Squid and champignon salad. Squid salad with champignons Squid salad champignons pickled cucumbers

Think, Note to the family you can take a salad with squid and champignons, the recipe for which I want to offer you today. This recipe is also interesting because the salad can be served and eaten not only cold, but also hot. A detailed recipe with photos awaits you.

Salad with squid and champignons recipe with photos

  • squid 1 kg (or 600 g rings)
  • fresh champignons 300 g
  • Korean carrots 300 g
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper

Preparing a salad with squid and champignons

First, prepare all the ingredients for the salad.

  1. Let's deal with squids.

I bought a package of frozen already cut squid in the form of rings (600 g). Very comfortably. All I have to do is defrost them and cut them.

If you buy unpeeled squid, then take 1 kg.

How to clean squid

It is often quite problematic to remove the film from squid. But you can do this very quickly if you know one secret.

The squid must be placed in boiling water, the film will curl up. After this, it can be easily removed under running cold water.

Tentacles, if present, should be cut off and discarded.

And you also need to pull the ridge (a hard transparent narrow strip) out of the back.

How to cook squid for salad

Squid for salad should be boiled in salted water.

Here too ATTENTION! Pour water into the pan, add salt, bring to a boil, lower the squid.

The squid should be allowed to boil for 1.5 - 2 minutes! No more, otherwise they will become rubbery!

Drain the water.

  1. Now regarding the champignons.

Champignons should not be bought frozen, but fresh!

It is better not to put them in water, and simply wipe off any dirt, if any, with a damp cloth.

I separate the stems from the caps, remove the extra “skirts,” and cut the stems into rings and the caps into plates.

  1. Peel the onions and cut them into half rings.

4. I buy Korean carrots ready-made in the store.

When all the ingredients are prepared, let's start preparing the salad itself.

We will cook it on the stove in a frying pan.

  • Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and simmer the onions and champignons over low heat, not forgetting to add salt and pepper. About 10-15 minutes.
  • Add Korean carrots, stir, and simmer for another 2 minutes.
  • Add boiled and chopped squid, mix again, and simmer a little more.
  • Now add mayonnaise, mix everything, and let it simmer for another 1 minute.

That's all. Salad with squid and champignons is ready. You can eat it right away. Or you can cool it, put it in a salad bowl and serve it to the holiday table.

I served it cold to my guests. I really liked the salad!

I'd be glad to hear your opinion in the comments!

I have other recipes for squid salads on my website.

What do you think of the phrase?

Interested? Then read the recipe.

The recipe for salad with squid and champignons was suggested to you by Ksenia Druzhkova, blog author

● How to make Greek salad (5 recipes)

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of the site “Note to the Family”! Greek salad is a very beautiful holiday dish. Although it is not at all difficult to prepare and is done quite quickly. ...

Do you want to prepare a unique, unusual and original snack? This means that today you can safely prepare a salad with fried, salted or fresh mushrooms and boiled squid. This dish will be rich in protein, which is very important for humans. It will also be full of unusual taste, which will allow you to surprise your guests or your family. Video

Classic combination of squid and mushrooms

To create a culinary masterpiece called “Salad with canned squid and fresh mushrooms” you will need the following products:

  • Squid (preferably canned) - 200 grams.
  • Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 200 grams.
  • Avocado (medium) - 1 pc.
  • Olive (you can use sunflower) oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Low-fat sour cream - 2 tablespoons.
  • Unsweetened (low-fat) yogurt - 2 tablespoons.
  • White wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Parsley - medium bunch.
  • Lettuce (lettuce leaves) - a small bunch or 5-6 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to your taste.

Open the jar of squid, drain the water, and cut into medium strips with a knife. Add yogurt, sour cream and pepper and salt to the seafood salad so that the squid absorbs the spices of the seasonings. Peel the avocado with a knife, remove the pit, and cut the remaining pulp into medium cubes with a knife. Peel the champignons from the cap or simply rinse them well in water, cut them into pieces with a knife, mix them with chopped avocado and pour over vinegar and oil (olive or lean). Take a flat, wide salad bowl, place the lettuce in it (so that it then peeks out of the dish), place the squid in the middle, and place the avocado and mushrooms around them. Then sprinkle the chopped herbs beautifully onto the dish.

Harmonious trio dish with fried mushrooms, boiled squid and chicken eggs

This salad recipe is original in that the squid in it will be complemented by fried champignons, and the eggs will add tenderness and softness to the dish. To prepare it, bribe these ingredients:

  • Squid (chilled or frozen) 200 grams.
  • Fresh mushrooms - 200 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - several pieces (preferably 2).
  • Mayonnaise (optional).
  • Greenery for decoration (determine the quantity according to your taste).

