Nuances of calculating housing subsidies for military personnel. Housing subsidy calculator for military personnel Cash subsidy calculator for military personnel in

In recent years, the procedure and rules for state housing subsidies for military personnel have been significantly simplified. Previously, military personnel who were on the waiting list for housing were provided with ownership of living space only in those houses that were built by order of the Ministry of Defense, but now military personnel receive certain amounts in the form of housing subsidies and choose for themselves what housing to spend it on.

Russian legislation provides for a type of deferment for receiving a housing subsidy. A serviceman may not apply for it immediately, increasing his length of service and, accordingly, increasing the number of square meters of living space allotted to him in the future. Of course, this factor is attractive for those families who do not spend large sums on living in rented housing, otherwise the benefits of delaying receiving a housing subsidy will be questionable.

Housing subsidies for military personnel for housing

Housing subsidies are one of the ways of economic and financial support for military personnel, which are provided in cash.

  • has the right to purchase residential premises on any territory of the Russian Federation, having a certificate for receiving a housing subsidy;
  • can buy housing larger in area than required, since the size of the military subsidy for housing often exceeds the market value of the residential premises;
  • independently determines the quality of the future residential premises;
  • has the opportunity to use maternity capital if there are not enough financial resources to purchase housing.

How to get a housing subsidy for a military personnel

According to the law, the following categories of military personnel are entitled to receive housing subsidies:

  • those who entered into a contract before 01/01/1998 (exception: cadets of military educational organizations) and members of their families recognized as in need of improved living conditions;
  • those dismissed from military service (upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or due to staff reductions), who managed to serve 10 years or more, and members of their families, subject to the need to improve their living conditions;
  • military personnel who served 20 years and were provided with official housing;
  • dismissed after service (minimum 10 years) for health reasons or upon reaching the age limit, who were provided with official housing.

Subsidy payment amount

The size of the subsidy for the military is calculated individually by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on three factors:

  • standard cost of one square meter of residential premises
  • number of squares placed
  • length of service of a soldier.

As a result of multiplying the above indicators, the total amount of the subsidy for the right to receive housing for the military is obtained.

The calculation of subsidies for military personnel for housing, first of all, depends on the standard cost of one square meter of housing in Russia. Moreover, it also provides for the calculation of subsidies for housing for military personnel who need housing above the established standard by 15-25 square meters in the following cases:

  • for those with a rank higher than colonel (inclusive);
  • when conducting scientific and teaching activities;
  • when health conditions deteriorate, etc.

The military service record also plays a big role when calculating the certificate for receiving a housing subsidy. The longer the experience, the greater the correction factor: from 1.85 to 2.75.

There are standards for the cost of housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other subjects of the federation, for example for Moscow this figure is 90,400 rubles, and for the Moscow region 51,225 rubles, in St. Petersburg the cost per square meter is 58,112 rubles, in the Leningrad region - 41 220 rubles, in Sakhalin the standard price per square meter is 53,723 rubles, in the Republic of Crimea 29,000 rubles, and in Sevastopol - 30,000 rubles.

To make it more clear, let's look at an example:

Officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, served in the army for 20 years, married, has a family (wife and three children). Let's start counting: the size of the housing subsidy = 5x18 (18 square meters of living space for each family member) x 35,915 rubles (standard average market value of 1 square meter for 2015) x 2.375 (adjustment factor for length of service) = 7,676,831.25 rubles.

What documents are required?

List of required documents:

  • passports of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth certificate of the child(ren);
  • an extract from the personal file on military service in federal executive authorities;
  • a court decision to establish family ties with the applicant as citizens of the Russian Federation;

The package of documents is small and will not be difficult for you to collect.

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The Russian Federation assumes additional responsibilities for providing housing for career officers. One of the ways to ensure this is in accordance with Federal Law N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” as amended on 02/03/2014. At the same time, of course, a subsidy is not the only way to support officers in the “housing issue”, but it plays a very important role. For many military personnel, a housing subsidy is a more attractive way to purchase their own home than, for example, a military mortgage. What is it, military housing subsidy 2015? Where to start designing? And how fast will the results be? Let's figure it out in order.

What is military housing subsidy?

