How to soak bear meat. Bear meat: step-by-step cooking recipes with descriptions

Keep the ham pulp, separated into layers into larger pieces, in the marinade for 4 days. Then put in a bowl, add chopped sautéed carrots, parsley, celery and onions. Make broth from meat bones, replacing half the water with the marinade in which the meat was aged. Pour this broth over the meat and simmer for 5-6 hours.

Cool the finished meat in the same broth. Before serving, cut the meat into slices 2-3 per serving, breaded in flour, and then, moistened with a raw egg, in crushed wheat breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides in a frying pan with fat.

Serve a side dish (pickled vegetables, fruits, pickles or cabbage and beet salad) separately in a salad bowl, satsivi sauce in a gravy boat.


Meat 150, marinade 75, flour 5, eggs 10, lard for frying 15, crackers 15, sauce 75, pickled vegetables 80, carrots, celery, parsley and onions 10 each.

THE TASTE OF BEAR specific, sweetish, with the smell of wild meat and not everyone likes it. Cooked and raw meat smell identical due to bear fat. Brown bear meat is very fatty. The most delicious meat comes from young animals up to three years old and from females before hibernation in the fall. Various fragrant sauces, spices and herbs, as well as side dishes serve as a flavor for the unique smell and taste of bear meat. Lingonberries, lingonberry sauce, mushrooms, quince or pickles are very good for this.

BEAR MEAT IS COOKED longer than usual: three to five hours. In order for the bear meat to be soft, it is soaked in wine, orange juice or ordinary vinegar in the refrigerator for 2-6 days. Also, depending on the size of the pieces, it is soaked in a marinade of wine, spices and herbs from 15 hours to four days. Marinating bear meat softens the meat and eliminates its specific odor. All fat and tendons must be removed from the meat. When properly cooked, brown bear meat is somewhat reminiscent of pork. It is usually fried, boiled, stewed, baked. Bear meat makes amazing jellied meat. The bear meat is fried until it becomes soft and all the redness disappears. It is recommended to fry bear meat only if you have veterinary documents - with us, the MyasoDich company, they are always in perfect order. We sell bear meat wholesale from one carcass (100-250 kg). Brown bear meat is not eaten raw. In no case You can’t eat half-cooked bear meat “with blood”!

BEAR PAWS- this is a delicacy. It is better to bake them in the oven with garlic, pepper and lard.

BEAR LIVER do not eat. Due to the strong concentration of vitamin A, it is very toxic.

BEAR MEAT CONTAINS vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B12) and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. Bear meat is famous for its low sodium content. Throughout the summer, the bear eats organic meat, wild honey, berries, bark, fish and herbs. This animal then hibernates for five months, so it needs to accumulate very large amounts of nutrients. Bear meat contains a lot of cholesterol and should not be called dietary. Over the summer, potapych meat is enriched with a unique set of amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Bear meat is a good source of protein.

CALORIES AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE: bear meat contains 130-155 kcal, proteins – 20.1-25.6 g, fats – 3.1-8.1 g, no carbohydrates.


BEAR MEAT strengthens the body, it is indicated for those with heart problems. It also strengthens blood vessels and is very useful for people with low immunity. It stimulates appetite and helps people with digestive disorders. Bear meat is recommended for people with diseases of the skin, lungs, and joints. bear meat for patients with cancer and people with high cholesterol levels in the blood. Bear liver is highly toxic and should not be eaten!

BALL OF BEARS also has a healing effect. In alternative Chinese medicine, acids taken from bear gall bladders are believed to help with rheumatism, poor eyesight and gallstones. Bear bile is used in folk medicine to treat malignant ulcers and abscesses, stop internal bleeding, treat tumors and metastases in the liver and pancreas. Bear bile has an antiviral effect and is successfully used for hepatitis A, B and C. It also has a strong antihelminthic effect against Giardia, opisthorchid, and echinococcus. It also improves the composition of bile, dissolves cholesterol and bilirubin stones, restores liver cells, removes toxic substances from the liver, removes congestion in the liver, and serves as an immunostimulating, sedative and analgesic.

