How to make dogwood jam. Recipes for making dogwood jam

I like the slightly sour taste of this jam. I make it every year, although the preparation itself requires time and patience. And since dogwood is reluctant to give up juice, this berry needs special preparation.

Dogwood jam is prepared with or without seeds, sometimes it is ground.

Dogwood jam, recipes for the winter

Secrets of delicious jam:

  • Dogwood cannot be cooked for a long time; with prolonged heat treatment, the berries become hard. Therefore, the best option is several cooking approaches.
  • Before cooking, the berries need to be pricked; it is best to do this with a regular toothpick so that the juice comes out easier.
  • To make dogwood jam beautiful, you need to preserve the integrity of the berries; to do this, you can simply hold them in a weak soda solution (a teaspoon of soda per liter of water), and then rinse thoroughly. Keeping the dogwood in the soda is enough for 10 minutes.
  • If you do not want to cook dogwood with seeds, then it is better to rub it through a sieve and remove the seeds.

Dogwood jam with stones


  • A kilo of dogwood berries
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

Sort the berries, keep only the good ones, rinse. Prick each berry with a toothpick. Then boil syrup from water and sugar and pour the prepared dogwood into a very hot one. Keep in syrup for 3-4 hours.

Now carefully remove the berries with a slotted spoon and boil the syrup for about five minutes. Put the berries back in for the same amount of time and pull them out again. In general, repeat the entire process. The third time, also soak the berries for several hours, only this time do not take them out, but boil them until tender. At the end, determine readiness with a drop of jam; if it holds its shape, then it can be poured into sterilized jars.

Delicious dogwood jam

Cooking takes less time, and the jam turns out thick and beautiful.

Will need:

  • A kilogram of dogwood berries
  • Two hundred kilograms of sugar
  • 1/4 cup water

How to cook

Wash and select only good berries, without stains or damage. Prick each with a toothpick, this will release the juice faster. Cover the dogwood with sugar and wait until the sugar is saturated with juice without any residue.

Pour water there and put on fire. As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat and skim off any foam that appears. Let the jam cool and then repeat the whole process. Next, put the prepared jam into jars.

Dogwood jam without seeds

This ground jam is convenient to use for various types of baked goods; for example, a pie with this filling is very tasty.


  • Half a kilo of ripe dogwood
  • Half a kilo of sugar
  • Glass of water

How to make dogwood jam

In this option, it is advisable to choose the ripest berries, sort them and wash them. To grind them, you need to pour water over the berries and simmer a little, about 15 minutes. Then rub through a sieve and mix with sugar. The cooking time for this dogwood jam after boiling is 3 minutes.

A simple recipe for dogwood jam

This recipe is easy as it takes little time and this makes it popular.

We will need:

  • A kilogram of ripe dogwood berries
  • Half a liter of water
  • Kilo five hundred sugar

Making jam

We inspect all the berries so that we don’t get any spoiled or bruised ones, and at the same time we remove all the branches. We rinse under the tap several times and let the water drain.

While excess water drains from the berries, begin to cook the syrup. Boil it for about five minutes and immediately pour the berries in, leave it like this for five hours. Only after this we put it on low heat and cook the berries for ten minutes. Then immediately pour into clean and dry jars.

Dogwood jam with apples

Dogwoods ripen in the fall, at the same time as apples. And this allows you to prepare a very tasty, unique, delicious dogwood jam with the addition of apples.


  • 1.5 kilograms of dogwood
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar
  • 1.5 glasses of water

The process of making jam

Remove the seeds from the berries that have been selected and washed. Wash the apples, peel them and cut them into slices half a centimeter wide. Separately cook the syrup from water and sugar. Pour two thirds of it into the berries and begin to cook over low heat, and pour the rest into the apples and cook until the slices become transparent and soft. Then mix dogwood with apples and cook until the mixture thickens. Place into sterile jars.

The benefits of dogwood jam

Dogwood has various beneficial properties; its jam contains a high level of ascorbic acid, vitamins E, C and P, provitamin A (carotene).

Among the minerals included in the composition, we note such as: iron, calcium, potassium, sulfur and magnesium. Dogwood is rich in biologically active components: glucose, fructose, essential oils, tannins and organic acids.

Thanks to the valuable qualities of dogwood, jam also has such beneficial properties as:

  • astringent for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • increases the activity of the pancreas;
  • improves food digestion, increases appetite;
  • has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, choleretic properties, therefore it is used for cystitis and inflammation of the bladder;
  • tones, invigorates and strengthens the body;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes vascular pressure in the brain and arterial;
  • prevents the occurrence of sclerosis;
  • reduces headaches;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, as a result of which it is useful for inflammation of the veins, leg swelling, fragile capillaries, venous insufficiency;
  • used for joint diseases, skin diseases, eczema, gout, liver and kidney diseases;
  • improves and normalizes metabolism;
  • useful for gastritis and ulcers, acute gastroenterocolitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis;
  • has an antiscorbutic effect;
  • used for deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, anemia, fever;
  • helps with colds, flu, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, scarlet fever;
  • reduces joint pain;
  • has antipyretic properties;
  • used for hemorrhoids, typhoid, anemia, gout, dysentery;
  • recommended for bleeding and diseases of the oral cavity.

