Order 302 n medical examination. We make a referral for periodic medical examination

Certificate 302n is a document that is required when applying for a job, as well as during admission to universities for certain specialties. Next we have to figure out how and where to get the appropriate paper. After all, without preliminary preparation it is problematic to cope with the task. Form 302n causes a lot of trouble. But in fact, its design takes a minimum of time and effort.

What is it for?

In what cases may certificate 302n be required? Usually, for universities and work, form 086/у is required. But in some situations they ask for document 302n.

As a rule, it is needed when working in any harmful or dangerous industry. For example, when applying for employment in the following areas:

  • work in quarries or mines;
  • work with welding equipment;
  • building a career in the North;
  • staying in places with increased noise.

The paper being studied may be required by applicants and students during internship, as well as upon admission (extremely rarely). It is not difficult to obtain.

Where to get it

Certificate 302n can be issued in different ways. But in general, the process will be the same - taking tests, being examined by doctors and receiving a document indicating the citizen’s state of health.

To date, the form being studied is issued:

  • any state budget clinics;
  • hospitals with outpatient departments;
  • private clinics and laboratories.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. And with proper preparation, everyone can receive a certificate 302n for admission to a university or for employment in the shortest possible time.

It doesn’t matter where exactly a person goes - to a regular clinic or to a private medical center. The main thing is that the process will be the same. The only difference is the time spent on obtaining documentation, as well as the cost of providing the service.


Medical certificate 302n, as we have already found out, requires certain costs. How much does it cost on average to produce a corresponding extract?

You can get examined for free or for a nominal fee (about 1,200 rubles) in public clinics. In this case, the commission of the established form takes a lot of time. But the expenses are minimal.

In private clinics, an examination for form 302n will cost between 2,500-5,000 rubles. The exact cost of the document depends on the region in which the citizen lives. You will have to spend money, but you can complete the entire commission this way in a few hours.


Certificate 302n for admission to a university or for work, as we have already said, requires passing a medical commission of the established form. Which doctors will a citizen have to visit?

Typically these include:

  • gynecologist (only for women);
  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • narcologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • Laura;
  • ophthalmologist.

Women over 40 years old will have to additionally visit a mammologist. Otherwise, the form you are studying will not be issued. In some cases, an employer or university may require a certificate from cardiologists. This is normal.


A sample certificate 302n will be presented later. First, let's try to understand what tests will need to be taken before receiving the form under study. There aren't that many of them.

To obtain a medical report for employment and admission to a university, you need to pass the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • smears for cytology and microflora;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (only for women over 40 years old);
  • Cardiography (preferably).

This is not a complete list of possible studies. If necessary, specialist doctors will tell you what other tests you will need to take.


How long will certificate 302n be valid? It is generally accepted that this document will be reviewed by the employer for 2 years from the date of execution.

Nevertheless, the medical commission in harmful or dangerous work must be visited regularly - once every 6 months or a year. Otherwise, the person will not be allowed to perform official duties.

Algorithm of actions

A few words about how you can imagine step by step the procedure for obtaining Form 302n. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. And if you decide in advance where to undergo a medical examination, you can significantly speed up the process.

The guide for ordering a certificate on Form 302n looks like this:

  1. Collect a certain package of documents. We'll talk about it a little later.
  2. Check with your employer or university about what tests to take and which doctors you need to visit. It is very important.
  3. Submit the necessary research for the certificate.
  4. Visit all the previously listed doctors. This should be done after the test results are in hand.
  5. Contact your therapist for a ready-made form.
  6. Receive the document we are interested in with the signature of a medical specialist, as well as with the seal of a licensed medical organization.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this. In real life, obtaining a 302n certificate for work or study in a public clinic is problematic - you have to make an appointment with doctors long before the visit. And therefore the procedure can drag on for months.

So, what should be contained in the described certificate? The document must provide certain information.