Housing subsidies for military personnel are non-cash in nature. Issued at a time and once. It was introduced as an alternative to the waiting list for the provision of permanent housing to career officers and military personnel transferred to the reserve. The subsidy is a social payment, issued by a certificate, which gives the right to preferential purchase of housing.

The military housing subsidy is a certificate for a certain amount. This amount is allocated by the state from the federal budget for housing for the family of a particular officer. Having such a certificate in hand, the officer can use it to purchase an apartment or house. In addition, these funds can be invested in their construction. At the same time, there are no restrictions on what kind of housing - primary or secondary - housing subsidy funds will be spent.

The housing subsidy for military personnel allows you to significantly save time on getting your own housing, is provided without a queue and allows you to invest in any housing. The main thing is to prove your right and arrange everything correctly.

Who can apply for a housing subsidy?

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2010 No. 510 states that the following may apply for support for purchasing housing or improving living conditions:

Officers and warrant officers who entered into a contract for military service before January 1, 1998 (except for cadets at military universities), if they and their families are recognized as in need of housing;

Officers and warrant officers dismissed from military service due to health reasons or staff reduction, as well as upon reaching the age limit. Provided that they have served under the contract for 10 years or more. Only if they are recognized as in need of improved living conditions. Or if they used company housing;

Officers and warrant officers who served 20 years and used official housing.

It must be said that Federal Law 360-FZ of November 24, 2014 introduced changes to the procedure for receiving subsidies. The amendments affected Article 15 “On the status of military personnel” on the right to choose the type of housing. In particular, the subject composition for receiving subsidies to the military for the purchase of housing has been adjusted. In particular, for the category “discharged from military service and in need of improved housing conditions” for citizens recognized as needing housing before January 1, 2005 or recognized after January 1, 2005, if this was due to forced relocation, the requirement for mandatory service life of 10 years. But the corresponding changes have not yet been made to Order of the Minister of Defense No. 510.

Benefits of housing subsidy for military personnel

Housing subsidies have many advantages compared to other methods of targeted housing support for military personnel:

1. You can buy ready-made or under construction housing in an apartment building or private house;

2. The right to a subsidy arises immediately after the officer reaches the conditions specified by law;

3. Together with the subsidy, you can use other preferential capital to purchase new housing;

4. The housing subsidy is progressive.

Regarding the possibility use other capital along with the subsidy , then it must be clarified that this applies to any other subsidies or benefits provided to the serviceman or his family. Namely, maternity capital, preferential mortgages. After all, a housing subsidy for the military is their legal right, therefore, they can use it at their own discretion, provided that they comply with the standards of Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510 of July 21, 2014. To achieve the required length of service under a contract or after leaving the reserve. At the same time, the amount of the subsidy will increase with the duration of military service.

In addition, the serviceman himself may not even be asked whether he needs a subsidy and may be assigned it without his consent. For example, if a serviceman refused housing offered to him at the place of service or at his chosen place of residence after transfer to the reserve. Or if a serviceman expressed a desire to change his place of residence after transfer to the reserve and rented out the housing allocated to him.

How is a military personnel recognized as needing housing?

According to the norm of Federal Law N 76-FZ, a military serviceman can be recognized as in need of housing by the executive authorities at the place of their service. The basis for this is Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 512.

To obtain status requiring housing the serviceman must write an application in the established form and send it to the housing department under the executive branch of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation along with additional documents:

1. A copy of the personal passport and a copy of the spouse’s passport and birth certificates of the serviceman’s children;

2. Extract from the service record and certificate of duration of military service;

3. A copy of the marriage certificate or a copy of the divorce certificate;

4. Extract from the house register at the place of residence, copies of personal accounts for the 5 years preceding the submission of documents;

5. Copies of other documents confirming the right to improve housing conditions.

The decision on the issue of recognizing a military person in housing is made within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. The result is reported in writing to the address of residence.

How is military housing subsidy calculated?

It is noteworthy that there are two decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation that determine how to calculate a housing subsidy. The first of them, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 No. 76, establishes the procedure for calculating housing subsidies in accordance with the standard of total living space and the standard of housing per person.

Secondly, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2013 N 942 provides rules for calculating housing subsidies for military personnel in need of residential premises in excess of the established standard for living space.

