Rye flour bread recipe. Rye bread

Rye bread is a traditional addition to any dish. It can be prepared with yeast or sourdough. A mixture of rye and wheat flour is used as a base.


Rye bread is a collection of all black breads that are baked on the basis of rye flour. Now in the countries of the former USSR, the consumption of this product accounts for 50% of all bakery products. This type of baking is very healthy, as it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and microelements. It contains one and a half times more iron than products made from wheat flour.

Features of making rye bread

You can bake bread from rye flour at home. You can use yeast or sourdough for this. The product is baked in the oven, slow cooker or bread maker. It all depends on the availability of household appliances. But bread cooked in the oven also turns out very tasty. The only difference is the time savings.

How to make rye bread in a bread machine

In a bread machine, the dough is not only baked, but also kneaded. This device allows you not to get your hands dirty when kneading the dough, so baking delicious pastries in it is much easier than in the oven. In addition, the time spent on washing dishes is significantly reduced.

To prepare a fragrant rye loaf, you need to add the following products to the bread machine bowl:

  • 1.5 cups rye flour;
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • a spoonful of olive oil or melted margarine;
  • a glass of whey;
  • a teaspoon of cumin;
  • salt and sugar.
Load all the ingredients into the bread machine, close the lid and set the “Rye bread” mode. You don't need to do anything else. The technology will do everything for you. The preparation and baking time for the dough is 3 hours. During this time you will receive a tasty and aromatic loaf.

Initially, rye bread was prepared without the use of yeast using sourdough. Nowadays, enterprises involved in baking bakery products introduce tremors into this product. This speeds up the production time and makes bread cheaper.

Baking rye bread at home in a slow cooker

Now many people have a multicooker at home. Housewives use this device for preparing not only soups and main courses, but also for baking.

To bake rye bread in a slow cooker, prepare the following products:

  • 350 g rye flour;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • coriander.
This bread is dark with a rich, spicy flavor. To prepare it, make a dough. Pour salt and sugar into warm milk, pour in butter. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes. Pour the dough into the pre-sifted flour mixture. Chop a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of coriander seeds with a knife.

Pour vegetable oil onto the table and knead the dough on a slippery surface. Preheat the multicooker bowl and turn off the appliance. Leave the bread to proof for 30 minutes. The product needs to be baked in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

The dough turns out stiff and difficult to knead. Don't add too much flour as this will make the lump even tougher.

How to cook bread from rye flour in the oven

If you want to bake rye bread for the first time, prepare the dough with the addition of wheat flour. Rye dough is very capricious and does not rise well; wheat flour will help speed up the process. Mix it with rye in a 1:1 ratio.

For the dough, take a glass of whey, 20 g of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar. Leave the dough in a warm place for 2 hours. Pour the liquid into 500 g of flour mixture and add a tablespoon of margarine and vegetable oil. Add a teaspoon of salt and chopped garlic. Leave the dough to “rest” for 2 hours. Knead the mixture and roll it into a ball. Flatten the ball, trying to make a thick cake. Leave to proof for 40 minutes. Bake in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes.

Despite the simplicity of the dish, it is not always possible to bake delicious and airy bread at home. To prevent your first loaf from coming out lumpy, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. Be sure to prepare the dough.
  2. Knead the dough thoroughly.
  3. Place the bread in the hot oven.
  4. If you want a crispy crust, after baking, sprinkle the hot bread with cold water and cover with a towel.
  5. Prepare a dish in a good mood.

Rye bread recipes

There are many ways to prepare rye bread. A mixture of rye and wheat flour is usually used as a base. Wheat flour makes the dough softer and more pliable. Ideally, bread made from rye flour should be prepared with sourdough, but in order to prepare the dish faster, yeast is used.

Recipe for bread made from rye flour with yeast

To prepare a fragrant loaf of bread you need to prepare the following products:
  • 300 g rye flour;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 400 ml warm water;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • spoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Pour the yeast from the bag into warm water, add sugar and salt. Leave the container with liquid for 15 minutes. During this time, a high, foamy “cap” should appear on the surface of the water. Pour sunflower oil into the liquid and stir.

Sift the wheat and rye flour and mix them together. Pour the yeast water into the flour mixture and stir. Knead a stiff dough. Cover it with film and place in a warm place for 60 minutes.

After this, knead again and put in the mold for 40 minutes. Wrap the mold with cling film. This will allow the bread to rise. Place the bread in the oven.
Approximate baking time is 40 minutes. There is no need to grease the pan; there is no need to cover the bread with the egg mixture.

