Medicinal milk with spices: properties, recipes and features. Nutmeg with milk and kefir Spices for milk

– the best product in the mode of goodness to achieve peace of mind and increase the power of the intellect. It has a constant influence on the subtle bodies of the mind, intelligence and intellect (Klubye and Kolobye bodies). This leads to the fact that a person becomes more balanced, begins to feel lightness, and a feeling of well-being comes to him. Having a beneficial effect on the mind, intelligence and intellect, milk helps get rid of many diseases that arise due to a restless mind.

The amount of milk consumed is selected individually and ranges from 1 spoon (subject to low tolerance to dairy products, mainly among meat-eaters) to 1-2 glasses per dose. You need to drink enough milk so that mucus does not appear in your mouth, nose or eyes in the morning. If mucus appears, the portion of milk you drink in the evening must be reduced.

If you wake up easily and in a good mood, it means that you have determined the amount of milk for yourself correctly. Over time, the digestibility of milk increases.

A person in a state of anger, malice, or resentment does not digest milk, but in a calm state he digests it easily with great benefit for all bodies and membranes. Note to readers: taking not only milk, but also any food in a bad mood is strictly prohibited, the food will turn into poison in your body and, instead of vitality, you will acquire another portion of toxins.

All the beneficial properties of milk appear only when it is used correctly. Cold and improperly prepared milk forms an increased content of mucus in the body. To avoid this, you need to drink it steamed or properly prepared with spices.

Milk is absorbed most beneficially when it is consumed separately from other foods. Therefore, it is better to drink it 2 hours after a meal and 1.5-2 hours before taking the next one. If the milk is not fresh, it must be heated to 40–42 degrees.

Spices contribute to the best absorption of milk.

Spices suitable for milk: turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, nutmeg.

You need to know that each food product has its own energy and belongs to the three gunas of material Nature: sattva - goodness, rajas - passion or tamas - ignorance. All of these spices, except nutmeg, belong to sattva guna, that is, to the guna of virtue. Products related to the guna of virtue contribute to the development of Unconditional Love, compassion, asceticism and forgiveness. They increase life expectancy.

Each plant from which spices are made has its own individual energy - “character”. The energy of the plant at a subtle level affects the psyche (mind and emotions) of the person who eats this plant or its fruits.

Let's look at the properties of these spices one by one:

Turmeric – improves digestion and helps normalize intestinal microflora. It cleanses the blood, stimulates the formation of new blood cells, strengthens the immune system, and is a natural antibiotic. Turmeric promotes the elasticity of ligaments, so it is good to use for those who practice hatha yoga. It cleanses the “nadis” channels of the human subtle body (biofield).

Turmeric gives people the energy of the Divine Mother - Lada the Mother of God and grants prosperity. It reduces anxiety and counteracts stress. Turmeric is a spice that is very useful for a fussy person, or for someone who cannot calmly make the necessary decision. It helps you feel more calm about life’s troubles and get rid of irritability. Turmeric is especially beneficial for women.

Warm medicinal milk with turmeric improves sleep and mental health; it is advisable to drink it at night (1-1.5 hours before bedtime). You need to add a pinch or ¼ teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of milk.

Cardamom – is one of the best and safest stimulants of the digestive system. It helps strengthen the heart. Added to milk, cardamom neutralizes its mucus-forming properties.

If we talk about the subtle influence of cardamom on the energetic body of the mind, then the beneficial properties of cardamom are manifested in the fact that with constant use, it causes the development in a person of such qualities as tenderness and forgiveness. It frees a person from unpleasant feelings when communicating with different people.

Cardamom is an excellent spice for the whole family, as it promotes family peace and well-being, helps avoid quarrels, builds mutual understanding between parents and children, serves as a sedative for the elderly, and gives a feeling of clarity and joy.

Warm medicinal milk with cardamom is good to drink both in the morning and in the evening. Add a pinch or ¼ teaspoon of ground cardamom to a glass of milk. You can also add 2-3 whole cardamom fruits, but you need to open them and use the seeds before adding them. Whole cardamom fruits are even better than ground cardamom powder because... the most valuable essential oil evaporates very quickly. When drinking milk, cardamom seeds should be thoroughly chewed and washed down with milk.