Harm of dogwood jam

However, there are contraindications; the use of dogwood is not recommended for:

  • increased acidity;
  • constipation;
  • easily excitable nervous system, nervous overexcitation and agitation (especially not to be consumed at night);
  • individual intolerance.

Recipe for simple dogwood jam, video

Dogwood is widely known for its medicinal qualities. These little berries contain:

Per 100 g - only 45 kcal.

Thanks to the valuable qualities of dogwood, the jam has the following useful features:

However, there are contraindications; consuming dogwood is not recommended for:

  • increased acidity;
  • constipation;
  • easily excitable nervous system, nervous overexcitation and agitation (especially not to be consumed at night);
  • individual intolerance.

Basic rules for making jam

To make the jam tasty, you need to follow the following rules:

Recipes for jam with pits

There are many recipes without removing the pit, let's look at the most popular:

Option 1

We will need:

  • dogwood: kilogram;
  • boiled water: one and a half glasses;
  • sugar: one and a half kilograms.

Wash the berries, sort them, put them in water at 80°C, hold for 5 minutes, then immerse in ice water to cool. Dip the berries into the prepared syrup, after the mixture boils, keep it on the stove for another 15 minutes, and then remove.

We repeat this procedure 5 times.

Option 2

  • dogwood: kilogram;
  • sugar: one and a half kilograms;
  • boiled water: glass.

We wash and sort the berries, put them in water at 80°C, leave for 5 minutes, and then put them in ice water to cool.

Then drop the berries into the boiling syrup and boil for about 20 minutes after boiling, then remove from the stove.

The mixture needs at least 8 hours to cool.

Then pour half a kilogram of sugar into the cooled mixture and boil until fully cooked (20 minutes).

Option 3 (grandmother's method)

  • dogwood: kilogram;
  • sugar: 1.3 kg;
  • boiled water: 50 ml.

In the largest aluminum basin, we wash and sort the berries, piercing the largest ones with a fork to release the juice better.

Add sugar, add water, and place on fire. After the mixture boils, turn off the stove and let it cool.

At least 5 more times the jam should be brought to a boil and left to cool. In this case, be sure to remove the foam that forms until the dogwood jam begins to thicken.

The finished mixture is poured into jars; for this type of preservation, sterilization of jars is at the request of the housewife.

Boneless Recipes

Let's look at the main options for making jam with pit removal.

Option 1


  • dogwood: kilogram;
  • sugar: one and a half kilograms;
  • boiled water: 500 ml;
  • citric acid: 3 g.

We wash and sort the dogwood berries, removing the seeds. Then put it in a double gauze bag, immerse it in boiling water, and then in ice water (3 times until the astringency disappears).

We make a syrup in which we immerse the berries and boil until cooked, at the very end we add citric acid.

Option 2

  • sugar: kilogram;
  • berries: kilogram;
  • white dry/semi-dry wine: 2 glasses.

We thoroughly wash and sort the berries, remove the seeds. Then place it in a deep container and pour wine, add sugar.

Place the resulting mixture on the stove until it boils, then boil until thick (20 minutes). Place the finished mixture in cans for preservation, cover the top with iron lids and place in a water bath for a short time.

After this procedure, we roll up the jars.

Cooking method without boiling

To preserve all the beneficial properties of this berry and all the vitamins, we use this option.

We sort and wash the berries, grind them through a sieve.

Then add sugar (1:2), grind the berries with sugar, put them in jars and cover with plastic lids.

This dogwood jam is stored in the refrigerator.

Pitless jam with apples

Option 1

  • berries: kilogram;
  • apples: half a kilo;
  • sugar: 1.4 kg;
  • boiled water: 1.75 cups.

We wash the berries and remove the seeds. We also wash the apples and peel them, cut out the seeds, and cut them into slices. Place apples in sugar syrup (1.25 kilograms of water) and boil over low heat until tender.

Separately, prepare syrup for the berries (for 400 g half a glass of water) and dip the dogwood into it, boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Then mix both syrups and bring them to readiness over low heat.

Option 2

  • berries: 1.2 kg;
  • apples: kilogram;
  • sugar: 2 kg;
  • boiled water: liter.

We wash the berries and remove the seeds from them. We also wash the apples, cut off the peel, cut out the seeds, and chop.

