The Bagua Mirror is a powerful talisman. Bagua symbol, Bagua mirror and their role in feng shui

Which is intended for mapping the energies of a house or site. But in addition to performing this function, it is also a symbol of protection, very powerful and at the same time dangerous if used incorrectly.

The Ba Gua Mirror also has an octagonal shape measuring 10 to 15 cm. Its frame is made of wood, in the center there is a small round mirror surrounded by eight trigrams of red and green, which according to Feng Shui are symbols of the infinite wisdom of the Universe. The mirror itself can be of a regular shape, which is considered neutral in impact, convex - and then it has enhanced reflective ability, and concave - absorbing negative energy and neutralizing its consequences.

The Ba-Gua Mirror is intended to reflect Sha Qi outside the building and protect the room. However, it protects not only from poisoned arrows, but also from people with negative energy, unpleasant events and threats, and also allows only positive energy to enter the house.

The Ba-Gua mirror should be hung like this: three solid lines (symbolizing the sky) should be at the top, and three broken lines (symbolizing the earth) should be located at the bottom.

How to use the Ba Gua mirror correctly

We examined in detail what objects are sources of negative energy in the article, and it is the Ba-Gua mirror that is considered the best means of neutralizing and blocking it, however, it should be used carefully when placing only outside the building. Under no circumstances should you hang such a mirror inside your home! This is too powerful to be used indoors. It is believed that in this case it can bring bad luck.

This is the most important condition for its use. However, life cannot be forced into the framework of similar situations, so the decision to use it should be made based on specific circumstances. For example, if your home is located at a T-junction or is exposed to other forms of Sha Qi, the Ba Gua Mirror is an ideal solution to this problem. Directed at a fast-moving stream of cars, it will reflect negative energy.

Or if there is a much taller building very close to the house, then this can have a depressing effect on the residents. The negative impact can be eliminated by hanging the Ba Gua mirror on the wall or roof of your house on the side of a taller building. In this case, it is best to use a Ba-Gua mirror with a concave mirror in the center. This will help eliminate feelings of oppression and pressure.

It should be remembered that the Ba Gua mirror reflects Sha Qi energy back towards its source, so be careful and pay attention to where you direct it. If there is a possibility that by reflecting negative energy from your home, you can direct it to a neighboring house, that is, to the people living in it, it is better to use another means.

Probably, everyone has had to find themselves in such situations when you come to a house or office and feel “out of place” there: inexplicably, but you really want to leave this place as soon as possible. And it happens that some of them, on the contrary, you simply don’t want to leave, it’s so comfortable and cozy here, even if visually there is clearly something to work on to achieve comfort in its traditional sense. Accurate explanations for all this are given by the science of Feng Shui .

Feng Shui(literally “wind and water”) is an ancient Chinese teaching on how to live in harmony with nature and the world around us, based on the understanding that life improves and balance is established only if you do not fight the forces of nature, but peacefully with them coexist. It is very important to note here that Feng Shui This is not magic, not faith, not spiritual practice, but this is an art or even a science, based on accurate knowledge and its application.

For Asians, and in particular the Chinese, Feng Shui and, in particular, feng shui in the interior very significant. It was they who spread the basic concepts around the world. The teaching became known to Europeans only about 25 years ago.

Fundamentals and basic concepts of Feng Shui

Qi (Sheng Qi) is the cosmic breath of the dragon, the breath of life, the life force found in all living beings, vital energy. She moves slowly and never quickly, twisting and never in a straight line. Aggressive, rapid movement carries away qi and luck turns away. Qi is generated by a light breeze or flowing water - a fountain, a lake, gentle vibrations in the air. Qi needs constant movement, ventilation, clean air, cleanliness around. Otherwise, if it is too damp, dark, stuffy, dirty, hot, humid, it will stagnate and become dirty, which cannot be allowed. Qi appears with the properties of negative sha energy.

Thus, order in the house - the absence of broken things, ragged walls, unpleasant odors, clogged drains and dirty dishes - has not only a hygienic, but also an important energetic background.

Qi is made up of yin plus yang. Two parts of one single thing, two opposites, but not opposing, two sides of the universe complementing each other, together giving harmony. And neither one exists without the other. One balances the other, creating balance for harmony. Where it is, qi accumulates. Yin and yang see APPENDIX.

Schools Feng Shui two – compass and shapes: the first determines favorable compass directions, and the second takes into account the landscape. Therefore, there is - with the help of directions and with the help of the Ba-gua square from the compass school.

Also in Feng Shui, 5 elemental elements are used: fire, earth, water, metal and wood. In Chinese astrology, everything in the world is believed to belong to one of them. For the five elemental elements, see APPENDIX. 5 elements can be arranged in the form of three cycles. A cycle of generation, in which each previous element generates and nourishes the next. A cycle of destruction in which each previous element destroys the next. A cycle of suppression that reduces negativity due to the conflict of elemental energies, similar to the first cycle.