Homemade rye bread recipe with flax seeds

Very aromatic and tasty rye bread can be prepared at home without using a bread machine or multicooker. To do this, you need to mix rye and wheat flour in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture will need 600 g.

Pour a spoonful of water into an empty jar and add sugar, crumble 40 g of yeast into the resulting syrup. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. After a while, you will find a viscous air mass in the jar. Pour a glass of water into it and add a spoonful of salt. Add 50 g margarine. Add 150 g of flax seeds to the flour mixture.

Mix liquid and dry mass. Knead a stiff dough. Leave it for 1.5 hours. Knead the lump again and place it in the mold. Let rise for 40 minutes and bake in a hot oven for 50 minutes. You can use metal or silicone molds for baking. They do not need to be greased, since the rye dough does not stick to the surface during baking.

The loaf can be sprinkled with flax seeds or sesame seeds. To get a crispy crust, spray the bread with cold water before putting it in the oven.

Recipe for yeast-free rye bread with soda

There are several options for making rye bread without yeast. Sourdough or soda is used as a “lifting mechanism”. Sourdough bread takes a long time to prepare, since the nutrient mixture for raising the flour requires 3 days.

If you urgently need bread, then use the recipe with soda. For the loaf you will need a glass of kefir or sour milk. Mix rye flour with soda and nuts. Take 500 g of flour, and 100 g of nuts, ? teaspoon of soda. Pour a little vegetable oil into kefir.

Mix the liquid with flour. Knead a stiff dough. Try to do everything quickly, as the dough may settle from long-term storage. Place the resulting loaf in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Cover the form with foil. After the time has elapsed, remove the foil and brown the bread for another 15 minutes.

Sourdough rye bread recipe

This is an old recipe in which malt or a special starter is used instead of yeast. To prepare the starter you need to take 100 g of flour and water. Rye flour is required. The result should be a mass whose viscosity resembles pancake dough.

Pour this mixture into a jar and place in a warm place for 2 days. During this time, bubbles appear on the surface of the dough and it makes noise. Add another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water to the mixture. Leave the mixture for another day. Now put the starter in the refrigerator.

It can be used all at once. In this case, you will need 500 g of flour or flour mixture (rye and wheat flour in equal quantities). Pour 50 ml of melted butter into the starter. Pour the viscous mass into the flour and knead into a stiff dough. Don't forget about sugar and salt.

Form the dough into a loaf and leave it for 3-4 hours. When the bread is well done, sprinkle it with water and sprinkle with flax seeds or cumin. Bake in the oven for one and a half hours.

The sourdough recipe requires more time, but the bread turns out very flavorful. In addition, it does not become moldy for a very long time. There is no harm from it, like from baking with yeast.

Recipe for Lithuanian beer bread

This is a unique savory bread recipe. The taste is slightly sweet. A mixture of yeast and beer is used as a leavening agent. To prepare the dough, take a mixture of rye and wheat flour in equal proportions.


  • 500 g flour mixture (rye flour + wheat);
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of dark beer;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil;
  • egg.
Place all the ingredients in the bowl of the bread machine, and if there is a “Rye bread” mode, turn it on. Some bread makers do not have this feature. Then knead the dough in the “Pizza” or “Bread” mode. Leave to proof for 2 hours. Bake for 50 minutes.

Recipe for rye bread with cheese and nuts

To bake savory nut bread, prepare 500 g of a mixture of rye and wheat flour for the dough. The dough is prepared from 200 ml of milk, 20 g of compressed yeast and a spoon of honey. After a “cap” appears on top of the liquid, add 50 g of vegetable oil and a spoonful of salt to it.

Grate the cheese and grind the nuts in a meat grinder. For one loaf you will need 50 g of cheese and nuts. Add these ingredients to the flour mixture.

Mix the dry mass and dough. Knead soft dough. Leave it alone for 2 hours. Knead the dough and form it into bread. Place the products in a warm place for an hour. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

How to make rye bread at home - see below:

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes. Experiment and choose the option that suits you best.

Rye bread is several times superior to wheat bread in terms of the content of magnesium, fiber, vitamins, potassium, iron and mineral salts. In addition, rye flour contains the amino acid “lysine”, which is important for humans and helps eliminate toxins.

Homemade food always tastes better than store-bought food. Although making rye bread at home is difficult, it is worth a try. After all, a fragrant bun of freshly baked bread has a magical effect.