BEAR FAT (SALO) in Rus' they were widespread in folk medicine. They treated pulmonary diseases: early stages of lung cancer, frequent (recurrent) colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis with asthmatic components, severe and protracted forms of pneumonia, silicosis and colds. Fat is also used during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach and duodenal ulcers and gastritis, for liver diseases and for the prevention of drug-induced liver damage. Bear fat has also been used since ancient times not only in cooking and medicine, but also as fuel for a lamp. Fifty grams of bear fat is enough to keep a small lamp burning for 1 hour. Indian tribes used bear fat as protection against hypothermia. Covering themselves with bear fat, they could swim across rivers in the cold season or spend the night in the desert. Contraindications: allergy to boar fat, pregnancy, cholelithiasis in the acute stage or diseases of the biliary tract. For children - only with the permission of a pediatrician.


BEAR SOUP: Pieces of bear meat, cleaned of fat and tendons, should be placed in a saucepan with cold water and put on fire. After the water boils, add the peeled onion and finely chopped parsnip, celery and parsley roots. Also add sugar and then cook for 45 minutes. Then remove the roots and onions from the pan, strain the broth, and sauté the onions, roots and potatoes. Then simmer the pearl barley separately, then lower it into the broth. Pour the resulting hot broth over the pre-cut pickles and then add them to the boiling broth. At the end of sauteing, add a spoonful of hot broth to the vegetables and pour into the main broth with bear meat. Taste the broth and, if necessary, add pickled cucumber brine. Cook for another 5 minutes. Pour kvass and/or cucumber pickle into a plate with the finished soup, add herbs to taste. Bear meat should be well cooked and not red.

BEAR STEW: Rub the bear meat with plenty of salt and ground black pepper. Rub a cut garlic clove from the inside of the pan in which the meat will be stewed. You need to pour plenty of cold water over the bear meat, then bring to a boil and cook for several hours until the meat is tender. After this, remove the meat from the water and place it in a frying pan with oil for frying or stewing. Season the meat again with salt and pepper and cover with a thick layer of chopped onions. Fry until brown. You can add some water to the pan to simmer the meat rather than fry it.

BBQ (SHAB) FROM BEAR MEAT: Before frying, meat must be checked by a veterinarian! We cook bear meat like pork, leaving no blood behind. The meat should be as fresh as possible, cleaned of fat and tendons (leave the lard) and salted for several days. The meat should be fried in a frying pan, coals or over an open fire in accordance with your signature men's recipe. For example, place the meat in a small roaster, season with salt and black pepper, rub with garlic and bake for about an hour at 180°C until fully cooked. Cut into thin pieces, mix one teaspoon of salt, brown sugar, spices, vinegar, tomato juice, ketchup and half a glass of water in a metal ladle. Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes, then place the meat there and cook for another hour until it is soft enough.

BEAR CUTLETS: Wash the bear meat, cut it into pieces, and grind it in a meat grinder. Cut the potatoes into the same small cubes. Finely chop the onion. Again we grind the minced meat in a meat grinder, but this time together with potatoes, onions, garlic and bread soaked in water or half a liter of milk. Pour the remaining milk from soaking the bread into the minced meat. Then salt, pepper, add eggs, spices, thicker sour cream. Cook the cutlets and fry in a frying pan in sunflower oil until cooked.

STEWED BEAR PAW: The bear's paw is stewed in soda water for ten minutes, then it is stewed for four hours in ordinary water, after which the fur, skin on the foot, claws and bones are removed. Then the bear meat is wrapped in cloth and stewed again along with chicken breast, ham and duck, while the water is changed more than once in order to remove the specific unpleasant odor. The cooked meat is cut into thin slices, seasoned with onions, ginger, garlic, ground water chestnuts, poured over with Chinese rice wine and simmered for another three minutes.


  • In order to bake bear meat, you first need to marinate it, and therefore you need to prepare the necessary ingredients for marinating.

  • Rinse the bear meat thoroughly in running cool water, remove films, veins and, of course, fat. Cut the dried meat into pieces 1.5 cm thick and 10 cm long. Beat the resulting thin pieces with a kitchen hammer and put them aside.