Cinnamon – cleanses the blood, tones the body, burns mucus. It is very useful for people who are prone to obesity. Cinnamon helps to easily cope with failures, develops self-respect in a person, and sets him up for optimism in any situation. It helps get rid of negative emotions. A person who uses cinnamon thinks more optimistically, is kinder, and easily finds a common language with people.

It is better to drink warm medicinal milk with cinnamon in the morning; it will eliminate morning drowsiness and improve your mood. Add a pinch or ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a glass of milk.

Ginger – stimulates digestion, increases immunity and improves the functioning of almost all organs of the body by increasing blood mobility, strengthens blood vessels and improves memory, gives strength, vigor and activity. Ginger also helps develop qualities such as determination, courage and determination.

Warm medicinal milk with ginger is best consumed in the morning. Add a pinch or ¼ teaspoon of dry ground ginger to a glass of milk.

Nutmeg – increases the absorption of milk, especially in the small intestine. Allows you to pacify an overly restless mind, restores sleep and makes it sound, gives clarity to thoughts, enhances potency, strengthens memory. However, when consumed in excess, nutmeg dulls the mind.

It is better to drink warm medicinal milk with nutmeg at night. Add ground nutmeg to a glass of milk at the tip of a knife. Before use, you can grate whole nutmeg on a fine grater. Whole nutmeg is even better than ground nutmeg because... the most valuable essential oil evaporates very quickly. There are small graters, they are only 7 cm in size. It is very convenient to grate nutmeg on them.

Saffron - “The king among all spices.” It represents the stigmas of crocus pistils. Saffron calms, strengthens the nervous system, relieves cramps and spasms, treats hysteria, and normalizes heart rate. Saffron helps milk digest.

Milk with saffron is one of the best rejuvenating remedies for any woman. It has a beneficial effect on her mental state and reproductive function.

Women's tonic with saffron: per glass of warm milk you need to add 3-4 stamens of saffron (it is better to take this spice in the form of stamens, since it is quite expensive and fakes are often sold in ground form under the brand name saffron). This drink has a rejuvenating effect that strengthens the woman’s reproductive system.

We must remember that saffron should never be consumed by pregnant women: it can lead to changes in the tone of the uterus and subsequent miscarriage. For example, there is a recipe used in obstetrics: add 10–12 stamens of saffron to a glass of warm milk and give it to the woman in labor.

It is better to drink warm medicinal milk with saffron in the morning.

All products are divided into two groups: lunar and solar. The sun is the male element of the energy of fire, action, strength. The moon is a symbol of feminine nature; it brings calm, saturation, restoration, and nutrition. Products belonging to one category or another, accordingly, carry the same qualities for our body.

Milk is a lunar product. It is very useful, especially for the female body. If you regularly drink a glass of warm milk with “feminine” spices at night, your hormonal levels will be balanced, your menstrual cycle will be normalized, PMS will be smoothed out, and stress and nervous tension will go away. Milk is also an excellent cosmetic product for the skin. It is known that Queen Cleopatra took milk baths, maintaining her youth and beauty for a very long time.

Milk contains a large amount of a subtle substance - Ojas. Ojas is a special force that cultivates the subtle body of Navi, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. It is very important for a woman to accumulate and replenish the power of Ojas. Her beauty, attractiveness, and feminine strength depend on the amount of Ojas. For a woman, Ojas is the energy of her blossoming and radiance.

It should also be said that in the morning it is better to drink milk from 6 to 9 o’clock, and in the evening from 18 to 21 o’clock, steamed or heated to 40-42 degrees, and as a separate meal.

The cooking process is not unimportant. While cooking, you should not be overwhelmed by negative emotions (anger, irritation, etc.). Tune in to love and sing mantras, prayers, praises.

The simplest, at the same time, the most powerful and incomprehensible mantra is “AOUM”. The mantra then becomes a means of directing the healing energy of milk and spices into your consciousness. The mantra gives milk and spices the power to heal the Soul and restore spiritual integrity. Through mantra everything gains power. Without the use of a mantra, the healing process becomes superficial. Therefore, cook with love and prayer.

All of the spices listed go well together. It is better to consume ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom in the morning. In the evening – nutmeg, cardamom, turmeric. If you sleep soundly, you are a very calm person, and it is difficult for you to get up in the morning, then you should not add nutmeg to milk in the evening.

