How to correctly tell fortunes using a thread and a needle. Fortune telling experience: Needle and dial Fortune telling on a circle with numbers

Everyone knows what a needle is for and what to do with it. It prolongs the life of old things, and in skillful hands helps new ones to be born. However, that's not all she's capable of. A needle is also a powerful tool that will help you find out the future, find answers to questions and even help you fulfill your desires.

Methods of fortune telling on a thread with a needle

There are 4 main methods of fortune telling:

  1. in the name of the husband;
  2. for children;
  3. with a magic circle;
  4. to fulfill a wish.

For fortune telling you will need:

  • sewing needle (it is better to take a used one);
  • threads of different colors (certain colors are used for different fortune telling);
  • candles;
  • paper and pen.

The fortune telling ritual takes place at dawn. The evening before fortune telling, you need to prepare a basin of water. Write any male names on small pieces of paper and attach them along the edge of the pelvis. Place the basin under the fortune telling girl’s bed all night. Place the needle on the windowsill, the eye must be directed north. Tie a red thread on your right wrist and go to bed.

In the morning, wake up before sunrise and take the basin out from under the bed. It is very important to remain in the clothes you wore at night and not talk to anyone. You need to place and light 4 candles around the pelvis. Then break the thread at the wrist and pull it through the eye of the needle. Approaching the basin, close your eyes and throw a thread and a needle into it. The name that the eye of the needle points to will be the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children

This method will help you find out what gender and how many children there will be in the family. For fortune telling you will need a needle and thread. The color of the thread must be white. Cut the thread to medium length and thread it through the eye of the needle. Open your left palm, extend it in front of you and move your thumb to the side. With your right hand, lift the needle by the thread above your left palm. After this, lower it between your thumb and palm 3 times, “piercing” the air with a movement. Starting from the wrist, draw a circle with a needle along the contour of the palm. Next, place it above the center of your palm and observe its movements.

The first child in the family will be a boy if the needle swings from side to side. Movements in a circle indicate a girl. To find out whether there will be more children, the needle is again lowered between the thumb and palm, placed above the center and observed. The needle does not move - there will be no more children. If it moves, then the gender of the child is determined by the nature of the movement. You need to repeat the fortune telling until the needle stops showing. There will be as many children as the fortune telling is repeated and the needle moves. It is worth noting that if there are already children in the family, then the needle will first point to them. In this way, you can immediately check how true the fortune-telling is.

Fortune telling with a needle and a magic circle

You should immediately understand that this is fortune telling with the involvement of otherworldly forces. Therefore, one should take such a ritual seriously and not abuse it.

For the ritual you will need a needle and thread and a sheet of paper. The thread should be silk and red. Thread the thread into the eye of the needle and tie a knot. How you tie it makes a big difference. The ends of the thread need to be aligned and twisted together, tied into a knot. At this time, turn to otherworldly forces and ask for help in fortune telling.

Draw a circle on paper. Write the alphabet along the outer edge of the circle. Write numbers inside the circle, like on a watch dial. In the middle of the circle write “Yes” and underline it, write “No” below. Next, the fortuneteller sits down at the table and places a magic circle drawn on paper in front of him. Holding the thread, place the needle with its point in the center of the circle, so that there is no strong tension between them.

Before starting fortune telling, you can check how true the answers will be. To do this, you should first ask a few questions, the answers to which are obvious to the fortuneteller. For example, ask: “My name (say your name)?”; “Am I (name your age) years old?”; “Do I have a son (daughter)?” Answers should be considered in the yes/no field. If the needle points to the correct answers, then you can further ask questions. In addition to clear answers such as yes/no, complex questions can be answered with more specific answers. The needle will spin and stop on the letters. These letters need to be remembered or written down, and then the words resulting from them must be read - the answers.

At the end of the fortune telling, you must remember to thank the spirits for their help and ask them to return to their world.

Fortune telling is carried out at night and always during the full moon. You need to prepare for it in the morning. In the morning, on the day of fortune telling, take a glass and fill it with clean water. Take a black thread in your hands, close your eyes and think about your desire. After this, lower it completely into the glass, and place the glass itself in a visible place. Every time during the day when your gaze falls on the glass, remember your desire.

