Why does a person howl like a wolf in a dream? Howling of wolves according to the dream book

It's called catophrenia a condition when a person groans in his sleep. The literal translation comes from the Greek language and means the following: cata (cata) - lower, phrenia (phrenia) - lament. This condition refers to parasomnia - an unwanted (abnormal) behavioral reaction during sleep. What it is and whether it is dangerous to health, as well as how to deal with it, will be discussed later in the article.

The mechanism of groans during sleep is as follows: the sleeping person inhales deeply, then a slight breath hold is possible, after which the adult exhales the air protractedly, accompanied by a long groan. This is usually a fairly loud sound that will be noticeable to others. Moreover, in most cases it will disturb their sleep, which cannot be said about people who moan in their sleep. For them, night sounds do not wake them up, and therefore they do not remember about it in the morning.

It is impossible to determine from the face of a sleeping person that he has any worries. Facial expressions are not changed, complete calm is reflected.

The nature of the groans can be characterized as follows:

  • loud roar;
  • loud buzzing;
  • mooing;
  • squeal;
  • snort

The duration of moaning can vary: from a few seconds to a whole minute. There may be several episodes per night that repeat like a series. The duration of one episode can also vary and sometimes reach 1 hour.

The position of the body during sleep does not in any way affect the appearance and nature of groans during sleep. Thus, in any position, a person can groan in the middle of the night. However, it has been observed that after changing the position, a person who moans while sleeping at night stops doing so.

A person can moan during sleep in both phases, but most often this occurs in the fast phase. As you know, with each new cycle of night sleep, the REM sleep phase increases, and the slow sleep phase decreases. The logical conclusion is that in the morning moaning lasts longer than at the beginning of the night.

Causes and prevalence of catophrenia

Since moaning in sleep is not a disease, this condition has been little studied in medicine. Thus, neither the frequency of occurrence nor the obvious reasons for the development of this state of a sleeping person are still known for certain. There have been no reliable clinical studies on this topic. It has been noted that men suffer from such characteristics more often than women.

Possible causes of moaning in a dream include the following:

  • Poor sleep can be the reason why a person groans during sleep, so he can express the emotions that overwhelm him at this moment.
  • Pain – if in a dream a person experiences physical pain for some reason: a nerve root is pinched, the heart is compressed, etc., he may unconsciously groan in his sleep.
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the upper respiratory tract, which prevents normal exhalation.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Diseases of the nervous system or brain damage.
  • Alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Smoking.

All these reasons are just a theory, so you need to remember that even an absolutely healthy person without physical and psychological problems may experience moaning in their sleep.

Difference from other conditions

It is worth distinguishing catophrenia from the following parasomnias:

  • - the sounds that the sleeper makes occur while inhaling, in contrast to catophrenia, which is characterized by groans while exhaling.
  • – in catophrenia, a groan may be preceded by a cessation of breathing, but it occurs at the height of inspiration, while in sleep apnea, at the end of exhalation.
  • Stridorous breathing - with narrowing of the airways caused by pathological processes in the bronchi, each breath will be accompanied by noisy breathing, similar to a whistle. Has no periodicity.
  • Feet during an epileptic seizure - also lacks periodicity and is accompanied by additional symptoms of the disease.


Typically, the diagnosis of catophrenia is made based on a survey. The following points are important for the doctor:

  • frequency of moaning, duration of one episode;
  • duration of the onset of nocturnal moaning;
  • your dreams, the presence of nightmares;
  • presence of other sleep disorders;
  • the presence of this pathology in the family history;
  • your consumption of alcohol, drugs or medications the day before.

It would not be amiss to provide the specialist with a diary, where for 2 weeks you recorded data about night moaning (their frequency, duration), yours, your emotional state and state in the morning.

Professionals who can help you in this situation include:

  • Somnologist - he will be able to conduct additional research polysomnography and study for certain the nature of your sleep, thereby finding out whether there is any connection between nighttime moaning and other sleep disorders.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist - he will conduct a detailed examination of the ENT organs to determine the possible organic cause of the appearance of groans during sleep.
  • Psychotherapist - will be able to find out possible mental or psychological aspects of the appearance of catophrenia.


To date, unfortunately, no treatment has been developed for catophrenia. This condition is not dangerous to your life, although it may interfere with your quality of life, as well as your sleep and the sleep of those close to you.

  • Before going to bed, you need to clear your airways in one of the following ways:
    • take a warm shower and rinse your nasal passages;
    • perform breathing exercises;
    • drink warm tea, which will help make the secretion in the nose more liquid.
  • Sleeping with the head of the bed raised will prevent a possible cause of groaning – retraction of the tongue.