These cycles are used in organizing the correct feng shui in the interior home, depending on the elements of its inhabitants. It is worth placing in the house those things that nourish the owners. It is also correct to choose a house according to your element or the element that gives rise to yours. If people with different elements live in a house, then elements useful to them should be placed in their personal rooms to avoid conflict. If two elements tend to destroy each other, an element located between them in the cycle of generation is introduced, weakening the derogatory effect.

Sha are poisoned arrows of negative energy, generated by sharp angles or aggressive straight lines aimed at us. But if the sha is not visible, it is not there. In the fight against the negative sha, furniture, screens, and also mirrors are used to reflect its arrows and Ba Gua mirrors - the strongest remedy for protection against negativity.

Feng Shui mirror. Ba Gua Mirrors

The mirror has long been endowed with unique features: showing the past, present and future, predicting the betrothed, taking souls, etc. You hear so much about mirrors that it becomes scary to look in them. However, any feng shui mirrors Just positive heroes, with their help you can not only increase space, add light or create an interesting interior. They, even the smallest ones, can completely correct the bad Feng Shui at home because feng shui mirrors are very important and belong to passive yin.

The protective amulet mirror Ba-gua is an aggressive yang, so without knowledge, it is better not to use it at all. The Ba Gua mirror is mounted on a board of 8 corners; along the edges on each side of the octagon there are trigrams that give it enormous power. This mirror is also distinguished by its small size, invisible to Sha envoys. You can hang Ba Gua only on the outside of your home, above a door or window, while carefully watching what is reflected in the mirror, since this mirror will send the reflected arrow to someone else. But if it reflects a nearby cemetery or slaughterhouse, it will really protect your hearth. An alternative to a possible dangerous Ba Gua for what is located opposite your house could be a concave mirror that does not direct the negative in other directions, but scatters it.

The main principle is to use such a mirror only for protection and in no case to direct nasty things at an enemy: you cannot get good by doing evil. You will receive evil multiplied many times over. In addition, there is a Yin Ba-gua for Feng Shui houses for the dead and the Yang Ba-gua for houses for the living, which differ in the location of the trigrams Qian and Kun (in the Yang Qian in the northwest, and Kun in the southeast; in Yin - Qian in the south, opposite the Kun located in the north) .

The fundamental basis for conducting a feng shui analysis of a house or apartment, making recommendations in directions, uses the yang arrangement of trigrams.

Mirrors in the interior and Feng Shui

First of all, as in shapes in general, Feng Shui also prefers rounded lines in mirrors. Mirrors are assistants that can visually disappear negative elements in a room; the more mirrors, the better, but they still need to be placed carefully. Mirrors reflect qi indoors, spreading it throughout the house. The corridor of mirrors opposite does not allow energy to move, they throw it back and forth.

By height mirrors in the interior positioned so that there is still space above the head of the tallest member of the family, and in no case is the head blocked by a mirror. Feng Shui does not welcome mirror tiles: they form negative currents, dividing our body into parts and breaking up life. The cracked mirror is thrown away.

A mirror is extremely undesirable; it reflects the negative energy we released in a dream and returns it back: this way it is impossible to fully rest. Also, mirrors in the bedroom upset marital relationships. A mirror in the bedroom opposite the front door will not allow beneficial qi into the room. As an option, you can place a dressing table with a large mirror in the corner, illuminating it, or on the inside of the wardrobe.

Mirrors should always be kept perfectly clean. Mirrors in the interior should not reflect entrance doors, beds, latrines, garbage, dirt, electrical appliances and wiring. The mirror in the hallway reflects negativity brought from outside. The place brings to mind folk omens about being forced to return halfway. There is no need for a mirror to look at the stove or fireplace, returning heat to the source.

Do not place a mirror opposite the entrance, where most of the qi enters. Otherwise, it will be returned outside and deprive the house of vital energy. It’s not very pleasant psychologically to walk into a dark hallway and see your reflection in the mirror. The same is true in a dark bedroom, where even a mirror above the headboard is undesirable. But it is useful to reflect everything good and useful to the mirror - large bills or a beautiful dining table with an abundance of dishes - increasing positive emotions, wealth and prosperity.

As you can see, a mirror can improve many situations, you just need to place it correctly. It is believed that a part of ourselves lives in the mirror and therefore breaking it means trouble. But if we wash the fragments with water and wash away our information from them, then nothing will happen. When the mirrors are cleaned, the same thing happens with the negativity they have accumulated from the apartment.

Believes it doesn't really matter whether you become an ardent supporter Feng Shui and whether you will apparently apply it in practice. The fact is that even without the use of this Chinese term, it is logically clear: a healthy environment and climate in the house, the beauty of the design, the coziness and comfort of the interior elements, timely repairs, when all the residents are healthy and feel excellent in their places - this is the key to knowingly correct Feng Shui in your interior.

Note Pictures can be enlarged by pressing the left key.