  • Full name of the citizen;
  • date of issue;
  • verdict of the medical commission with signatures and seals;
  • results of all tests;
  • examinations by the previously listed specialists;
  • patient's age;
  • date and city of birth of the person.

If you take a close look at this form, it will resemble certificate 086у. This is normal. After all, in fact, this is the same document, it’s just that recently in Russia, form 302n is needed for employment.

Documents for registration

What can be useful in order to obtain the documentation being studied? The answer directly depends on the circumstances.

When visiting a public clinic to undergo a commission, you need to take with you:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration (preferably);
  • vaccination certificate (if available);
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS.

In the case of private clinics, you can only get by with an ID card and cash.


We found out how to get certificate 302n. A sample of this document is presented below.

As practice shows, the preparation of the paper being studied does not cause any significant difficulties. The main thing is to decide how exactly to pass the commission. And do not hesitate to contact doctors after taking tests. After all, some studies are valid for only 2-4 weeks.

On this page you can download for free the current version of the regulatory legal act on labor protection: Lists of harmful and/or dangerous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and/or dangerous working conditions.

Additional information about the document:

  • Approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n (Order 302n)
  • Order 302n was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 21, 2011 under number 22111
  • Changes were made by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 62n, Ministry of Health of Russia No. 49n dated 02/06/2018.
  • Valid in the new version from 03/16/2018.

Application area:

Order 302n establishes the rules for conducting mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of persons engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (including underground work), in work related to traffic, as well as in work that requires preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia
dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n
“On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions"

Below you can leave your comments (questions) regarding the application of this document in practice.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide his subordinates with safe working conditions. He is also obliged to comply with all labor safety standards - this is a vast and rather complex area in Russian legislation. Occupational safety measures include, among other things, medical examinations of workers. It is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development on compulsory medical examinations, in force since January 1, 2012.

At the time of entry into force, this act caused a lot of controversy and discussion, and it must be said that they still do not stop. The provisions of the document cover a huge list of professions and jobs, so not only occupational safety inspectors need to study them. We will tell you what the main provisions are contained in order 302n dated April 12, 2011 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (as amended in 2018-2019). Its full text in the current version can be downloaded at the end of the article.

Order 302n - general information

Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires regular medical examinations of workers employed in hazardous industries. The purpose of the measures is to establish suitability for the profession, early detection of health problems among employees and prevention of the spread of infectious diseases.

In fact, the circle of workers who must undergo a medical examination (not only during work, but also at the time of employment) is much wider. The fact is that the harmfulness of working conditions is determined by the SOUT (special assessment of working conditions). And if it is not carried out or its validity period has expired, then all jobs in an organization that has not passed the SUT are considered “harmful”.

The costs of medical services - tests, diagnostics and other procedures - are borne by the employer. The duty of employees is to undergo examination. Federal Law No. 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” of March 30, 1999 prohibits those who refuse from being allowed to work (clause 4 of Article 34).

The factors determining the need for medical examinations are called by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development 302n dated April 12, 2011 “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical inspections (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.”

It consists of three applications:

  • the first lists potentially dangerous factors;
  • the contents of the second are types of work that can only be performed with the permission of medical specialists;
  • the third dictates the procedure for organizing medical examinations, provides samples of directions, medical reports and explains how to fill them out.

This order came into force shortly before the dissolution of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Since then, it has been adjusted several times - already by orders of the Ministry of Health, which was separated from the reorganized ministry.

The current version contains amendments to the first two sections (order No. 801n dated December 5, 2014 amended the lists of harmful factors and contraindications), as well as changes made to clause 20 of Appendix No. 2 “Name of work and professions” by orders of the Ministry of Labor No. 62n, Ministry of Health 49n dated 02/06/2018 and entered into force on 03/16/2018.

