How to put yeast starter into kvass. How to make kvass at home: step-by-step recipe from starter to making homemade kvass

High-quality sourdough is the main component and guarantee of obtaining good kvass. There are many ways to make it. If you know how to make kvass starter correctly at home, you can use it to create an excellent refreshing drink.

A good starter for kvass at home guarantees the quality of a refreshing drink.


Granulated sugar 0 stack Pressed yeast 550 grams Water 1 stack Bread crumbs 2 tsp

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Preparation time: 1 minute
  • Cooking time: 48 minutes

Yeast starter for kvass at home

Sourdough for homemade kvass is obtained using yeast or a yeast-free method. The first option is a little simpler.

How to make kvass grounds on rye bread and yeast:

  1. Heat the water to 40 degrees and dissolve granulated sugar in it.
  2. Grind the dried rye bread to crumbs and soak them in water. Leave for 60 minutes.
  3. Soak the yeast in a separate container in warm water. They need to ferment a little.
  4. Pour the yeast solution into the saucepan with the crumbs and place it in a dark place for 48 hours.

After two days, the starter can be used to prepare a drink.

It’s even easier to make quick yeast starter with flour. It will require:

  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp.

How to prepare sourdough:

  1. Mix the yeast with granulated sugar and flour.
  2. Pour in warm water and stir until smooth.
  3. Cover with a lid and place the mixture in a warm place for half an hour.

In just 30 minutes you can start making kvass!

Recipe for yeast-free starter for kvass at home

Sourdough without yeast produces a more tasty and healthy kvass. But you will have to tinker with preparing the grounds for it. For the rye flour option you will need:

  • rye flour – 12 tbsp;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • water – 250 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 125 ml of water into a glass jar, add 4 tablespoons of flour and all the granulated sugar. Stir the mixture until smooth, cover the container with a damp cloth and leave for 24 hours.
  2. After a day, the grounds should ferment. Add half of the remaining water and flour to the container. Stir and wait another 24 hours.
  3. On the third day the process is repeated. The starter should thicken to the consistency of sour cream and acquire a characteristic leaven aroma.

The rye grounds are ready on the fourth day - they smell delicious and bubble. To prepare the drink, take the required amount, and store the rest of the substance in the refrigerator, feeding it with a couple of small spoons of flour once a week.

Yeast-free starters are also prepared with the addition of honey, raisins, grape and apple skins. These components enhance fermentation and add a piquant aroma. They are placed at the first stage of soaking.

Kvass grounds can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time and used as needed. It is used not only to create a refreshing drink, but also for kneading aromatic bread dough.

Properly making kvass starter Not every young housewife may be, so our article is perfect to help her.

Kvass is a traditional Slavic drink, loved by many. Surely it was prepared in every home more than once, but sometimes very young housewives have the question: “How to make kvass starter at home?” In our article we will tell you in detail how and what to make it from.

The first information about kvass appeared back in 989 in the Russian chronicle. Russian people loved and revered kvass; it was brewed in all monasteries and taverns. Every self-respecting housewife knew at least three recipes for making kvass, and men who did hard work always took a large bottle of kvass with them to work. It was believed that this drink could restore strength like no other.

Since then, kvass has not lost its popularity. It became famous for its original taste and ability to quickly and efficiently quench your thirst. Nowadays, kvass is especially popular in the summer. It is very pleasant to drink it chilled, or add it to okroshka and treat your neighbors. Quite a lot of recipes for making kvass have also appeared. At the same time, recipes for various sourdoughs, which gave the kvass a particular taste, also became widespread.

Some ancient messages contained interesting information that kvass, properly brewed and drunk before Holy Night, significantly increased male potency. Recipes for such a drink have been passed down from generation to generation, but, unfortunately, have not survived to this day.

By the way, another interesting feature of kvass is that it helps fight alcoholism. It was found that kvass contains 1.2% alcohol. This is several times less than in non-alcoholic beer, but, nevertheless, regular consumption of fresh homemade kvass can, over time, rid a person of the craving for alcohol.

This delicious and nutritious drink is very easy to make yourself. To do this, you just need to find out how and what to make sourdough from, and then you will have the most delicious and fresh kvass! Let's find out what we can use as sourdough?

