Psychotechnologies of wish fulfillment. Technique of wish fulfillment What is the technique of wish fulfillment

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It is difficult to imagine a woman who would not have desires. Only some want everything, at once and more. But other desires are smaller, more modest, and the woman is ready to wait. Everyone has desires. Question: how to make them fulfilled?

In this article, I analyzed the advice of different authors and added my personal experience. The result is a step-by-step algorithm, a clear system for fulfilling desires.

11-step wish fulfillment technology

How to correctly formulate a desire

Which 6 key criteria must be present in the statement of desires:

  • Formulate your goal in the first person. You are responsible only for yourself and for your life. Therefore, goals concern only you.
  • Formulate your goal in the present tense. The subconscious does not understand the future and the past, it only understands the present.
  • The wording should be positive, without a word “not”.

To enhance the positive effect, be creative. Write your wish on A4 sheets of paper in large letters and hang these magical sheets in prominent places in your home. Let them remind your subconscious that it’s time to implement your plans!

  • The formulation of the desire should be clear and concise. One goal, one idea.
  • Set a time frame in your wording. Indicate by what date you want your plans to be completed.
  • The wording should be emotionally meaningful to you.

If a goal “hooks” you and is important to you, then it will be realized 2 times faster.

Visualization of desires: 100% technology to make your dream come true

Visualization is when you imagine a vivid image of your dreams in great detail.

2 visualization methods:

  1. Look at the Dream from the outside, be an outside observer, as if you were watching a film on a cinema screen. You observe the actions, but are not involved in the process.
  2. When you are a direct participant in the events taking place, the main character of the film.

It is better to combine these 2 methods: first look at the Dream from the outside, and then feel it from the inside, including in the process not only vision, but also hearing, taste and sensations.

As in this exercise, connect all the senses:

When you have created a bright colorful image of desire, connected all the senses to it, answer yourself 3 questions:

  1. What will I see when I make my wish come true?
  2. What will I hear when I make my wish come true?
  3. How will I feel when I make my wish come true?

Turn on your emotions

An important aspect of any image is the emotion behind it. The more you put feelings and sounds into the image, the more real the picture becomes, the faster the subconscious will help you make your desires come true.

Act as if you already have what you dream of.

Do you want a new car?

Imagine how you are sitting behind the wheel of a brand new foreign car, feel your heart skip a beat when you rush along the road with the breeze, sitting in a soft chair, and your favorite music is heard from the speakers.

Master class “Create the image of your dreams!”

  • you will learn about the pros and cons of visualization techniques
  • do some visualization practice
  • learn about 3 magical ways to enhance visualization
  • learn to dream in images
  • learn about 3 methods of imaginative thinking
  • do the “Star Gate” meditation, during which you will speed up the fulfillment of your desire

Be specific in your desire

Determine where, when and with whom you are going to realize your dream.

Ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. Where, under what circumstances do I want to get the desired result?
  2. When do I want to get the desired result?
  3. With whom do I want to get the desired result?

Have you been dreaming about something for a long time, but for some reason your dream has not yet been realized? It often happens that the dream does not belong to you, and you are guided by other people's ideas.

Take the "You and Your Dream" test, which will help you look at your dream from a different angle and determine how much your dream matches you.

Focus on your dream

Any image has its own energy (vibration). But you can always strengthen this energy, give the image additional strength. By conscious actions you give the image of your dreams additional energy.

This exercise will help you learn to concentrate on your desires and, ultimately, speed up the process of dream materialization.

Spend enough time on your dreams

There is a time to sow seeds, there is a time to harvest, and there is a time to let it ripen. So sometimes months and years pass between the idea and the implementation of this plan.

How long will it take for your dream image to become a reality?

It depends on two things: the ability to focus on the goal and the seriousness of the task.

How to create a positive dream image and visualize it?

Listen to visualization meditations and learn to draw vivid pictures in your imagination.

Meditation “Magic Castle”

Determine what resources you have

Take a piece of paper and draw a two-column table, a list of resources that you can use to realize your desires.

External resources are what surrounds you: people, objects, nature, clothes, books, etc.

Write a list of friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues who can help you make your dreams come true.

Think about what objects you can use, what books you can read, what movies you can watch.

Internal resources are your personal qualities, abilities, skills, experience, positive emotions, etc.

Take your dream eco-friendly test

An environmental audit is about determining how your dream will impact you personally and the world around you as a whole.

You must be sure that the fulfillment of your desire will not cause problems in other areas of your life. And that your actions will not have a negative impact on the people around you, will not infringe on them.

Environmental test

Internal environmental audit

  1. What will be the consequences of your desires?
  2. What will you gain when your wish comes true?
  3. What will you lose by achieving what you want?
  4. What other steps will you need to take to realize your dreams?
  5. Is what you want worth such effort?
  6. What is the price of your desires and are you willing to pay it?
  7. What are the consequences of your desires in the future?

External environmental audit

  1. How will realizing your dreams affect other people?
  2. Doesn't pursuing your dreams conflict with other people's value systems?
  3. What impact will your realized dream have on other people?
  4. How will others react to the ongoing processes?

Conduct an environmental audit. Weigh the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh the cons, feel free to continue on the path to your dream.

Turn your fears into positive intentions

To make your wish come true, analyze in advance the possible obstacles that you may encounter on your way. Determine for yourself: what could prevent you from achieving your dreams?

Say the phrase out loud: “The wish will not come true because...”

And then list the reasons that come to your mind.