How to bake rye bread - cooking principles

There are many recipes for baking fragrant loaves at home. The dough is prepared on the basis of sourdough, with or without the addition of yeast, the dough is brewed and even kefir is added to it.

  • There are two basic rules that unite all recipes. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when kneading the dough and use high-quality flour.
  • The quality of flour can be determined by several characteristics. It is soft to the touch and dry. If you make a “snowball” from flour, it will not crumble immediately, but when pressed, it will leave a mark on the surface.
  • You can achieve uniform porosity of the pulp and fluffiness if you first sift the flour. This is a must!
  • At home, rye bread is baked with the addition of wheat flour. It is strictly forbidden to change its quantity.
  • Depending on the recipe, the temperature at which it is necessary is indicated. Strictly adhere to degrees when cooking.

How to bake rye bread with yeast

The main secret of this recipe is boiling water. Therefore, it is important to take into account not only the recipe, but also the dough kneading technology.


  • bread yeast – 30 gr.;
  • coarse rye flour – 200 gr.;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • premium wheat flour – 350 gr.;
  • fine salt – 10 g;
  • dry rye malt – 2 tbsp;
  • boiling water.
  • Sift all the flour, but do not mix. Add malt to 150 gr. wheat flour. Prepare 300 ml. gradually pour boiling water into this dry mixture. Mix the dough thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  • Pour some warm water into a separate bowl and dissolve the yeast in it. Then add sugar and salt. Mix well.
  • Combine the yeast with the flour mixture. You will get a brownish liquid mass.
  • Pour the remaining flour in parts into the previously prepared mixture. Knead the dough. It should not stick to your hands and have a steep structure.
  • Cover the container with a towel and leave it to rise for 3 hours.
  • Turn on the oven and set 220 degrees. Place a bowl of water on the bottom. Knead the dough again and transfer it to a baking dish, which has been preheated. Sprinkle with flour, cover with a napkin and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Set the dough to bake only when it has risen again. Bread preparation time: 45 minutes.
  • The finished bun must be immediately removed from the pan and wrapped in a kitchen towel. Leave it to “ripen” for about three hours.

How to bake rye bread without yeast using kefir

Baking rye buns without using yeast is possible. A softer pulp structure is obtained by adding kefir to the dough.

Required Products:

  • low-fat kefir or yogurt – 200 ml;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • rye flour – 1 tbsp;
  • finely ground salt – 5 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • a mixture of Provencal herbs - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance. To use it in the dough, bring it to room temperature. Add soda, stir and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • When the mass doubles, add a mixture of salt, sugar and spices.
  • Mix the sifted flour in a separate container and add to the kefir mixture. To achieve a homogeneous mass without lumps, add flour in parts and knead the dough well.
  • If necessary, gradually add wheat flour until a soft and elastic dough forms.
  • Preheat the oven. Place a broiler on top to warm slightly. Grease its walls with butter or cover with parchment. Transfer the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • Before placing the dough in the oven, make a few shallow cuts across the top.
  • Set the temperature to 220 degrees and bake the bread for about 40 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the pan in it for another 20 minutes.
  • Also wrap the bun in a towel after you remove it from the pan.

  • The softer you knead the dough, the fluffier the bread will be.
  • Regular spaghetti will help the dough rise evenly if you pierce it in several places.
  • To ensure even baking of the bread, apply water to the sides of the pan before placing it in the oven.
  • When the bread cools after baking, the middle ripens. Therefore, cutting it while hot is not recommended.
  • It is strictly forbidden to dilute dry yeast with boiling water!

No matter how complex the process of kneading and baking rye bread may be, thanks to the recommendations in this article, you can do it yourself. Bon appetit!

Ecology of consumption. Food and recipes: Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and medicinal at the same time...

Fashion for home baking has been growing in recent years. This is facilitated by the emergence of gadgets that help this, namely bread makers and the ever-increasing interest of people in their health and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, today the question is more relevant than ever - how to bake rye bread without yeast?

Since ancient times in Rus' - for many centuries the main food has been lean bread made from coarse wheat. And this is no coincidence; it is in such flour that all vitamins and grain shells are preserved to a greater extent.

Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and medicinal at the same time. Its use improves intestinal motility, and people who consume black (rye) bread are less likely to expose the body to the development of obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

It is very important to note that black bread helps the body remove carcinogens and many other harmful substances, while white bread cannot do this. Doctors recommend consuming up to 150 grams of rye bread per day without harm to the body - that’s about 3-4 pieces.