How to make sourdough at home?

Sourdough made at home with your own hands determines the taste of your future kvass, so you need to approach it with special care! Sourdough can be made from almost any available ingredients! Fortunately, nowadays there is the Internet, which allows you to find the most suitable recipe for you.

In our article we will look at the most popular and proven sourdough recipes.

    Yeast starter.
    You can make yeast starter in this way: first cut the black bread into small slices, then lightly dry it in a dry frying pan. Place dry pieces of bread in a half-liter jar, and then pour boiling water over them. Add sugar and thoroughly stir the contents of the jar, then cover it with a light towel and leave to infuse.
    Immediately after the boiling water has cooled, you can add dry yeast. After this, mix the contents of the jar and cover it again with gauze. This starter is enough to make eight liters of amazing homemade kvass.

    Sourdough without yeast.
    The process of preparing such a starter is similar to the previous one, only there is no yeast. In order to make such a starter, cut up black bread, put it in a jar and pour boiling water over it. Then add sugar and also add pre-washed raisins. Place a waffle towel on the jar, then place it in a warm place where the starter will ferment for about two days.

    Sourdough made from rye flour.
    To make sourdough from rye flour, you need to take rye flour, pour it into a jar and fill it with warm water. Then you need to add three tablespoons of sugar. Stir it all well and add a few raisins. Cover with a towel and leave to infuse. The starter will be ready in three days; if you want to prepare it faster, you can add yeast. This starter produces very tasty bread kvass.

    Sourdough with hops.
    To make a hop starter, stock up on hop cones. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. Then take half a liter of water and add a couple of tablespoons of hops, put the saucepan on the fire and wait until the water boils. After this, boil the hops for about 15 minutes, after which strain this decoction through cheesecloth and let cool slightly.
    When the broth has cooled, add a spoonful of honey, a little flour, stir and let it steep for a day.

As you can see, making the right starter for kvass at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to observe the proportions correctly and use the recommendations from our article.

– an unsurpassed Russian drink with a centuries-old history. Excellent taste with “sparkles” of natural carbonation and undoubted health benefits make the drink a favorite of many.

The basis of a quality product prepared at home is kvass starter, the recipe for which is well known to experienced housewives.

Those who are younger sometimes think that it is too difficult. We hasten to assure you: there is nothing complicated, time-consuming or requiring effort in this process. But the taste of the drink and its naturalness will delight all household members.

Reference. The first chronicle mentions of kvass date back to the 900s of our era.

But it was probably prepared before. For centuries, kvass was prepared in all drinking establishments and not a single cookbook could do without recipes for this popular drink.

Kvass is not an exact and only correct recipe. Each housewife has every right to make her own adjustments to it and create the drink that she likes.

Carefully. If you want to get a sweet drink, do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and holding time.

Kvass should be removed from the sediment when it is still sweet, but carbonation is already felt in the taste. It will accumulate carbon dioxide in a few hours in the refrigerator, and not in room conditions. Otherwise, the drink will turn out to be alcoholic.

But first of all, you need to learn how to make sourdough correctly, choosing your favorite recipe from the variety offered. Suitable products for making sourdough are:

  • rye bread or crackers made from it;
  • rye and wheat flour;
  • dry or compressed yeast;
  • raisin;
  • honey and/or sugar;
  • hop.

No, no, you won’t have to use all of the listed products in one starter, but they all create a “nutrient medium” so that we can enjoy the sparkles of gas in future kvass.

In order for the starter to be successful, it is necessary to follow some generally accepted rules:

  1. The most suitable cookware from glass(jar). You can also use enameled or stainless steel. Just not aluminum, oxidative processes occur in it, and as a result this will have a negative impact on the taste and healthfulness of the drink.
  2. The raw materials must be fresh and high quality.
  3. Sourdough don't close tightly, since fermentation requires oxygen.
  4. The finished starter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days, then it is replaced.
  5. Many people use once prepared (usually bread) sourdough throughout the entire warm period. To do this, take the grounds from the finished kvass, divide it into two parts and reuse each part. And so on ad infinitum.