Appendix 1. Harmful and dangerous factors

The first appendix, compiled in the form of a table, indicates the circumstances and grounds for conducting mandatory medical examinations. Unfavorable factors are divided into four groups:

  • chemicals – substances and mixtures, allergens, carcinogens, etc.;
  • biological – hepatitis B and C viruses, poisons of animals, plants, etc.;
  • physical - radiation, radioactive substances, noise from technological equipment (included in 2015 by order of the Ministry of Health No. 801n), etc.;
  • labor process factors – physical and sensory stress, etc.

For most factors, the degree of threat to human health is determined by a special assessment of working conditions (SAW).

Other columns of the table contain information:

  • how often medical examinations are carried out;
  • Which doctors of narrow specialties need to be examined;
  • about the tests and procedures required for taking and passing;
  • about medical contraindications for work requiring contact with these factors.

For example, an employee of an enterprise working with inorganic nitrogen compounds (clause 1.2.1) needs to be examined by an otolaryngologist and dermatovenerologist once every two years. Mandatory procedures include a study of pulmonary function and an analysis of reticulocytes and methemoglobin levels. Applicants with chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs cannot apply for a position involving contact with ammonia - order 302n (as amended in 2018-2019) on medical examinations prohibits them from employing them.

Appendix 2. Harmful and dangerous working conditions

The following appendix lists the types of work for which medical examinations are prescribed:

  • carried out in the Far North and other territories with a harsh climate, in uninhabited, remote places located far from populated areas with medical facilities - on oil rigs, drilling rigs, geological exploration and hydrometeorological stations, etc.;
  • related to natural and man-made hazards - prevention and elimination of accidents, emergencies, gas and oil blowouts in fields;
  • involving risk and requiring special physical training - at heights, under water, underground; in the collection service, paramilitary security, etc.;
  • involving direct contact with a large number of people - in medical and educational institutions, including preschools, schools and others, in the areas of trade and public catering, consumer and transport services;
  • involving contact with food products (food processing, food warehouses, distribution points, as well as transportation of such products);
  • in industrial production (related to welding, machine tools, pressure vessels, etc.);
  • related to driving vehicles (from crane operator to driver and even elevator operator).

The second appendix of the document, numbered 302n (order of the Ministry of Health on medical examinations as amended for 2018-2019), explains in as much detail as the first how often an employee should visit specific medical specialists. Thus, paramilitary security personnel must undergo a medical examination once a year to confirm their suitability for further service. The medical report must be signed by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dermatovenerologist and surgeon. If problems with hearing, vision and diseases are identified, which are listed by order 302n dated April 12, 2011, Appendix 2 in paragraph 7, the security guard will not be able to continue working.

In addition, there is a list of general tests that every person undergoing a medical examination must undergo. This is a general blood and urine test, ECG, fluorography, blood test for glucose, cholesterol. Mandatory visits to a therapist, psychiatrist and narcologist have been established.

For women, an additional appointment with a gynecologist is required (with bacteriological and cytological analysis, and for women over 40 - also mammography (or ultrasound) once every 2 years).

Appendix 3. Procedure for conducting medical examinations

Order No. 302n regulates the procedure for organizing two types of medical examinations:

  • preliminary (at the stage of employment of future employees);
  • periodic (regularly among existing employees).

For a preliminary medical examination, the employer must issue a referral to the applicant for the vacant position. You need to prepare for periodic personnel services in advance:

  • make a list of employees indicating their names, positions, and the nature of the work they perform;
  • provide it to the medical institution with which the contract is concluded. Order 302n (as amended in 2018-2019) on medical examinations requires that the list be submitted no later than two months before the start of the procedures;
  • after approval of the list, send it to the sanitary and epidemiological inspection within 10 days;
  • familiarize employees with the medical examination calendar at least 10 days before the event;
  • give them directions.

A conclusion on the examination completed is issued by a commission headed by an occupational pathologist. Based on medical recommendations, extraordinary examinations may be scheduled.


Failure to comply with the requirements of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Health on examinations for professional suitability will result in a fine (Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles – for officials and individual entrepreneurs;
  • from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles – for legal entities.