Boil chicken eggs hard (cook for about 5 minutes, no less), cool them, then peel them. Next we work with mushrooms - it is better to peel them (it’s just that sand and harmful substances may remain in washed mushrooms), chop them with a knife into medium pieces and fry them over medium heat. If you bought the squid frozen, then you should defrost it, then boil it, cool it, remove the inedible parts and cut it into small strips with a knife. Place all prepared products in a deep salad bowl, season with low-calorie mayonnaise, and add herbs. Enjoy the delicate taste and harmonious combination of products!

Mushrooms and squid are an interesting combination with other ingredients

Since mushrooms and squid are currently the most affordable of forest vegetables and seafood, this salad will not cost you much. The originality of this salad lies in the fact that they should not be boiled, but fried. But this fried seafood goes best with pickled mushrooms.

So, to create a wonderful appetizer in the form of a salad, you will need these store-bought products:

  • Squid (frozen or chilled) - 200 grams.
  • Champignons - 50 grams.
  • Fresh white onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • Lettuce - 1 small bunch or 5-6 leaves or just 100 grams.
  • Cucumber (preferably fresh) - 1 pc.
  • Oil (preferably: olive or lean).
  • Lemon juice - 10 grams.
  • Soy sauce - 10 ml.
  • Flour - 30-40 grams.
  • Salt - to your taste.

First you need to prepare the lettuce (lettuce leaves). We wash it, dry it slightly and tear it into pieces (small) with our hands. Next, place the pieces in a salad bowl, refresh them with lemon juice and oil. For beauty, it is better to cut the cucumber and onion into rings. Place cucumber and torn onion on top of the lettuce. We wash the champignons very carefully (thoroughly) in water and chop them into medium pieces or thin slices. Wash the squid, separate the inedible parts from them, roll in flour and then fry for 1 (maximum 2) minutes. Do not overcook the product in a hot frying pan, because otherwise you simply will not be able to eat it due to its hardness and unpleasant taste. Place mushrooms and squid on top of the lettuce and cucumber. All that remains is to refresh the salad on top with dressing sauce (oil, soy sauce and fresh lemon juice).

Advice! Squids should not be cut thicker than 7-9 mm. In this size they will taste better.

Seafood appetizer in the form of salad for men

If you are planning to surprise your men (lovers of meat and seafood), then feel free to use this recipe, and start preparing this special dish. A salad made from the following ingredients will not leave anyone indifferent. The compatibility of the components of this dish will allow you to fill your body with many useful elements and vitamins.

This salad will require you to purchase the following products:

  • Chicken fillet - 2 halves.
  • Squids (prepared, cleaned) - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh green cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Pine nuts - determine the quantity according to taste (recommended 100 grams).
  • Mushrooms (marinated champignons) - a jar or to taste.
  • Fresh parsley - a small bunch.
  • Salt and mayonnaise - also determine the amount to taste.

We wash the chicken meat, boil it in salted boiling water, remove it from the broth, and cut it into slices with a knife. By the way, do not immediately pour out the water after cooking chicken meat, because it can become an excellent basis for broth. Next, we work with squid - put the purified product into boiling water and keep it there for several minutes. If you are afraid of wasting time when cooking seafood, you can place it in boiling water, remove it from the stove and keep it in hot water for 10 minutes. After the squids are ready, they need to be placed in a colander and left to drain until the water is completely removed. Now you can start with the cucumbers - wash them, peel them if necessary and cut them into strips using a knife. Chop the mushrooms into pieces. I also wash the greens to remove dust and sand, and then chop them finely with a knife. Don't forget to leave a sprig or two for decoration.

The process of preparing a salad with pickled mushrooms, boiled squid and chicken seems complicated only at first glance. When you see the reaction of the guests and their praise, you will no longer be stopped, because you yourself will like this combination and richness of these products.

Advice! To make the chicken meat in the dish softer and more flavorful, add seasonings (allspice, half a peeled white onion and bay leaf) to the water during cooking. If you want to feel the aromatic smell of nuts in the salad, you first need to lightly fry them.

A spicy version of salad with seafood and champignons

Another option for a savory appetizer is a salad with seafood, mushrooms and juicy tomatoes. Once you prepare this dish, it will definitely end up in your cookbook. So, to prepare it, buy the following products:

  • Shrimp (frozen, peeled) – 200 grams.
  • Squid (chilled or frozen) – 200 grams.
  • Salted or pickled mushrooms – 200 grams.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • White onion – 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • Medium-sized tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 200 grams.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml.
  • Mayonnaise – small pack (200 grams).
  • Salt.