  • Cut the peeled onions into medium rings and place them on the bottom of a deep container. Then put a layer of meat, and on top of it - peeled and chopped carrots into thin rings and finely chopped garlic. Alternate layers in this way until you run out of meat pieces. Sprinkle layers of bear meat with salt and spices to taste. After the food has been placed, pour white table wine over everything, and make a light press on top from a plate and a glass filled with water. Marinate the meat for 24 hours at a cool temperature.

  • Place the marinated bear meat in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry on each side until lightly browned.

  • Fry the meat as desired, if you prefer a dark product. Or leave the product light and prepare it for baking.

  • Place the meat layers, along with the liquid and additives in which they were marinated, in a baking sleeve. Place the bag on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and make several holes in the sleeve using a fork or knife.

  • Bake the bear meat first in an oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius for 1 hour, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and cook for another hour.

  • While the meat is cooking, you should prepare the side dish for the main dish. In our case, these are frozen fresh tomatoes, cut into slices.

  • Separately boil or fry the potatoes. Place the finished hot bear meat, baked in the oven, on a plate on top of lettuce leaves. Place a side dish of potatoes nearby and decorate the treat with tomatoes and fresh herbs. Depending on the season, you can add pickles to the dish. Bon appetit!

Bear meat is a rare guest on our table. However, when it appears, it can be used to make a delicious stir-fry with lingonberries and mushrooms.

It is worth saying that bear meat, like any game, is tougher than usual and requires preliminary preparation, and the preparation is very long - 48 - 72 hours.

In our conditions, bear meat is usually found frozen. This is exactly what is needed. While the meat is defrosting, prepare the marinade.

For this, take a glass of lingonberries and squeeze out the juice, add up to a glass of water and bring to a boil. Pour into the broth 0.5 teaspoon of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of dry dill seeds, 5-6 black peppercorns, 2 small bay leaves. Boil for 10 minutes and add 100 g of vinegar. Let the solution cool.

Cut the defrosted bear meat (1 kg) across the grain into small pieces (to marinate better), like for kebabs. Finely chop two large onions and sprinkle them over the meat. We’ll also add finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill, and celery for those who like it). Now pour the cooled marinade over it all and mix well.

Then cover the container with the pickled bear meat and put it in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days. During this time, you will need to stir the meat several times.

We will cook roast bear meat in pots. First, let's prepare the dressing. In a small amount of butter, sauté 2 onions and a small clove of garlic. Fry the champignons there (about 8 pieces). When the mushrooms are ready, add 4 tablespoons of lightly mashed lingonberries and a pinch of coriander.

In the bottom of each pot we place a small piece of butter, the bear meat removed from the marinade, and spread the dressing. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of marinade. Cover with a lid and simmer in the oven at 200 - 220 degrees for about 2 hours. 0.5 - 1 hour after the start, pour the resulting juice over the meat.

Serve very hot with a side dish of stewed sauerkraut or mashed potatoes, pickled apples, and pickles.

Horseradish tincture, a horseradish tincture, goes well with roast bear meat with lingonberries and mushrooms.

Bon appetit!

Shish kebab and cutlets. However, keep in mind that the taste of this meat is specific and not everyone likes it.

Recipe for cooking bear meat in a slow cooker

Bear meat is a real delicacy that you cannot buy in a store. Therefore, few people know the nuances that should be paid attention to when cooking. It is believed that the most delicious meat comes from individuals under three years of age, and the special smell depends on the bear’s diet. Quite often the aroma of fat is so specific that it ruins the entire dish. In this case, it should be cut off without leaving any residue. How is bear meat prepared? Multicooker recipes are somewhat different from regular ones, so read our instructions carefully.

  • Cut one and a half kilograms of meat without fat into portions and place them in water. Soak the bear meat all day, remembering to periodically change the liquid.
  • For the marinade, mix, depending on your taste, olive oil, French mustard, adjika, suneli hops, garlic, thyme and a little mayonnaise.
  • Mix the meat with the resulting sauce, and then put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Prepare carrots, onions, celery and leeks for frying. Peel the vegetables and cut into pieces.
  • Place the meat along with the marinade in the multicooker bowl, add the prepared vegetables and cover them with a lid.
  • Turn on the device in the “Extinguishing” mode for three hours.
  • Peel and cut the potatoes into large slices. As soon as the specified time has passed, add it to the meat in the slow cooker and simmer everything together for another hour.