The importance of using sourdough

To obtain finished kvass using starter culture it takes from 5 to 8 hours, while the “full process” of fermentation takes up to 3 days.

In addition to speeding up the cooking process, it is you who control what you put in the starter and what quality the products are.

And thus, you get a drink rich in B vitamins, minerals, and lactic acid. It gives strength, quenches thirst and hunger, and normalizes digestion. Useful for children and adults.

In addition, it has been proven that kvass is an excellent helper for those who struggle with alcohol addiction!

Important. Sour sourdough (strong sour smell, vinegary taste) is unsuitable for creating a drink. It needs to be replaced with a fresh one.

How to make sourdough using yeast?

Using yeast you can get fastest result. Kvass will cook quickly. It will be foamy and “spicy” due to the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide produced by yeast in the process of life.

Peculiarities. A yeasty taste is possible in the first batches of a drink made with yeast. Dry yeast suffers less from this.

Dry yeast recipe

Required ingredients:

  • half a loaf of black bread. Or a half-liter jar of Borodinsky or other bread you love, cut into cubes;
  • sugar – a couple of tablespoons, approximately 50-70 g;
  • dry baker's yeast – 15 g;
  • water - about 0.5 liters, but variations are possible plus or minus.

Bread cut into cubes is fried until dark brown. It is important not to “burn”, otherwise the kvass will become bitter. This can be done either on a baking sheet in the oven or in a dry frying pan while stirring.

Place the cubes in a jar. Half a liter is enough, but a liter is more convenient for mixing. The crackers are poured with boiling water so that the mass becomes as thick as sour cream. If you accidentally overfill it, you need to add crackers. Or more water if it's too thick.

Add sugar here. We wait until it cools down to 30 degrees and add yeast.

Attention. If you add yeast to a hot mixture, it will lose activity (die) and the starter will not work.

Cover the jar with a linen napkin and leave to ferment. 5 - 6 hours is enough. The hissing and appearance of foam will be clearly visible. That's it, you can't drag it out. Either we put in kvass (this amount of starter is enough for 8-10 liters), or we cover the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator.

If you don’t have time to immediately start the kvass, don’t overcook the starter; it’s better to let it sit in the cold. At +5°C (in the refrigerator) the yeast does not show activity and the product will not peroxidize. And when you add crackers to a warm sweet infusion, fermentation will immediately be restored.

With fresh pressed yeast

The recipe is the same as for dry yeast, only in this case we use raw pressed baker’s yeast (not alcoholic!). It is enough to take 30 g for the same amount of ingredients. Please note:

  • do not exceed the specified amount of sugar for the starter. Already during the preparation of kvass, you can experiment with its quantity. For a three-liter jar take from 50 to 200 g of sugar. In other words - to taste;
  • In the first two or three batches of kvass based on this starter, the smell of yeast will be felt. Then he disappears;
  • since the amount of starter will increase after each preparation of kvass, it will need to be either partially thrown away or distributed to neighbors and friends.

How to cook raisins without yeast?

Raisins perfectly replace yeast, creating the same “carbonated” effect. However, this interpretation is incorrect, since fermentation also occurs due to yeast, but not created in the laboratory, but wild, found on the skins of the berries. That’s why many people don’t wash raisins so as not to wash off the yeast.

Reference. There are no contraindications for washing raisins. The main thing is not to use anything other than water for this. And it’s cold.

  • crackers from 0.5 kg of fresh black bread;
  • half a glass of sugar or 5-6 spoons;
  • a handful of raisins (40-50 grams);
  • boiling water - about 0.5 liters.

Place crackers in a jar. You can add sugar immediately. Pour boiling water, stir and wait until it cools. When the temperature is no higher than 35°C, add raisins.

The sourdough will need 2-3 days to ferment. At this time, it should be warm (25-27°C), covered with a waffle towel or cloth napkin. Then they make kvass or put it in the refrigerator, but with a lid.

Bread leaven with yeast

It is not necessary to use crackers for sourdough; regular black bread. The proportions are the same as for yeast starter (depending on whether you use raw or dry yeast).