Place apples and berries in syrup, let them boil and set to cool for 6 hours. We do all this 4 more times until fully prepared.

Dogwood jam

Crumpled, overripe berries that are not suitable for jam can be used to make very tasty jam.

What we do: wash the berries, sort them, remove the seeds. Then place it in a large basin and pour in a glass of apple or quince juice, boil for 10 minutes, add sugar (1:1).

Boil the mixture, stirring constantly, until fully cooked (only 1 time).

How do you know if the jam is ready?

This method can be used not only for dogwood jam, but also for jam from any other berries. We drip dogwood jam onto the flat surface of the saucer, turn the saucer vertically and see if it spreads.

As soon as the dogwood jam stops spreading, it is ready.

Dogwood has a large number of useful medicinal qualities. You can and should make jam and jams from it: with a seed, without a seed, with an apple.

Ready-made jams have a sweet and sour taste; they are eaten in their pure form, added as a filling to pies and cakes, and complemented with meat dishes, thanks to which the meat gets a piquant, unusual taste.

Only experienced housewives who love to experiment in the kitchen and delight their loved ones with unusual preserves know how to properly make dogwood jam with stones. Until recently, these aromatic, delicious fruits were popular only in Asia and the Middle East, but gradually spread throughout warm regions. Rich harvests are harvested in the Caucasus and Crimea. The berries contain many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and can cope with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and help with colds.

It is recommended to use domestic or wild fruits for preservation - they practically do not differ in the content of nutrients and taste. The secret of making jam is in the ripeness of the berries. It is better to cook a preparation from slightly unripe dogwood - it will not boil over and will retain its shape even during heat treatment.

It is not recommended to cook jam for a long time - hot temperatures will significantly reduce the amount of useful elements. Be sure to adhere to the requirements contained in the recipe - this will prevent mistakes, which could result in damage to the finished product in the shortest possible time.

How to prepare dogwood

Experienced housewives who have been preparing this delicious delicacy for many years advise that you first sort out the berries, only after that you can wash them. You need to remove spoiled fruits, and at the same time remove the stalks of a good dogwood. They do not soften in jam and can spoil the taste.

To ensure that the berries retain their shape during cooking and do not become wrinkled, it is recommended to blanch the dogwood after washing. To do this, place the berries in a colander in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After blanching, cool and dry the fruits on a napkin.

Dogwood jam, recipes for the winter

It is not necessary to engage in labor-intensive processes and immediately begin canning, which consists of several ingredients. It is recommended to try your hand at the simplest recipes in which dogwood is the main component. If everything worked out, move on to more complex compositions - the experience gained will allow you to adequately cope with the processes.

Dogwood goes well with many ingredients, but most often they make jam without any additions or use apples in it.

Simple recipe

Making the simplest jam at home will take very little time. The only thing you need to consider is that the process occurs in several stages, so you will have to be patient.


  1. Boil sweet molasses (combine 1 kg of sugar and 250 ml of water).
  2. Pour boiling syrup over previously blanched dogwood (1 kg).
  3. Cook the mixture for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Remove the container from the heat and place it in a cool room, first covering it with a lid.
  5. The next day, continue heat treatment of the preservation, gently stirring the composition (boil for a quarter of an hour).
  6. Finish cooking on the third day (cook until done - about half an hour).

Five-minute recipe

The “five-minute” recipe, which has repeatedly helped housewives out during the busy season of preparations, will help you quickly prepare an unusual delicacy from dogwood fruits.


  1. Prepare sweet molasses (boil 300 ml of water and 1 kg of sugar).
  2. Pour boiling liquid over the berries and stir.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, drain the syrup, place on the stove, and bring to a boil again.
  4. Pour over the fruits again and boil over high heat for five minutes.

Place the jam in a pre-sterilized container and seal it tightly. Cool upside down, under a warm blanket.

Caucasian recipe for jam with seeds

Caucasian jam combines dogwood and barberry, which turns a simple preparation into a tasty delicacy. It is important to take into account the acidity of the fruit - it is better not to experiment with sugar and add it strictly according to the recipe. If the berries are unripe, it is recommended to make jam by slightly increasing the amount of sugar.


  1. In one container, combine barberry (1 kg) and sugar (1 kg).
  2. Pour dogwood (1 kg) and sugar (900 g) into another container.
  3. Wait until the fruits release their juice.
  4. You should start cooking with dogwood - boil it for a quarter of an hour, cool.
  5. The next time you cook, combine both masses and cook for half an hour.

After packaging the finished product, seal the jars hermetically, send them to the basement or put them in the refrigerator.

Seedless jam recipe

Not everyone likes a product that contains seeds, so in such cases it is correct to use a recipe that requires removing them.