For those around you, we can advise:

  • Use while sleeping.
  • Create a background from the so-called. white noise: sound from a fan, humidifier.
  • Sleep in another room.
  • While sleeping, carefully, without waking the sleeping person, change his body position (read more in the article about).

Thus, catophrenia is not a type of parasomnia that is dangerous to health. But you should always remember that it can mask really serious problems with the nervous system, psyche and internal organs, so to find out the exact cause you need to consult a specialist.

List of used literature:

  • Caruth C. Unclaimed experience: trauma, narrative, and history. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (English)Russian, 1996.
  • Felman Sh. The juridical unconscious: trials and traumas in the twentieth century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002.
  • Luckhurst R. The trauma question. London; New York: Routledge, 2008.

A dream sometimes itself keeps attention on some place, detail, action.

At the same time, time seems to freeze in the process, “scrolling”, thereby the dream emphasizes the special duration of what the designated fixation represents.

For example, “running in a dream” and at the same time additionally “getting stuck”, slowing down, freezing in place indicates the duration of interference and problems, given that “running in a dream” in general means interference and difficulties.

“Eating in your sleep” with fixation on the chewing process has a similar effect: minor troubles, scrolling (chewing) receive additional reinforcement.

Moreover, such a temporal elongation of an event will not necessarily be associated with the length of daytime (real) time, but, more often, it happens in internal, subjective perception.

On the contrary: the speed, instantaneousness of events and various transformations indicates suddenness, unexpectedness, suddenness, transience of phenomena and feelings of a person sleeping in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of symbols

Dream Interpretation - Urination and bowel movements in a dream

Dreams of this type are never discussed publicly.

Even when talking to me alone, dreamers feel embarrassed.

The “toilet” issue is often physiologically determined.

If the sleeper has such a need, then he looks for a place in a dream where he can relieve himself.

Various obstacles may arise.

The toilet is closed, people are in the way, trying to wake up the dreamer and get themselves in order. There is no need to interpret these dreams.

Urinating in a dream is a symbol of relief of the soul, getting rid of some worries, difficult memories.

A dream in which a woman irrigates a pipe.

The penis symbol is clearly connected to a sexual past that she is trying to forget.

Here, as it were, a view of the past from above is revealed.

The roof of today, a new understanding of life circumstances.

Shoes symbolize the chosen lifestyle.

But excrement can personify not only unwanted experiences, failures in life, but also be a sign that something from a past life should be used.

Sometimes a person “urinates” in his sleep the night after a failed exam or performance.

This particularly clearly confirms the significance of symbolic urination in a dream as a way of relieving emotional stress.

But the meaning of symbolic bowel movements in a dream and, in general, the type of excrement, has a wider range of interpretations.

Excrement can represent not only unwanted experiences and failures in life, but also be a sign that something from a past life should be used.

In such cases, the type of excrement gives us information.

1. Pay attention to the actions in the dream: your own and other characters. If you act only as an observer, then you lack activity in life.

Lateness in dreams also reports this.

3. If you get into a fight or are attacked, this is a sign of your intransigent character. Don't forget about compromises.

4. Physiological actions during sleep. Satisfaction of natural needs is a factor that heals your psyche and brings emotional liberation. In some cases, it indicates difficulties or successes in your current activities.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation of howling dog

The dog is considered a positive symbol. It is generally accepted that if she howls in a dream, then it is not only unpleasant, but also negative for real life.

As the dream book often says, a dog howls means trouble. But at times such a vision is only a warning of impending danger, which you can avoid if you wish.

Hear the dog howl

I dream about a dog howling

Since a dog is a symbol of friendship, its heart-rending howl can warn you that trouble has befallen a good friend. Interpreters advise, if possible, to identify the person who needs help. Believe me, you will be rewarded for this.

What will Gustav Miller say?

Miller believed that a dog howling in a dream is a sign that you should urgently reconsider your state of affairs. You need a clear analysis of what is happening in your financial and social spheres.

Why do you dream about howling dogs? Try to remember if you have had any negative events recently. It is possible that something is depressing the dreamer, and he is on the verge of depression. This vision can symbolize troubles not only for a loved one, but also for the dreamer himself.

If you notice that you are mentally tired, that everyday activities are burdening you, then you should stop and rest.

Miller approached this vision quite carefully:

What will other dream books say?

This vision is considered by a large number of interpreters. To find a prediction you like, you should review them.

Interpreter of the modern woman

Watching dogs howl and worry means beware of fire.

If the dogs looked like wolves, then this dream promises you a situation through which you will be able to expose the insidious plans of your enemies.

The dream dog howls like a wolf

Interpreter from “A” to “Z”

Hearing a howl means news or a letter; its contents will shock you.