Crumble the bread into a jar, pour boiling water over it, add sugar. Let it sit until it cools to lukewarm. Then comes the turn of yeast. Stir, cover with a cloth and wait until fermentation is clearly visible (8-10 hours). Close and transfer to the refrigerator or use immediately.

Advice. It’s better to take Borodino bread, it will give the finished drink sourness and a rich bready aroma.

Kvass grounds made from rye flour

This has been a popular recipe since pre-revolutionary times. Kvass made from grounds turns out aromatic, without a yeasty aftertaste. We will provide a recipe without yeast. Although such grounds ferment longer, they are of better quality. If you wish, you can add yeast to speed up the process, but know that their taste will disappear from the kvass only after several updates of the grounds.

  • half a liter jar of rye flour;
  • 2 heaped spoons of sugar;
  • Prepare 0.5 liters of warm water, but do not pour it all at once.

Pour flour into a liter jar and add sugar. Pour in warm water and, using a whisk, make the dough as for pancakes. If there are a few lumps left, don’t worry, after an hour they will remove themselves (dissolve). Stir again and add up to 20 raisins. Cover with a napkin and let it sit in a warm room. As a rule, the grounds mature in 2-3 days.

Attention. Try again after two days. The grounds are ready when the sourness is noticeable in it.

Hop starter

To prepare it, take:

  • 3 full tablespoons of dry. If you don’t have one that you collected and dried yourself, buy it at the pharmacy;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • flour 1 - 1.5 cups.

Pour boiling water over the hops in an enamel saucepan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Add sugar (honey) to the cooled to 40 degrees and strained broth and, adding flour, knead the dough as thick as sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for two to three days. The starter should begin to foam. Continue storing in the refrigerator.

Yeast-free sourdough with honey

Required ingredients:

  • Honey – 2 tbsp.
  • Raisins - 1 teaspoon with top. It can be replaced with the same amount of grape skins or a handful of ripe grapes.
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Peel from one or two apples.
  • Rye bread – 2 pieces (100 g).

Pour warm boiled water into an enamel pan and throw in apple peels and raisins or grape skins. Add honey and stir. Leave in a warm place for 3 days. If fermentation is evident, finely crumble 2 pieces of black bread. Mix everything again and leave for another three days. Now the starter is ready, add the kvass.

Methods for making kvass without starter

Often kvass is made without first preparing the starter. Let's share several of these methods.

Homemade kvass without yeast

As mentioned above, the role of yeast may well be fulfilled by raisin. So let's take:

  • half a loaf (about 450 g) of black bread;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 40 g raisins;
  • sugar - to taste: from 3 spoons to a glass.

Cut the bread into pieces, fry in the oven until golden. Fill a three-liter jar or enamel pan with boiling water. Add sugar. When it cools down to warm, add raisins. Cover loosely so that carbon dioxide can escape. Leave it warm.

After half a day or two, signs of fermentation will appear. But the kvass should be kept for another 2-3 days. Then strain, close in bottles and leave in the room for another 4-6 hours. Then place in the refrigerator. The marc can be used for new portions of kvass up to 4 times. You need to add water, sugar and a crust of bread for flavor.

Advice. Plastic bottles are convenient for carbonation. As soon as the bottle has become hard, put it in the refrigerator, where the taste of the drink stabilizes.

On dry concentrate

A ready-made dry concentrate for making kvass at home is available for sale. Its main components are rye flour (an option is black bread crackers) and malt (from barley or rye). A package containing 500 g is designed for 15 liters of drink. But if you don’t need that much, then you can prepare 5 three-liter jars of excellent-tasting kvass. Take:

  • 100 g concentrate;
  • 100-120 g sugar;
  • 10 g raw or 5 g dry yeast;
  • 10-15 g white raisins.

The concentrate is poured with a liter of boiling water, covered and left for two hours. Then filter. Dissolve the yeast in warm water in a cup and let it rise. Boiled cooled water is added to the infusion, sugar and raisins are added, stirred and left to ferment in a warm place for 3 days. Then the raisins are removed, the kvass is bottled and kept in the refrigerator for several hours.