The finished dish turns out tasty and very satisfying. Serve it with a salad of fresh or stewed vegetables.

Stewed bear meat. Recipe

Wild animal meat should not be consumed if there are a number of diseases. In addition, bears are often carriers of trichinosis, and therefore it is better to have bear meat checked by a veterinarian before consumption. If it turns out that everything is in order, then you will become the happy owner of a rare delicacy. How to cook bear meat? You can read step-by-step preparation here.

  • Cut the bear meat into small pieces, sprinkle them with pepper and salt, and then leave them alone for a while.
  • Take a pan and coat the inside with garlic. Place the meat in it and add water. Cook the bear meat until it is tender. This will take you about three hours, maybe more.
  • Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom, pour a small amount of vegetable oil into it and add the meat. Sprinkle a lot of chopped onion on top and add a little water.
  • When the liquid has evaporated, fry the meat until a brown crust forms.

Serve bear meat with a side dish of stewed or fresh vegetables.

Bear BBQ

We continue to tell you about the most popular bear meat dishes. Fried meat recipes are similar to those with which everyone is familiar. However, I would like to mention some differences. For example, for barbecuing you should use fresh, not In addition, you should completely remove the fat and ensure that the meat is completely cooked. Cook bear meat in a dry frying pan or coals according to your signature recipe. Remember that meat must be checked by a veterinarian! If you decide to cook it in the oven, then follow the following instructions.

  • Salt the meat and leave it to marinate for a couple of days.
  • Prepare a sauce from 150 grams of water, tomato juice, ketchup, vinegar, salt and sugar, as well as any spices. Put it on the fire and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  • Place the meat in the sauce and cook it in the oven until done (about two hours).

When prepared correctly, bear meat in its finished form is somewhat similar to pork and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Bear soup

Vitamins of groups B and PP, microelements, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and many other useful substances are contained in bear meat. Recipes for cooking meat vary, but they all say that the dish should be cooked for a long time - from three to five hours. To prepare bear soup, you will need to follow our instructions.

  • Remove veins and fat from the meat, cut it into small pieces and place in a pan filled with cold water.
  • Place the dish on the fire, and when the liquid boils, add the onion in the husk (remove only the top layer) and chopped roots of parsley, celery and parsnip to the meat.
  • Add a little sugar to the broth and cook it for about an hour.
  • After this, remove the meat, strain the broth, and simmer the vegetables along with peeled and sliced ​​potatoes.
  • Separately from the other products, boil the pearl barley and place it in a pan with broth.
  • Slice the pickles, pour boiling water over them from the pan, and then add to the soup.
  • Combine all the prepared ingredients and cook them together for another quarter of an hour.

Pour the soup into bowls, and then add a little kvass or cucumber pickle to it. Please note that the meat must be well cooked, and it should not have a red tint.

Bear meat cutlets

As a rule, the meat of wild animals needs to be marinated for a long time to fight off the unpleasant smell. After proper heat treatment, it should not be red and hard. How else is bear meat prepared? You can find recipes for preparing second courses here. This time we will tell you how to make cutlets.

  • Separate the bear meat from the tendons, remove the fat, cut into pieces and grind through a meat grinder.
  • Peel the potatoes and several onions, cut into cubes, and then grind through the meat grinder a second time. Do the same with garlic and white bread soaked in milk.
  • Add eggs, salt, ground pepper, thick sour cream and milk left over from the bread to the minced meat.
  • Form cutlets, roll them in flour and quickly fry until crusty on both sides. After this, transfer them to a baking sheet previously covered with parchment and bake until done.

Serve the dish with any side dish and vegetables.

Braised bear paw

This delicacy is not so easy to prepare, so read the following recipe carefully.

  • Dissolve baking soda in water, place the paw in the pan and simmer for ten minutes.
  • After this, transfer it to plain water and cook for another four hours.
  • Remove the fur from the paw, claws, skin from the foot, and remove all the bones.
  • Wrap the meat in a thin cloth and continue to simmer with chicken breast, duck and ham. At the same time, do not forget to change the water often to get rid of the specific aroma.
  • Cut the finished meat into thin slices, season with onion, garlic, ginger, pour over wine and simmer for a few more minutes.