At the same time, liability can arise even for untimely medical examinations of office workers, which is confirmed by the Supreme Court decision No. 34-AD17-5 dated December 6, 2017, which considered a fine of 120,000 rubles imposed on a Murmansk company selling cars and spare parts justified. The highest judicial body of Russia considered the argument that employees who did not undergo a medical examination - specialists performing analytical work - to be untenable: after studying the case materials, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation came to the conclusion that all employees of trade organizations must regularly undergo medical tests and be examined by doctors.

Arranging medical examinations is the prerogative of the employer. The company’s personnel or an employee just being hired does not need to look for a medical institution to undergo a medical examination and find money for it. The HR department of any company is responsible for the timely execution of this event and must correctly draw up the relevant documents and monitor compliance with legal requirements. Let's figure out according to which order of the Russian Federation mandatory medical examinations are carried out , and what documents they must be supported by.

302 order on medical examinations: for whom they are mandatory

According to Art. 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has not passed the mandatory medical examination is suspended from work. However, this does not mean that all employees must be examined, because we are talking about mandatory examination. Order No. 302 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 approved a list of hazardous and harmful work and production factors, the implementation of which is accompanied by mandatory periodic medical examinations. The same act defines the procedure for conducting medical examinations.

  • age group up to 21 years;
  • those employed in hazardous industries, heavy and dangerous work;
  • related to traffic, incl. railway;
  • working in the energy and construction industries;
  • departmental security;
  • food industry, trade and catering enterprises;
  • medical and children's institutions;
  • employees of water pipelines and water supply structures;
  • professional athletes.

The medical examination under order 302-n can be preliminary (i.e. upon entry to work), periodic or extraordinary. Any type of inspection is organized at the expense of the employer. Examinations are carried out on a reimbursable basis by medical institutions, with which companies enter into appropriate agreements. We should remember that medical examinations of workers (Order 302-n speaks directly about this) are carried out by medical organizations of any form of ownership that have a license to conduct them, as well as examinations of professional suitability. Mandatory details of such agreements are:

  • item;
  • information about the availability of a license to conduct medical activities;
  • list of paid medical services;
  • conditions, cost and timing of their implementation;
  • calculation procedure.

Stages of personnel work to implement the requirements of Order 302-

Personnel officers are guided by Appendix No. 3, which determines the conduct of a medical examination by order 302-n. Having concluded an agreement with a medical institution, the personnel service is obliged to establish an internal procedure for sending employees for medical examinations:

  • issue an appropriate order (sample) and familiarize employees with it against signature;
  • draw up a list of employees by name according to order 302-(sample below) who must be sent for a medical examination. It is issued in 2 copies - for the medical institution and the Rospotrebnadzor department. The list identifies the full names of employees for whom a medical examination is required, lists professions and positions, indicates a harmful production factor and the workshop or department where the employee works. The document is approved by the manager and submitted to the RPN within 10 days, and to the medical institution 2 months before the agreed date of the medical examination.

Sample list for medical examination according to order 302-:

Having received the list of contingents by order 302-n, the medical organization develops a calendar plan for periodic examinations, coordinates it with the company management, approves and submits it to the enterprise no later than 14 days before the agreed date;

  • fill out a form for a medical examination according to order 302-n, i.e. referral to a medical facility. 10 days before the agreed date for the start of the medical examination, the employee of the enterprise must be familiarized with the calendar plan and handed over to him (against signature), following order 302 of the Ministry of Health, a referral for a medical examination. The company develops the form of the document independently, since there are no standardized forms provided by law. Sample referral for a medical examination under order 302-:

Personnel officers record in the logbook each referral issued to employees for a medical examination in accordance with Order 302-. The log form is also developed at the enterprise, approved by management and used to monitor the completion of medical examinations by employees.