Ayurveda recommends selecting spices and their dosages individually, according to your dominant dosha. All of these spices soothe Vata and Kapha, but can excite Pitta, so people with a Pitta constitution should consume these spices in moderation. The article indicates moderate doses, so if you do not know your body type, the indicated doses of spices will, in any case, benefit you.

There is a book by the authors in the archive of our site. I recommend reading it. You will learn how to use spices for medicinal purposes, which spices are suitable for you, in what dosages it is best to use them, taking into account the Ayurvedic type of constitution of your body (Vata, Kapha or Pitta).

I wish you health! Aoum Tat Sat!

Product of the highest goodness

For more than ten years I have been studying Ayurveda - the science of a healthy and happy life, which gives an understanding of all the energies and elements of the material world. And the longer and deeper I study this science, the clearer I understand the role of milk for human health, which is confirmed not only by my own experience, but also by the experience of other people.

Ayurveda calls cow's milk a product of the highest goodness. There is nothing healthier and purer than cow's milk in human nutrition. Only ghee and bee honey can compare with milk in nutritional value. Milk is a completely self-sufficient product: it contains all 20 essential amino acids and an ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for humans.

Many people in India eat only cow's milk once a day at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, at the moment of the strongest "fire" of digestion, and live a very long time in a state of perfect health and youth.

Rejuvenates and nourishes

According to Ayurveda, milk rejuvenates and nourishes the cells of all tissues of the body, including bones, which receive calcium, magnesium and other trace elements. That is why milk is simply necessary for older people to maintain mental and physical health.

So why isn't cow's milk accepted by all people? There are two factors - spiritual and physiological. Cow's milk is a product of the highest goodness, therefore the digestive system must be at a high level and configured correctly, as originally given to man by God for the assimilation of plant and dairy foods. If a person eats meat, then he deforms his digestive system: the biochemical and fine-energy processes of food digestion are disrupted, the acid-base balance of saliva, blood and other liquids shifts to an acidic environment, the entire body becomes acidic and thereby slagging, digestion becomes weak, and the person As a result, physically and spiritually ill. Anyone who eats meat is unable to digest milk - this is a physiological factor.

Spiritual factor: Milk, as a product of the highest grace, carries with it the power of love and compassion. Those people who do not have and do not want to develop kindness, love and compassion in themselves, are internally aggressive and embittered, also cannot digest milk. People who consume milk with love and gratitude themselves become kind and merciful, as they absorb the spiritual qualities of this product.

God's gift

In ancient times, milk was always given to children at night (and not kefir, as now, which is unacceptable to drink at night, since it leads to an imbalance of metabolism in the human body, and ultimately to heaviness in the morning), because its qualities of the highest grace and spiritual with silt, cow's milk protects the child from dark forces - children sleep peacefully.

Previously, people felt their nature much deeper and better. If a person has knowledge, he will never say anything bad about milk.

In the village where my great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers were born and lived, there was a woman to whom many turned for help. She knew herbs, treated with prayers and spells, was a chiropractor from God, and knew ways to remove various types of damage and the evil eye. She cured many people, including my relatives. Her name was Manefa Stepanovna Zorina. They came to her from afar, brought immobilized children with diseases of the legs or spine, and took away walking ones, straightened by her sensitive and very strong hands. Yes, and older people with injuries and dislocations turned to her for help, she helped everyone, put them back on their feet and treated them for free.

There was one case. In 1972, forests burned in the Bor region. Our village was on the edge of the forest and a fire started in it. The wind was very strong and drove the fire into the middle of the village. Manefa Stepanovna approached the house towards which the fire was heading, walked around it with prayer 3 times, holding a chicken egg blessed by prayer in her hands, and threw the egg towards the river away from the village. The wind immediately changed direction to the opposite, and the fire went in the other direction. This woman was a real healer. I talked with her more than once and knew her as a person of complete directness and honesty. So she was very respectful of milk - a gift from God - and considered it a necessary and healthy product for humans, and she kept a cow with her.

Milk with spices

Milk, in order to be digested, must be consumed separately from other foods, or together with foods that give a sweet taste after digestion (rice, wheat, raisins, dates, bananas, etc.).

Hot milk with spices such as ginger, turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, and saffron is much better absorbed.