Howl like a wolf - you will be able to outperform your competitors. Enemies will not be able to harm you.

Interpreter Hasse

A dream in which you heard a dog howl is more of a warning than a threat. You should be careful when handling fire and any objects that could cause a fire.

21st century interpreter

When you hear a howl in a dream, it’s worth remembering how you felt at that moment. If you do not react to sounds, the dreamer will soon learn the news.

It’s worse when the sounds make your skin freeze. This vision promises you real troubles and misfortunes.

The dreamer himself howls in his sleep

If a dog and a wolf howl, then you will need something. Also, the dreamer will be left without the support of friends and loved ones.

Modern interpreter

Mournful sounds made by a dog in a dream are a negative omen. Such dreams promise you health troubles, financial losses, and other sorrows.

Newest interpreter

You dreamed of a howl - the illness of a person close to you.

It is negative to howl like a dog yourself. This vision is considered prophetic and promises serious misfortune.

The main thing is not to let negativity into your heart

In night vision, do you walk down the street and meet a sick, emaciated animal that howls pitifully? It is believed that a lot of troubles will soon fall on you.

Dreamed of a little puppy howling

Interpreters advise you not to lose heart. If you are able to understand in time what is the cause of your suffering, then the dark streak will soon end.

After dreams in which you saw a small puppy howling, you should be extremely careful. It is possible that you will find yourself in a situation from which it will be quite difficult to extricate yourself.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the crying of a puppy promises the dreamer the loss of a large sum of money. After such a vision, you should control all your expenses and not trust even close people.

This way you will not only save your money, but also maintain peace in your family.

Health and family ties

According to the dream book, the howling of a dog is a sign that the dreamer’s well-being will worsen day by day. Especially if you saw a whole pack of dogs howling at the moon. The Bulgarian seer Vanga believed that if you managed to disperse the animals, then in the end you will be able to find a medicine that will help you regain your previous health.

As for the family, Nostradamus believed that such plots in a dream promise the infidelity of the other half. If you want to save your marriage, then you should behave reasonably and demand the same from your spouse.

When the howling of animals made you sad in a dream, then in reality you should not succumb to the blues. Otherwise, you will simply stop being interesting to your significant other.

Your mark:

Adequate sleep allows you to rest and recuperate before starting a new day, since without effective rest it is impossible to continue to lead an active lifestyle. Insomnia, shallow sleep, lack of sleep - all this disrupts the usual rhythm of life and does not allow the body to recover. But sometimes very specific disturbances are observed, for example, when a person groans in his sleep.

Cataphrenia is a condition where a person moans while sleeping

Catathrenia (as moaning during sleep is called in medicine) refers to parasomnias, i.e. peculiar uncontrollable physical or behavioral phenomena that occur during sleep. In the same group with catophrenia are parasomnias such as somnambulism and frequent nightmares.

Catathrenia is the province of adults, and women are less susceptible to moaning during sleep, and children suffer from this disorder relatively rarely.


A person begins to make moaning, roaring, grumbling or mooing sounds during sleep. From a physiological point of view, at this moment the moaning person experiences slow breathing, namely a long exhalation following a slow exhalation, which, when vocalized, gives similar symptoms. The nature of the moans can resemble mooing, roaring, squealing and appear several times a night or almost constantly. This phenomenon occurs during the rapid phase of sleep, which can explain the fact that by the morning the duration of moaning increases, as this phase becomes longer. The position of a moaning person usually does not affect the appearance of groans, but usually after changing the sleeping position in the bed, the unpleasant sounds stop for some time.

Moans in a dream, most likely, do not bother the sleeper who publishes them at all. He sleeps and does not even suspect that this can happen to him every night. This person usually learns about such a violation only from his loved ones, who wake up from frightening or plaintive sounds. Moaning during night sleep brings the most inconvenience to the people around you, and family conflicts often develop on this basis.

Causes of the phenomenon

Men suffer from catophrenia more often than women

The causes of such a phenomenon as moaning at night, as well as the frequency of their occurrence, have not been fully established, which means that no specific treatment has been developed. And all because this is rather a social phenomenon; a person himself can suffer from catophrenia for many years and know nothing about it.

Only the people around him can tell him about moaning in his sleep.

Among the reasons that can cause catophrenia:

  • prolonged and severe stress, chronic fatigue, asthenic syndrome;
  • poor quality of sleep, constant awakenings, during which a person may begin to moan unconsciously at night;
  • pain syndrome makes moaning in sleep quite natural;
  • disruption of the normal anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to the impossibility of normal silent exhalation;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse, taking drugs;
  • mental disorders.