Those who like to watch their calorie intake will also be pleasantly surprised by the numbers - 100 grams of black bread corresponds to only 117 kcal.

If yeast is eliminated from at least the bread in your house, the whole family will definitely become healthier. Heartburn will go away, blood will improve, and therefore it’s worth spending time preparing healthy rye bread without yeast at home.

Back to the roots

The first recipe for making dough without yeast


  • Water – 800 ml;
  • Flour – 300 grams (whole grain);
  • Flour – 700 grams (rye);
  • Salt - an incomplete dessert spoon.


  • Pour water(room temperature - neither cold nor hot) into a container and pour salt, mix.
  • We take different seeds– for example, sesame, flaxseed, sunflower. The seeds are pre-fried a little in a frying pan. Pour them into our container.
  • Add 2 heaped tablespoons of homemade sourdough and mix everything again. Homemade sourdough is thick, but you need to stir it well and you can help it dissolve with your hands.
  • We take whole grain flour(this is sold in stores) it contains bran, the middle of the grain, and the surface. The temperature of the flour must be at room temperature.
  • Sift flour into a container(it will be saturated with oxygen during the sifting process) and all unnecessary particles will be eliminated.
  • Add flour in small portions and mix At first everything will be liquid, but gradually it will become thicker and thicker.
  • The dough is not quite ready at this stage, but it needs to be left for 20 minutes, covered with a towel, all the components need to come together.
  • 20 minutes have passed, we take the dough, it has not visually changed- but in fact, flour, salt, water, leaven and seeds were combined into one whole - into our future unleavened rye bread.
  • The dough turned out thick, heavy, rested. Take it out onto a board with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. Flour is poured on the board - approximately 100-120 grams.
  • Knead the dough with your hands, attracting flour into it and removing excess air voids. The warmth of human hands for 2-3 minutes works a miracle - the dough is homogeneous, thick, elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  • The dough is shaped into a kolobok and placed in the container for another 8-10 hours. The dough stands this time, covered with a towel (folded 2-3 times, that is, the fabric is large), in a warm place in the room.
  • Over the past few hours the dough has risen and it's time to put it in baking dishes.
  • Forms may vary– round, rectangular, square, large and small. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with flour.
  • Bread being baked in the oven approximately 60 minutes at a temperature of 180°C. The oven is preheated.
  • Take the bread out of the oven, Let it cool and only then remove it from the mold.
  • Put it in the designated place and cover with a wet (wrung out water) towel for a short time.

The second recipe for making dough without yeast


  • Flour – 650-700 grams, peeled;
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons (replacement – ​​sugar);
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Water – 400 ml;
  • Sourdough – 6-8 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • Additives – various (raisins, dried apricots, seeds).


  • The dough is kneaded of all components, first combine all liquid ingredients and additives.
  • Next add flour in portions, sifting and mixing.
  • The finished dough is laid out in forms, it is allowed to stand (rise, approach) for two hours in a warm place, the molds are covered with a towel.
  • After 2 hours the dough has risen in pans and ready to bake.
  • So that the dough has a nice crispy crust it must be well moistened on top - this can be done with a silicone brush or a spray bottle.
  • Under the bread in the oven Place a container of water.
  • Bake in a preheated oven 20 minutes with oven temperature 200°C, open the door and moisten the surface of the dough with water again.
  • Now we lower the temperature up to 180°C and bake for another 40 minutes.
  • Ready-made black (rye) bread Cool under a damp cloth and remove from the mold.

The third recipe for dough without yeast on mineral carbonated water without sourdough


  • 2 glasses - sparkling mineral water (not cold);
  • 3-3.5 cups – whole grain rye flour;
  • ½ teaspoon – salt.


  • Mix flour with salt.
  • Gradually add sparkling water and stir well. Stir briefly.
  • The dough turned out elastic, does not stick to your hands. This can be adjusted by the amount of water.
  • Making buns(round, oval, loaf-shaped).
  • Lubricate with vegetable oil baking sheet
  • Laying out the buns on a baking sheet and on each workpiece we draw cuts with a knife - parallel or in squares. This must be done so that under the influence of temperature and rising of the dough, it does not “tear” and breaks or cracks do not form.
  • The oven is preheated, Place a baking sheet in it and bake rye bread for 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Properly baked rye bread without yeast can be stored for 3-4 weeks without refrigeration, also his can be frozen– this significantly extends its shelf life. Again, the most delicious bread is piping hot, fresh and appetizing.