Boil the squid with shrimp, cool, peel, cut into cubes or strips. Chop the champignons into small pieces, cut the onion into half rings with a knife, and cut the tomatoes into cubes. Boil the eggs and grate them together with the cheese. Slice cucumbers

Squid is considered very light and dietary, and it is perfectly absorbed in the body. This salad is an excellent appetizer for seafood lovers; it won’t be difficult to prepare, and it will only take you 10-15 minutes, which is very beneficial for modern housewives who almost always don’t have enough time.


  • Fresh frozen squid -500 gr.
  • Bulbs -2 pcs.
  • Marinated champignons – 1 jar.
  • Mayonnaise for dressing
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Sunflower oil.

First you need to boil fresh squid, it is important not to overcook them, otherwise they will turn into rubber. To do this, peel the squid; under cool water it peels off quickly, like a stocking. Then we throw the squid into boiling, slightly salted water, count to 20 and that’s it. Although many argue that it is worth boiling for 3-5 minutes, this is too much for such a delicate product. Drain through a colander and cut them into thin strips.

Peel the onions and chop them into arbitrary cubes.
Fry in a frying pan until appetizing.
Cut the marinated champignons into 2-3 parts. Mix squid with mushrooms and onions.
Season everything with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste.

Everyone knows that seafood is very healthy. Squids are also no exception. Plus, they go well with many products. Now we will tell you recipes for cooking with mushrooms.

Salad with squid, mushrooms and cheese


  • squid – 500 g;
  • champignons – 300 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • walnuts – 70 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greenery;
  • salt.


We clean the squids and cook for about 2 minutes after boiling, then take them out and let them cool. Finely chop the onion and cut the champignons into slices. Fry the mushrooms and onions in vegetable oil until tender, add salt to taste. Grind the nuts, it is convenient to do this using a blender. Half of them will go into the salad, and half will be used as a topping.

Cut the squid into strips, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Chop the garlic and combine with mayonnaise. Combine all ingredients, add garlic mayonnaise and mix well. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top of the salad and decorate with herbs.

Salad with squid, eggs and mushrooms


  • squid – 200 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons) – 200 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 50 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper.


Clean the squid and boil in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then take it out and let it cool. Next, cut the squid into strips. Cut the champignons into slices, place them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry until tender. Then place the mushrooms on a plate. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Boil the eggs hard, separate the whites from the yolks and cut the whites into strips. Three yolks on a fine grater. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste and mix.

Lenten salad with squid and mushrooms


  • canned squid – 250 g;
  • fresh champignons – 250 g;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 400 g;
  • Lenten mayonnaise.


Boil the potatoes until tender, then peel and cut into cubes. Cut the champignons into cubes or slices and boil until tender. Drain the liquid from the squid. Combine all ingredients, add lean mayonnaise and mix.

Salad with squid, Korean carrots and mushrooms


  • squid – 600 g;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • carrots – 400 g;
  • pickled champignons – 300 g;
  • soy sauce – 30 ml;
  • vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Korean carrot seasoning – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.


We clean the squids, put them in boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Then drain the water and when the squids have cooled, cut them into strips. Pour in soy sauce and let sit for about half an hour. Three carrots on a Korean carrot grater, add vinegar, sugar, Korean carrot seasoning and mix.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Then we select the onion, and pour the oil in which it was fried into the carrots. Add chopped garlic there. Combine Korean carrots, squid and pickled champignons, cut into slices, mix it all well and let the salad brew in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Salad with squid and fried mushrooms



We clean the squid and put it in boiling water, cook for no more than 3 minutes. Cool the finished squid and cut into strips. Cut the champignons into slices and chop the onion. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil; as soon as the liquid has evaporated, add the onion and fry until tender. Add salt to taste. Combine squid and mushrooms with onions, add mayonnaise and mix. The finished salad can be decorated with herbs.

Squid is one of the most affordable seafood products. It has a pleasant taste and goes well with mushrooms, vegetables, root vegetables, fruits, eggs, sausage, and meat. It is much easier to list those products with which it cannot be combined, because there are almost none of them.

Squid has become a popular salad ingredient not only because of its amazing taste. He is also very useful. This seafood contains a myriad of minerals, vitamins, natural antioxidants and other similar elements. Mushrooms, in turn, are not much inferior to squid in terms of the content of useful substances.

Salad with squid and mushrooms, combining mushrooms and squid, is doubly healthy. In addition, seafood combined with mushrooms gives simply amazing taste. From these products you can prepare a large number of different salads, each of which will have its own flavor and unique taste.