5 categories of reasons that are stopping you

  1. You lack external resources (money, connections, time, etc.)
  2. You have resources, but there is no clear understanding of what and how to do
  3. You have a clear plan of action, but you don't believe you have the necessary skills.
  4. You have all the skills, but you don't think you're worthy of your dreams
  5. It's a great dream, but someone else deserves to achieve it.

Make a list of obstacles and think about how you can overcome them.
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Make a magical action plan to make your dreams come true

An action plan will help you answer the following questions:

  • how to achieve your goal
  • what needs to be done for this

Action plan– a clear idea of ​​what you want and an installation of HOW it can be achieved.

A plan helps you keep track of whether you're on track or off track. It will also show the pace of progress towards your goal.

Make an action plan for the proposed steps. Describe each step in detail and detail.

Keep your plan handy to track your progress toward your goal.

Regularly summarize, adjust steps, replace achieved results with new intermediate goals.

Back up your plan with action

Let's be honest with ourselves. You can dream for years, visualize images while lying on the couch, and make strategic plans. Until you get off that couch and start taking action, it’s unlikely that anything will change.

When transforming limiting beliefs, it is important to show the subconscious through your actions the seriousness of your intention.
When you start making efforts, the results will not take long to arrive.

Remember that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

– your success in achieving your dreams. Take the first step... And very soon your wish will come true.


Dear readers! Write in the comments what you would like to add to the article. Share your techniques for making wishes come true. What worked for you personally. Give examples. We will add the most interesting and complete answer as the 12th paragraph to this article indicating the author.


So, you have received a step-by-step algorithm for making your dreams come true.

We learned what steps should be taken in what order. This strategy can change your life. Just follow the proven system, fulfill your wishes and become a real Sorceress of your life.

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I would be grateful for your feedback!

Anna Savchenkova, with love, magical:)

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Was last modified: September 25th, 2016 by Anna Savchenkova

I wrote this article under the impression of conversations with my patients. They often complain to me that their wishes are not fulfilled. People simply cannot fulfill them, they cannot do it. Someone wants to get rid of their illnesses that have tormented them, but they cannot, and the treatment they receive is not effective. Someone is in financial need and cannot buy the apartment they want or buy the house they need. Some people are unable to purchase the car they need. Someone cannot enter the desired university in their chosen specialty. Someone’s personal life in a family with a loved one is not working out and there is an intention to correct the situation. There are other cases of people not having their desires fulfilled. How to fix the situation? How to help people fulfill their desires? This is what this article is about.

Every person passionately desired something in his life, and his desire was fulfilled. Most wishes can be achieved. However, desires can be useful for a person, or they can harm him.Not only sorcerers and magicians, but also scientists speak about the fact that one must desire correctly, accurately and having studied oneself.

The art of wishing is not given to everyone. You have to learn this, and then start wishing for it.

There are, for example, a simple technique for making wishes come true. It includes the following steps:

- to wish something;

- imagine that what you want has already come true;

- feel positive emotions from the possible fulfillment of a desire and consolidate this feeling in yourself;

- “let go” of thoughts about desire, and forget about it at least for a while.

The vast majority of people in their dreams see themselves rich, healthy, successful, happy. But why are such desires often not fulfilled? What's stopping you? What can’t you do to make what you want come true?

You can't constantly think about what you want.

It is better to remember what you want less often, from time to time, but more vividly. Think about the desired situation as if it were happening right now. Experience it at the level of sensations. To wish for non-abstract things, such as “happiness for yourself and others.”

You need to clearly and specifically formulate what you want., for example, buy a car of a certain brand, an apartment, a country house, get a desired position at work, enroll in a certain educational institution, obtain the knowledge necessary for life and work, develop certain abilities, marry a specific person, etc., plan, how this will happen.

There are desires that hinder our path in life. Such desires will resist fulfillment for a long time, and obstacles will inevitably arise on the way to their fulfillment. Therefore, before you wish, think carefully about whether you need it, why you need it and whether you can do without it.

To begin, select the Power that will help you: Life, God, Supreme Intelligence, Universe. This list contains powerful Forces that have always helped all living beings. In fact, behind these names there is the same Power, only it is called by different words. Choose the Power you believe in! Imagine how powerful this Power is! She's everywhere! And, most importantly, it is in you! She is ready to serve you faithfully! Ready to do whatever you want! I will call this Power Life!

If what you want is really necessary and does not conflict with Life, then boldly act according to the above method.

Get rid of idealization, free yourself from negative emotions, from fear, anxiety, sadness, envy, anger, self-doubt, doubts and bad thoughts, then you will be able to correctly formulate your requests to Life.

Remember the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

People have long and constantly, often without even realizing it, used many principles of “ordering” events or making desires come true.

For a miracle to happen and a wish to come true, at least two conditions must be met:
- desire;
- real actions.

To “order” desires, you must be in a state of inner feeling of peace, unconditional love for everyone in the world, have a feeling of lightness in your soul and body, when the brain works in the alpha range.

The above technique works well when shaping events that concern you personally. And it is much less effective if you need to force some other person to make the decision you need, for example, to hire you for the position you want, or to change in the way you need, for example, to undergo treatment for alcohol addiction. At the same time, you can order events and changes for other people, but only good ones.

Forming events is painstaking, difficult work, with the expected result not always immediately coming. When you have put your thoughts in order, clearly decide what you want to ask from Life. The Japanese have a saying: “A bag of desires has no bottom.”

Choose what excites you most today. This will be your most important request. But there may be several wishes, so make a list of them. Rank the goals in the list by level of importance. Put the most important goal in first place, slightly less important in second, even less important in third, and so on. Take your time, think about this topic for several days.

