Spelling is not a rule with adverbs. How is “not” written with adverbs? Rules for combined and separate writing

September 8, 2016

(Not) far away there is a wonderful forest,

Full of secrets and wonders.

It’s (not) bad to take a walk in it

(Not) to get lost for long.

This poem will help us identify the problem: combined and separate writing is not with adverbs.


There are words in the Russian language that are used to denote a sign of an action, an object or a sign of a sign. They are called adverbs. Below are examples Not together and separately with adverbs. For example, with adverbs of manner:

  • looks cheerful, sad;
  • greeted joyfully, joylessly;
  • I listen carefully, inattentively.

with adverbs of measure and degree:

  • very, not very much;
  • too (not too) weak;
  • more than (not more than) enough.

with adverbs of time:

  • came out long ago (recently);
  • I’ll write tomorrow (not tomorrow);
  • Let's get together in the evening (not in the evening).

with adverbs of place:

  • here (not here) we will gather;
  • far (not far) was;
  • I looked from the inside (not from the inside).

Here are examples Not together and separately with adverbs: not bad, not far - not bad at all, not far at all. What does this depend on? We can learn this from the rules governing this spelling.

Adverbs are written together and can be replaced by synonyms.

Synonyms are words that can replace each other in a sentence. If this is possible Not written together with an adverb:

  • You performed well yesterday (good)
  • Come to the rehearsal at the Hudson club, it’s not far (close).
  • He began to sing quietly (quietly).

If it is difficult to replace with a synonym, you can use the expression:

  • This will not happen soon (after a long time).
  • The concert did not last long (short time).
  • The boy answered hesitantly (without confidence).

Adverbs that are not used without “not” are written together with “not”.

More examples of words that are not written together: sloppy, indignant, hateful.

The continuous spelling in this case is explained by the fact that the word is without Not cannot be used. For example:

  • My deputy treated his duties carelessly.
  • He waved his hands somehow absurdly.
  • The entertainer looked nondescript, at first glance.

Negative adverbs are written together with “not”

Integrated and separate writing Not with adverbs often depends on the part of speech. For example, you should always write together with Not negative pronouns:

  • Our team has nowhere to conduct rehearsals.
  • There was no need to strive for anything more.
  • The city was foreign, there were no acquaintances, there was even nowhere to go.

Adverbs are written separately if there is opposition

If you think about it, and there are examples Not together and separately with the same adverbs, it is necessary to pay attention to whether or not there is opposition in the sentence. It can be expressed by the adversative conjunction “a”, or it can only be implied and not expressed in any way. When there is a contrast, the adverb with “not” is written separately.

  • I then had to act not honestly, but humanely.
  • Contrary to his expectations, the meeting was not boring, but fun.
  • The children were not quiet - they were noisy.

If there are some words, adverbs are written separately from “not”

An adverb must be written separately from “not” if any of the following words relate to it: at all, not at all, not at all, never, at all, far. Although without this word it will be written together.

Examples of “not” together and separately with adverbs


His assumption turned out to be far from correct.

His assumption turned out to be wrong.

It wasn't cold outside at all.

It turned out to be completely cold outside.

What he said was not funny at all.

He didn't tell it funny.

I felt myself that my joke was not at all smart.

I felt myself that I was making a stupid joke.

With some adverbs, “not” is always written separately

It must be said that “not” is written separately with almost all adverbs, except those ending in -о and -е, those without Not not used, and negative.

If you know how to spell Not with adverbs, examples of which are given in the table, then all the rest should simply be written separately:

  • not in a friendly way;
  • not right away;
  • not everywhere;
  • not always;
  • Single.

Exceptions: not without reason, lack of time, reluctantly, for a reason, not far away.

Test “Adverbs with NOT”

You must indicate the number of the sentence in which the adverb with “not” is written in the indicated way.

1. separately

1) It looked (not) bad
2) The class coped with the task (not) poorly, but just perfectly.

3) It turned out (not) a lot crooked.

4) I approached him (inconspicuously).

1) My behavior was not (at all) clear to my mother.

2) The excuses sounded (not) confident at all.

3) This is far from (un)acceptable for my parents.

4) The holidays passed (un)noticeably.

3. separately

1) Tanya lived (not) far from me.

2) The house was (un)usually quiet.

3) The task is (not) easy to complete.

4) Dealing with all this was (not) easy, but very easy.

1) You made a (bad) joke.

