work of the entire preschool institution. But how can you ensure that parents are involved in the life of the group and kindergarten? So that they really become like-minded people and partners in the formation and development of children's lives?

Working with parents is a very sensitive topic. The relationship between the kindergarten and the family must be built on the basis of trust, mutual understanding, tact, kindness and attention. Therefore, psychological work in our kindergarten No. 99 in the city of Taganrog is built taking into account the needs, interests and desires of parents.

Most recently, from May 20 to 24, we held an interesting and exciting marathon “Psychology Week”. To create a general mood of an optimistic tone, a mood for a “psychological wave,” stimulating interest in psychological knowledge and the work of a psychologist among parents and kindergarten employees, creating a favorable psychological climate - these are a few of the tasks that were set by me, as a teacher-psychologist, when building this project. “Psychology Week” was held for the first time in our city, in our kindergarten.

The entire kindergarten team was involved in this marathon. Of course, preparatory work was underway: within a few days an announcement for parents was prepared and posted, a film with the “Psychology Week” program was shown in the kindergarten lobby at the entrance, and a teaching hour was held for kindergarten employees.

Already in first day In the kindergarten lobby, an unusual “Psychological Relief Fence” awaited all parents, children and employees.

Here, all interested parents and employees could leave their opinion on the work of the kindergarten.

By the end of the day, “The Fence” was filled with statements, opinions, and impressions. Parents, grandparents, teachers, caretaker, cooks wrote about the painful problem... And the children did not stand aside, so someone wrote MOTHER OF THE PEOPLE, DENIS... This is how a positive emotional tone was created on the first day of the “Week...”. On the same day, all parents had the opportunity to fill out the questionnaire “Quality of service in preschool educational institutions.” So they could evaluate the work of the kindergarten: “Are you satisfied with the care, upbringing, education of children?”, “What forms of obtaining information are most convenient for you?”, “In resolving issues that interest you, which specialists would you like to get help from: a psychologist, a music director , speech therapist, nurse? etc. Here is another way to find out the needs and desires of parents, their interests and opinions. On this day, children from the preparatory, senior and middle groups enjoyed drawing “My Favorite Kindergarten”. It turned out to be a large and interesting exhibition of children's works. This drawing test has become an informative and convenient express diagnostic test for checking the psychological comfort of children in a kindergarten group.

Second day was labeled "Lessons in Kindness." Parents on the “Tree”, which “grew up” behind our “Fence,” left good wishes to the kindergarten staff.

Wishes of love, happiness, kindness, good luck, joy, success... everything could no longer fit on the “Tree”. Parents happily lined up and waited patiently for the opportunity to write their wishes.

All this was lively discussed, and no one wanted to repeat themselves, everyone wanted something of their own, something new. What could children wish for their mothers and fathers? We found out this after a survey in groups: “I wish my parents...”. Here children's dreams, secrets, anxieties and experiences were revealed. A little later in class, the children of the preparatory and senior groups gave a gift to a friend, and after sleep they gave it to the children of the middle and junior groups. How touching the presentation of gifts was: someone hugged the baby, another stroked the head, and even kissed...

Of course, the older children proudly told their parents about the gifts they had prepared for the kids, and they, in turn, boasted to their moms and dads about the gift they had received. Well, the parents were not left without attention: everyone received the booklet “Secrets of parenting from Virginia Satir, a world-famous specialist in family therapy.”

On the third day marathon, a psychological event “Day of Compliments” was planned and carried out. Each employee could make a compliment to himself, and, at the request of a secret friend, express it to parents, children, any kindergarten employee when they met... Parents also on this day, together with the child, greeted and said goodbye to the kindergarten employees and other parents in a special way, using compliments. All this evoked positive emotions, surprise, and feelings of something unusual... And by the end of the day, the groups had already summed up the results of the competition: “The best compliment for mom.” The winners received emblems (Fig. 12), which brought great joy to their mothers when they met. The day ended with the presentation of a handout to parents: “Dorothy Nolte's Advice for Parents.”

Fourth day continued our marathon with a psychological event: “Kaleidoscope of Mood.” Children noted their emotional state in mood calendars, when they came to kindergarten and with what mood they left it with their parents.

What did we see at the end of the day? The parents have a positive, friendly mood, the employees have a calm, balanced, confident mood, and the students have a sunny, bright mood. This is the mood that lives in our kindergarten!

It was on this day that the children in groups drew and “revitalized the Blob” - painted and animated: eyes, mouth, came up with a name, gave her a joyful life. This is how educators and a psychologist could see the child’s spiritual world, and what kind of person she is, my Blob - kind, sad, funny, amusing, pugnacious, cheerful...

Each day of the “Psychology Week” was shown in the morning and evening in the garden hall with a program of daily activities in a presentation on the TV screen. They all became unique and memorable.

IN last day“Psychology Week” at the pedagogical hour the results of the psychological marathon were summed up: what was successful, the results of a survey of parents, discussion of opinions and wishes on the “Fence” and “Tree of Wishes”, competitions, children’s drawings. Everyone shared their impressions and results. We think that the “Week...” turned out to be holistic and complete, because we managed to involve all employees, parents and children.

What did Psychology Week give me personally? Satisfaction, “filled with fatigue,” the desire to implement new ideas. Because it took place in dialogue mode - a healing style of communication, so rare in our hectic life. It was possible to implement this project only thanks to the help and support of all the kindergarten employees, the understanding of parents and the activity of children.

Every adult has memories of childhood that fill the soul with incomparable warmth. We want to “take the best things with us” into adulthood. I think that children will certainly want to take the best things from this “Psychology Week” into their adult lives. And this is only possible with great love for children!