Feng Shui interior: yin and yang

Symbol – white tiger
Feminine, yin energy
Femininity, passivity, weakness, softness, compliance

Darkness, stillness (peace), lifelessness and death
Moon, night, negative
Cold, valley and stagnant water

Symbol – green dragon
Masculine principle, yang energy
Masculinity, dominance, firmness, activity, sound, fire, strength, determination

Light, movement, life
Brightness, day, sun, positive
Warmth, heat, elevated terrain, mountains, dragon

Feng Shui interior: five elements of the elements
Fire, red, south.
Energetic, inspiring, sympathetic, goal-oriented, enthusiastic, intelligent
Requires constant changes in life, full of enthusiasm, enterprising, unbridled A house that is triangular or has many corners and projections
Earth, yellow, center.
Sincere, devoted, kind, reliable, loves to be responsible, strong, stable
Likes to help others Square and squat
Metal, white and other metallic colors, west.
Abundance and material success, clear thinking, attention to detail
Likes to plan her life and works best when surrounded by beautiful things Semicircular or curved
Water, black and blue, north.
Social activity, absolute wisdom, intuition, sensitivity
Interested in spiritual issues, loves to study If the house seems shapeless, for example, because it was being completed
Tree, green, east.
Creative, caring, family-oriented, flexible in approach, associated with growth
Loves challenging tasks Skyscraper

I will continue the story about ordinary miracles that, thanks to the art of Feng Shui, will become possible in your life. But I want to remind you again:

Change Feng Shui at home gradually and only after you have cleared the deposits!

There is no need to solve all problems at once, because Feng Shui methods involve gradual changes. First of all, get rid of the junk that has accumulated in the house. If you don’t do this and immediately start using Feng Shui amplifiers, you will only worsen the situation. Do an energy cleanse at home and think about what aspects of your life are most important for you to change right now. You need to choose one of them, maximum two. Prepare for change, accept it and let the new energy take hold in your home. And then you can move on to the next aspect.

One of the students at my seminar, a quite successful cosmetologist, did not take this recommendation seriously. At home, she set to work with great enthusiasm: she hung mirrors everywhere and moved furniture. But the next day, six of her regular clients called and asked to cancel the treatment session. For another lady, excessive activity resulted in a family conflict. Her household said that if she didn’t stop doing “all this Feng Shui” in the apartment, they would leave. Having read the previous chapters of the book, you may have already gotten down to business. Take your time! Be restrained and internally calm!

The mirror corrects the missing bagua area


In some cases, it is necessary to adjust the direction of energy flows. In others, it is to attract vibrations with certain properties into the house. If in some house the welfare zone is located in a negative space - this “piece” is, as it were, cut out of the apartment - then it needs to be “increased” using certain techniques. In another house, this zone may be present, but its residents cannot boast of high incomes. This means that to activate the energy here, you need to strengthen Feng Shui. Life is constant change. By changing your home, you will change too. Your priorities and scale of values ​​will change.

Please note that each room in the house also has its own bagua. The center of the diagram should correspond to the center of the room. And the first zone will be located along the wall where the front door is located. If you have chosen which aspect needs to be changed first, then work on the corresponding bagua zone in the entire room and the bagua zone of those rooms where you spend the longest time. You need to be clear about what you are striving for, just like when carrying out energy cleansing. The purer and more definite the intention, the more benefits Feng Shui will bring. They must be used consciously. You cannot be guided by selfish interests. So imagine that you are doing good to others. When installing a Feng Shui amplifier, you can hold a small ceremony. This will create the right mood and allow you to concentrate on your intention.


In the wonderful fairy tale about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the evil queen, turning to the magic mirror, asks: “Mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful in the world?” One day the mirror replies: “You are beautiful, but Snow White is even more beautiful” (Russian readers are more familiar with the tale of “The Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights” - Transl.).
Alice, the heroine of Lewis Carroll's “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” also finds herself in the mysterious Through the Looking Glass. Many folk superstitions, signs, and fortune telling are associated with mirrors. They have long been attributed extraordinary properties. From a Feng Shui point of view, a mirror is a powerful energy converter. They are used so widely in ancient art that they are now jokingly called “Feng Shui aspirin,” a panacea for all diseases.


The reflective surface of the mirror effectively corrects the energy of the missed area. In particular, by placing a mirror on one of the interior walls so that it reflects part of the room, you can “recreate” the missing bagua area. There is no need to hang mirrors facing each other on opposite walls. And if you have a window on one of the walls that “closes” the missing zone, then it would be appropriate to use a crystal, not a mirror. I will tell you more about crystals a little later.


Soon after placing the mirror in the bagua zone, you will feel its effect. New vibrations will come into the space of your home and its energy will become more active. Let me remind you once again that everything is good in moderation. An abundance of mirrors in the house can cause dizziness and nausea, and you will not be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that open before you.

It is enough to hang one mirror in the room. And if necessary, you can put a couple of smaller pieces there.