2) Contrary to expectations, the house was (not) poor, but quite okay.

3) Things were not (not) easy at all.

4) Not at all (not) cruel, if you remember how he behaved.


1) The answer (un)pleasantly surprised me.

2) Dealing with this will not be (not) difficult, but it will take a long time.

3) Is this really (un)attractive to you?

4) Dad was absent (not) for a long time.

1) He stomped around stupidly and left.

2) After the rain it was not at all (not) fresh, just humid.

3) In this place last year it was (not) shallow, but deep.

4) If directly, then not at all (not) far.


1) The kid in his fur coat, waddled (un)clumsily, stomped along the path.

2) He looked (not) attractive, but funny.

3) It’s (not) deep here at all, you can wade across it.

4) It’s (im)polite to behave this way.

1) You behaved in a (un)friendly manner.

2) The sun dried the hay (not) dry.

3) The guys were located (not) far away.

4) It’s (not) hot today.


1) I probably (not) lost weight over the summer.

3) Bears can be seen here (not) often.

4) Going to the monastery will be (not) close, but interesting.


1) He read (not) loudly, but surprisingly expressively.

2) Alexey (un)forcedly lounged in his chair.

3) It will not be at all (not) easy to fulfill your request.

4) (Un)expectedly a thunderstorm came.


1.2) The class coped with the task (not) poorly, but simply excellent.

2.4) The holidays passed (un)noticeably.

3.4) Dealing with all this was (not) easy, but very easy.

4.1) You made a (bad) joke.

5.3) Is this really (un)attractive to you?

6.1) He stomped around stupidly and left.

7.3) It’s (not) deep here at all, you can wade across it.

8.3) The guys settled (not) far away.

9.3) Bears can be seen here (not) often.

10.3) It will not be at all (not) easy to fulfill your request.

Often when writing articles and essays, people have a question: how do you spell “not” with adverbs?

The Russian language is great and powerful, and sometimes it’s difficult to remember all the rules. It is not always possible to carry a textbook or reference book with you. In the article we will analyze frequently encountered examples and recall the rule for writing “not” with adverbs.

Rule for writing “not” with adverbs

“Not” is written together when:

  1. The word without “not” is not used.
  2. It is easy to find a synonym for the word.
  3. The word has a negative meaning.
  4. A denominative adverb is used, which is not used without “not”.

“Not” is written separately if:

  1. There is a contrast.
  2. Between “not” and the word you can insert the words: not at all, not at all, far.
  3. The word is written with a hyphen.
  4. There is a comparative degree.
  5. With the circumstances of the time.
  6. The word is formed from an adjective and ends with –o, –e.

Examples of combined spelling of “not” with adverbs

  1. Cases when a word is not used without "Not":
  • Definitely– the word “definitely” does not exist in Russian.

I certainly I want to see you at my wedding!

  • Immediately– in Russian speech there is no word “slowly”, so this is the case when it is not used without “not”.

As soon as Alexander arrives, immediately call me.

  • Reluctantly– the adverb “although” does not exist.

I reluctantly did this job.

  • Not fun– if the word is not written without “not”. There are no particles: at all, not at all, far away and there is no opposition with the conjunction “a”, which means we use it together.

I was n fun at the party.

  • You can choose a word with a similar meaning without losing the meaning of the sentence:
    • Unbearable- written together if it has a meaning: heavy, difficult, painful.

    The exam was in progress unbearable for a long time(state category – painful).

    • Can not hear

    He came up to me Can not hear. He came up to me silently.

    • Immediately

    Immediately give back my tapes! Fast give back my tapes!

    • Slowly– if a word can be replaced with a synonym without “not”, we use it together.

    Young woman slowly walked through the city. Young woman slowly walked through the city.

    • Not difficult

    I was not difficult do all the work for you. I was easily to do work.

    • Quietly

    He said quietly. He said quiet.

    • Uncomfortable- written together if you can find words that are similar in meaning: awkward, shameful, bad.

    I was uncomfortable talk to him. I was awkward talk to him.

    • Leisurely– is always used together, with the exception of variants using particles: not at all, not at all, far.

    Student leisurely went to class. The student was going to class slowly.

    • Inadvertently– a word without “not” is not used, you can choose a word with a similar meaning.

    He inadvertently offended Sasha. He accidentally offended Sasha.

  • If the word is written in the affirmative negative form:
    • Sloppy - an adverb with the prefix “not” ending in –o is written together if it has an affirmative negative form.