How to cook squid salad with mushrooms - 15 varieties

If you combine the ingredients correctly in the right proportions, you can prepare a real culinary masterpiece from them.

So, let's take the following products:

  • canned squid - 200 g
  • fresh champignons - 200 g
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • lettuce leaves - 5-6 pcs.
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • low-fat yogurt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • white wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt and pepper - to taste

For this recipe, it is better to use low-fat sour cream, and the yogurt should not be sweet.

The salad is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Open the jar of squid, drain the water, cut into strips of small thickness, and place in a pan, bowl or other dish.
  2. Add sour cream, yogurt, salt and pepper to the squid - then they will be well soaked and acquire a piquant flavor.
  3. Peel and pit the avocado and chop the pulp into small cubes.
  4. Rinse the champignons with running water, cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape.
  5. Mix avocado with mushrooms, season with wine vinegar and oil.
  6. Take a shallow, wide salad bowl and place lettuce leaves on it.
  7. Place squid in the center of the salad bowl, arrange sliced ​​mushrooms and avocado around them.

The dish is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs; no additional serving is required. The salad can be eaten immediately after cooking.

This salad is easy to prepare, you can eat it every day - the benefits for the body will only increase.

The components are:

  • squid
  • carrot
  • potato
  • Champignon
  • hard cheese
  • apple
  • salt pepper
  • mayonnaise, vegetable oil

The video shows not only the cooking process, but also a good way to serve it.

This salad contains few ingredients, but its taste is rich and pleasant, and it cooks quite quickly.

To prepare this dish you need the following products:

  • 200 g squid
  • 200 g fresh mushrooms
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • mayonnaise
  • greens for decoration

This salad is prepared like this:

  1. Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool, and peel.
  2. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly or peel them, cut into small pieces, and fry in a frying pan.
  3. Boil squid in lightly salted water, cool, cut into small strips.
  4. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl and add mayonnaise.

The recipe calls for the use of low-calorie mayonnaise; if desired, it can be replaced with some kind of sauce. Greens are needed to decorate the salad, but it looks appetizing without serving.

The components of this salad do not lose their beneficial properties, despite the fact that they can be heat treated.

For cooking you will need a slow cooker and the following products:

  • squid
  • Champignon
  • bell pepper
  • carrot
  • canned corn
  • olive oil
  • rice vinegar
  • salt, sugar

The video shows how to properly combine the ingredients, how to make the dressing, and how to decorate the finished salad.

Don't be alarmed - there is very little flour in this salad, it is only needed to enhance the taste. The dish turns out to be low-calorie and completely harmless to the figure.

The components in it are like this:

  • 200 g squid
  • 20 g champignons
  • half an onion
  • 100 g lettuce
  • fresh cucumber
  • 30-40 g flour
  • 10 ml lemon juice
  • 10 ml soy vinegar
  • salt - to taste

When purchasing a whole squid, it must be cleaned of inedible parts. For those who don’t want to do this, squid fillet is more suitable - it can be boiled right away without any additional steps.

To prepare the salad, you need:

  1. Wash the lettuce, dry it slightly, and tear the leaves into small pieces with your hands.
  2. Place the chopped lettuce in a salad bowl, add lemon juice and oil.
  3. Cut the onion and cucumber into rings, pour into a salad bowl on top of the lettuce.
  4. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and chop into small pieces.
  5. Rinse the squid in water, cut into medium-sized pieces, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan for a couple of minutes.
  6. Place mushrooms and squid on top in a salad bowl.
  7. Season the salad with a sauce made from vegetable oil, soy sauce and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The main thing in this recipe is not to overdo it when frying the squid. If you keep them in the pan longer than expected, they will become hard and less palatable. For serving, you can use the same cucumber, cut into slices - they are laid out along the edge of the salad bowl.

A good dietary salad that can help you lose weight. You don’t have to torture yourself and your body, because the dish is tasty and very filling.

To prepare the “Tender” salad, take the following products:

  • squid
  • Champignon
  • quail eggs
  • pepper
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil

There is nothing complicated in preparing a salad; the ingredients need to be chopped and mixed. But just in case, it’s better to watch the video, which has detailed instructions.

The ingredients used to prepare this dish are the most common, but the taste is very original. Apparently, it's a matter of a successful combination.


  • 500 g champignons
  • 500 g squid
  • 250-300 g processed cheese
  • 200 g walnuts
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Preparing the Spicy salad comes down to the following steps:

  1. Boil the mushrooms in salted water, do the same with the squid.
  2. Cool, chop into small strips, and combine these ingredients in a salad bowl.
  3. Chop the nuts, grate the cheese, press the garlic with a press. Combine these components in a separate bowl.
  4. Add mayonnaise and sour cream to them, grind until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  5. Add this mixture to the ingredients in the salad bowl and mix everything thoroughly.