  1. Place berries (700 g) in a colander in boiling water and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Take it out, wait until it cools a little, and rub through a colander.
  3. Add sugar (600 g) to the prepared mass and mix.
  4. Place the container with dogwood puree on the fire and cook until fully cooked (a quarter of an hour).
  5. Be sure to stir and remove foam during cooking.

Cool under a blanket after laying out in containers and capping - it will successfully replace the sterilization process. Send for storage after the workpiece has cooled completely.

Dogwood jam in a slow cooker

If you don’t have time to sit at the stove for a long time and cook in several stages, you can use a recipe in which the main role is given to the multicooker. A useful kitchen appliance will make life much easier for the housewife and will successfully cope with making jam.


  1. In a multicooker bowl, mix sugar (1.2 kg) and fruits (1.1 kg).
  2. Stir, leave for 5 hours, during this time stir several more times.
  3. Turn on the “Stew” mode for an hour, then place the finished treat in glass containers.

Ground dogwood jam

The ground preparation does not require long cooking and retains almost all the beneficial substances for which the fruit is so famous. Use fully ripe berries.


  1. Boil a mixture of sugar (1 kg) and water (350 ml).
  2. Boil the fruits until half cooked in a small amount of water (do not add sugar).
  3. Drain the liquid and grind the berries (it is recommended to use a sieve).
  4. Combine the fruit mass with the syrup and simmer over low heat.
  5. Don't forget to stir - it will prevent burning.
  6. Cooking time is only 5 minutes.

Place the mixture in containers, after capping, turn over and place on a flat surface. Do not wrap, allow to cool and store.

Dogwood jam with apples

The ripening time of berries coincides with the ripening of apples, which housewives often take advantage of by combining these wonderful fruits in jam. It's tasty, healthy and takes little time.


  1. Peel apples (500 g), remove cores and seeds, cut into thin slices.
  2. Boil berries (700 g) with added sugar (1 kg) for half an hour.
  3. Cook the apple slices separately for a quarter of an hour, adding 500 g of sugar.
  4. Combine both masses, boil for 10 minutes, stirring frequently and skimming foam from the surface.

Send to a cool place immediately after placing in containers and capping.

Storage methods

The peculiarity of dogwood blanks is that they are perfectly stored even without capping with metal lids. If you ask a resident of warm countries what to replace them with, the answer will be quite predictable - cover the jars with parchment, this will protect from dust, but will not affect the shelf life in any way, the jam will not spoil for a long time and will not lose its taste.

Well, who, like me, became the happy owner of an unprecedented dogwood harvest this year? Congratulations, you really are lucky. Why? Yes, because you have the opportunity to prepare very, very tasty dogwood jam for the winter. It turns out to be unusually beautiful: bright, ruby, mesmerizingly viscous... And really tasty, no matter what the skeptics say who underestimate the beauty of these sweet and sour berries.

I usually use a simple recipe for dogwood jam with a seed: I don’t have the patience to fiddle around with it for a long time and remove that very seed. Moreover, even in this “lazy” version, wonderful dogwood jam comes out. I want to warn you right away: we will need quite a lot of sugar: after all, we need to somehow neutralize the sourness of the dogwood.

Therefore, the jam turns out to be quite high in calories. But... how delicious! So if this doesn’t bother you, I invite you to my kitchen: I will be happy to tell you and show you how to make dogwood jam for the winter. Forward?


  • 1 kg dogwood;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • 400 ml water.

How to make dogwood jam with stones:

We sort through the dogwood, removing leaves, twigs and crushed fruits. We wash the berries in running water and place them in a colander.

Boil water in a saucepan (the amount of water is approximately twice the weight of the prepared dogwood). Place the dogwood in boiling water and blanch over low heat for 5 minutes. Then we lower the dogwood into cold water.

After a few minutes, place the dogwood in a colander.

In a wide saucepan or basin in which we will cook dogwood berry jam, pour water and add sugar. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour the blanched berries into the boiling syrup and bring to a boil over high heat. We remove the foam. Add citric acid and stir.

Cook over low heat, periodically removing foam, for 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave for 6-8 hours.

Put the pan with dogwood on the fire again and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam, until tender, for 30-40 minutes.

We check readiness like this: put a teaspoon of jam on a clean saucer and cool slightly. Then use a spoon to draw a strip through the jam. If the edges of the jam do not meet, it is ready. Or you can take a little jam and cool it, drop the syrup on a saucer. If a drop of syrup does not spread, then the jam is ready.

We package the finished dogwood jam for the winter in hot, sterilized, wiped dry jars, filling them to the very top. We seal the jars hermetically with previously boiled, wiped dry lids and turn them upside down. Keep the jam like this until it cools completely.

You can store this jam at room temperature, but always in a dark place so that it does not lose its beautiful dark ruby ​​color.