To calculate the housing subsidy according to the standard, there is a certain formula:

P = N x C x Ks

In this formula:

N - standard total area of ​​residential premises

C - cost per square meter according to the norm in the Russian Federation

Kc - correction factor indicating the length of service of the officer

Example: An applicant for a subsidy has a family of four people. The standard cost established by the order of the State Construction Committee dated July 18, 2013 No. 269 is 34,350 rubles per 1 sq. m. meter. An officer's service life is 18 years. For officers with such a term, a correction factor is set at 2.25. At the same time, the standard living space for each family member is 18 square meters. meters.

Thus: P = (18 x 4) x 34350 x 2.25 = 5,564,700 rubles.

This amount can be further increased by 15-25 sq. meters, provided that the officer falls under one of the categories established in Federal Law N 76-FZ:

Has a military rank above colonel

Has an honorary title of the Russian Federation

Engaged in teaching or research activities

His health condition worsened during his service in the Armed Forces.

At the same time, officers who have several grounds at once can use only one.

However, it is also provided reduction of the general living space standard . This can be done when a military man or members of his family make civil transactions while living in a residential area, if they are aimed at alienating part of the housing into ownership or transferring its part occupied under a social tenancy agreement back.

If a serviceman died in the line of duty or died after reaching the service age limit, then the calculated adjustment factor for his family will be increased.

If a serviceman wants to purchase housing whose area exceeds the standards established in Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” then a different formula applies. Or rather, two whole formulas:

1. P2 = O – H – D – Tk - when the size of the total area is exceeded

2. P = P2 x C - amount of payment for excess area

For example, an officer with the rank of colonel wants to increase the area of ​​future housing to 100 square meters. meters (O in the formula). In this case, the value H represents the standard living space. The law specifies the maximum additional area for this title at 15 square meters. meters (value M in the formula).

T is the maximum size of the area, taking into account the design features of the house or apartment. In this case T = 9 sq. m. meters.

Total: P2= 100 – 72 – 15 – 9 Total 4 sq. meter will be an excess of area over the standard.

According to the second formula, P = P2 x C, in which C is the residual price or the price established by the government contract for 1 sq. m. meter of area, you can get the size to pay 4 sq. meters obtained above the norm. If the price is 1 sq. meter is 34,350 rubles, then the amount of additional payment will be 137,400 rubles.

But you need to know that providing an officer with housing larger than the standards is voluntary and notifying. This means that the decision is made at the command level, and the applicant is notified in writing about such an opportunity in each specific region of the Russian Federation during military service. Such a notice shall indicate all calculations of the cost of housing, taking into account the excess area. The serviceman must pay for the excess area within 20 days from the moment he signs an agreement to exceed the standard area for the subsidy.

A subsidy is financial assistance that can only be spent on specific purposes. Thus, in accordance with current legislation, military personnel are guaranteed the right to housing. Including, they are entitled financial support for purchasing housing for yourself and your family.

general information

Subsidy calculation formula

Government Decree No. 76 clearly sets out the formula for calculating the amount of subsidies that the family of a serviceman under a contract can receive.

So, for the size of the final monetary amount, the decisive roles are played by:

  • the standard cost of one square meter of residential premises in the Russian Federation, determined by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (St);
  • standard of total housing area (Np);
  • correction factor for military service life (K).

Subsidy size formula: P=Np*St*K,

where P is the final amount of the subsidy.

At the same time, for each period of service under the contract, a correction factor is provided, which is taken into account when allocating funds to the serviceman and his family.

Correction factor

The amount for housing for military personnel can be increased due to an adjustment factor. The principle of its determination by the state is simple - the longer the service life, the greater the coefficient.

Clause 7 of the Rules for calculating subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (living premises) provided to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”:

The correction factor is set as follows:

  • from 10 years to 16 years of military service - 1.85;
  • from 16 years to 20 years of military service - 2.25;
  • from 20 years to 21 years of military service - 2,375.
  • Starting at age 21, the adjustment factor (2.45) increases by 0.075 for each year of military service over 21 years, up to and including 2.75.

Those military personnel who have worked longer under a contract can count on a higher coefficient. And, therefore, for a large amount of subsidy.