The salad is prepared quickly and does not need to be infused. A suitable option in case of an unexpected visit from guests.

This recipe uses oyster mushrooms, which are noticeably different in taste from champignons.

The salad is simple and consists of several components:

  • 150 g squid
  • 150 g oyster mushrooms
  • 30 g hard cheese
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream

The cooking process is described step by step in the video.

This recipe is also not very complicated, so it can often be used in everyday life.

Products for salad:

  • squid fillet - 500 g
  • canned corn - 300 g
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • onions - 150 g
  • champignons - 150 g
  • salt and mayonnaise - to taste

It only takes a few minutes to cook the squid and mushrooms, and slicing is also quick. The salad can be prepared in 15-20 minutes.

This culinary process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Boil the fillet in salted water, cool. Do the same with mushrooms.
  2. Cut these products into small oblong pieces.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings and soak in cold water for 10 minutes. Then drain the liquid and rinse the onion.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Open the can of corn and drain the liquid.
  6. Mix all the listed ingredients in a salad bowl.
  7. Add salt to taste, add mayonnaise, stir.

You don’t have to soak the onion in water, but cut it straight away. But then it will be a little bitter. And if you place it in a liquid, it will give it all its bitterness.

In this recipe, the main role is given to nuts - they serve not only as decoration, but also as one of the main components.

Ingredients for Nut Salad:

  • Champignon
  • squid
  • hard cheese
  • walnuts
  • mayonnaise
  • garlic

The video demonstrates the cooking process, and you can also learn a good serving method from the video.

This salad is really most often eaten on special occasions, because it can hardly be called light. It has many components, many of which require cutting, and some require heat treatment.

Ingredients of the “Festive” salad:

  • 300 g squid
  • 200 g champignons
  • 150 g mayonnaise
  • 100 g crab sticks
  • 100 g shrimp
  • 100 g canned pineapple
  • 30-40 g red caviar
  • 4 eggs
  • 5-7 sprigs of parsley
  • 7-10 olives
  • salt and pepper to taste

To prepare the “Festive” salad you need to follow these steps:

  1. Boil the eggs hard and cut them into cubes.
  2. Grind the pineapple in the same way.
  3. Boil the squid fillet in salted water, cool, and cut into small strips.
  4. Boil the shrimp, peel and cut in half.
  5. Finely chop the mushrooms and crab sticks.
  6. Chop the parsley.
  7. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise, salt and mix.
  8. Decorate the salad at your discretion with olives, red caviar, parsley or some other products.

This is one of the few recipes that uses raw mushrooms. Champignons are considered the safest variety - they can be safely eaten raw if washed or peeled well.

Another good recipe from the “quickie” category that will be useful to any housewife.

The dish consists of the following components:

  • squid
  • mushrooms
  • tomatoes
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery
  • vegetable oil
  • ground pepper

Squid meat is in no way inferior in nutritional value and protein content to beef or chicken, but contains less fat and is therefore considered a more dietary option.

The video explains how to prepare a hearty low-calorie salad.

A tasty and healthy salad with lots of vegetables.


  • 100 g squid
  • 100 g champignons
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 onion
  • 5 olives
  • 1 pickled cucumber
  • salt, lemon juice, mayonnaise and herbs - to taste

How to prepare the salad:

  1. Wash the mushrooms and cut them in half before cooking if they are too large. Cook in salted water for about 10 minutes until the mushrooms are completely soft.
  2. Drain the liquid from the pan through a colander, cool the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel and wash the onion, chop it into cubes.
  4. Boil squid in salted water, cool, cut into strips.
  5. Boil an egg hard-boiled, peel and finely chop.
  6. Cut the olives into half circles.
  7. Chop the cucumber into small cubes.

There are two ways to prepare this salad. You can lay out the ingredients in layers, one on top of the other, or you can simply mix everything and season with mayonnaise and lemon juice sauce. Greenery is used as a serving medium.

This salad is very filling, so it’s best not to eat it at night.

The composition includes the following products:

  • squid
  • ham
  • red bell pepper
  • lemon
  • Champignon
  • chilli
  • olive oil
  • butter
  • parsley
  • garlic
  • thyme

The cooking process is described in more detail in the video.

This is a traditional New Year's dish, but it can be prepared for other holidays.

The Sea Caprice salad includes the following products:

  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Canned mushrooms - 200 g