Hot milk with melted butter and Honey allows you to successfully cope with colds, joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.), as well as problems with the nervous system.

Milk with ginger increases immunity and improves the functioning of almost all organs of the body by increasing blood mobility. This milk is best consumed in the morning.

Hot healing milk with turmeric It is advisable to drink at night, it improves sleep and psyche, restores blood and skin.

Milk with cardamom good for the heart and nervous system; milk enhances the healing qualities of cardamom 10 times.

Milk with nut mousse helps stop an overly restless mind, restores sleep, gives clarity to thoughts, and enhances potency.

Cinnamon milk helps strengthen the heart, cleanse the blood and improve the functioning of the urinary tract.

Milk with star anise- an excellent remedy for relieving chronic fatigue and combating depression. As a result, the nervous and cardiovascular systems are restored.

Milk with saffron- one of the best means of rejuvenation for any woman, has a beneficial effect on mental state and reproductive function.

It should also be said that milk is best consumed in the morning, from 6 to 9, or in the evening, from 18 to 21, hot or steamed as a separate meal or with combined foods.

You can't drink cold milk. Take care of your digestion. Only fairly overweight and extremely sick people should limit their milk consumption.

To restore health, there is the science of Ayurveda, which allows each person to know himself, understand the characteristics of his body, develop an acceptable daily routine, activity and rest regime, as well as balance his diet, which will undoubtedly help improve the quality of life.

The medicinal drink is effective only when used correctly. The cocktail should not be taken cold, otherwise it will form mucus. When mixed with other products, it is poorly absorbed and does not bring benefits. Following Ayurvedic laws, natural or pasteurized milk is drunk a couple of hours after eating, warm, along with spices. It reveals their taste and aromas, enhances the healing effect. Recipes for milk with cardamom will help you verify this.

Benefits of milk with cardamom

In cooking, it is not for nothing that the seasoning is called royal. Green three-chamber boxes contain aromatic grains with a spicy smell that stimulate digestion and metabolic processes. In addition, they strengthen the heart, immunity, and prevent the formation of mucus.

  • milk with cardamom will relieve a sore throat;
  • will save you from the blues and chronic fatigue;
  • will relieve nervous tension.

The cocktail will relieve menstrual pain and help men with erectile dysfunction. and what its features can be learned from the previous article on our resource.

Milk with cardamom before bed

To prepare the drink according to the classic recipe, take 200 ml of the drink, 5 spice grains, honey.

  1. The seeds are wiped, placed in liquid and the container is placed on the fire.
  2. After bubbles appear, turn off the stove and keep it covered for 15 minutes. Add half a spoon of honey to the cocktail and drink warm before going to bed. The remaining seeds are removed, chewed thoroughly and swallowed.

Almond milk

Fans of bright flavors will love the option with combined spices. To correctly compose a composition for a cocktail, you need to know the options for seasoning combinations. For 2 cups, take a coffee spoon of cinnamon powder or half a fragrant stick, 3 spice seeds, honey to taste.

To impart a rich aroma, the grains are processed with a pestle, thrown into milk, the drink is kept on the fire until it boils, cinnamon is poured in and mixed thoroughly. The spice adds sweetness, so it is better to do without the sweet filler. The ingredients complement and harmonize each other's taste well.

At one time, information appeared in all media that scientists, having examined only the chemical composition of milk, determined that it was poorly digested, and, accordingly, concluded that this product was harmful to the body. This is partly true, but scientists rushed to conclusions. The fact that milk takes a long time to digest is an advantage, not a disadvantage.

The thing is that we don't know simple ones. Ayurveda (the traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine) says: “One cow is enough to be completely healthy!” Apparently, this is one of the reasons why this animal is equated to a deity in India. Some popular Indian clinics provide treatment only with cow's milk derivatives. They even believe that milk not only heals the body, but also cleanses and calms the mind (and many of our illnesses come from our heads and from an overexcited nervous system).

And a small amount of milk consumed at night promotes good sleep.

Prepare a milk drink for insomnia . Add a little nutmeg to warm milk (spice on the tip of a knife for 1 glass of milk). This drink relieves anxiety and calms the nervous system. You can give it to children before bed to ensure a restful and deep sleep. But remember: nutmeg should be consumed in moderation, since a large amount of it does not have the most pleasant narcotic effect.