At night, light 3 candles around the glass. Take a thread from the bottom of the glass, thread it into a needle and tie 5 knots. You should pay attention to how to tie a knot on a thread with a needle. Connect the ends together and tie the first knot. Further, tie 4 more knots, moving towards the needle. While tying, constantly think about your desire and imagine how it will come true. After this, take the thread by the outermost knot and hold it at arm's length over the glass. Now, by the vibrations of the needle, you can determine whether your wish will come true or not.

If the needle oscillates towards the fortuneteller, it means that the wish will certainly come true.

The movement of the needle parallel to the fortuneteller is a bad sign- the wish will not come true.

When the needle hangs motionless in the air, the wish will come true, but not soon.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is very simple. They do not require special knowledge or skills. But still, you should not treat them frivolously and superficially. When starting fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to all the requirements and follow all the steps exactly: at what time to tell fortunes, what color thread to take for fortune telling, how to make a knot on a thread with a needle. Only in this case will fortune telling be accurate and safe.

Attention, TODAY only!

A needle is a rather unusual object that can be used to mend a hole, make clothes, and also be used in a magical ritual. A needle, like other metal products, is capable of interacting with energy, and the eye of the needle forms a powerful biofield, turning the object into its receiver. This form directs the power of energy to the tip of the needle, where the capabilities used in witchcraft and alternative medicine accumulate.

Anyone can tell fortunes with a needle and thread at home. This method will help you fulfill your cherished desires, look under the veil of the future, and find out the number and gender of children.

Preparing for fortune telling

Before telling fortunes about future children using a needle and thread, prepare carefully. If you do not follow the rules, the result may be inaccurate.

☞ Rules for magical paraphernalia:

  • The main items are a needle and white or red thread. For this purpose, buy new products.
  • When purchasing items, do not haggle and pay without change. If you have change, don't take it.
  • On the eve of the ritual, be sure to consecrate the needle: dip it in consecrated water or hold it a little over the fire of a church candle.

☞ Requirements for a fortune teller:

  • The ritual should be carried out in complete solitude and silence.
  • It is prohibited to apply makeup and wear jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, chains, etc.).
  • Clothing should be made of natural fabric that does not restrict movement.
  • It is better to let your hair down or braid it.
  • To get the right result, fortune telling is performed after sunset, preferably at midnight.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children

Using fortune telling with a needle and thread, you can find out not only the gender of the child, but also the number of future children. Let's talk about how to perform the ritual. First, we prepare the main items - a needle and thread. Next, follow these simple steps:

  1. Cut a thread of medium length and thread it through the eye of the needle.
  2. We relax and concentrate.
  3. We take the needle and thread in our right hand, and turn our left hand with the palm facing up.
  4. We place the pendulum over the central part of the palm, and then lower the sharp end down 3 times between the index finger and the palm.
  5. We return the needle and thread to its initial position and monitor the actions taking place: the needle swings from side to side - the first-born will be a boy, if the movements are circular - a daughter, the needle stands still - until children are expected.

To find out the number of future children, repeat the entire process again after you have received an answer about your first child. Lower the needle and thread again between your finger and palm, then return it to the center of the palm and watch what happens. If there is movement, there will be another baby. Guess until the needle stops moving. The lack of movement means that no more children are expected.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread on paper with letters

Fortune telling using a thread, a needle and paper with letters is an equally reliable method for lifting the veil of the future.

☞ Attributes for fortune telling:

  • Needle.
  • Black thread.
  • Pen.
  • Paper sheet.

☞ How to guess:

  1. Create a suitable atmosphere - place candles and aromatherapy lamps in the room.
  2. Take paper and pen and draw an alphabet circle. How to do this: write all the letters of the alphabet in a circle, inside which also write the numbers from 0 to 9. Write the words “yes” and “no” on the right and left sides of the sheet.
  3. Thread the thread through the eye of the needle, creating a pendulum.
  4. Focus.
  5. Place the point of the needle in the center of the alphabet circle, ask the question you are interested in mentally (or out loud) and wait for an answer. At a certain moment, the pendulum will begin to point alternately to the letters, giving the answer to the question.
  6. At the end of the ritual, burn the leaf and throw away the needle, since it cannot be used for household purposes.

To make fortune telling for children with a thread and a needle go smoothly, and for the predictions to be as accurate as possible, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Use only new attributes.
  • Do not tell anyone about the ritual, especially about the answers you receive.
  • Perform the sacrament alone.
  • Try not to worry and fully concentrate on the issue of interest.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

Sometimes fortune telling does not come true and there are reasons for this. Let's briefly list the main ones:

  1. Lack of concentration and extraneous thoughts during the process.
  2. The fortune teller is feeling unwell.
  3. Strong emotional arousal.
  4. Too frequent fortune telling on the same topic.
  5. The desire to know the truth is not strong enough.
  6. Fear of receiving a negative response.