Yeast-free rye bread is very goes well with dairy products, vegetables and soup. But meat and meat products to go with it are not the best combination, since the simultaneous presence of bread and meat in the stomach slows down digestion and heartburn and heaviness appear.

Yeast-free sourdough (second name is uterine)

The basis of this starter is lactic acid bacteria from wheat grain. During the ripening process, the starter is enriched with vitamins, which will then be transferred into the bread. To prepare it you need peeled rye flour and water.

  • Take a container(at least 2 liters by volume), it contains 100 ml of water and 3-4 tablespoons of flour. Stir until thick sour cream forms. The mixture is placed in a dark, warm place for 1 day (covered with a towel).
  • The next day the fermentation process is observed and not a very pleasant smell, but this indicates the correct process and the formation of the pathogenic flora we need in the starter. This flora is necessary for feeding lactic acid bacteria.
  • Feeding the starter- 3 tablespoons of peeled rye flour and a little warm water is produced within 5 days.
  • On the fifth day– the sourdough now has not only bubbles and a pleasant smell, but also the correct sponginess. This indicates serious development of bacteria and proper formation of the starter.
  • On day 6, you can use the starter to bake yeast-free rye bread.
  • Sourdough storage:
    • Add water to the starter in the ratio of 1 part starter and 2 parts water - shelf life up to 12 days on the coolest top shelf;
    • Add flour to the starter, roll out the layer, dry and store for a long time at room temperature;
    • Give away (distribute) to friends, relatives and acquaintances with good wishes.

Homemade sourdough is the most important and healthy part of rye bread without yeast.

Sourdough with lactic bacteria Makes rye bread fermented, rich in plant protein. Such black (rye) bread is absorbed by the body by 90-95% and is stored for a long time (for years).

Whatever recipe is chosen, the result will please any family. Various additives when baking rye bread - a wide range of options and variety. published

Recently, it has become very popular to bake homemade sourdough bread. Some people consider this bread to be yeast-free and very healthy (in fact, yeast grows in the leaven). I just like baking homemade bread. But you won’t get high-quality and tasty rye bread without sourdough. Rye bread with yeast will be sticky, as if it was not baked. Moreover, at home no one limits your imagination - you can. optionally add dried fruits, nuts, cumin or coriander. Try it, you won't regret it! It's tasty, interesting and economical! And the smell of freshly baked bread cannot be compared with anything - it creates a special coziness in the house. Your family will appreciate your efforts.


Sourdough – 50 gr.
Water – 400 gr.
Rye flour – 600 -700 gr.
Salt - 1 teaspoon. (I took 1.5, my salted ones love it)
Vegetable oil - for lubricating molds.

You can make your own sourdough starter for homemade rye bread. Good rye sourdough takes more than one day, but the baked goods turn out amazing, aromatic and very tasty. So, we heat 25 milliliters of water to 40 degrees, and mix it with 25 grams of flour. Take a half-liter jar right away, and we’ll prepare the sourdough in it. Cover the mixture with a lid, but do not close it tightly; you can take cling film and pierce it with toothpicks. We just leave it on the kitchen table.

The next day, add a mixture of 50 grams of flour and 50 milliliters of water to the starter. Leave until the next day. On the third day, again follow a mixture of 100 milliliters of water and 100 grams of flour, mix everything, cover again until the next day. On the fourth day, you can hide the jar of sourdough in the refrigerator. And for another 3 days, add a mixture of 20 grams of flour and a similar amount of water. After this time, you can bake delicious homemade rye bread.

How to make homemade rye bread

1. First, mix the dough from water, flour and sourdough. You need to take warm water. Flour approximately 300 - 350 gr. The consistency is like thick rustic sour cream.

2. Dough at room temperature is suitable for 9-12 hours. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times and foam on the surface. It is very convenient to leave the dough overnight. For example, we mixed it at 12:00 at night and in the morning it was ready. Add salt and the rest of the flour (300 - 350 g) to the prepared dough. It is convenient to mix with a wooden spatula.

3. The dough turns out to be very thick, it is a little difficult to mix, but a spatula successfully copes with this task. Later, during proofing, it will become a little more liquid. There is no need to knead for a long time, just mix well so that there are no lumps. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave to proof.

4. After about 1.5 - 2 hours, the dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times. If you kneaded it in a transparent bowl, you will see how airy it became - very beautiful! Now you can get ready to bake.