    The seam is done sloppy. Redo it!

    • No need– if we add the question “why?” and the meaning of the answer will be a meaningless action, we can safely use it in continuous writing.

    To me no need go to the shop. I have everything!

    Examples of separate spelling of “not” with adverbs

    1. “Not” is always written separately:
    • Do not mind

    Kate do not mind go to Paris.

    • Not completely intensifying adverb, always separate .

    Vasya, you not completely revealed the topic of the essay.

    • Not right away - circumstance of time.

    We not right away realized what happened.

    • I don't mind - write together, so you can insert a word.

    I not always against your gatherings.

    • Not really - the intensifying particle is used separately.

    I not really I understand what you want from me.

    • Not on purpose

    I not on purpose spilled milk.

    • Can not see - negative form.

    Can not see that you are sick.

  • Adverb of comparative degree and measure:
    • Not good– used separately.

    Katya Not good loved this dress.

  • If you can put particles between “not” and the word: at all, not at all:
    • Not high quality

    This is not at all not high quality completed work.

    • Not by chance

    Not at all not by chance we met after so many years.

    • No need

    This is for us not necessary at all.

  • If there is a contrast with the union"A":
    • Not far

    We were not far from the city, but close.

    • Not difficult

    The problem was solved not difficult, but easy.

    • Not on purpose

    Petya did it not on purpose, but by chance.

    • Not hard

    I was not hard It's very easy to give up everything.

    • Not rich

    She was dressed not rich but very cheap.

    • Unclear

    The solution to the problem was unclear, but only raised more questions.

  • If used in the meaning of opposition:
    • Not only

    Not only you may be afraid of the dark.

  • “Not” is written separately if the word is written with a hyphen.
    • Not in a friendly way

    You got in not in a friendly way, leaving me in trouble.

    • Not in a friendly way

    This not in a friendly way, leaving friends in trouble.

  • “Not” with adverbs ending in –o, -e.
    • Not very fast- ends in -o. In opposition it is written separately.

    Not very fast We got there, but slowly.

    • Not far away - denominate form.

    I saw him not far away.

    • Not ideal - written separately if there is opposition or particles: not at all, not at all.

    You didn't make a sketch Not perfect, redraw.

    If you encounter difficulties when writing a particular adverb, remember the rule of contrasting and replacing a word with a synonym. If it is replaced, we use it together, you can put the conjunction “a” - we write it separately.

    (Not) far away there is a wonderful forest,

    Full of secrets and wonders.

    It’s (not) bad to take a walk in it

    (Not) to get lost for long.

    This poem will help us identify the problem: combined and separate writing is not with adverbs.


    There are words in the Russian language that are used to denote a sign of an action, an object or a sign of a sign. They are called adverbs. Below are examples Not together and separately with adverbs. For example, with:

    • looks cheerful, sad;
    • greeted joyfully, joylessly;
    • I listen carefully, inattentively.

    with adverbs of measure and degree:

    • very, not very much;
    • too (not too) weak;
    • more than (not more than) enough.

    with adverbs of time:

    • came out long ago (recently);
    • I’ll write tomorrow (not tomorrow);
    • Let's get together in the evening (not in the evening).

    with adverbs of place:

    • here (not here) we will gather;
    • far (not far) was;
    • I looked from the inside (not from the inside).

    Here are examples Not together and separately with adverbs: not bad, not far - not bad at all, not far at all. What does this depend on? We can learn this from the rules governing this spelling.

    Adverbs are written together and can be replaced by synonyms.

    Synonyms are words that can replace each other in a sentence. If this is possible Not written together with an adverb:

    • You performed well yesterday (good)
    • Come to the rehearsal at the Hudson club, it’s not far (close).
    • He began to sing quietly (quietly).

    If it is difficult to replace with a synonym, you can use the expression:

    • This will not happen soon (after a long time).
    • The concert did not last long (short time).
    • The boy answered hesitantly (without confidence).

    Adverbs that are not used without “not” are written together with “not”.

    More examples of words that are not written together: sloppy, indignant, hateful.

    The continuous spelling in this case is explained by the fact that the word is without Not cannot be used. For example:

    • My deputy treated his duties carelessly.
    • He waved his hands somehow absurdly.
    • The entertainer looked nondescript, at first glance.