A mirror will help bring more light into a dark, gloomy room. And the more light, the more positive energy it contains. In addition, a mirror surface will help “expand a cramped room. Remember the tiny toilet cabins on airplanes. If there were no mirrors, some passengers would feel an attack of claustrophobia. For the same purpose, mirrors are often used in the interior of restaurants, bars, and shops. In the home a mirror can visually increase the volume of a room, expand a long narrow corridor.


Using a mirror you can “double” the strength of the energy flow. In business, one of the favorite Feng Shui techniques is to install a mirror in front of the cash register to symbolically double profits. To increase sales, place a mirror wall behind the shelves with goods.

I do not recommend hanging a mirror so that your desktop is reflected in it. This is like a warning: the amount of work may double, but there is no guarantee that earnings will also double. And I remind you: before hanging the mirrors, clear out the deposits of rubbish in the house. You don’t want to double your problems?!


You must remember that a large number of mirrors in the bedroom will prevent you from relaxing and getting a good night's sleep. If you decide to hang a mirror in this room, choose an oval shape rather than a rectangular one. It is undesirable to see yourself in the mirror lying on the bed. Therefore, place the mirror so that you do not see your reflection in it when you are lying in bed. In children's bedrooms, in principle, you should not hang a mirror. But if the child himself insists on this, trust his intuition.


A mirror is too powerful a magical tool that cannot be handled carelessly. If you place a mirror against the wall in the wrong place, energy will circulate randomly throughout your home, creating unnecessary fuss and chaos in your affairs. While you are not using the mirror, “turn off” it - cover it with a cloth or unfold the reflective surface so that sunlight does not fall on it.


A large mirror should hang so that you can see yourself in full height. Under no circumstances “cut off” the head of the reflection! This is especially important if you constantly look in that mirror. When there are children in the house, place the mirror so that they can fully see their reflection in it or not see themselves at all. A child may develop a feeling of inferiority if he sees, for example, only the top of his head in the mirror.
When the mirror is not large enough and it reflects a seemingly “decapitated” body, pain in the neck may occur. And if you see your legs without a torso in the mirror, you will feel an ache in your lower back. The mirror should not cut your image into pieces! Mirrors on stands that tilt at a certain angle, and those that stand on dressing tables, often have this feature.

One of my clients had a mirror hanging too low for several years. And she never saw the top of his head. I suffered from painful migraines for years! When the woman moved the mirror higher, the headaches stopped. You need to place the mirror so that there is always free space above the head of your reflection. This will help you develop spiritual potential and achieve great success.
Do not create a “mirror corridor” - a situation where there are endless mirrors. are reflected in each other. Energy will rush between them and leave the house. One of my clients placed two mirrors opposite each other in the hallway. The corridor in his apartment was in the first bagua zone, which is also responsible for professional achievements. The man worked hard, but without much success. On my advice, he removed one of the mirrors. And soon he was appointed to a leadership position.

And one more important point. A perfectly positioned mirror will be of little use if it reflects unsightly objects. Let your mirror reflect beautiful sights and things. In addition, do not lean mirrors against the wall “sideways” or tilt them at an angle. In this case, the reflection will be distorted, and the result that was expected will not be achieved. The mirror must be securely attached to the wall.


The larger the mirror, the better. This is the case when we are talking about a house or apartment. True, the dimensions of the mirror must correspond to the proportions of the room. An exception is allowed in the case when it completely occupies a niche or recess in the wall. The mirror must have a frame. Open edges of the mirror will provoke minor obstacles and troubles in your life. The shape of the mirror can be round, oval, square or rectangular. The mirror should be wide enough so that you can see your reflection without having to bend over to see it. First of all, this applies to the mirror in the bathroom. If it reflects the things around you, it will give you confidence and strength. It is unacceptable to use mirror tiles in the interior. The reflection will be crushed into dozens of pieces, which will depress your psyche and accordingly affect your entire life. The installation of casement mirrors and mirror panels on cabinets can also lead to undesirable consequences.

Convex mirrors are powerful but short-term energy stimulators. They are akin to antibiotics - they should be used rarely and if there is no other option. Antibiotics should not be overused as this will reduce their effectiveness and may cause harm. One of my clients, a businesswoman, for a long time could not recruit staff for her company. Following my advice, she hung a convex mirror in the assistants and friends area. Soon she received letters from dozens of people wanting to work for her company. And when the financial situation of the company worsened, she moved the mirror to the Welfare zone. After this things went smoothly. A woman skillfully and only when necessary uses this remedy. Therefore, it achieves the desired result.


The mirror will serve you well if you keep it perfectly clean. The reflective surface must be clear and unclouded. Tarnished mirrors do not give good results. And old, antique mirrors can play a cruel joke on the owner. For example, a woman who once turned to me for advice lived in a large house. The foyer, located in the first zone of the bagua - Path and Career - was decorated with three huge antique mirrors, fairly faded with time. And from the time these mirrors appeared in the House, the woman and her husband were unemployed and in hopeless debt. I recommended removing the “beautiful mirrors” immediately. The same applies to cracked mirrors - believe the old folk superstition. Cracked glass should be thrown away immediately and replaced with a new one.