In your goal statement, indicate the end result, that is, what you want to get, and the approximate time frame for fulfilling your desire. For example, write: “I am purchasing a Renault Duster car with an automatic transmission in 2016.” Or if you want to buy an apartment, just write: “I am moving into my own three-room apartment in the area... (indicate the area) in 2017.” You may be able to get it at little or no cost. Or in 2018 I am purchasing a country house on the bank of a river (indicate the name of the river) in a locality (indicate the name of the locality). Or “In six months, I will take a position that becomes vacant (indicate the desired position).”

Your goal should be formulated clearly and as briefly as possible, but taking into account all the parameters that are significant to you. When setting goals, phrases are used that emphasize that the action is happening now. For example, “I am getting rich” or “My income is constantly increasing,” rather than “I am a rich person.” Such a statement is not yet true, and it can cause strong internal resistance. The effectiveness of such an “order” will be low.

When formulating your goal, try to avoid negative particles “not” and “no”. Ask for what you need, but don't try to get rid of what's stopping you. When formulating an order, avoid vague, ambiguous understanding of the desired result. When ordering, indicate the end result immediately, and not how to achieve it. Life will figure out how to arrange everything in the best way for you. If your goal lies in the sphere of material interests, then it is better to ask for a thing rather than the means to buy it. At the same time, Life has many options for solving your problems: it can present money received or unexpectedly earned by you, a gift from a loved one, or winnings...

Try to order what is your true desire and is in the depths of your soul. At the same time, other desires that are not true will not be fulfilled, or will be fulfilled very slowly.

The simplest and most effective way to work towards realizing a dream is to repeatedly repeat the formula you created - affirmations.

Affirmation (from Latin affirmatio - confirmation) is a short phrase containing a verbal formula, which, when repeated many times, consolidates the required image or attitude in a person’s subconscious, helping to improve his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life.

Rules for drawing up affirmations.

To repeat the affirmation as effectively as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:
1. The statement must be formulated as a fact, and in the present tense.
2. Use only positive words, avoid negative statements.
3. Affirmation should give rise to positive emotions, joy, drive and passion.
4. The affirmation should be short and at the same time bright and figurative. Avoid ambiguous words and vague concepts.
5. Be specific. To do this, ask yourself what you want to become in order to feel happiness and love.
6. You need to choose an affirmation that suits you personally. It’s better to formulate it for yourself.
7. Believe what you say. To strengthen your faith, you need to record any of your victories.
8. At the end of the affirmations, you can add “I get much more than I expect.”
9. The statement must have a direction and not have a negation. Example: “I accept myself as I am,” here there is an indication of an attitude in the subconscious: to be like this. Denial creates nothing. It follows from this that it does not provide the subconscious with information about the development of any attitude.
10. Denial is not perceived at all on a subconscious level.

Common mistakes when using affirmations.

1. Doubts and negative thoughts.
2. Mechanical, without involving the emotional sphere, reading of the affirmation.
3. Confrontation, rejection of feelings arising in the process of repeating the affirmation.
4. Affirmations are often confused with visualizations, creating videos of desired images using text superimposed on the image (or spoken words). It is important to understand the difference in application between visualizations and affirmations. Mixing affirmations with visualizations has created a wide field for all kinds of “amateur activities” that do not lead to results and undermine the very idea of ​​affirmation.

How to use affirmations.

Affirmations can be said silently, read out loud, written down repeatedly, or even sung. For example, you can set an affirmation in your browser as a home page, which will open before your eyes every time you launch it, then the affirmation will work automatically.

Practicing 10 minutes every day can, over time, overcome unwanted patterns that have been acquired over the years.

I will give examples of affirmations taken from Tatyana Tkacheva’s blog “Dream School”

Examples of affirmations for career and job search.

I deserve the perfect job, and today I find it!

I am confident and able to work in my favorite position!

I'm a great worker! Any employer is lucky to have me!

My confidence is growing! A successful career is in my life today!

Every time I go through an interview, I radiate confidence and inner strength!

I'm ready for an interview! I'm confident in myself!

I'm pursuing the career of my dreams! She appears in my mind and in my world!

I deserve a Great Career!

Examples of affirmations for career advancement.

I am the engine of my career success.

I work with love! I work smart! I am worthy of praise, good income and promotion!

Today I see ways to earn money that will make me happy!

Today I contribute to my financial well-being!

I'm climbing the career ladder at lightning speed!

I'm always ready to learn and grow!

Examples of affirmations for students and schoolchildren.

Today and every day, my thirst for knowledge is alive in me!

I can find out everything there is to know!

I'm ready to take tests. I love taking tests.

I absorb the necessary knowledge like a sponge!

Learning is life. I love to study and I'm good at it.

The more I learn, the more I achieve.

I'm a good student. Learning is easy for me!

I'm smart and today I'll prove it!

I value my education!

I'm always open to learning!

Examples of affirmations for learning categories.

Mathematics is interesting to me!

I know that a doctoral dissertation is the door to my future!

I am writing a fundamentally new dissertation, and it is receiving high marks.

I learn new processes at work easily and effortlessly.

I love English.

I learn foreign languages ​​easily and effortlessly.

Italian is so easy for me.

Examples of affirmations for businessmen and entrepreneurs.

I have my own thriving business.

I have a big business that is growing every day.

My experience and knowledge help me to be successful in my business.

I am committed to achieving my business goals.

I create a successful product that people need.

I overcome any difficulties and solve any problems.

