Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of marble?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a marble product, a building, or just a block of marble in a dream means trouble, a quarrel, or a harmless disease.

The essence of the dream - Marble

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing foretells a cold.

Marble - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To my bewilderment.

What does a dream about a Monument or marble products in general mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What does a dream about Marble, a monument or marble products in general mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Undeserved honor, impostor.

What does the dream mean - Marble

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Marble in a dream means financial success, but warns that there is no love in your environment. If you watched marble being polished in a dream, you will receive an inheritance. Broken marble - foretells that you will fall out of favor with your companions.

Dreaming of "Marble" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream of a marble monument on a grave, this is a sign of vanity.

Dream - Marble

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, cruelty and coldness that you do not deserve. The same thing means a dream in which you touch a marble surface and feel its coldness. After such a dream, lovers should not count on a bright future...

The meaning of a dream about Marble

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Favorable mental cooling. Inheritance.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Marble?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means that a time of financial success will come in your life, but there is no love in your environment. Watching marble being polished means that you will receive an inheritance that will make you happy. Seeing broken marble portends that you...

If you see “Marble” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means a time of financial success in your life against the backdrop of a lack of love and goodwill. Watching marble being polished foretells that you will receive a good inheritance. Seeing broken marble means a quarrel with colleagues or companions...

Dreaming of Marble - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Marble?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Ingratitude of children. A marble monument - the death of a rich bribe-taker.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Marble?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Admiring a marble statue is someone's death. Not someone else’s, but that guy who stands in marble on a pedestal.

I have a dream about Marble

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing marble means a cold.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Marble

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A marble quarry means success in the financial sphere, but failure in love. Seeing marble being polished means receiving an inheritance. A piece of marble, a structure or a product made from it - the ingratitude of children, dissatisfaction with their personal life. A marble monument is an undeserved honor, an impostor. Broken marble...

If you dream of Marble, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means that a time of financial success will come in your life, but there is no love in your environment. Watching marble being polished means that you will receive an inheritance that will make you happy. Seeing broken marble portends that you...

Marble (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Marble as an element of architecture is the first sign of boasting and showing off. Marble is often used to decorate rooms where structures related to power are concentrated (government, large companies, stately residences, etc.) If you happen to live in such a building, perhaps this is an indication of your ...

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Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Marble in a dream?

Marble - Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means that a time of financial success will come in your life, but there will be no love in your environment. Watching marble being polished means that you will receive an inheritance that will make you happy.

Broken marble indicates that you will fall out of favor with your companions, challenging morality.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream about Marble, what is this dream about?

Marble - Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means a time of financial success in your life against the backdrop of a lack of love and goodwill. Watching marble being polished foretells that you will receive a good inheritance. Seeing broken marble means a quarrel with colleagues or companions due to differences in views on the laws of morality and decency.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about marble

Marble - Seeing - foreshadows a cold, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing Marble, how to unravel the symbolism

Marble - For a married person - ingratitude of children, for an unmarried person - misunderstanding of parents. A house made of marble or with decorations made of this material means complications in relationships with management or with partners who are significantly higher than you in social status. Mining marble means causing a family scandal with your actions. Selling marble - trying to get a promotion.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Marble from your dream

Marble – Favorable mental cooling; inheritance, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Marble - interpretation of a dream

Marble - Seeing a marble product, a building, or just a block of marble in a dream means trouble, a quarrel, or a harmless disease.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Marble?

Ingratitude of children; marble monument - the death of a rich bribe-taker.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Marble as an image in a dream

Marble - Marble table - Be modest in home happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about Marble in a dream?

Marble - Cruel people make your life difficult; column - you will achieve wealth; bust - loss of a dear friend; monument - undeserved honor; table - be modest in home happiness

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where Marble was dreamed

As an element of architecture, Marble (stone figures, buildings, corridors) is the first sign of boasting and showing off. Marble is often used to decorate rooms where structures related to power are concentrated (government, large companies, stately residences, etc.) If you happen to live in such a building, perhaps this is an indication of your loyalty to the structures of power.

If you occupy a home owned by a large corporation or government, it may be a reflection of your everyday perception of power. In this case, the key to dream interpretation is the people who visit you. If you live in a marble mansion, then this could mean that you are on the verge of a successful business venture. If you visit such places, try to remember the feeling that this visit gave you. If you wear a mask, who is there and what does it look like? Answer the same questions if others are wearing masks.

Marble Pebbles – Children's toys and typical children's games often illustrate your infantile approach to interpersonal relationships. To better understand a dream that involves playing marbles, try to remember how well you played and how high the stakes were in the game.

Dreaming about playing with marble pebbles or other childhood games and pastimes may indicate an attempt to return to innocence. The key element is the personality of the player playing with you. Do you play with childhood friends or someone you recognize as an adult? Do you have fun playing or is the game more of a competition?

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Marble - To bewilderment.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Marble - Seeing marble in a dream means stubbornness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Marble - If you dream of a marble monument on a grave, this is a sign of vanity.

Why do you dream of marble according to the dream book -
"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing marble in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, cruelty and coldness that you do not deserve. The same thing means a dream in which you touch a marble surface and feel its coldness. After such a dream, lovers should not count on a bright future with their beloved. If you dream that you have a table covered with marble in your home, then the dream portends prosperity for you. Polishing marble in a dream means that you will receive some kind of fortune. Polishing a marble box in a dream indicates the need to put your family affairs in order.