The atmosphere in the room, colored with rainbow reflections cast by the crystal hanging on the window, seems light, festive and joyful. By refracting the sun's rays, the crystal scatters colorful sparkles throughout the room. Symbolically, this means that a large number of positive vibrations are being attracted into your home. Crystals activate energy and raise it to a higher level. The most suitable place for them is a window so that a stream of light passes through them. Like a mirror, a crystal helps to strengthen both a certain area of ​​the bagua and expand the missing space. If the area adjacent to the window is “cut out,” then hang the crystal on the window and the problem will be solved.


It is best to hang the crystal in the top and central part of the window. Please note that it enhances the energy of the area where it is located, so I recommend placing objects nearby that symbolically express your desires. Photos will also be appropriate.


I advise you to choose transparent multifaceted crystals as a Feng Shui enhancer. A full spectrum of colors will help you unleash your spiritual and creative potential.

Spherical crystals will bring harmony to the room. They are suitable for different rooms. It is better to hang a small crystal in a nursery or small room - up to 20 millimeters in diameter. In a banquet hall, a large crystal - about 70 millimeters in diameter - would be more appropriate. Consider the size of the window you are going to hang the crystal on.


Do not use crystals with chips or damaged edges. They will distort the vibrations, and the result will leave much to be desired. Keep windows and crystals clean. It is advisable to wash the latter once a week, or once a month. To remember this, remember, for example, that the crystal must be washed on the first of every month. There is no need to remove them from the window. Simply place the crystal in a cup of clean spring water and then allow it to dry naturally. If you continually take care of your crystal, it will repay you in spades.


You can so skillfully organize a lighting system in a room that a gloomy basement will turn into a cozy restaurant-cellar, and a dull shop will resemble a boutique or souvenir shop. Artificial lighting will help create the right mood, stimulate inspiration and an influx of fresh energy. Set up the top and bottom lights so that they highlight decorations in certain areas of the bagua, beautiful plants or screens. The outside of the building also needs to be illuminated - so that your house looks like a guiding beacon. Then you will return home in a more joyful mood. The overhead light should help you increase the level of energy that finds itself crushed by low or sloping ceilings, squeezed into a cramped room or in a long narrow corridor.

You can also correct the missing bagua zone in a private house using a spotlight. Mentally draw the missing corner, place a spotlight there and direct the light towards the entire building.


Chinese bells and wind chimes are already quite popular here. But not everyone knows how to use them correctly. People often hang these bells (wind chimes) in hallways and doorways. And to avoid touching them, you have to bend down. And being in the wrong position, the bells only interfere with the normal flow of energy.

Wind chime or Chinese wind chime

In general, in Feng Shui, bells (wind chimes) are usually used not to activate, but to harmonize sharp, directed vibrations. Their operating principle is simple. Imagine standing outside on a windy day and exposing your palm to the air flow. If you hold your fingers together, you will feel a strong pressure, the wind will seem to “beat off” your palm. But if you move your fingers apart, the wind pressure will decrease. Likewise, bells (wind chimes) slow down and regulate the rapid flow of vibrations. A melodious chime improves the energy level in the room. They don’t even have to ring: bells of this type have been used by Feng Shui practitioners for thousands of years; they constantly interact actively with the energy of space and invisible forces.

Where are bells (wind chimes) appropriate? For example, if the front door in your house is opposite the stairs leading to the second floor, then the “breeze” can be hung from the ceiling approximately halfway between the bottom step of the stairs and the door. The energy - and therefore money and luck - that comes down the stairs will not quickly “jump out” out the door, but will dissipate inside the room. In some houses, designers install a back entrance opposite the main one. Energy, in this case, rushes through the house without stopping. And it will be extremely difficult for you to find luck in life. To remedy the situation, you need to hang a garland of bells somewhere on the path between the doors. Wind chimes are appropriate in a long corridor to calm an aggressive flow of energy, and in the bagua zone where you want to neutralize destructive tendencies in your life. Bells (wind chimes) raise the overall energy level in the house. The Balinese place bamboo wind chimes on the eaves of their houses. Swaying in the wind, they emit a melodic chime that can be heard far across the rice fields. Merchants are advised to hang wind chimes at the entrance to the store so that business can proceed briskly and without interference.


The shape of plant leaves should symbolically express the nature of your desires. Feng Shui recommends plants with straight stems and rounded leaves. I myself like the so-called “money tree” (Crassula Argentea). It is especially good to place it in the Money and Wealth zone.

Spiny plants should not be placed in small rooms. They are also a source of cutting qi, which can cause endless arguments in the house and create a tense environment. Such plants “work” especially negatively in the zone of Family relationships.