    Negative adverbs are written together with “not”

    Integrated and separate writing Not with adverbs often depends on the part of speech. For example, you should always write together with Not negative pronouns:

    • Our team has nowhere to conduct rehearsals.
    • There was no need to strive for anything more.
    • The city was foreign, there were no acquaintances, there was even nowhere to go.

    Adverbs are written separately if there is opposition

    If you think about it, and there are examples Not together and separately with the same adverbs, it is necessary to pay attention to whether or not there is opposition in the sentence. It can be expressed by the adversative conjunction “a”, or it can only be implied and not expressed in any way. When there is a contrast, the adverb with “not” is written separately.

    • I then had to act not honestly, but humanely.
    • Contrary to his expectations, the meeting was not boring, but fun.
    • The children were not quiet - they were noisy.

    If there are some words, adverbs are written separately from “not”

    An adverb must be written separately from “not” if any of the following words relate to it: at all, not at all, not at all, never, at all, far. Although without this word it will be written together.

    Examples of “not” together and separately with adverbs


    His assumption turned out to be far from correct.

    His assumption turned out to be wrong.

    It wasn't cold outside at all.

    It turned out to be completely cold outside.

    What he said was not funny at all.

    He didn't tell it funny.

    I felt myself that my joke was not at all smart.

    I felt myself that I was making a stupid joke.

    With some adverbs, “not” is always written separately

    It must be said that “not” is written separately with almost all adverbs, except those ending in -о and -е, those without Not not used, and negative.

    If you know how to spell Not with adverbs, examples of which are given in the table, then all the rest should simply be written separately:

    • not in a friendly way;
    • not right away;
    • not everywhere;
    • not always;
    • Single.

    Exceptions: not without reason, lack of time, reluctantly, for a reason, not far away.

    Test “Adverbs with NOT”

    You must indicate the number of the sentence in which the adverb with “not” is written in the indicated way.

    1. separately

    1) It looked (not) bad
    2) The class coped with the task (not) poorly, but just perfectly.

    3) It turned out (not) a lot crooked.

    4) I approached him (inconspicuously).

    1) My behavior was not (at all) clear to my mother.

    2) The excuses sounded (not) confident at all.

    3) This is far from (un)acceptable for my parents.

    4) The holidays passed (un)noticeably.

    3. separately

    1) Tanya lived (not) far from me.

    2) The house was (un)usually quiet.

    3) The task is (not) easy to complete.

    4) Dealing with all this was (not) easy, but very easy.

    1) You made a (bad) joke.

    2) Contrary to expectations, the house was (not) poor, but quite okay.

    3) Things were not (not) easy at all.

    4) Not at all (not) cruel, if you remember how he behaved.


    1) The answer (un)pleasantly surprised me.

    2) Dealing with this will not be (not) difficult, but it will take a long time.

    3) Is this really (un)attractive to you?

    4) Dad was absent (not) for a long time.

    1) He stomped around stupidly and left.

    2) After the rain it was not at all (not) fresh, just humid.

    3) In this place last year it was (not) shallow, but deep.

    4) If directly, then not at all (not) far.


    1) The kid in his fur coat, waddled (un)clumsily, stomped along the path.

    2) He looked (not) attractive, but funny.

    3) It’s (not) deep here at all, you can wade across it.

    4) It’s (im)polite to behave this way.

    1) You behaved in a (un)friendly manner.

    2) The sun dried the hay (not) dry.

    3) The guys were located (not) far away.

    4) It’s (not) hot today.


    1) I probably (not) lost weight over the summer.

    3) Bears can be seen here (not) often.

    4) Going to the monastery will be (not) close, but interesting.


    1) He read (not) loudly, but surprisingly expressively.

    2) Alexey (un)forcedly lounged in his chair.

    3) It will not be at all (not) easy to fulfill your request.

    4) (Un)expectedly a thunderstorm came.


    1.2) The class coped with the task (not) poorly, but simply excellent.

    2.4) The holidays passed (un)noticeably.

    3.4) Dealing with all this was (not) easy, but very easy.

    4.1) You made a (bad) joke.

    5.3) Is this really (un)attractive to you?

    6.1) He stomped around stupidly and left.

    7.3) It’s (not) deep here at all, you can wade across it.

    8.3) The guys settled (not) far away.

    9.3) Bears can be seen here (not) often.

    10.3) It will not be at all (not) easy to fulfill your request.

    Continuous spelling NOT with adverbs ending in -о/-е

    Only adverbs that are not used without Not- .