5. You can use simple aluminum bread pans. They must first be greased with vegetable oil so that the bread can be easily removed after baking. This amount of dough makes three loaves of approximately 350 grams each. Divide the dough into three parts, place in molds and carefully level. It is convenient to mold with wet hands, as the dough is very sticky. And again we put it on proofing. This time, for 40-60 minutes. If you do not have special forms, you can use any others.

When the dough has doubled in volume, it can be placed in the oven. Bread is baked at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. The oven needs to be preheated in advance, making sure that the bread does not overcook. If you have an electric oven, choose the convection mode - it bakes everything evenly. The finished bread is removed from the molds and placed under a towel to cool.

Homemade rye bread recipes

It is impossible to name a more delicious dish than hot homemade, fragrant bread, just piping hot, standing on the table and waiting for fresh butter, cheese and meat products. The picture is picturesque and very appetizing. You can recreate this one yourself and bake delicious homemade rye bread with your own hands, delighting your friends and family.

It’s not very easy to bake rye bread, but if you learn a few tricks, know the sequence and buy the right products, you can master the science of baking quickly and thoroughly. The most proven and suitable homemade recipes will help with this, which will come in handy more than once and will definitely appeal to everyone who tastes your homemade bread.

Homemade rye bread in the oven

  • Rye flour – 300 grams.
  • Wheat flour – 200 grams.
  • Whole grain wheat flour – 20 grams.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Malt – 40 grams.
  • Yeast: dry – 1 tablespoon, fresh – 20 grams.
  • Hot water (boiling water) – 80 milliliters. For malt.
  • Warm water – 350 milliliters. For the test.
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Cumin, coriander, nutmeg - in the dough and for sprinkling, to taste.

This bread recipe is very successful, and most importantly delicious, it is no different from expensive store-bought high-quality bread, but since it is homemade, it will definitely beat any store-bought baked goods in terms of taste. We start by dissolving the malt in hot water, stirring the mixture very thoroughly, leave, covered, until it becomes barely warm.

Tasty and aromatic homemade rye bread is obtained if you sift the flour well and correctly calculate the proportions so that the dough is not heavy and hard. So, pour all the sifted flour (all three types) into a bowl, add salt, ground nutmeg, ground coriander and cumin, dry yeast, mix.

In a separate bowl you need to mix honey and sugar, and dilute it all well in warm water. And then add it to the flour, then add malt, and gradually sunflower oil. Knead the dough without adding flour, although it will be very sticky to your hands. Afterwards, cover and let rise for no more than 3 hours.

When the dough has risen, place it in a mold lined with baking paper and greased with sunflower oil, sprinkle with whole coriander on top. Leave for another hour, then put in the oven for 10 minutes at 220 degrees, then reduce to 200, and leave for another 40 minutes, but regularly check the bread for doneness (everyone’s oven is different).

Homemade rye bread in a bread machine

This is a recipe for “Borodinsky” custard bread, just right for a bread machine, incredibly tasty and satisfying. One loaf weighs 750 grams after cooking.

  • Rye wallpaper flour – 330 grams.
  • Wheat flour – 75 grams.
  • Dry yeast – 1 teaspoon.
  • Dry sourdough – 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Honey or molasses – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Water – 140 milliliters.
  • Sunflower oil - half a teaspoon.
  • Whole coriander - to sprinkle on top of our homemade rye bread.

Leavening for homemade bread

  • Rye flour – 75 grams.
  • Hot water - 250 milliliters.
  • Malt – 3 tablespoons.
  • Ground coriander – 1.5 teaspoons.

The brew is prepared from a mixture of flour, malt and coriander, poured with boiling water. The tea leaves need to be put in a warm place until it cools, you can put it in a thermos, many housewives recommend putting it in the oven at the minimum temperature to keep it warm, in about 2 hours it will be ready.

Now add the now cooled tea leaves, then molasses or honey diluted in water, and then the rest of the ingredients, put the bread machine to “knead the dough”. When the dough is ready, you need to shape the bread and sprinkle with coriander peas, leave for up to 3 hours. After that, for 1 hour and 10 minutes you need to put the bread in the “baking” mode, with a medium crust. Let it cool and try the delicious homemade Borodinsky rye bread.

Homemade rye bread with yeast

  • Rye flour – 130 grams.
  • 2nd grade wheat flour – 260 grams.
  • Fresh yeast – 15 grams.
  • Salt – 10 grams.
  • Sugar – 5 grams.
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Warm water – 250 milliliters.
  • Softened butter – 10 grams.