One of the students at my seminar kept a collection of cacti in the Money and Wealth zone for seventeen years. Realizing what this was leading to, he got rid of all the cacti the next day. At this time, his wife was visiting her aunt in Singapore. And she suddenly called him and said that her aunt had written them a check for a decent amount. The last time a relative showed such generosity was seventeen years ago. They bought the house with the money transferred then.


Our pets also activate the energy of space because they move around the house and set vibrations in motion. I remember a time when one little girl, having learned about bagua, put her hamster in the Money Zone and made him run around and spin the wheel. A couple of weeks later, the young “entrepreneur” called me and happily told me that her parents began giving her three times more money for pocket expenses. True, the hamster grew thin from constant running and became sad and lethargic. We discussed what happened and came to the conclusion that the hamster's health is more important than extra money.


Against a stationary background, any movement immediately attracts attention and activates energy: It is no coincidence that flashing signs are used in shop windows, advertising is placed in the form of a creeping line, on billboards with a changing picture, etc. All this attracts a potential buyer. Moving walkways and escalators have a beneficial effect on energy. True, this is provided that there are as many or more escalators moving up than down. At home, you can use movable metal structures and abstract pendulums as Feng Shui amplifiers. They should be placed in the bagua area that you want to “revive”.


Massive stone statues and decorative vases can serve as a means of “grounding” unwanted energy. This is especially important if you sleep in a room with an empty space underneath.

Massive pieces of furniture or large objects made of wood and stone can stabilize the situation. And in order to “break through” a situation that cannot be resolved, you just need to rearrange the furniture! When it comes to career advancement, move a massive object into the first bagua zone. Not enough money? Well, put it in the Well-Being zone. And if family relationships have gone wrong, place them in the Marriage zone. But keep in mind that if this item is left there for a long time, it will cause stagnation of energy, and your efforts will again not bring the desired result.


Paintings, photographs and some interior items can symbolically express your aspirations. Place them in the desired areas of the bagua. One of my clients could not meet her “Prince Charming”. She complained that all her friends were so phlegmatic that “you would even light a fire under them to get them to move!” In her home, I discovered a massive statue of a seated Buddha who had been sitting comfortably in the Marriage and Relationship area for many years. I advised replacing the statue with a more active image - say, hanging a poster with a sort of macho man in his prime. And it worked!

Pictures of balloons, angels, airplanes, birds, butterflies - everything that flies will help smooth out the impression of low, overhanging ceilings. If you hang a picture of, say, a flock of ducks flying next to a steep staircase, it will become easier to climb the stairs because the energy will flow smoothly.


In any Chinese restaurant you will see, if not an aquarium with fish, then at least an image of fish playing in the water. A fish frolicking in water is one of the most popular Feng Shui enhancers. It is a symbol of prosperity and the Chinese use it widely in business.

A fountain located between your house and a dangerous object can extinguish the cutting qi emitted by the corner of a neighboring house or the road. You can install a birdbath in the missed area. Birds will constantly activate the energy there, improving the general condition of the house.


I once lived in a large Victorian house. There I conducted a kind of experiment: I painted the walls of the rooms in different colors. There was a red room, a brown room, etc. in the house. Then I became convinced in practice that each color has its own effect on mood and feelings. Red is the most active color, it immediately attracts attention. Many shopping centers on busy streets use red in their logos and window displays. Green color gives energy and heals from illness. Yellow enhances emotionality, while blue, on the contrary, cools ardor and calms. Brown symbolizes stability. But when there is too much of it, it depresses as too “down to earth.” The color pink expresses the feeling of love. And orange promotes appetite. So if you're on a diet to lose weight, don't paint your kitchen walls orange!

It is believed that white and black are not colors, but the combination of all the colors of the spectrum and their absence. Different cultures interpret the meaning of black and white in their own way. The Balinese consider white to be the most noble color, which signifies purity of thoughts and the continuity of the circle of life and death. In China, white is a symbol of death and mourning. The presence of white in home decoration will help reveal your abilities. But its excess is a sign of the lack of a clear goal in life. Black color is associated with mystery, uncertainty, and a certain transition period. For example, many teenagers like to wear black clothes and paint the walls of their rooms black. This happens during the period of searching for ourselves.

The effects of color have been studied by many scientists. But there are no general recommendations on what color to choose to decorate your home. Here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the individual and her life experience. Colors and smells can awaken memories long buried in the depths of the subconscious. The author of the famous Luscher test, Dr. Max Luscher, conducted a study to explain why a person prefers one color over another. In his opinion, color preferences are determined by “the state of the psyche at the moment or the work of the endocrine glands.”

When you enter the house, you immediately react to the color of the door and walls in the hall. Color is your mood, which means your aspirations, opportunities, and productivity of actions. So choose colors that make you feel good. Muted, pastel colors, which have higher vibrations than pure tones, are more suitable for children's rooms. But as children grow older, they begin to like bright colors more and more. Let the child, when he decides on his preferences, choose the color of his room. Catch your internal changes too. And if new vibrations have come into your life, then change the color scheme of your home accordingly.