You can also remember the great woman Cleopatra, who used milk to take rejuvenating baths and make magical cosmetics that allowed her to look great (and cosmetology was not so developed in those days!).

Prepare a feminine tonic . Add 3-4 saffron stamens to warm milk (it is better to take this spice in the form of stamens, since it is quite expensive and fakes are often sold in ground form under the brand name saffron). This drink has a rejuvenating effect that strengthens the woman’s reproductive system.

But remember that saffron should never be consumed by pregnant women: it can lead to uterine tone and subsequent miscarriage. For a clear example, let's talk about a recipe used in obstetrics: add 10-12 stamens of saffron to a glass of warm milk and give it to the woman in labor.

Rules for drinking milk

In order to use the full range of possibilities of milk (by the way, an accessible and inexpensive product), you just need to know how to handle it. The following rules should become mandatory for you when drinking milk. They will help the body absorb the product well, without causing heaviness in the stomach, seething, gases and discomfort.

It is better to drink milk separately from any other products. Milk is a whole product and does not need to be supplemented or mixed with other products. So it is better to drink milk 2 hours after a meal and 2 hours before taking the next one. Otherwise, it will cause fermentation in the stomach, gas formation and bloating. True, there are exceptions. These are, for example, whole grains. Therefore, you can continue to prepare all kinds of porridges with milk - they will have a great effect on your body.

You can't drink milk cold. Once in the human body in cold or cool form, milk becomes a sticky and heavy substance that settles on the walls of the digestive tract, turning into a rather toxic substance - a toxin. Conclusion: milk should be drunk hot or at least warm.

You should not drink milk in large quantities. It is recommended to drink no more than 300 ml of milk at one sitting (this is the dose for an adult, even less for a child). How to calculate “your” dosage? Only experimentally. Drink a glass of milk at night. If your head is heavy in the morning, then you need to reduce the dose. Yes, your condition in the morning will be an indicator of the correctly chosen volume, and it should be light and cheerful.

Spices help digest milk. Spices suitable for milk are turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, nutmeg. For example, if milk is difficult to digest, heat it and add 1/3 teaspoon of turmeric. This amazing spice eliminates the mucus-forming component of milk and helps it be better absorbed.

Recipe for women's health

There is a theory that products are divided into two groups: lunar and solar. The sun is the male element of energy, fire, action, strength. The moon is a symbol of feminine nature; it brings calm, saturation, restoration, and nutrition. Products belonging to one category or another, accordingly, carry the same qualities for our body.

Milk is a lunar product and is beneficial for the female body. If you regularly drink a glass of warm milk with “feminine” spices at night, your hormonal levels will be balanced, your menstrual cycle will be normalized, PMS will be smoothed out, and stress and nervous tension will go away. And the woman’s behavior becomes softer, and her movements become smoother.

How to prepare milk correctly

  • Place the milk on low heat for 10–20 minutes, then strain it through a strainer. You should first heat the milk over medium heat, and as soon as it boils, remove it from the stove.
  • To prevent foam from forming (this is coagulated protein), use a lid when heating. Also, you should not heat milk at high temperatures.
  • When using ghee, keep in mind that it is added 3 minutes before the end. Not earlier, otherwise some of the spices go into the oil and are not brewed.
  • Ghee should be used carefully, because 0.5 teaspoons per 1 glass of milk has the effect of fixing stool, but 2 teaspoons per 1 same amount of drink has a laxative effect.
  • Honey should be used very carefully (it is not suitable for everyone, but only for people with excellent digestion). And never boil honey! It releases toxins when heated above 40º C. It is better to eat it as a bite than to mix it with milk. And if you don't like honey, replace it with 1 teaspoon of brown or unrefined sugar.
  • Milk does not go well with bananas, or even with fruits in general (hello, milkshakes!). And also with meat, fish and yeast bread. With these products, milk is practically not digested, turning into a toxic substance. Many people like to add pieces of fruit to milk porridges. So, fruits can be mixed with food only if digestion is strong (regular bowel movements, not prone to loosening or constipation; no bad breath), otherwise heaviness, bloating and even headaches may appear.