    For example: Not carelessly

    Not desperately

    Not lepo

    Not clumsily

    Not sloppy, etc.

    Not with adverbs on -o/-e is written together if the word with Not- can be replaced by a synonym without Not- or an expression similar in meaning.

    For example: Outside the window Not Music was playing loudly (quietly).

    Separate spelling NOT with adverbs ending in -о/-е

    Not with adverbs on -o/-e written separately if the sentence contains contrast with union A .

    Not with adverbs is written separately in the case when Not used in combinations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, never, not at all .

    For example: I speak English not far perfect.

    Your team performed Absolutely not Badly.

    Rules for combined and separate writing with NOT adverbs ending in other letters (not -о/-е)

    Adverbs that are not used without Not- .

    For example: Not as much as possible Not by chance, Not coincidentally, Not lzya and etc.

    In other cases, such adverbs are written with Not apart.

    For example: Not like summer, Not during, Not enough, Not everywhere and etc.


    1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.
    2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.
    3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova - 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
    4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts - 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
    1. Didactic materials. Section "Adverb" ().
    2. Adverb as part of speech ().
    3. Adverb as part of speech ().
    4. Parts of speech in Russian ().


    Exercises No. 220, 222. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - M.: Education, 2012.

    Exercise. Copy by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Explain spelling Not.

    We have received as a gift the brilliant and (un)unheard of rich language of our classics, and our sacred duty is to preserve this heritage (Paust.). 2. It is (not) possible to tell the beauty of this multi-day snowy kingdom (Pep.). 3. (More than) times we have seen abandoned bales of goods, (not) known to whom they belong, (not) guarded by anyone (Pep.). 4. It was (not) clear how in a dense forest, moving almost by touch, people would find their place in the mountains and prepare for battle (Close). 5. Fortunately, the nearest hunting hut is apparently quite (not) far away (Ser.). 6. (Without) wasting a minute and rejoicing in our souls, we tirelessly chopped down pine needles (Ser.). 1. Twilight thickened slowly, almost (not) noticeable to the eye (Ert.). 8. (Not) walking along the highway in a hurry, Sergei (not) looked away at this magical fire (Ert.).

    Continuous spelling NOT with adverbs ending in -о/-е

    Only adverbs that are not used without Not- .

    For example: Not carelessly

    Not desperately

    Not lepo

    Not clumsily

    Not sloppy, etc.

    Not with adverbs on -o/-e is written together if the word with Not- can be replaced by a synonym without Not- or an expression similar in meaning.

    For example: Outside the window Not Music was playing loudly (quietly).

    Separate spelling NOT with adverbs ending in -о/-е

    Not with adverbs on -o/-e written separately if the sentence contains contrast with union A .

    Not with adverbs is written separately in the case when Not used in combinations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, never, not at all .

    For example: I speak English not far perfect.

    Your team performed Absolutely not Badly.

    Rules for combined and separate writing with NOT adverbs ending in other letters (not -о/-е)

    Adverbs that are not used without Not- .

    For example: Not as much as possible Not by chance, Not coincidentally, Not lzya and etc.

    In other cases, such adverbs are written with Not apart.

    For example: Not like summer, Not during, Not enough, Not everywhere and etc.


    1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.
    2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.
    3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova - 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
    4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts - 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
    1. Didactic materials. Section "Adverb" ().
    2. Adverb as part of speech ().
    3. Adverb as part of speech ().
    4. Parts of speech in Russian ().


    Exercises No. 220, 222. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - M.: Education, 2012.

    Exercise. Copy by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Explain spelling Not.

    We have received as a gift the brilliant and (un)unheard of rich language of our classics, and our sacred duty is to preserve this heritage (Paust.). 2. It is (not) possible to tell the beauty of this multi-day snowy kingdom (Pep.). 3. (More than) times we have seen abandoned bales of goods, (not) known to whom they belong, (not) guarded by anyone (Pep.). 4. It was (not) clear how in a dense forest, moving almost by touch, people would find their place in the mountains and prepare for battle (Close). 5. Fortunately, the nearest hunting hut is apparently quite (not) far away (Ser.). 6. (Without) wasting a minute and rejoicing in our souls, we tirelessly chopped down pine needles (Ser.). 1. Twilight thickened slowly, almost (not) noticeable to the eye (Ert.). 8. (Not) walking along the highway in a hurry, Sergei (not) looked away at this magical fire (Ert.).