On birch sap

This early spring drink not only provides the body with a lot of vitamins and microelements, but also helps preserve birch sap with all its beneficial elements for up to six months. There are many recipes for birch kvass. We will give a classic recipe, according to which you need:

  • Freshly collected birch sap – 10 liters;
  • Sugar – 500-600 g, taking into account the sweetness of the juice itself, which can vary dramatically.
  • Light raisins – 50 pieces.

The juice must be filtered, mixed with sugar, checking several times to see if the sugar has melted. Add raisins and leave at room conditions, covering with a napkin. After 3 days, the kvass is ready. It needs to be strained again, bottled, and stored in the basement or refrigerator.

We hope that now you can choose for yourself the option of preparing kvass starter. Experiment by adding: a few mint or lemon balm leaves; oregano; thyme; orange juice; bananas; seasonings And share your “secret ingredient” in the comments.

Kvass has always been a favorite drink in Rus'. During fasting, kvass, along with onions and black rye bread, was the main source of vitamins. I read information that in hospitals during the war, kvass was not only a drink to quench thirst, but was also considered a healing drink.

To prepare kvass at home, you must first make a starter for kvass . Properly preparing sourdough is a guarantee of obtaining good, tasty homemade kvass. Preparing sourdough for homemade kvass is not so difficult and can be done by any housewife.

Sourdough for bread kvass with yeast


Bread - 0.5 liter jar

Sugar 50 -70 – grams

Yeast – 15 – 20 grams of dry baking yeast


Cut the black bread into small pieces and fry in a frying pan or in the oven. Place the dried crackers in a liter or 1.5 liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Since the crackers will swell, the water needs to be calculated so that the end result is a creamy slurry. Therefore, it is better to add more water later. If you overfill, add crackers.

Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Cover the jar with gauze or a napkin and leave to cool.

As soon as the water cools to 25-35 degrees, add yeast. Yeast should only be added to warm water. Mix everything well again, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment. During fermentation of the starter, carbon dioxide is released, so the jar should not be tightly closed with a plastic or other lid.

The prepared amount of starter is enough to prepare 8 - 10 liters of homemade kvass from rye bread.

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

The process of preparing sourdough from bread without yeast is not much different from preparing the previous sourdough. In this case, you need to take a little more sugar and use raisins instead of yeast.

Pour water over the crackers, add 1-2 tablespoons more sugar. Rinse a handful of raisins and add to the jar. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place. The fermentation process can last two or three days. Depends on temperature: the higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation process will begin. But at the same time, the temperature should not be high enough, otherwise fermentation may slow down. The ideal temperature is 25-26 degrees.

How to prepare grounds from rye flour for kvass

The grounds are a leaven made from rye flour. It can be prepared with or without yeast. With yeast the fermentation process will be faster. But the taste of yeast will be felt at first, but during the process of updating the grounds it will go away. I will give a recipe for preparing grounds without yeast with raisins; they also speed up the process of lactic acid fermentation. To prepare grounds, it is better to take a jar with a volume of at least 1 liter.

Fill a half-liter jar of rye flour with warm water, add 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything well. It should look like pancake batter. Therefore, I do not indicate the amount of water. Water should be added gradually, mixing well so that no lumps form. Add 10-15 raisins to the dough, cover with a napkin and place in a warm place to ferment. The raisins will need to be removed after preparing the grounds. Determining the readiness of rye flour grounds is simple: as soon as you feel sourness, the grounds are ready. Usually the grounds are ready in 2-3 days.

As I already said, you can add yeast to speed up the process. One teaspoon will be enough.

Hop starter

Making hop starter at home is very easy. You can buy hop cones at your nearest pharmacy.

Pour three tablespoons of hops into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Place on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and cool to 40 degrees. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey and add flour to get thick like sour cream. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place for 24-30 hours. Store the finished starter in the refrigerator.

Sourdough with hops can be prepared in another way. But it is more suitable for making sourdough bread.

Pour a glass of dry hops into 2 glasses of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove and leave to sit for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the broth will cool down. Strain, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and gradually add flour until you get the consistency of pancakes.

Place the jar of mash in a warm place for 2-3 days. The starter should begin to “play”, i.e. foams and bubbles.