We will need two bowls, in the first you need to mix half the available flour and a glass of warm water, in the second you need to dilute the yeast with added sugar in warm water (50 milliliters will remain). Leave the ingredients for 40 minutes in a warm place under a kitchen towel.

After the allotted time, you need to knead the dough from the contents of the two vessels that we filled earlier, adding to the mixture all the ingredients according to the list. Mix well, if necessary, you can add another tablespoon or two of flour. Then we form loaves of homemade bread and place them on baking paper, put our bread in the oven for 40 minutes at 220 degrees, but if the oven has such a bonus as airflow, we heat it up to 200.

Homemade rye bread without yeast

A very interesting and unique bread recipe, with unexpected products, will definitely please everyone who tries it, besides, it is very healthy, and completely safe for the figure, in limited quantities, of course.

  • Rye flour – 250 grams.
  • Barley flour – 250 grams.
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet.
  • Butter – 100 grams.
  • Sugar – 50 grams.
  • Whey – 1 glass.
  • Hazelnuts, crumbs – 50 grams.
  • Ground cloves, ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon each.
  • Whole coriander – 1 teaspoon.
  • Yogurt without additives - 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Sunflower oil - to grease the pan.

Making this homemade rye bread is very simple and quick; you don’t need to wait or stand in the kitchen for a long time. You just need to mix all the dry ingredients, spices, sugar, baking powder and flour, then add the butter, rubbing it with your hands, and dilute with whey. Mix everything well, adding nuts, knead the dough.

Grease the mold, pour in the dough, spread yogurt on top, put in the oven for an hour at 150 degrees.

Homemade rye bread in a slow cooker with dried fruits

  • Rye flour – 2 cups.
  • Wheat flour - half a glass.
  • Dry yeast – 11 grams.
  • Malt – 15 grams.
  • Water – 300 milliliters.
  • Honey – 70 grams, it is better to take buckwheat.
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • Olive oil – 5 tablespoons.
  • Raisins – 100 grams.
  • Dried apricots – 50 grams.
  • Pepper, sweet, bell, dried - 2 teaspoons.

Good homemade rye bread can be baked in a slow cooker; this will significantly reduce the cooking time and will please the whole family. Mix all the ingredients, then add water and mix well. Then we place it in a multicooker bowl pre-greased with sunflower oil for 3 hours in the “bread” mode.

After this time, you need to sprinkle the table with flour, onto which you place the dough from the multicooker bowl, knead the dough well, and put it back into the multicooker on bread mode for another 1 hour. After the allotted time, open the multicooker, turn it over into a plate or onto a kitchen board, place it bottom up in the bowl and leave for another 1 hour until fully cooked. We take it out, wait for it to cool, try it with different additives, for example, butter or cheese, salmon and herbs.

Homemade rye bread with coffee

  • Rye flour – 1 cup.
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup.
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon.
  • Natural ground coffee – 2 teaspoons.
  • Water – 330 milliliters.
  • Poppy seeds - for sprinkling bread.
  • Yolk - for greasing bread.

Brew strong coffee, add it while still hot to 100 grams of rye flour and mix well. Then, when the mixture is still warm, add dry yeast and ground pepper. Stir, after 10 minutes you can gradually pour in the remaining rye flour, all the wheat flour, as well as salt, mix again and leave to rise for 40 minutes.

We form a loaf of bread, leave it for another 45 minutes - an hour, after which we transfer it to a form greased with sunflower oil, grease with beaten yolk and generously sprinkle our homemade rye bread with poppy seeds. Set the oven to 230 degrees and leave the bread to bake for 40 minutes.

With or without sourdough, with or without the addition of yeast, homemade rye bread can be prepared with a variety of additives, dried fruits, dried vegetables and fruits, berries, the most interesting seasonings, nuts and other not boring ingredients.

I remember the times when bread at home was prepared only with sourdough. How delicious it was! High-quality, finely porous, soft, slightly sour, but so aromatic. Nowadays everything is cooked in haste, using yeast, without allowing the dough to mature properly. This is probably modern, but in my opinion, the best rye bread can only be obtained by preparing it with sourdough. This is gourmet baking. Those who understand and love the taste of real bread. You can tell at a glance by the consistency of the crumb, what type of flour it is made from and whether it contains wheat. 100% rye flour, made from rye flour alone, is heavy in itself, does not rise when baked and is slightly reminiscent of plasticine in texture. It is tasty, contains fiber, vitamins, but you can’t eat a lot of it, especially if you have stomach problems. Even when cumin, raisins, honey, apples, and nuts are added to it, it must be eaten with caution. Therefore, it is better to mix two types of flour - wheat (60%) and rye (40%). The color of the loaf will be a little lighter, but the taste will be similar to Borodinsky. If you are interested, I will be happy to share both the sourdough recipe and a simple method for making rye bread at home in the oven, step by step and with photos.