The results of the examination in the health care facility are recorded in the outpatient card stored in the clinic. The results of the employee’s examination, i.e., the medical report, are recorded in a special document - the form of the final act according to order 302-n - the employee’s health passport, which is handed to him. If this document already exists, then new entries are made into it and returned to the owner. In addition, the employee is issued a certificate according to order 302 for transmission to the employer. It contains the conclusion of the medical commission, indicating professional suitability, and is certified by doctors’ signatures, stamps and the seal of the medical institution. Sample certificate form 302-n:

Periodic medical examination

Order 302 requires medical examinations and tests. To issue a certificate under Order 302, opinions of a therapist, surgeon, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist are usually required, and blood tests and fluorography are also provided. This is a general set, which is adjusted by adding or excluding specialized specialists, detailed blood tests, etc., depending on the characteristics of the industry or profession. It is important to know that the certificate issued for the first time can and should subsequently be extended in accordance with the established frequency.

Employee health passport according to order 302-n: form

This is form No. 004-P/U, relating to medical documentation, which is issued to each person who has undergone a medical examination, and consists of a general and effective part. The general information includes information about the employee who applied, the company that sent him for inspection, working conditions and influencing factors, as well as length of service. This information is filled in by the company’s personnel officer, and the document number is assigned to the health care facility. The date when the medical examination ends is also indicated there. One health passport is issued for each person. For greater clarity, we present the document form.

Issues of conducting and organizing medical examinations are regulated by the Labor Code and order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 302n dated April 12, 2011. These regulations, in particular, stipulate which workers in which areas of employment, with what frequency and by which doctors must undergo mandatory examinations.

Algorithm for organizing a medical examination at an enterprise

When organizing activities to check the health status of employees, it is necessary to rely on the procedure described in regulations and developed in practice. It includes the following steps:

  • compile a list of contingents of employees required to undergo testing;
  • send it to the territorial office of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • enter into an agreement with a medical institution;
  • draw up a list of names, a schedule and determine the timing of the event;
  • issue an order to conduct a medical examination and familiarize staff with it;
  • prepare and issue a referral for periodic medical examination (form 302n);
  • collect conclusions with the results of the inspection;
  • receive the final report from the medical institution.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for drawing up an order and directions for a medical examination.

Referral Requirements

Although the basis is a referral for a periodic medical examination, there is no standardized form for this document. However, Appendix No. 3 of Order No. 302n contains recommendations for its preparation. According to this norm, the form must contain the following information:

  • name of the organization, form of ownership and OKVED;
  • name and details of the medical institution;
  • type of medical examination;
  • FULL NAME. and date of birth of the employee;
  • the department where he works;
  • type of activity, specialty, length of service;
  • previous specialties and experience in them;
  • Dangerous and harmful production factors.

An authorized person is responsible for drawing up, signing and handing over the paper to the employee. Therefore, the transfer of this document must be certified by the signature of the recipient. Once the document is in the possession of the employee, the responsibility for undergoing a medical examination lies with him. After the doctors begin passing, the referral is transferred to the medical institution.

Sample referral for periodic medical examination

Order to send for periodic medical examination

The company must also prepare an order for a medical examination. Typically, the authorized person to initiate the creation of this document is the employee responsible for labor protection. The order must contain the following information:

  • name of company;
  • document number and date;
  • reference to regulations;
  • name and details of the medical organization conducting the medical examination;
  • health check schedule;
  • the person responsible for this event;
  • list of employees subject to medical examination.

The responsible person must familiarize employees with the text of the order against signature.

Sample order for referral for periodic medical examination

Who should undergo a medical examination

Existing legislation states that specialists engaged in:

  • in harmful and dangerous production;
  • in public catering;
  • at high-altitude works;
  • on transport;
  • in educational institutions;
  • in medical institutions;
  • at livestock enterprises;
  • in hairdressing salons;
  • in water supply;
  • at pharmaceutical plants.

Also, any other specialists can be sent for a medical examination if this condition is agreed upon with the employees of the enterprise and enshrined in a local regulatory act. Persons under 21 years of age are required to undergo annual checks, regardless of their specialty. Other employees should do this at least once every year or two.