Fortune telling for children using an ordinary needle and thread is simple, quite accessible to everyone, does not require much time to carry out and gives results if properly prepared.

However, it is important to remember that fortune telling will turn out to be true if it is taken seriously and performed properly. Magic and witchcraft do not like carelessness and do not accept jokes.


Everyone knows the famous predictor of the future Michel de Nostradamus. His predictions came true and are still coming true to this day with amazing accuracy.

I found fortune-telling using the circle of Nostradamus, with its help I received answers to all my questions: family, children, love…. Close your eyes, tune in to the question and point any object (preferably a ring) into the circle area. The number is your answer.


1 Yes. You belong to those people who do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Therefore, do not immediately give up on problems; you have endurance and patience in stock. Success awaits you. Don't be afraid to trust yourself and others.

2 Yes. But not today and not tomorrow. Someone is standing in your way and trying to confuse all the cards. Don't take it too seriously. But this resistance should not be underestimated. Avoid confrontation. Try to find a positive solution to the problem.

3 Yes. The events of the coming days will exceed all your expectations. If you use your energy reserves wisely, and do not start shooting sparrows with a cannon, all the advantages will be on your side. In any case, have patience and endurance both towards yourself and towards others.

4 Yes. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will accompany you for a long time. Enjoy these happy weeks.

5 Absolutely. At the moment, you pay too much attention to the opinions of others, and therefore somewhat miss out on a favorable situation. Don’t hesitate too long, show that you are now a force to be reckoned with. Small tactical games only mislead and damage mutual trust.

6 Everything will be a little more difficult than you expect. You are starting from the wrong premises. Other people see it in a completely different light. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to listen to the good advice of a loved one and not succumb to deceptive hopes.

7 The issue has not yet been resolved. Give yourself time and don’t bother yourself with problems that haven’t yet matured. Try to enjoy the moment. Everything will work out later. If all this worries you very much, seek the help of a magic circle in a week.

8 Be careful. Try not to believe everything they tell you. Maintain some distance in certain matters. Today everything around you looks more favorable than it really is. Be careful not to be disappointed later.

9 Without a doubt. But you can't do it without help. Talk to a good friend about the problems that are bothering you. He is a disinterested person and looks at things more soberly.

10 Yes. But don't let yourself be fooled. Show more self-confidence, then everything will be fine. At the moment, you can completely rely on your intuition. You won't have to experience the slightest disappointment later.

11 The question was raised too early. Do not settle completely and irrevocably on something that is not yet ripe. leave time for favorable development. Give in often. You will be appreciated for this.

12 Very possible. Because everything is developing much faster and more positively than you imagine. It is only important that you do not try to give the impression of a disinterested person. Notice that someone genuinely wants to be your friend.

13 Everything will not happen according to plan. You act insecurely. This is misleading some of your friends. They consider you to be an unpredictable person, which is clearly not in your favor. Destroy this image. You are loved more than you realize.

14 Everything will be fine. But only if you yourself are active. Everything is permitted, but not procrastination. Take the initiative into your own hands and surprise everyone with your efficiency and wealth of ideas.

15 Yes, you can rely on your luck. An unexpected and favorable turn of fate awaits you. Now you don’t need to invent anything, but just wait. Hasty actions will take you in the wrong direction and can cause harm.

16 All hopes will be fulfilled. But not at all the way you imagined. Therefore, be prepared for any changes without setting yourself up for a single goal. Be flexible and don't dismiss any argument.

17 Still in doubt. You need to think carefully about your desires, because your own feelings have not yet fully matured. Therefore, you expect too much from the other party. In the coming days everything will remain the same. However, some lucky circumstance can bring clarity to your affairs. Listen carefully to your inner voice.

18 You may have difficulties. In the beginning, you will even have to endure disappointment. Which, however, does not mean at all that your chances are reduced to zero. Quite the opposite: disappointment will give impetus to positive development. Your circle of friends is growing and will become kinder and more stable.

19 Mistrust and anger are still far from you.

But if you fail to quickly get rid of your own doubts, you will ruin a lot. If luck passes you by, it is only to blame for your excessive modesty and uncertainty. Throw them aside! Be open and friendly in your interactions with other people.