Visit to the doctor

Catathrenia can be confused with other sleep disorders, so you should seek help from a specialist

Thus, if complaints arise, you should contact a specialist. What doctors can help with this problem?

Some issues can be resolved at the level of a general practitioner, but sometimes it may be necessary to turn to more specialized doctors - somnologists, otolaryngologists or even psychotherapists.

Doctors will prescribe the necessary examinations and try to find possible organic causes of the phenomenon. In addition, it is necessary to diagnose the presence of other sleep pathologies, such as snoring and sleep apnea. But it should be borne in mind that even a completely healthy person can moan periodically during sleep.

What will you need to tell the attending doctor in order for him to have the most complete picture about the patient? It is important for the doctor to know:

  • whether something similar happened before or with another family member;
  • how often moaning occurs, how many episodes per night on average;
  • the duration of each moaning episode;
  • whether there has been any mental trauma or severe stress in the near future;

High levels of stress can trigger catophrenia

  • possible connection with nightmares;
  • whether there are other sleep disorders;
  • whether you took any medications, alcohol or drugs.

To obtain more accurate information about your health, before visiting a doctor, you can keep a diary for some time (for example, a couple of weeks), in which you record all the observed deviations. Then it will be easier for the specialist to understand the nature of the changes and their possible cause.

Fighting methods

As far as is known, catophrenia does not cause any health consequences, so there is no specific treatment. But, since this phenomenon affects the quality of sleep of people around him, it can affect the relationship of a person moaning in his sleep with his loved ones, up to the breakdown of the family, you should definitely try to get rid of catophrenia.

What are the ways to combat it?

  • Determination of sleep disorders using polysomnography and their treatment by a specialist, if necessary.
  • CPAP therapy often has a positive effect in catophrenia and allows you to get rid of night moans.

Positive pressure breathing during sleep using a special device

  • If the reason why a person began to moan in his sleep is a pathology of the ENT organs, then eliminating it will help eliminate the problem (for example, surgical correction of a deviated nasal septum).
  • An important point is monitoring the quality of nasal breathing and timely treatment of diseases that impair it.
  • If possible, you should avoid emotional stress as much as possible, move enough, and spend time in the fresh air.
  • Make sure that the sleeping place is comfortable; the position for night rest should not be uncomfortable.
  • Sleeping with your head elevated can help prevent or stop moaning during sleep.

Using a wedge-shaped pillow

The following measures apply to surrounding people:

  • If groans appear in a relative suffering from catophrenia, you can try to carefully change the position of his body, trying not to wake him up.
  • Earplugs will help prevent you from hearing unpleasant moaning and groaning sounds.
  • To fall asleep without being distracted by moans, a white noise generator can help, which will create a monotonous sound background, ideal for falling asleep.
  • Sometimes the only solution for relatives of people suffering from catophrenia, if no methods help, is to rest in another room.

Despite the fact that catophrenia does not have any significant health consequences, it undoubtedly requires attention, if only simply because it significantly reduces the quality of sleep, both for the person suffering from such an illness and for his loved ones. That is why it is so important to try to understand the possible causes of the phenomenon and do everything necessary to eliminate moaning in your sleep.

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    Dream Interpretation Wolf loner dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Wolf loner? Said to the wolf winter", "How much wolf don’t feed him, he keeps looking into the forest”, “ Wolf I ate raw meat and spun it high,” “ Wolves howl under housing - to frost or war” and many others. See in dream wolf hunting for a kid - means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; You can only solve the problems that arise yourself. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation Wolf white dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Wolf white? Said to the wolf winter", "How much wolf don’t feed him, he keeps looking into the forest”, “ Wolf I ate raw meat and spun it high,” “ Wolves howl under housing - to frost or war” and many others. See in dream wolf hunting for a kid - means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; You can only solve the problems that arise yourself. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Assault wolves dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Assault wolves?Said to the wolf winter", "How much wolf don’t feed him, he keeps looking into the forest”, “ Wolf I ate raw meat and spun it high,” “ Wolves howl under housing - to frost or war” and many others. See in dream wolf hunting for a kid - means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; You can only solve the problems that arise yourself. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Wolf, Wolf white, Wolf in the house, Wolf in a cage, Wolf howls, Wolf is chasing Wolf Kind, Wolf Friend, Wolf protects, Wolf fox dream book, Wolf dead, Wolf on a chain Wolf attacks Wolf werewolf, Wolf pursues Wolf growls Wolf grey, Wolf bitten Wolf black, Wolf kill, Wolves forest, Wolves attack, Two wolf, Iron wolf, I wolf So, if you dreamed about it Hunting for Volkov, This means that in reality you will face a fierce battle with enemies. And an even more alarming forecast Dream Interpretations prepared for those who saw in dream Wolf in my house.