Milk intake and time of day

Based on Ayurvedic texts, it can be said that milk is beneficial to take primarily during the day: “Milk taken at noon nourishes and acts as a tonic, as well as a stimulant of digestion, appetite, increases strength, and also facilitates urination. Milk taken in the morning gives strength, strengthens the body, and supports the digestive system. Milk taken in the evening (that is, 1.5–2 hours before bedtime) calms, increases strength in children, improves vision, increases reproductive tissue in the elderly, treats exhaustion and other diseases. However, if a person takes milk at night, then he should not sleep immediately. If he sleeps immediately after drinking milk, it reduces life expectancy. Also, you should not take milk immediately after dinner, as it will be difficult to digest.”

Myths about milk

Only natural milk, “from the cow”, is healthy, so there is no point in drinking packaged milk for residents of megacities.

Of course, fresh, fresh milk is more beneficial. But, believe me, a glass of store-bought milk is better than none. Milk is good in any case, it just retains more or less nutrients. And then, even living in a metropolis, you can find wonderful farmers' markets where fresh milk is sold at an affordable price.

Milk is only good for children as they grow and need calcium and protein.

Let's dispel this myth. At the age of seven, people's absorption of milk sugar decreases, but does not disappear! Milk is indispensable for the elderly, especially for women: due to a decrease in hormonal levels, calcium gradually begins to be washed out of the body, and bones weaken. There is an opinion that the adult body is not able to process milk sugars. The fact is that lactose is broken down into two sugars: glucose and galactose. A person over 40 may actually have problems digesting the latter. But this is a natural process, and the solution here is quite simple: switch from fresh milk to ultra-pasteurized milk (in which the lactose has already been partially broken down) or to any fermented milk products.

Milk can cause you to gain weight quickly.

In terms of nutritional and biological properties, milk fat is the most complete among all those existing in nature. A glass of milk has fewer calories than sweet juices, soda or champagne. In addition, if you follow the rules for drinking milk, it is absorbed without problems and completely.

There is no better calming effect than a warm cup of milk at night, right before you go to bed. Milk will drive away bad thoughts, give you a feeling of comfort and relaxation, and it will be even tastier if you prepare milk with cardamom. It would seem that ordinary milk can surprise you. It turns out that it can. It can be made even more delicious and even more healthy. It's simple - you need to choose the right “add-on”.

Cardamom with milk in one glass is an aromatic and tasty drink. But it also has other advantages:

  • perfectly strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • helps in the fight against fatigue;
  • eliminates depression;
  • facilitates the occurrence of PMS;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle.

As you might guess, this drink is especially useful for women. They drink it not only before bed - there are people who like a morning cup of milk. This is especially true during periods of depression, autumn blues, nervous tension and chronic fatigue - one cup will give you energy for the day. It will also relieve a sore throat. Therefore, during the cold season, it is worth drinking such a cocktail on a regular basis: for prevention.

Healthy recipes

The basic recipe has only two ingredients: milk itself and cardamom seeds. Add 2-3 cardamom grains to a glass of milk and bring to a boil. When heated, the spice will release flavor and vitamins into the milk. To get the maximum benefit from the cocktail, after heating, you can remove the cardamom fruits with a spoon and chew them thoroughly with milk.

Whole cardamom can be replaced with ground cardamom - only 1/4-1/3 tsp is needed per 250 ml of liquid. powder.

Cardamom with milk and honey

You can make a spicier milk drink. For 2 servings of milk, take half a stick of cinnamon (or 1 incomplete teaspoon of ground), 4 cardamom grains and 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.
Spices are crushed with a pestle and mortar to release essential oils and make them more aromatic. Then add them to the milk, bring everything to a boil, remove from heat, and leave to steep under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Then the drink is filtered, honey is added and drunk. If necessary, you can warm it up again.

Almond milk with cardamom

It is known that almonds activate brain activity and improve heart function. This drink is especially useful for schoolchildren and people with predominantly mental work. To prepare it, 10 nut grains are poured with milk and left for a while until the husk is easily peeled off. Then the almonds are ground in a blender, poured into 750 ml of milk, 4-6 cardamom grains and 3 tbsp are added. l. sugar and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain and serve.

Milk with cardamom grains is not only healthy, but also aromatic and tasty. What’s interesting is that such drinks quickly become favorites and become firmly established in the diet. It's a small matter - you just need to try them.