I treat my clients with respect.

My sales are increasing daily.

I am growing my business to be successful.

I have a big business.

I have the talent to succeed.

Books on achieving success in business give the following recommendations: if you want to be a successful wealthy businessman, act as if the desired result has already been achieved; evaluate current events like an accomplished businessman; talk like a person with large material assets. If you succeed, then you will be guaranteed a positive result in business. You will declare to Life: what you want, what your goals are.

Affirmations for creating healthy and happy relationships.

Building a healthy relationship starts from the very beginning of dating. This means you create positive energy of respect and love for your partner for who he is, you accept him with all his positive and negative characteristics, and establish a healthy relationship with him. This is the ability to find a compromise with him, respect him and show patience.

At the same time, you must be sure that your relationship is full of love and happiness. Then your affirmations will work and help you build happy and reliable relationships. Choose 1 – 2 – 3 affirmations and read them over and over again, silently or out loud, knowing that you are doing your part to ensure a wonderful relationship.

Examples of affirmations for building healthy and happy relationships.

I am confident in the love of my partner.

I deeply love and respect my partner.

I'm in a committed relationship.

I am kind and caring towards my beloved.

I build happy relationships.

I love my partner very much.

I deeply respect and value my beloved.

I am full of positive energy of love.

I'm happy and confident.

My relationship with my partner is filled with joy.

Affirmations to attract good luck and happiness into your life.

In 2012, New Zealand scientists from the University of Dunedin revealed the secret of happiness! Its origins should be sought in childhood. It turned out that a child’s trusting relationships with family and friends are the key to a happy life in the future. Such children grow up confident, live in harmony with the world and know how to deal with stress.

A person needs the feeling of happiness like air. Otherwise, the body begins to experience real hunger from a lack of positive emotions. The “Satisfaction Deficit Syndrome” is developing.

American geneticists David Cumings and Kenneth Bloom found that not all people are capable of fully experiencing happiness. This depends on genes, disturbances in the functioning of which lead to abnormalities in the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system, causing a person to become despondent. However, if one of the genes responsible for the feeling of happiness does not work well, other genes insure it, and the person is still able to experience joy.

Genetics have found that happiness hormones - dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are produced in those moments when a person remembers moments in which he felt good. Or when a person solves some complex problem. Hormones of joy are released during any creativity. It is important not to give in to problems, but to solve them step by step. Even a fake smile makes the facial muscles work, from which impulses go to the brain. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The mood lifts. Scientists have proven that happy people live longer.

What makes us happier.

After half an hour of physical education, the concentration of “happiness hormones” in the blood increases 5–7 times. The high lasts for 1.5–2 hours. The product works better on men.

Sex. Even in ancient times, sex, as a universal “medicine”, was prescribed for bronchial asthma, gastritis and a thousand other diseases.Migraine sufferers have reduced synthesis of “joy hormones” from birth. They need sex first and foremost.

Food. 40% of the population of childbearing age prefer good food to good sex. But not all foods contribute equally to the synthesis of endorphins. In the first place is carbohydrate foods, and above all chocolate. Bananas come second in terms of the “effect of happiness and joy.” Ice cream has almost the same effect. All other sweets stimulate the release of endorphins to a lesser extent.Women who have fallen into depression begin to “eat up” unhappiness and... gain weight. This behavior is dictated by the subconscious!

Pregnancy. Gives a woman a feeling of happiness throughout 9 months. The production of endorphins reaches its peak at the time of childbirth.

Ultraviolet. Increases the concentration of serotonin in the body. This is why lengthening daylight hours and warmth have such a beneficial effect on northerners.

Cold. The dosed effect of low temperatures increases the production of “happiness hormones,” Canadian scientists have found. Running and walking barefoot in the snow are great for treating neuroses and depression.

Laughter. The amount of endorphins increases dramatically when we laugh.

Art. Patients who received a therapeutic dose of music and painting required a much smaller dose of painkillers. In addition, their blood pressure normalized.

“Happiness hormones” may not be produced in the required quantities for a variety of reasons. Their synthesis decreases in endocrine, infectious and viral diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome. Even upbringing matters: if in a family every trifle is perceived as a reason for despondency, gradually a bad mood becomes the norm for a person, and he gets used to living with a reduced level of these substances.

All people want to attract luck and happiness into their lives. How to achieve this?

This is done using the law of attraction. Focus your thinking on positive thoughts. You need to deeply believe in luck and think only positively about it. Choose those affirmations that you like, are most acceptable to you and resonate with your inner beliefs, and repeat them.

Examples of affirmations to attract good luck and happiness.

I'm lucky.

I attract good luck into my life.

I always think positively.

I am a happy and lucky person.

Luck is always with me.

I am grateful for the luck in my life.

I feel lucky all the time.

Luck and happiness are the norm for me.

I am luck oriented.

I go through life with luck and success.

I deeply believe in my ability to attract good luck.

Every day brings me endless luck.

Every day I am surrounded by an abundance of opportunities.

Everything I do brings me great success.

Luck comes to me without much effort.

I always get what I want.

I am the personification of success.

I am the happiest person!

I create my happiness every day.

I have luck that never fails me.

I was born under a lucky star.

Lady luck follows me.

Fortune loves me!

My happiness is growing every day.

Affirmations for health.

With the help of affirmations, you can get rid of depression, cure various diseases, and feel young, healthy and strong. “Grandmothers”, healers, sorcerers and magicians knew about this from ancient times. They called it conspiracies, love spells, curses. Knowing the secret and construction of affirmations, you will no longer

you need to follow the “grandmothers” and sorcerers. You can heal yourself.