Recently, the wonderful octagonal Bagua talisman has become widely known and popular, but remember that you need to use the Yin Bagua, where the trigrams are placed in accordance with the Pre-Heaven order.

Bagua Talisman

Protective Bagua is renowned as a very powerful Feng Shui tool, and this is true. Hanging from the outside of the office above the door, it reflects large portions of bad energy. It is especially effective when used to counteract the deadly breath of trees, straight roads, deadly intersections and dangerous rooftop contours.

At the same time, Bagua must be used with caution. This is a very powerful symbol that works by sending its own strong negative energy towards the one heading towards your door. The power of the Bagua is believed to be due not only to its octagonal shape, but also to the mirror at its center and the trigrams arranged in a circle.

An indispensable condition is to never hang Bagua inside your office or home. If you need to solve problems associated with poor Feng Shui in your interior, use one or more of the following measures, but under no circumstances use Bagua. Once you do this, everyone in your home and office will start fighting with each other. Relationships and productivity will suffer, and if your problems were small before, now they will become big. In fact, I am so actively discouraging you from using Bagua because, in dealing with Feng Shui problems, the Bagua mirror unwittingly causes harm to everyone. What better way to use other, less dangerous means of Feng Shui.

There are two ways of arranging trigrams in Bagua and in ancient times, when Feng Shui practice focused not only on houses for the living, but also on “houses for the dead,” that is, tombs, both of these methods were used in the analysis.

Yin Feng Shui and Bagua

The “pre-celestial” (that is, existing in an ideal world, before and outside the creation of the universe - “sky”) arrangement of trigrams around the Bagua was used in cases where the Feng Shui of graves and cemeteries was assessed. Since ancient times, the Chinese have believed that this branch of Feng Shui (Yin Feng Shui) is extremely effective and much more powerful in influencing the well-being of a family over a long period of time than any other. Some people still claim that Yin Feng Shui works over the course of five generations.

Nowadays, knowledge of Yin Feng Shui is rapidly being lost, as many old masters refuse to undertake services related to the design of tombs and graves.

In the Yin Bagua, the Qian trigram is located in the south, directly opposite the Kun trigram, located in the north. It is believed that the pre-celestial arrangement of the trigrams turns the Bagua into a powerful symbol of protection. This is the arrangement depicted on protective talismans. Such Baguas are hung above the front door of the house to repel the attack of hostile sha-qi generated by obstacles, straight roads and other attacking structures.

I urge all those who have been advised to use the Yin Bagua to repel attacks from poisonous arrows to under no circumstances hang it inside their home or office. This Bagua reflects the deadly energy that causes major failures.

Yin Bagua should always be hung only outside the door and never placed inside the house itself. Even when hanging outdoors, try to use other corrective Feng Shui techniques if it turns out that the Bagua is directed at your neighbors. Always strive to apply corrective measures that do not cause harm to other people.

Bagua Mirror and Yang Feng Shui

Yang Feng Shui is only applicable to homes for the living, and its Bagua, or Yang Bagua, which can be relied upon for analysis is based on the Post-Heavenly (that is, existing in the real, created universe) arrangement. In the Yang Bagua, the arrangement of the trigrams is significantly different from the Yin Bagua. You must learn to distinguish between these two Baguas. The simplest way of recognition is to remember the location of the main trigrams Qian and Kun.

In the Yang Bagua, the Qian trigram is in the northwest, and the Kun trigram is in the southwest. Thus, in Feng Shui of houses for the living, the place of the “owner of the house” is the northwest, and this orientation or corner of the house takes on special significance. Therefore, there should not be a toilet, kitchen or storage room there. The place of the “mistress of the house” is the southwest; by analogy with the northwestern corner, you should not place a toilet here either.

In the practice of Yang Feng Shui, it is extremely important that the correct Bagua is used when conducting an analysis. Almost all feng shui recommendations related to directions, orientations and elements are based on the Japanese arrangement of the eight trigrams. This is the fundamental basis of Feng Shui theory.

All people want to receive certain benefits, avoid negative influences on their lives, and dream of a prosperous destiny. In most cases, all the bonuses of luck and independence are obtained through labor, purposeful efforts and calm overcoming of difficulties. But there are situations when it seems that nothing is working out, the result is delayed indefinitely, and then many people remember talismans. The Chinese teachings of Feng Shui and all its symbolism have gained great popularity. The mysterious Bagua mirror promises its owners protection and patronage, but at the same time, if placed incorrectly, it means big trouble.

What is a Bagua mirror?

In the Feng Shui system there are certain tools, using which creative forces are attracted into a person’s living space. One of them is Bagua. The mirror placed in the center of the octagonal frame is an addition, with its own characteristics, to the main purpose of the instrument. The bagua is an octagon with symbols of the Book of Changes on each side.