20 Yes At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will last long enough

21 Yes. To finally achieve the goal, very little effort remains. Dare, take risks - the last push, and you will succeed. Be attentive to the things happening around you and remember - there are no coincidences

In ancient times, a needle was considered a symbol of feminine power and magical energy, and a thread, according to beliefs, was able to pave the way from the other world to the real one. Fortune telling with a needle and thread is one of the most accessible, simple and does not require special occult knowledge. There are several ways to carry it out. You need to choose the right one depending on the question to which the fortuneteller wants to receive an answer.

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    Above the palm

    This is the easiest way to predict fate. All you need is a thread of a certain color, a needle, your own hands and faith in fortune telling.

    There are several options for divination.

    "Yes or no"

    You need to thread a red thread into the needle, while mentally asking your question. Then, holding the end of the thread with one hand, raise the resulting pendulum above your open palm and freeze.

    You should carefully observe the movements of the needle:

    • if they are circular, the answer is “Yes”;
    • cruciform – “No”;
    • the needle does not move - the answer is unknown.

    Before the next question, you need to give your hand a rest.

    For future children

    By looking at a medium-length white thread threaded into a needle, you can find out information about future children. This requires:

    1. 1. Take the tip of the thread in your right hand.
    2. 2. Turn your left hand palm up, extend it in front of you and move your thumb to the side.
    3. 3. Place the needle above the palm and lower it three times into the space between the thumb and index finger.
    4. 4. Ask the question out loud, while using the tip of the needle to draw a circle along the contour of the palm, starting from the wrist.
    5. 5. Place the needle over the center of the palm and carefully monitor the product.

    The interpretation of the results obtained is presented in the table:

    Question of interest Decoding the result
    Has pregnancy occurred?
    • The needle does not move - there is no pregnancy;
    • moves - yes
    Gender of the unborn child

    You need to carefully monitor the type of movement of the product:

    • if the needle makes circles, there will be a girl;
    • if it sways from side to side – it’s a boy

    The needle recognizes the gender of the child starting from the firstborn, so if there is already a baby in the family, you can check how accurate the fortune-telling is. To determine who will be second, you need to give your hand a little rest and repeat everything again

    Amount of childrenIf, after determining the sex of the child, you continue to hold the thread evenly and do not move your hand, the number of vibrations will indicate the number of children
    When does pregnancy occur?If the needle did not want to move immediately, then after a while it will definitely happen. In this case, you need to slowly pronounce the numbers out loud, starting from your current age. As soon as the count reaches a certain value, the tip of the needle will begin to move. This number will be the answer to the question

    With a magic circle

    This is a complex ritual, comparable in power to a seance, but with its help you can obtain the most detailed prophecy.

    For fortune telling you will need:

    • needle;
    • red silk thread;
    • whatman;
    • candle;
    • a table with a flat horizontal surface, installed in a place where there are no drafts.

    The process consists of the following steps:

    1. 1. The thread should be threaded into a needle, the ends should be aligned, twisted together and tied in a knot.
    2. 2. On whatman paper you need to draw a circle for fortune telling, along the outer edge of which write the letters of the alphabet. Indicate numbers inside the circle and place the words “Yes” and “No” in the center, which are useful for short answers.
    3. 3. Sit at the table, put in front of you a sheet of paper with a drawn circle. Light a candle.
    4. 4. To communicate with an otherworldly entity, you need to lower the needle so that its tip rests on the center of the sheet, and the needle itself is slightly tilted.
    5. 5. Call the spirit by saying: “Come and help me find out the answers to my questions.”

    In the old days, it was believed that it was necessary to name the ghost with whom you wanted to talk, otherwise some evil entity or brownie might respond to the call, capable of harming the inhabitants of the house.

    It is necessary to carefully observe where the needle turns, write down the letters (numbers) in order to later compose a word from them. First, it is better to ask the simplest questions that already have an answer: this will give you the opportunity to tune in to the right mood and check whether the spirit is ready to give truthful information. If not, you need to politely thank him, offer to return to the other world, and blow out the candle. In this case, you can repeat the ritual after some time has passed.

    An unusual option - with a chimney and a devil

    Believers in otherworldly forces and spirits can use the following option:

    1. 1. Draw a line with a navel on a piece of paper, and the alphabet and numbers around it.
    2. 2. Take a thread and a needle and tie it to the chimney.
    3. 3. Invite the devil and ask about the most secret things. This could be the groom's name, his age, or the name and gender of the unborn child.