Make mashed potatoes from one or two small potatoes. Mix the cooled puree with our mash and put it in a warm place again for one or two days. Now our starter should stop foaming and bubbling. That's it, the hop starter is ready. Put it in the refrigerator.

Before preparing the kvass, take it out, add flour and sugar, and the kvass starter is ready.

These are the main methods preparing starter for homemade kvass . Preparing sourdough with malt is a more labor-intensive and time-consuming process.

And one last piece of advice. To prepare the starter for kvass, it is better to take an enamel pan or a glass jar.

The only thing better than refreshing cold kvass is a similar drink prepared yourself. It is relevant not only in summer, but also at any other time of the year. To prepare a delicious drink at home, you just need to carefully study the tips from experienced housewives on how to make kvass starter. In general, it is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills from the cook. There are both yeast and yeast-free recipes.

Most often, to prepare the base of the drink under discussion, recipes are used, one of the main ingredients of which is yeast. They can be either dry or pressed. These options allow you to prepare a cold drink as quickly as possible. For them you will need to use only the most affordable budget products.

With dry yeast

If the housewife only has dry yeast on hand, then she will need to take 2 standard packets of such a product at once. This is 20 g. It is best to choose a high-quality French ingredient that will definitely not let the cook down. You will also need to take: 0.5 loaves of black bread, 50 g of sugar, 5 liters of boiled chilled water.

  1. The bread is cut into small cubes and thoroughly dried. The most convenient and fastest way to do this is using an oven. Place the bread slices on a baking sheet (without oil) and leave for about 15 minutes at 150 degrees. It is advisable to stir the pieces regularly during the drying process.
  2. If there are dry slices of bread left at home that have become stale naturally, they can also be used to make homemade kvass.
  3. Boiling water is poured into a jar of crackers, after which the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The container should contain a homogeneous, thin paste.
  4. Sugar is added to the bread. If everyone at home loves very sweet drinks, then the amount can be increased immediately to 200 grams. 50 grams is the minimum portion.
  5. Cover the jar with a towel and leave until completely cool. Yeast can be added to the liquid when it is at room temperature.
  6. The mixture will ferment for about 3 days. To do this, it is convenient to place it on the window. If it is very hot and sunny outside, you need to take special care of the sourdough so that it does not ferment.

You can tell that the product is ready when the bread crumbs completely sink to the bottom. Before the first sample, the kvass must be thoroughly strained through cheesecloth and cooled. The remaining starter can be reused. Next time the housewife will be able to get a drink with a more delicate taste and without sourness.

With fresh yeast

Using fresh yeast for sourdough, you can also add Borodino bread to it. With such ingredients, the taste of the drink will be especially rich and interesting. In addition to a loaf of bread, 20 g of yeast and hot water (5-6 liters), 60 g of sugar is also taken. It is most convenient to bottle future kvass into glass bottles. 2 pieces of 3 liters are enough.

  1. After the loaf of bread is sliced ​​and thoroughly dried in the oven, the product is placed in equal proportions into pre-prepared bottles.
  2. 4 tbsp are sent to each container. granulated sugar, and pour boiling water up to the hangers.
  3. From each bottle, a little liquid is poured into a separate container, 10 g of yeast is dissolved in it. The water is then sent back to the containers.
  4. The workpiece is thoroughly mixed, the necks of the bottles are covered with a cloth, and the containers are sent to a warm place.
  5. The starter will be completely ready in 2-3 days.

When preparing the drink, you need to take into account that the quality of the bread greatly affects the taste of the future kvass. Therefore, there is no need to skimp on this ingredient. Homemade bread is perfect for the base.

Sourdough for kvass without yeast with raisins

If you decide to prepare a starter for a cooling drink without yeast, then the housewife will need to stock up on raisins. By the way, it is this product that makes homemade kvass carbonated. In addition to 3 tablespoons of raisins, you need to take: 350 g of rye bread, 160 g of sugar, water.