What is the secret of affirmations for health?

He is in our thoughts. Thoughts flow in my head constantly and do not stop for a minute. We think about something all the time, analyze it. To improve your health, you need to have “silence” in your head and not have any thoughts. But it is difficult without long practice. And in this case, affirmations will help us.

Practice affirmations for health.

Every positive word or sentence repeated many times can lead to a positive result. The same applies to negativity. If every day you complain about your poor health, bad mood, you will not be healthy. But let's not think about the bad. Affirmations will help you be healthy and happy.

To get started, use the cheat sheet. When you wake up in the morning, without getting out of bed, wish yourself out loud or mentally good morning. Contact the diseased organs or parts of the body with a request

1. I choose health!
2. All my (list diseased organs) are working and feeling great!
3. Throughout the day I feel healthy, cheerful, full of energy!
4. My breakfast is light, healthy, delicious!
5. I can breathe easily and freely!
6. All the people around me love, and I love them (even if you don’t think so, repeat it anyway, and you will see that soon everything will be so).
7. If you are taking medications as prescribed by a doctor, then address the medications: “You will be with me as long as I need you.”

Throughout the day, wish yourself health and well-being, come up with affirmations for yourself. They must be in the present tense and not without a prefix. There are many examples of affirmations on the Internet, but the best results will come from those compiled by you personally. Say them like a spell, like a conspiracy. Do this often. Until it becomes a habit. This technique is very effective. Try it and judge for yourself.

Examples of affirmations for health.

I am well.

Happiness surrounds me.

My mental health is fine. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.

Every cell of my body is saturated with energy and health.

I am free from stress.

Every day I feel healthier and healthier.

I eat healthy and feel great.

Every day my vision is improving.

I love to do exercises every day.

I am grateful for my healthy body.

I have a strong immune system.

In my body, each organ performs its own functions.

I have a lot of strength, energy and vigor at any time of the day.

God's love flows through my body and restores it.

Every doctor I meet on my way helps me recover.

My body is healing quickly and easily.

My vital energy increases every day.

Affirmations for attracting money.

Affirmations are a powerful way to attract money. They help keep positive attitudes in our mind. Only with positive thinking can you achieve great success and wealth. The right money affirmations tune your consciousness to a wave of wealth, to let good income into your life, to make your thoughts happy and attractive to money.

Rules that make affirmations for attracting money effective.

1. Make sure your statement is positive and in the present tense. - I'm very rich. I'm getting rich.
2. Work with only one or two statements.
3. Write a money affirmation 20 times in the morning and evening. Or say it out loud.
4. When you say the formula out loud, look at yourself in the mirror.
5. Keep new thoughts short and specific.
6. Sing them out loud, in the car, in the shower, while walking.
7. Say them with excitement and passion, with a smile on your face.
8. To tune your subconscious mind to attract money, you need to repeat affirmations daily, ideally in the morning, at noon and in the evening.

Examples of affirmations to attract money.

Money flows to me easily.

I am a money magnet.

I always get what I want for myself.

I'm full of ideas to make money.

Unexpected income makes me happy.

Money comes easily and freely in my life.

I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.

I'm very successful.

My income is growing all the time.

Become a happy person and money will flow to you. There is a connection between wealth and happiness. You should feel happiness here and now! Be grateful for all the good things in your life, consider yourself lucky, and money will flow to you easily.

Never focus on what is missing in your life and never feel unhappy.

Well covers issues of raising money Laura Silva.

We were instilled with the mindset and confidence that hard work is the real way to get rich. But that's not true. You need to work more correctly and reap the benefits of a wealth mindset. There is no need to blame the economy, unemployment, or the crisis for your troubles. In the worst economic conditions, people achieved the best financial results. Redirect your energy, remove subconscious blocks directed against money and yourself.

You must have beliefs that indicate that you are a serious and worthy person who is capable of making money. We need to get rid of negative thoughts regarding money.

Affirmations for attracting money change your subconscious thinking. You are reprogramming yourself at the subconscious level, and you can become a magnet for money. You must relax, while your brain works in alpha mode. Your conscious mind does not evaluate your new ideas that you are about to program into your subconscious mind. With the help of affirmations, you can also change limiting beliefs that cause money to flow away from you instead of flowing into your hands.

As you repeat the affirmations, visualize that you have money and that it brings you pleasure. Imagine all the good things you can do with money! Imagine receiving money, depositing it into your account and using it. Be happy while repeating affirmations and visualizations! Your wealth brings you happiness!

For best results, say affirmations several times a day for a few minutes, focusing carefully on them. Don't think about anything else, focus on money. The longer you focus on a command, the more effective it will be.

Say the affirmations slowly, lovingly, and when you finish, enjoy the feeling you created in your body - the feeling of pleasant mastery of monetary wealth.

Repeat the affirmations daily for at least a month. Affirmations reinforce a new idea in the subconscious and develop a new mental habit - to think only positively about money.

When repeating other affirmations not related to money, they are also reinforced in the subconscious.
Visualizations - this is the mental representation of desired events

with your eyes closed. Choose one of the main goals that you want to achieve. Imagine that it has already been achieved, and you are in a state where all difficulties are left behind and the result has been achieved. Feel the pleasure and joy that the fulfillment of your desire will give you. One of the visualization techniques that will allow you to be more reminded of your desired goal is a drawing or photograph of it.