    To fulfill a wish

    You can find out whether your dream will come true using several options for fortune telling.

    With a glass

    You will need:

    • needle;
    • long black thread;
    • a glass of clean water.

    The ritual itself is performed at midnight, and preparation for it takes place during the day.

    Sequence of steps:

    1. 1. In the morning, you should fill a glass, hold a thread in your hand and mentally say your desire.
    2. 2. Dip the thread into a glass and place it in the most visible place.
    3. 3. During the day, every time your gaze falls on the workpiece, repeat the desire to yourself.
    4. 4. A few minutes before midnight, three candles should be lit and placed in a circle, at the same distance from the bottom of the glass, so that they form an equilateral triangle.
    5. 5. Take out the thread, insert it into the eye, connect the ends and tie in a knot.
    6. 6. Make 4 more knots, each subsequent one closer to the needle than the previous one. When tying them, you need to mentally repeat the desire.
    7. 7. Exactly at midnight, take the thread by the last knot and hold it at arm's length so that the needle hangs above the center of the glass, above its edges.
    8. 8. Observe the movement of the needle.

    The behavior of the product is interpreted as follows:

    • if the needle swings, sometimes approaching, sometimes moving away from the fortuneteller, the wish will come true;
    • movements take place in a plane perpendicular to the gaze - the dream will not come true;
    • a needle swinging in any other direction or in a circle indicates that the wish will be fulfilled, but not in the way imagined;
    • a needle hanging motionless in the air indicates that the dream will come true, but you will have to wait for a very long time.

    With fabric

    You can use a needle, a long red thread and a piece of fabric.

    The ritual will take 40 days, during which you will need to do one stitch every day. When threading a needle and sewing, you should only think about desire.

    It will come true if there is enough thread for 40 stitches. There are several interpretations of the result. You can choose any one, just before the fortune telling begins:

    • the dream will come true regardless of whether there is extra left or not;
    • if there is not enough or there is extra length left, it will not come true;
    • if the thread is not over, the wish will not come true soon; The longer the balance, the longer you will have to wait.

    You should make the stitches even and the same length: the neater the seam, the easier it will be to complete your plan.

    In the name of the husband and a happy marriage

    You can find out the name of your betrothed using a needle, red thread and a basin of water.

    Fortune telling is performed in the morning, before the sun rises, and consists of the following steps:

    1. 1. In the evening, the basin should be filled with clean water, and pieces of paper with men’s names written on them should be secured to its edges.
    2. 2. Place the container under the bed.
    3. 3. Place the needle on the windowsill, with the eye facing north.
    4. 4. Before going to bed, tie a thread around your wrist.
    5. 5. At dawn, get up without changing clothes and without talking to anyone, take out a basin, light 4 candles around it.
    6. 6. Break the thread, thread it into a needle, close your eyes and throw the needle into the basin: the eye will indicate the name of your future husband.

    The question of whether the marriage will be happy will be answered with a needle, red thread and a piece of fabric. For fortune telling, you must perform the following steps:

    1. 1. Thread the thread into the eye of the needle, do not tie a knot.
    2. 2. Make a few stitches without looking at the fabric, thinking only about your future husband, trying to remember every feature of his face.
    3. 3. Pull sharply on the tip of the thread.

    To decipher the result, you need to analyze the behavior of the thread:

    • came out freely - a happy marriage awaits;
    • things are going hard - life with your future husband will not be cloudless;
    • breaks - young people are not destined to be together.

    How to do fortune telling correctly

    It is necessary to prepare for fortune telling in advance, trying to protect yourself from the influence of the other world:

    1. 1. In the previous 2-3 days, you need to fast and ask God for forgiveness for your future fortune telling.
    2. 2. Just before fortune-telling, you need to remove your pectoral cross, put away all the jewelry, and let your hair down.
    3. 3. The needle should be cleaned by holding it over the fire.

    The ritual is usually carried out with open doors and chimneys, and the place where it will be performed is outlined with a holy circle.

    You cannot perform the ritual if a person does not get enough sleep, feels unwell, tired or upset.

    The best time for divination is the full moon, when otherworldly forces are especially strong. The likelihood that it will be successful is higher on “special” days, namely:

    • birthday;
    • Christmas Eve;
    • on the night of Ivan Kupala;
    • before Epiphany.