Why do you dream of marble according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Being in a marble hall in a dream:
If in a dream you are in a hall with a marble floor and marble columns, then such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

Marble tombstone in a dream:
Seeing a marble tombstone in a dream means despondency and melancholy.

Holding marble in your hands in a dream:
Holding a piece of marble in your hands in a dream means you have to make a difficult choice. You need to weigh everything carefully, because if you make a mistake, it’s not only you who will suffer.

If in your dream marble acted as an architectural element, then it can be regarded as the first sign of showing off, cheap boasting. Marble is often used to decorate premises that house government structures - the residence of the president, government, corporations. If you lived in a similar building in a dream, this may indicate that you are loyal to all these structures. Occupied a house whose owner was the government or a large company - this can in some cases be regarded as a reflection of how you perceive power. The key point to decipher is the people who visited you. Lived in a marble mansion - you are on the threshold of a successful business venture. If you happened to be in such places in a dream, then remember what feelings you had at the same time.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you had a dream in which you hold a piece of marble in your palms, it means that in reality you are faced with a difficult choice. Perhaps at first glance he may not seem so, but keep in mind that you should approach him with all responsibility. This is due to the fact that if you make the wrong decision, not only you, but also the people dear to you can suffer.

Seeing a large hall with marble columns and a floor made of the same stone in a dream is a good omen. It promises you the speedy fulfillment of your cherished desire. A marble tombstone prophesies melancholy and despondency. Try not to succumb to the power of these depressing emotions, remember that one day everything will definitely get better.

Family Dream Book

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, cruelty and coldness that you do not deserve. The same thing means a dream in which you touch a marble surface and feel its coldness. After such a dream, lovers should not count on a bright future with their beloved. If you dream that you have a table covered with marble in your home, then the dream portends prosperity for you. Polishing marble in a dream means that you will receive some kind of fortune. Polishing a marble box in a dream indicates the need to put your family affairs in order.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Marble mining - ill-wishers are opposing your plans. Cutting marble into gravestones means receiving sad news about the death of one of your relatives. Marble bust - to the loss of a loved one. Watching the house in which you are going to live being faced with marble means you will have to endure bitter disappointment, the betrayal of a loved one. Polishing marble - you will enter into a struggle for possession of an inheritance.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Marble for a married person is the ingratitude of children, for an unmarried person it is a lack of understanding of parents. A house made of marble or with decorations made of this material means complications in relationships with management or with partners who are significantly higher than you in social status. To mine marble is to cause a family scandal by your actions. Selling marble - trying to get a promotion.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means a time of financial success in your life against the backdrop of a lack of love and goodwill. Watching marble being polished foretells that you will receive a good inheritance. Seeing broken marble denotes a quarrel with colleagues or companions due to differences in views on the laws of morality and decency.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a marble quarry, this means that the time will soon come when you will have complete order in the financial sphere, but love will never appear in your heart. Someone polished the marble - this means that you will be pleased to receive an inheritance. Dreaming of broken marble means that by challenging morality, you will anger your partners.

Islamic Dream Book

Marble - in a dream indicates power, high degree, wealth and beautiful wives. And what is decorated with marble, like pools and fountains, is a sign of the disappearance of the worries and sorrows of the one who saw the dream, and also indicates joy and fun, noble and noble women, beautiful children, high houses and inheritances from Allah.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of marble, it means that you will be rich, but you will not be able to experience true love. Broken marble dreams of disappointment. Perhaps you will commit an act that will cause a break with your loved one.

A dream about a kitchen stove foreshadows a quarrel that has broken out between lovers, which will only add fuel to the fire of burning feelings. A wood-burning stove portends good luck, while an extinguished stove foretells difficulties in relations with business partners.

A gas stove means harmony in relationships with loved ones and abundance in the home. A lit burner foreshadows new meetings and interesting acquaintances. Burning yourself on a stove in a dream means that the business you, roughly speaking, have gotten yourself into, disgusts you, but it’s all due to your own carelessness and excessive gullibility.

Lighting up the oven on the stove and baking something in it - you will get tired of cohabiting with a person who has become a constant object of your irritability and displeasure. A non-working stove means that you will soon receive an invitation to a big celebration with a rich feast and many guests.

Seeing a tombstone in a dream means that you will have a misunderstanding with your friends, even to the point of mutual grievances. Reading the inscriptions on gravestones foretells illness in the family. If in a dream you order a slab for your grave, this portends the need to resort to hard physical labor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Marble

Marble as an element of architecture is the first sign of boasting and showing off. Marble is often used to decorate rooms where structures related to AUTHORITY are concentrated (government, large companies, stately residences, etc.) If you happen to live in such a building, perhaps this is an indication of your loyalty to the structures of power. If you occupy a home owned by a large corporation or government, it may be a reflection of your everyday perception of power. In this case, the key to dream interpretation is the people who visit you. If you live in a marble mansion, then this could mean that you are on the verge of a successful business venture.

If you visit such places, try to remember the feeling that this visit gave you.

If you wear a mask, who is there and what does it look like? Answer the same questions if others are wearing masks.

Interpretation of dreams from