  1. The bread is cut into small pieces and dried in the oven or in a frying pan without oil until blackish crusts appear on the ribs. The main thing is not to overcook the bread so that the drink does not end up being bitter.
  2. The crackers are placed in a liter jar and poured with boiling water until it completely covers the cubes.
  3. 40 g of granulated sugar is added to the liquid.
  4. Raisins (about 8-10 pieces) are sent to the jar only after the container has cooled to room temperature (approximately 37-39 degrees).
  5. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the future starter is placed in a warm place for 48 hours. After this period, the liquid will begin to foam. This means it’s time to collect the top part of the soggy bread with raisins and transfer them to a separate bowl.
  6. 40 g of sugar, some raisins and fresh crackers are added to the selected products. The ingredients are again filled with hot water and, according to the previous scheme, put away in a warm place. The fermentation procedure is repeated 2 more times.

To improve the taste of the sourdough, you can add various dried fruits and even mint to it. Their choice depends on the tastes of everyone at home.

Bread leaven with yeast

This is the simplest and fastest recipe for sourdough with yeast. It requires a minimum of products. This is: 50 g of pressed yeast, 120 g of sugar, 2 tablespoons of dried bread, 200 ml. boiled hot water.

  1. Bread crumbs and sugar dissolve in water. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees. The resulting mixture is left for 60 minutes.
  2. Yeast is diluted separately in a minimal amount of water and added to bread with sugar. The future starter will be infused in a warm place for 2 days.

The specified amount of sugar can be either reduced or doubled if desired. The sweetness of the finished homemade kvass will depend on this.

How to prepare grounds for kvass from rye flour?

To prepare the basis for future homemade kvass, it is quite acceptable to use rye flour instead of bread. This recipe can be called traditional Russian. It does not require yeast, but the following ingredients will definitely come in handy: 200 g flour, 20 g sugar, 7 unwashed raisins. A detailed recipe for kvass on rye sourdough without yeast is described below.

  1. Add 20 g of granulated sugar to 200 g of rye flour. Hot water is slowly poured into the mixture. It is very important to constantly mix the ingredients thoroughly until they begin to resemble thick sour cream in consistency. At the end, raisins are added to the mixture.
  2. The mixed components are poured into a 1.5 liter glass jar. There should be enough space for foam at the top. The mixture is infused for 2-3 days at room temperature.
  3. After 1 day, all the raisins are removed from the jar.
  4. When the volume of the grounds increases significantly, it begins to foam and hiss, which means that the base for the future kvass is completely ready.

A drink made with rye flour without yeast does not have an unpleasant sour smell.

In addition, to improve the taste, half of the sugar in it can be replaced with natural bee honey.

Recipe for making sourdough with hops

A drink prepared according to such a wonderful recipe turns out to be especially healthy. Hops enrich kvass with numerous vitamins and minerals. For this version of the drink you need to take: 60 g sugar, 20 g wheat flour, 1 tbsp. unwashed raisins, 10 g fresh yeast, 2 tbsp. l. hop cones, 300 g. bread, 3.5 l. water.

  1. First of all, the yeast is diluted with a minimum portion of warm water, and then mixed with a small amount of sugar and flour until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Bread crumbs are poured into a three-liter glass container and filled with hot water. The remaining sugar, raisins and hops are sent to these components.
  3. When the ingredients have cooled to room temperature, pour the liquid with yeast into the jar. The neck of the bottle is covered with a cloth. The starter will infuse for 2-3 days.

The sediment from the first portion of kvass can be used to prepare the second and subsequent ones.

The main thing is not to forget to sweeten it with sugar before each new fermentation.

How to make sourdough without yeast with honey?

This version of a homemade cooling drink has a particularly delicate, pleasant taste. Even the youngest family members will surely love it. For the starter you need to take: 500 ml. water, 50 g of natural bee honey, apple peel from 2 fruits, a handful of green grapes.

  1. Honey is thoroughly dissolved in lukewarm water.
  2. Finely chopped apple peel and grape berries are added to the container with the liquid.
  3. For fermentation, the jar with the listed ingredients is sent to a warm place for 2-3 days.

Before preparing kvass, the fermented mixture is poured into a clean glass container and a handful of rye crackers is added to it. After another 2-3 days, you can prepare a delicious sweet drink using the resulting base.

The grounds from any resulting starter can be thoroughly squeezed out, wrapped in cling film and put in the freezer. Then, based on it, you will be able to regularly prepare aromatic, tasty kvass for the whole family.