    The best, “magical” time, when prophecies have special power, is considered to be the period from Christmas to the old New Year (Christmastide).

    Our ancestors believed that on these days God, in honor of the birth of the Son, unlocks the gates of hell, giving its inhabitants the opportunity to celebrate a significant event, so evil spirits will be favorably disposed towards the fortuneteller.

    The choice of location is also important. It was believed that the relationship with the other world is strongest in a wooden bathhouse, since it is here that all five magical elements are present: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Wood.

    To ensure that fortune telling is truthful and does not harm the fortuneteller, you can use the advice of great-grandmothers:

    1. 1. Never repeat your question, trying to wait for a favorable answer.
    2. 2. Formulate requests very clearly, avoiding ambiguity.
    3. 3. Do not bother the higher powers with too much dialogue: they may get angry.
    4. 4. After finishing the fortune telling, do not forget to say goodbye to the spirit and ask it to return to your world.
    5. 5. Do not tell anyone about the results of fortune telling.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Fortune telling with a needle and thread and summoning spirits can be considered a session of spiritualism. Summoning the spirit and fortune telling on a circle is a popular ancient fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmastide for predicting fate. On long winter evenings, our ancestors wondered about the future to find out whether their wishes would come true. Spiritualism sessions to contact spirits became most widespread in Europe in the 19th century. At that time, skeptics contemptuously called spiritualistic seances “table turning” or “parlor fun.” To summon the spirit, the participants in the session sat around the table, placed their palms on the table and together called upon the spirit. The appearance of spirits was guessed by the movement of the table, creaking, tapping, and by the rotation and movement of objects. Typically, simple questions were asked with “Yes” or “No” answers.

In Europe, spiritualism originated from ancient fortune telling - necromancy, that area of ​​occultism that was aimed at communicating with the dead. The word “necromancy” itself, translated from Greek, means “dead” and “fortune telling,” which indicates a method of divination involving the calling of the spirits of the dead to obtain various knowledge, including about the future.

The conditions for communicating with spirits are described in detail in The Book of Mediums by Alan Kardec. Alan Kardec believed that in order to successfully summon spirits, the presence of a medium was required. Through mediums, spirits communicated with people, temporarily inhabiting the body of the medium. At the same time, he began to speak in alien voices, name names, events and dates from the life of the deceased, and then returned to his previous state. But not all authors thought so; some authors believed that to communicate with spirits it was enough to build a “magic chain” or “magic circle” when all participants held hands.

At first, tables or saucers with drawn arrows were widely used, but in the 20th century, devices for close communication with spirits appeared: “tablet”, “fortune roulette”, “Witch’s board” or “Ouija Board” and others. Ouija boards for calling spirits using a board were made in a particularly beautiful way, from expensive wood with elaborate decorating metal inserts, usually round in shape. The boards were truly beautiful, like works of art.

Since those ancient times, the classic instrument for spiritualism has remained unchanged - it is a cardboard or wooden circle with a light arrow. The words “Yes” and “No”, letters of the alphabet and numbers are written on the circle. The arrow points to the letters and numbers that make up the answers to the fortune tellers' questions. Contact with the spirit is considered established if, as the arrow rotates, it points to meaningful words, and now it can be asked various questions.

It is believed that practicing spiritualism is not entirely safe. Mediums and very sensitive people are the most at risk. There are known cases when, during fortune-telling, spirits of a lower order come into contact, and in their answers they deliberately misinform, provoke, and even openly mock the fortune-tellers. The great magician of the 20th century, Alistair Crowley, wrote about this: “Spiritualists do not care about methods of protection, they attract all kinds of demons and all sorts of demonic husk, as if they want to get dirty up to their ears in this mud. Their invitations may be attended by spirits of the underworld, which they mistakenly take to be the soul of a deceased person.”

Aleister Crowl believed that the best way to protect against unwanted entities is purity of thoughts. If you decide to tell fortunes by calling the spirit, then you can be protected by amulets and talismans, as well as the absence of fear, ambition, lust and self-interest.

You can proceed to choosing another method of fortune telling on the page

Fortune telling on needles

So why do they use needles for this fortune telling? Like all metal objects, the needle works as an antenna; it is capable of attracting and conducting energy from the surrounding space. The eye of the needle as a contour generates vortex flows of bioenergy. These flows swirl like tornadoes, the base of which is located in the eye. It is the ear and the energy flows around it that create a strong biofield around the needle.