What is rye sourdough?

This is a substance consisting of flour and water. All! But if prepared correctly, it will make you such bread that you will immediately and forever refuse store-bought baked goods. True, before making dough for bread, you first need to grow a starter. Let's see how it's done.

First day

Take 25 gr. Rye (peeled) flour and 25 ml of water at room temperature. Mix 500 ml in a jar, cover with gauze or a lid, do not twist, but simply cover and place in a warm place (home temperature - 25-27 ° C - no higher). The consistency will be dense, don’t be alarmed, everything is correct, as it should be. Leave it for a day.

Second day

Add 50 ml of water and 50 grams of flour to the jar. Stir and keep warm again for a day.

The third day

The bubbling process begins and it is necessary to “feed” the mass so that it begins to actively grow. Add 100 grams of flour and 100 ml of water. Stir and wait 24 hours.

Fourth day

The starter is actively growing and bubbling. We put it in the refrigerator, covering it with gauze or a lid. Every 3 days we feed by adding 20 ml of water and 20 grams of flour.

Fresh sourdough smells pleasant; there should be no strange crust on the surface. To prepare a bun, different recipes indicate different quantities. I measure with a tablespoon. If you are a beginner, strictly adhere to the recipe proportions. Once you learn, you will be able to determine the quantity yourself.

Homemade rye sourdough bread

Well, our starter is ready, we can start kneading the bread. This is also not a quick process, but it is worth it to enjoy the taste and aroma later. And what a crispy crust it is, beyond words.

We will need:

For the dough:

  • water at room temperature – 200 ml;
  • sourdough – 2 tbsp;
  • rye flour – 200 gr.

Mix everything in a deep bowl and cover with film. Leave to proof in a warm place for 4 hours. The dough should double in size and start to bubble.

Prepare the dough. Add 200 g to the dough. rye flour and 200 ml. water, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. Mix everything well. Some people do this in a combine, while others work with their hands. Gradually add 300 gr. white flour. Don’t pour it all out at once, the quality varies (moisture, gluten). Mix. Place the dough in a greased form, cover with cling film and let it brew for another 2 hours in a warm place. The dough should double in size.

Turn on the oven at 210-220°C and, having greased the surface of the loaf with water, set it to bake for 40-50 minutes. Remove the loaf and, covering with a towel, let it cool completely on a wire rack. If you have enough willpower to wait until it cools down completely. You can sprinkle the top with cumin, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and flax seeds before baking.

Rye bread with malt

I really love bread with malt, dark, aromatic. It is very useful for our body - rich in microelements, contains protein, amino acids. Tested for myself. Really has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This means that I cook all “black” bread only with dark malt. You don’t need a lot of it, 3-5 tbsp. I pour boiling water over dry malt so that the color of the baked goods becomes rich and the aroma is enticing. The smell of the right mixture is sweetish. If you feel bitterness or harshness, it means the product is not of high quality. They also sell malt in liquid form, but I’m already used to bulk malt, and I don’t change my habit.

Reference: malt is a product made from barley or wheat grains, but barley is more popular. Bread varieties: “Borodinsky”, “Lyubitelsky”, “Zavarnaya” are prepared with barley malt.

Rye flour bread in the oven: recipe

For novice bakers, I dare to give advice - do not immediately try to bake a pure rye loaf at home. This requires experience and may not work out right away. It took me months to get the texture and flavor of the bread just right. Therefore, try first making a small loaf of bread from a mixture of wheat and rye flour. And then, having gained experience, swing at pure rye.


  • instant yeast - 2 tbsp;
  • wheat flour – 225g;
  • rye flour – 325g;
  • warm water – 300ml;
  • dark malt – 40g;
  • boiling water – 80ml;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • honey – 2 tbsp;
  • cumin - to taste;
  • flax seeds – 1 tsp.

How to bake rye bread in the oven at home

Then we break off the top, a piece of sausage on top or butter with jam... how can you resist such a delicacy? Or you can just have a glass of milk and a slice of fresh bread... or add salt and garlic. Decide what you would like to try first with homemade bread. And bon appetit!