Feel the bright emotions that the achieved goal will give you, remember them. This is satisfaction, joy, happiness, admiration. Stay in this state for 5 – 10 minutes at least once a day until your goal is achieved. If you cannot feel the joy of future achievement of the desired result, then Life indicates to you that you have chosen the wrong goal.

The most important condition: you must experience positive emotions from possessing what you are striving for.

No doubts, no fears, no problems! Be open, trust Life, and it will find a way to realize your desire in the best way for you. However, do not forget to be guided by the principle: “God has no hands other than yours” and take real steps towards achieving your goals.

To realize your dreams, plan actions to realize them, think carefully about these actions. When you think about your actions to realize your desires, you inform Life about your plans, and it comes to your aid.

The fulfillment of desires depends on the degree of your emotionality (energy level), the purity of your thinking and positive attitude.

To be energetic, you need to raise your own energy.

To do this, use various exercises, including morning physical exercises, jogging, special energy exercises such as qigong, tai chi, meditation, and hardening. Accumulate energy and use it.

Modern people living in cities, preoccupied with their current affairs, leading a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle, have weak energy. The mental signal they send to Life will be weak and insufficient.

To make your dreams come true, leave your inner worries and anxious thoughts that take away your vitality.

Be sincere with yourself, accept the idea that is obvious to you: everything that happens to you in this life is, in one way or another, mentally allowed by you or even planned by you and does not happen without your participation.

A person programs himself a lack of funds and a corresponding life. And until he himself wants to get out of this state, no one can help him. You should see yourself in your thoughts as you would like to be - healthy, beautiful, rich, happy, etc.

And one more rule - try not to miss the opportunities Life provides you.

If something doesn’t work out in your life, don’t fuss, don’t despair. It seems to you that misfortunes and failures are pursuing you. In fact, Life gives you unfavorable circumstances today so that you learn to find a way out of them. And this skill will help you achieve success in the future. Draw conclusions from the current situation and do not make your mistakes again.

Trust your destiny and accept with gratitude everything that happens to you. Do not harbor resentment in your soul if, in your opinion, Life’s attitude towards you is unfavorable. Any situation that does not suit you is a reason not for worry, but for thinking about the reasons for the events taking place. If you are positive and have a good understanding of what exactly and why you want to achieve, then Life will definitely fulfill all your desires.

Any wish, if we really want it, can come true. How and in what form depends only on you. Order Life what you really need. Repeat your wish more often so that Life will fulfill it exactly.

Fulfillment of desires is the art of systematic thinking. Systems thinking is the ability to evaluate a situation from different points of view and choose the most effective path.

In order for your wish to come true, you need to decide on your system of values ​​and the system of your needs. It often happens that we deceive other people and present ourselves not as who we really are, and at the same time we deceive ourselves.

When a person has several wishes, the stronger one comes true.

No desire appears in a person without the means to fulfill it.

When making a wish, be sure to set a deadline for its fulfillment.

If you make a wish, make sure it comes true.

Record it on a piece of paper in writing and hide the piece of paper. And when your wish comes true, allow yourself to be surprised and thank Life for your help and support in fulfilling it.

The latest research into the human brain and mind has shown that the key to everything we desire in life, such as material wealth, a successful career, good health, serene happiness, wisdom, and enlightenment, lies in achieving a certain state of mind.

The study of the bioelectrical activity of the brain, including its intellectual activity, is determined by electroencephalography (EEG). Based on frequency, the following types of rhythmic components are distinguished in the EEG:

- delta - rhythm (0.5 - 4Hz) the slowest waves, they dominate when we fall asleep and prevail in a state of deep sleep;

- theta – rhythm (5 – 7Hz);

- alpha - rhythm (3 - 13Hz) - the main rhythm of the EEG, prevailing in a state of rest;

- mu - rhythm (7 - 9 Hz) is similar in frequency and amplitude characteristics to alpha - rhythm, but predominates in the anterior parts of the cerebral cortex;

- beta rhythm (15 – 35Hz), the person is in a normal waking state;

- gamma rhythm (above 35Hz), reflects human creative activity.

Scientists have determined that the state of mind in which desires come true is determined by the alpha and theta levels of consciousness and is associated with the production of alpha and theta waves by the brain.

Alpha waves vibrate in the brain between the cortex and thalamus. Alpha waves appear during periods of sensitive rest, such as in a quiet room with the eyes closed, during periods of mental relaxation, deep relaxation, meditation or peaceful consciousness. Alpha waves can occur in a state of light sleep, during periods of meditation, or when a sense of intuition is manifested.

The production of alpha waves is reduced when this part of the brain processes sensory (from the senses) information, in the process of solving everyday problems and reducing cognitive activity.

Increasing the number of alpha waves gives:
- feeling of peace;
- improving performance in studies and academic performance;
- increasing labor productivity in the workplace;
- warmth in the extremities;
- feeling of well-being;
- reduction of anxiety;
- improved sleep;
- improvement of immune function.

It is believed that such creative geniuses as Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla were constantly in an almost unchanged alpha state.

In recent years, subgroups of alpha waves have been identified - Mu waves (sometimes called Talfa). They are in the gap between alpha and theta waves. Their active generation is associated with a healthy state of consciousness, which gives exceptional intuition and personal transformation. They are recorded in a person in deep relaxation, in a state of deep meditation, in a state of hypnosis and in a state of Shulman resonance, when the frequencies of the brain resonate with the magnetic field of the Earth.

The same mu waves are recorded in people who are deeply depressed, with closed brain injuries, with migraines, attention disorders, chronic fatigue, anxiety and affective seasonal disorders, with premenstrual syndrome. In various chronic conditions, mu waves are recorded in the anterior frontal part of the brain when the eyes are open.