The needle is a very sensitive receiver of bioenergy, and the amount of space force passing through it is hundreds of times greater than the flow of energy flowing through a steel wire of the same size and quality. These bioenergy streams rush to the thin tip of the needle and, falling from its end, are absorbed by objects that touch the tip. Energy entities from the subtle world communicate with the world of the living and, through a needle, transmit information for subsequent actions.

If you compare the flows of bioenergy with a road, the needle resembles a crossroads. On her thin body, flows of different directions and even different times intersect. At the same time, thanks to its special shape, the needle directs the flow of bioenergy to its tip. It is there, on the tip of the needle, that a lot of its wonderful properties are hidden, used in magic and folk medicine. The needle itself, even without thread, can bring a lot of interesting things into your life. For example, bought on Monday and pinned into the collar of a sweater, it helps your life turn for the better. Pinned near the door frame with the point up, it lifts your prayers to the sky and protects your home from negative energy. If you look at the tip of a needle, inserted with the blunt side into a wooden plank, and read prayers at the same time, then your request will be fulfilled faster.

And finally, if some part of your body hurts, and there is nothing suitable at hand to relieve the pain, you can carefully (so as not to prick yourself) temporarily attach a needle to the sore spot with the point down, and the pain will begin to subside.

Fortune telling circle with a needle

To start fortune telling with a needle, you need to prepare an alphabet circle, without which fortune telling with a needle and thread is impossible. The circle must be cut out of thick cardboard. The size of the circle depends on the expected number of participants in the fortune telling session with a needle. The diameter of the circle can be either small, about 0.5 meters, if there are few fortunetellers (up to 5 people), or reach one meter. For more participants, a larger circle is needed.

How to draw a circle for fortune telling? There are no clear recommendations here. If you look closely at the fortune telling boards that went on sale and were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, you will understand that fortune telling will work in any case, regardless of the size of the circle and the arrangement of the letters. But we can give recommendations on the arrangement of letters in the alphabet circle as advice.

The circle diagram represents several circles and the letters of the alphabet, numbers and answer options located in them: “Yes” and “No”. The small circle contains all the numbers, and the outer large circle contains all the letters of the alphabet in a clockwise direction. It is necessary to conditionally divide the entire circle into 32 sectors. To do this, first divide the circle into 4 parts with straight diagonals in the form of a cross. At the ends of the diagonals of a straight cross along the diameter of the circle, place the letters A, P, H and 3.

Then draw inclined diagonals and divide the circle into 8 parts. At the ends of the inclined diagonals, place the letters D, U, БI and Л.

In the spaces on the left and right sides, write the remaining intermediate letters of the alphabet, placing them evenly across the diameter. Right and left sides: V, E, J, N, S, X, Shch, Yu. Intermediate letters: B, G, E, Zh, I, K, M, O, R, T, F, C, Sh, Ъь (together), E, ​​Ya. From them you can exclude such letters of the alphabet as Y and E. Or write letters such as “e” and “е” and “ь” and “ъ” next to each other, separated by commas, which, in general, it doesn't matter.

Inside the large alphabetic circle, a small digital circle is drawn from 0 to 9: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 - its diameter is approximately half the size of the alphabetic one. In the same place, below and above, write the words “Yes”, “No”, and on the right and left you can put the signs “?” And "!". The middle of the circle should be clearly marked as a distinct point for concentration.

Before fortune telling, a sheet with a pattern of an alphabetic circle must be securely fastened so that it does not move or slide on the table during fortune telling.

In this fortune telling, the function of a pointer will be performed by a needle. A needle suspended on a thread is a convenient pointer, especially if you want to tell fortunes alone. But it could very well have been a small, lightweight porcelain saucer with a drawn arrow or some other lightweight object.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread on a circle

For fortune telling you need an ordinary needle and thread. In this fortune telling, a needle suspended on a thread is a pointer. You need to thread the thread into the eye of the needle. Make a small hole in the center of the circle with a needle or nail. A preheated needle is stuck strictly into the center of the circle. Support the needle by the thread with your hand at a height of about 20-30 cm, you need to find the position of your hand exactly above the center of the pattern. The fortuneteller's hand should not tremble. The thread is slightly lowered so that the needle rotates freely in a circle, like the hand of a clock, but does not touch the surface with its eye. The needle, resting one end on the paper, will easily rotate in a circle. The other end will indicate the answers “YES” or “NO”, numbers or letters.