Bear meat goulash

Here is a recipe for another exotic dish, the main component of which is bear meat. Cooking recipes have similar features to recipes for the meat we are used to. Before you start preparing the goulash, be sure to soak the bear meat in water overnight. You can first add the juice of one lemon.

  • Dry 500 grams of meat and then cut it into cubes.
  • Fry it along with the onions over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  • After this, add salt and flour to the meat, mix the products and fry them together for a few more minutes.
  • Mix the meat broth with a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and pour it into the pan.

Simmer the bear meat under a closed lid for an hour and a half, adding water if necessary. Finally add ground pepper and bay leaf. Before serving, sprinkle the goulash with chopped herbs.


We will be glad if you like bear meat dishes. You can choose culinary recipes to suit your taste and use them to prepare an exotic dinner.

Bear meat is a healthy product, the consumption of which helps strengthen the immune system, recover from a serious illness, and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. How to cook such meat at home? What spices improve the taste of bear meat? Detailed information about the features of preparing bear meat is given below.

Knowing the recipe for how to cook bear meat, you can really surprise your guests with an unusual dish.

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 12 minutes

Bear meat stews

The meat has a specific smell, which is why not everyone likes it. Bear meat needs to be properly marinated and cooked, otherwise the dish will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and pieces of meat will become tough. Before cooking, the game is soaked in a sour sauce or saline solution and kept in a dark, cool place for at least 12 hours (the marinating time varies depending on the weight of the bear meat).

Bear meat is boiled, stewed, baked and fried. The best option is stewed bear meat, with the addition of kvass and spices. To prepare the dish you will need:

· Bear meat – 1 kg;

· kvass – 1 l.;

· onions – 2 pcs.;

· carrots – 2 pcs.;

· parsley (root) – 1 pc.;

· fresh mint – 2 bunches;

· one head of garlic;

· cumin – a pinch;

· salt, a mixture of hot peppers, ground ginger, curry - to taste;

· lemon juice;

· a tablespoon of sugar;

· flour – 100 gr.;

· sliced ​​fresh vegetables and fried potatoes for garnish.

Pre-marinate the bear meat in a vinegar mixture (500 ml of water and 250 ml of 9% acetic acid), with the addition of herbs, celery roots and parsley, and hot spices. Let the meat brew, large pieces - up to 12 hours, small pieces - up to 3-4 hours.

Rinse the bear meat under running water, cut into cubes, rub with a mixture of mint, salt and pepper, and lightly fry. Transfer the meat to a cauldron or deep frying pan, add grated carrots, chopped onions and garlic. Pour kvass over the vegetables and meat and leave to simmer for 2-3 hours. Drain the broth from the meat, combine with flour, sugar, lemon juice, spices, cook, stirring constantly. Pour the prepared mixture over the bear meat and boil. The dish is served with sliced ​​vegetables and fried potatoes.

How to cook bear cutlets

Bear meat cutlets are prepared according to the same principle as similar dishes made from other meats. The only peculiarity is that the meat is pre-marinated in wine vinegar for 5-6 hours.

List of ingredients:

· Bear meat – 800 gr.;

· white stale bread – 5 pieces;

· onions – 3 pcs.;

lard – 100 gr.;

· salt, mixture of hot peppers - to taste;

· greenery;

three cloves of garlic;

· cream.

Remove the film from the meat, wash and dry. Soak the pieces of bread in cream (you can use full-fat milk). Finely chop the onion and garlic, fry until golden brown. Cut the lard and meat into cubes, combine with onion, garlic, bread, and grind in a meat grinder. Add garlic, passed through a press, salt, spices and herbs to the prepared minced meat.

Using your hands, form the minced meat into small oval or round balls, bread them in flour and lightly fry. In order for the cutlets to bake completely, they need to be placed in the oven and baked at 180º until cooked. The dish is served with baked potatoes, lightly salted tomatoes, and cucumbers. Hot or sweet and sour sauce goes well with the cutlets.