Theta waves occur during certain stages of sleep and are also recorded during intellectual and emotional stress. Theta rhythm is more pronounced in children and in people with an unbalanced character with a tendency towards aggression. In this state, memory activity increases, especially long-term memory, access to the subconscious increases, creativity increases, and unexpected insights appear. A person cannot remain in this state for a long time, as he goes into a state of sleep.

We reach the alpha and theta levels of consciousness during sleep. But how do you learn to reach these levels of brain function while remaining fully conscious? And how can you use this state of mind in practice to overcome obstacles, get rid of unwanted habits, complexes, negative thinking and enrich important aspects of your life?

Radio engineer from Texas Jose Silva found the answer to these questions. He applied Ohm’s law to brain activity, according to which if you reduce the resistance in an electrical circuit, the current will increase. He decided that if we reduce the resistance in the neurons of the human brain, a person’s ability to perceive information will increase, access to previously inaccessible information, creative inspiration and intuition will open.

He discovered that by learning to consciously dive into the alpha and theta levels of consciousness, using special meditation techniques, you can reprogram your mind while fully conscious.

Reprogramming consciousness allows you to:

Get rid of bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism;
- develop intelligence;
- awaken a healthy state of your consciousness;
- get rid of stress;
- enhance creativity;
- develop intuition;
- accelerate physical and emotional healing;
- change your attitude towards money, the ability to earn money and attract it appears.

In other words, people who practice the Silva Method are able to achieve significant control over their emotional state, habits, performance, material well-being and health.

Jose Silva's discovery, which he called the Silva Method®, formed the basis of many personal growth programs in the United States. He wrote about his method in the book “Mind Control Using the Silva Method” in 1977. This method laid the foundation for the teaching of human development. After the death of Jose Silva in 1999, his teachings continue to be developed and disseminated by the organization Silva International.

There are effective techniques for fulfilling desires that are associated with the Silva Method. These are the techniques.

Love yourself.

This is a very powerful force. When you love yourself, you believe in yourself. You trust your intuition. You respect your values. Tell the truth. You feel like a worthy person. By doing this, your affirmations and visualizations will work, and you will believe that you can have what you want, instead of hitting a concrete wall that says “it would be nice, but I don’t deserve it.”

When you love yourself, you feel worthy of having what you want! Learn to love yourself, get to know yourself, constantly improve yourself. Take part in creating your life, make your contribution to the current circumstances!

Now that you are unhappy with your life, with what you have created in life, take responsibility for your life. When you truly love yourself, your actions will always be consistent with self-love, and your life's efforts will lead to successes, and failures will become a thing of the past.

The Power of Thought.

This is the creative power of consciousness. Quantum physicists have found that the outcome of an experiment is influenced by the expectations of the observer. When observers expect a certain result from an experiment, they get it, but when they stop observing, the experiment continues according to its own rules.

Quanta are the energy “building blocks” of the Universe. They can exhibit the properties of particles, that is, matter, and the properties of waves, that is, be light, sound, thoughts.

Quanta influence each other even over long distances. This means that you can influence external circumstances, including your financial condition, and change them with the power of your thoughts.

On the one hand it is simple, on the other hand it is difficult. The difficulty is that generating enough mental energy requires clarity of thought, focus, and time. An unprepared consciousness is constantly distracted by extraneous thoughts, so it is difficult to focus, thoughts scatter, and the process of realizing desires is slowed down.

Meditation helps you focus. It takes some time and effort to focus your consciousness. You can use the Silva method during meditation and achieve mental silence. Only then will you be able to use the Power of Thought.

The Great Buddha said: “We are what we think. Everything we are comes from our thoughts. With our thoughts we create the world around us.”


Thought power is developed through visualization, positive self-talk (affirmations), and self-programming (to change limiting beliefs).

The main goal is to consolidate the image of what you want in your subconscious, and the subconscious will look for favorable conditions for realizing what you want.

The subconscious does not distinguish “real” from “imaginary”. But it passes any new information through subconscious beliefs, rejecting everything that does not agree with them.

Thanks to persistent and regular practice of visualization, as well as affirmations - verbal commands charged with positive emotions, new ideas and intentions will become real and feasible. And also remember: you need to love yourself.


She is often underestimated when making dreams come true. The more grateful you are for what you receive and the circumstances around you, the happier you feel. You are happy if everything goes your way, and you are not happy if it doesn’t go your way. Like attracts like. In order for your desires to come true and attract them, you need to emit the appropriate vibrations.

Daily expression of gratitude to Life, God, the Universe creates the right vibrations, contributes to a feeling of satisfaction, happiness and contributes to the fulfillment of your desires.


Materials from Wikipedia.

To fulfill desires, there is an effective psychological effect, repeatedly tested in practice...

From this article you will learn about the technique of fulfilling desires with the help of the subconscious. This is a kind of powerful psychological meditation that can tune you into what you want.

For this meditation you will need to use visualization¹ and imagine:

1. A ray of light is a stimulus for the subconscious to complete a task.

2. Rising up - models the desire of the subconscious to complete the task.

3. Visualization of desire when raised up - this way the subconscious will perceive your desire as a clear command to action.

Many practitioners use psychological meditation to achieve their own goals.

These meditations help achieve results and develop favorable circumstances, but, unlike sacred practices, they do not force the brain to work independently.

The subconscious only creates the necessary emotions to achieve the goal, but a person will have to make efforts to realize it.

How and where is this method of psychological influence performed?