The places where the needle freezes indicate letters, which are then formed into words. Essentially, the needle should become an arrow that you support above the center of the alphabet circle.

After all the preparations have been made, you need to summon the spirit with whom you will communicate. In the room where they tell fortunes by calling spirits, a window or door must be open so that the spirits can enter and exit; All mirrors should be removed or curtained and there should be no animals so that spirits do not remain. If one of the participants giggles, or, conversely, feels restless or very afraid, then things will not go well. They usually evoke the spirit of some famous ancient poet or writer who has already died, most often the spirit of Pushkin, Yesenin, Mayakovsky and others. You can summon the spirit of your deceased relative, but this is more scary because he may want to stay after the session and will not leave. In this case, he will have to be kicked out by other methods, including inviting a priest. It’s better to tell fortunes in an old abandoned room where spirits like to be, and if you can’t send them away, it won’t be so tragic for you. So choosing a company and a place for a seance is a troublesome matter.

Fortune telling on a circle with a needle calling the spirit

First, they call on the spirit: “We call on the spirit of such and such. Spirit such and such come,” then they ask: “Spirit such and such, are you here?” At this time, the hand should support the needle so that it rotates very easily, as if on its own. After the question, the needle should be attracted, as if by a magnet, and stop for a moment above the answer. If the needle tilts towards “Yes” or “No”, usually the answer is “Yes”, ask if he wants to answer your questions: “Spirit such and such, do you want to communicate with us?”, after the answer you can ask questions. If nothing happens, ask again. Usually after a couple of times the needle will indicate the answer. To begin with, the questions should be such that the answers are simple: “Yes” or “No.” Then questions with answers in both numbers and letters are possible. If the needle pauses for a second, for example, above the number “5,” then weakens and stops above the number “3,” then this may mean the number “53.” It's the same with letters. The words in the answers will be made up of the letters over which the needle stops.

Fortune telling with a needle and communication with spirits should be delicate and tactful. Otherwise they may get angry. After the end of the conversation, you need to thank the spirit for communicating and say goodbye, and he must agree and leave. After fortune telling, you must definitely tell the spirit to leave, ask: “Spirit such and such, are you here?” If he answers, then say goodbye and send him away; the door or window should be open.

More details are given about summoning the spirit and its consequences.

You definitely need to finish what you start. In this case, you need to understand that if you take responsibility, disturb the spirit, call it to you, then you need to thank it, say goodbye and ask it to leave, regardless of which side it belongs to (good or evil), otherwise disturb he will start you.

If you decide to guess in this way, you take responsibility for the consequences. In any case, it is highly recommended not to ask questions to which you would not like to know the answers. For example, “When will I die” or “Will I go to Hell or Heaven?” There is no guarantee that he will tell the truth, no matter who communicates with you through the needle.

This is how spirits are summoned. Anyone can do fortune telling with a needle and thread on a circle. This convincingly proves that forces that we do not see exist, but we should not get carried away and take their answers seriously. The problem is that it is unknown who exactly will communicate with you through the needle. Any entity can enter into a dialogue with you, and if there are many of them at the same time, as in that cartoon “Prostokvashino”, when Uncle Fyodor began writing a letter, and then everyone who is not too lazy. It might be the same here.

Fortune telling with a needle and black thread

In the villages they used to tell fortunes with a needle and thread a little differently. The thread was always black. The fortune telling itself began with the call of the brownie, with the words: “Brownie, brownie, are you here?” Sometimes the question “Brownie, brownie, are you here?” the clear answer was “No.” Then they immediately asked: “Who are you?” And depending on the answer, they decided whether to continue communicating or not.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread and a chimney

Or this option. A devil with a navel was drawn on a piece of paper, and the alphabet and numbers were written around it. They took a thread and a needle, tied the thread to the chimney, and invited the devil into the chimney. Then they asked something, the needle began to move and point out letters. The groom's name, age, and how many children there will be. A spindle was also used for this purpose. If the needle simply turned in a circle, it meant that the question was poorly worded and needed to be rephrased.

Fortune telling on a needle with a white thread for the betrothed

If they took a white thread, then fortune telling was carried out on a circle with letters to find out the name of the betrothed. They also drew a circle into 33 parts, took a new needle, threaded a white thread into its eye, painted the circle in the alphabet clockwise on blue paper, threw the needle and thread over their hand, read a prayer and began fortune-telling. Where the needle dangled, that letter was written down, so the name of the betrothed was recognized.