Each of the eight trigrams denotes a certain aspect of life, and all together consolidates material objects, feelings, emotions, and energies into a single whole. The eight trigrams, in turn, are divided into two parts - Yin and Yang. United together symbolize harmony, the balance of the forces of nature and life. There is a mirror in the center of the octagon. It comes in three types: flat, convex, concave. The center of the Bagua symbol, the mirror, carries powerful energy, but is not associated with any of the eight trigrams and is not a unifying core.

Types of mascot

There are two types of Bagua:

  • The “Celestial Bagua” mirror is a symbol of the ideal world that existed before the creation of the Universe. The trigrams on his wings refer to Yin energy. It is a powerful amulet that is hung on the outside of the house (windows, doors); it is believed that the amulet is capable of reflecting the negative energy of Sha.
  • “After-Heavenly Bagua” - has the yang nature of the arrangement of symbols. It is used inside the house to furnish a home, office and any room.

The differences between the two types of talisman are not in the outline of the symbols, but in their placement. In the Yin script, the trigrams “kun” and “qian” are located in the southeast. The Insk placement of trigrams is north-west. The trigram “kun” denotes the place of the mistress of the hearth, and “qian” - the place of the owner of the house.

Mirror as a hub

In addition to the difference in the symbolism of the trigrams, the amulets differ in the central part of the Bagua symbol:

  • Mirror with a flat surface.
  • With a concave surface.
  • Convex surface.

Its influence on the life of a particular person and on the space in which he will live depends on what optical effect the talisman will give.

Properties of mirrors

Each of the three optical mirror solutions carries certain functions:

  • Flat A Bagua mirror reflects and returns (to space, a specific person, source) any type of energy.
  • Convex the mirror takes on negative energy and dissipates it in space, thereby depriving it of strength (passive resistance). There is another explanation for the properties: negative energy is concentrated in the mirror and remains there forever - trigrams prevent it from breaking out and causing trouble.
  • Concave the Bagua mirror concentrates negative energy, turning its flow into a sharp thin ray that destroys everything it is directed at - this is one of the options for interpreting the action. There is another explanation for how such a mirror works: the negative energy caught by the concave reflective surface turns over, dissipates the focus and evil loses its power.

It seems that all three amulet options would be useful, but there are rules by which you should find a place and place the Bagua correctly. A mirror with any optical property is almost a weapon, and if handled frivolously, it brings disaster to the reckless owner.

Feng Shui placement rules

According to the Bagua classification, a mirror with a concave surface with the Yin (Celestial) inscription of trigrams is hung only on the external sides of the house, windows, doors. There is a certain danger in such placement: the mirror should not be allowed to reflect the neighbors' windows or door. Even if you really don’t like your neighbors and want to “teach them a lesson,” you shouldn’t rush to make sudden movements - everything will return, according to the “boomerang law” and hit with triple force the one who decided to take a destructive action. If you have an irresistible desire, it is better to get by with a mirror with a flat surface.

The Yang (After-Heaven) Bagua mirror can be hung in the house if no other ways to attract positive energy work. Such situations almost never happen, because the art of organizing space, Feng Shui, has hundreds of tools, except Bagua. In the specialist’s arsenal there are combinations of materials that neutralize any negative manifestations, can redirect the flow of energies or transform them into positive ones.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the Bagua mirror is a powerful tool that must be used with great care, so experts do not recommend placing it in residential spaces. There are a lot of ways to improve energy without bringing in the “heavy artillery” of Bagua, which, with the slightest change in the angle of inclination of the surface, will immediately change the positive effect to a negative one.


For the Bagua symbol, a mirror is not a mandatory attribute. The soft action of the amulet will be brought about by an octagonal frame with trigrams, in the center of which an image of an animal is inserted. This option will help harmonize the energy inside the house. They are placed on stands or suspended in a neutral space overhead.

When choosing a talisman, you should pay attention to the play of emotions on the symbolic image of the animal - an evil expression will “scare away” negative energy and neutralize its influence. Animals with good emotions will invite positive, harmonious relationships in the family into the house.

One of the common variants of the amulet is when in the central part of the Bagua the mirror is replaced with a symbol of the Yin-Yang combination. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the correct location of the applied symbol of harmony; if the drawing is incorrect, the amulet will lose its properties and will become a simple accessory in the interior.


Feng Shui experts, when placing objects in the house, always warn their clients that they should never look into the Bagua mirror. This leads to negative consequences for a person - energy flows into the mirror, dissipates, and then it takes a long time to restore it. And if the surface is not smooth, then you can even invite illness, a major quarrel and other troubles.

You shouldn’t make a spontaneous decision and buy the first Bagua mirror you come across. Photos of various versions of the amulet are present in most catalogs of stores with oriental goods. This way you can look at the symbolism in detail, estimate the size and understand which option will suit your home.