Meditation practice is carried out in a quiet and calm room. This wish fulfillment technique is based on working with energy, so a person should refrain from smoking for 3 hours, as well as from drinking alcohol for 3 days.

This is necessary in order to cleanse yourself of negative energies and impurities, to allow your energy to interact freely with the energies of the Universe.

The technique of psychological influence is carried out while lying down. The room should be ventilated and darkened. If possible, it is better to practice in the fresh air.

Psychological impact: execution technique

1. The practitioner lies on his back and relaxes, closing his eyes.

2. He concentrates on the darkness before his eyes, calms his mind.

3. After the thoughts have calmed down, the person imagines how a ray of sunlight begins to shine on his head.

4. The medium concentrates on this ray, imagining how it passes through the entire body.

5. Mentally, a person begins to climb upward along the beam, while feeling joy and happiness.

6. Continuing to rise, the practitioner begins to think about his desire, to imagine it.

7. A person imagines how his wish has already been fulfilled; he feels it literally physically, continuing to rise up the beam.

8. This movement with visualization of the desire continues for about fifteen minutes, after which the practitioner mentally thanks his mind for having already fulfilled the desire. This completes the psychological impact. The person can open his eyes. Over the course of some time, the wish will definitely come true.

Alexander Shtorval

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Visualization is the general name for techniques for presenting numerical information or a physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (Wikipedia).

There are many techniques that make dreams come true, but not all of them work. We have found three proven techniques for making wishes come true that will help everyone.

Very often it turns out that for a long time we cannot decide which method to use to implement our plans. There are many exercises to make wishes come true, but for some reason not all give the expected result. And after another failure, you begin to wonder if it all really works, or if it was just someone playing a cruel joke on us.

Some argue that the same technique may work for one person but not for another, and that you will have to try a lot of exercises and rituals before you find your own method.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Any technique will help if you follow certain rules and laws of the Universe. After all, they are the ones who greatly influence our Destiny, even if you don’t believe in it. Having studied the laws of the Universe, you will learn to make your dreams come true easily and quickly.

Three proven techniques for making wishes come true

Below are three ways that will help you realize everything you've dreamed of for so long. However, you need to remember that to fulfill any desire, except exercise, you need to start moving towards your goal. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a sharp throw forward or just a small step towards the goal. Even one action can trigger the entire mechanism, and the desire will begin to come true. Also, do not forget to strictly follow the recommendations.

Visualization technique

You can do it at any convenient time, as long as no one distracts you. Sit comfortably and relax your body, take a few deep breaths. After this, imagine a golden-colored ball in front of you, smile sincerely and direct your love and warmth inside it. Look carefully at the area to see if you like it or maybe there is something about it that doesn’t suit you. In this case, correct everything you don’t like.

When the adjustments are completed, imagine yourself inside this sphere and your desire. Now connect them together. Think about how you will feel, how you will behave, etc., when your wish comes true. Pay attention to whether you are happy with its performance or if you do not feel comfortable enough.

After this, imagine how a ray of green light stretches from the area of ​​your heart, which pumps up your sphere like a balloon. Your light fills it more and more until it is completely filled. After this, release your sphere along with your desire into the Universe and slowly come to your senses. Open your eyes, smile and be sure that your wish will certainly come true.

If you have any of the Reiki levels open, you can strengthen your request with the help of this teaching. In this case, you practically won’t have to waste your energy. All you need is intention, a clearly formulated desire and reiki activation. As a rule, having the first stage, many argue that making wishes in this way is impossible and that this energy can only cure diseases. But it is not so. With some experience, you can not only treat people, but also make your dreams come true.

Simoron rituals

Recently, simoron techniques have been gaining powerful momentum. The point of these exercises is that you can come up with any funny action and during it make your most cherished wish. As a rule, many become fixated on their dreams and create an excess of energy, which can slow down the process. Simoron helps you easily release your desire into the Universe and thereby give the Higher Powers the opportunity to fulfill your dream in the best possible way.

This method is well suited for a large company where you can laugh heartily. Buy some gel balls. On one of them, write your wish with a marker or draw a symbol that will mean your dream. And tie it so that it doesn’t fly away ahead of time. You will need the remaining balls to lift your spirits. Take air from them into your lungs and then in a thin voice begin to read a poem or sing a song. All this is done to liberate people and start fooling around. Be sure that after such a performance everyone will laugh, even you. Repeat these steps until you run out of balls or have had enough fun. Here you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, organize a choir of singing balls and the like.

After this, take the pre-prepared balloons with your wishes and release them into the sky. Enjoy how they soar in the clouds, imagine that your wishes have already come true, and then forget about it. And soon you will be surprised how quickly and unexpectedly they came true.

Method of setting strict limits and promises

This method is often used in psychological practice. Its essence lies in the fact that you personally create conditions for yourself in which you simply cannot help but start moving towards your goal. This exercise encourages you to take action, and you yourself become both the customer of your goal and the executor. For example, you make a promise to yourself that if you don’t achieve your goal in a month, you will pay your friend for a fancy dinner at a restaurant. The cost of not achieving your goal must be significant enough to motivate you to move.

This exercise is quite tough and takes the wish-maker out of his own comfort zone, but it is also very effective. Remember that when setting goals, the deadlines must be realistic and the punishments must be severe. Those who have used this method claim that it is difficult to take only the first step, and then Fate itself presents all the possibilities on a silver platter.

By using one of these techniques, you will certainly get what you want. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. And simple meditations will help you cope with excess tension and stress. Dream big, look for the positive in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and