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Living space standard

Required documents

To obtain the status of someone in need of housing, you must submit the following documents:

  • application of the established form;
  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • copies of passports of all family members;
  • copies of birth certificates of children under 14 years of age;
  • a copy of the marriage or divorce certificate, if the marriage was concluded/divorced;
  • copies of all documents that confirm the right to receive a subsidy for the purchase of residential premises (for example, an extract from Rosreestr about the absence of real estate in the property);
  • copies of financial personal accounts of all military family members for the last 5 years;
  • copies of extracts from house books at the place of residence for the last 5 years.

If it is impossible to provide copies of financial personal accounts or extracts from house books, you must attach to the application a document confirming the absence of such a possibility.

The application processing time is 30 working days.

The result is either recognition of the military man and his family as needing housing, or refusal to assign such status.

Procedure for obtaining subsidies

After a family or single serviceman has received the status of those in need of housing, it is necessary to send an application to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (housing department) to receive a subsidy for the purchase or construction of living quarters, or to improve existing living conditions.

In order for the funds to be paid by the state, you need to open a personal bank account, to which the monetary assistance will be transferred.

In addition, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for the purchase of residential premises or its construction, and attach a copy of the agreement to the application.

The contract must include a clause on repayment of the entire cost of the apartment or house or part of this cost from the funds of the military certificate. Otherwise, the agreement may not be taken into account as a basis for receiving subsidies from the state.

According to established standards, the total period for transferring funds is 30 calendar days.

That is, during this time, the serviceman must receive a certificate for the purchase, construction or improvement of housing conditions in a bank account.

Features of purchasing an apartment or house using a certificate

Unlike family capital A military certificate is issued only to the military person who receives it.

In this case, registration of ownership of a house or apartment remains at the discretion of the recipient of the certificate: personal or shared.

The law establishes that if there are minor children, their interests must be taken into account. That is, the parent who receives the certificate registers shared ownership for himself and his children without fail.

Citizens who were dismissed from contract service, but had more than 10 years of service and did not receive housing, do not lose their right to receive financial assistance.

Citizens who, for other reasons, are considered a priority for receiving benefits and subsidies (for example, large families), like military personnel, also have a priority right to receive assistance from the state. Including to receive financial payments for the purchase of an apartment or house.

Applications from such families are considered first.

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Last changes

In 2017-2019, the Ministry of Defense, within the budget, planned 37.780 billion rubles for the payment of subsidies to military personnel. This payment is provided annually.

According to estimates, approximately 5.5 thousand military families can apply for cash payments (almost 11,000 families are waiting in line), and almost 3.8 thousand military families will be able to improve their living conditions (including 30.0 thousand families in need).

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December 21, 2016, 20:22 Apr 13, 2019 15:09

Own housing can be obtained or acquired in completely different ways: buy, build, enter into inheritance rights or as a gift. As for Russian military personnel, until last year they had a chance to own a house or apartment thanks to the implementation of a program for targeted housing construction. However, at present this program is practically curtailed. I must admit that she had positive sides. But what is the situation now with obtaining housing from Russian military personnel? Now housing subsidies are used as a tool to facilitate the acquisition of housing.

Housing subsidies in 2016

At the beginning of 2016, the situation with military subsidies is as follows:

  • If you joined the queue for subsidized housing before 2005, then the possibility of obtaining an apartment under the housing subsidy program for military personnel remains;
  • For those who did not manage to do this, the possibility of mortgage lending will be offered on special favorable terms.

Mortgages for the military will allow you to buy apartments based on the income of each serviceman wherever they want. The provision of housing built specifically for military personnel by special developers will end with the completion of previously started construction projects. No new residential facilities will be launched, but those that were not completed before 2016 will eventually be completed and issued to military personnel who entered service before 2005.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: what is it?

In essence, a housing subsidy for military personnel is a one-time cash benefit that is issued by the state as financial assistance. Moreover, such a payment has a strict purpose: the purchase of ready-made housing or the construction of it with your own hands. Unlike the previously implemented program for the construction of housing for military personnel, this project has important positive aspects related to the freedom to choose a place of residence and the absence of long waits in line to receive an apartment. Of course, this approach greatly facilitates the solution of everyday issues for military families, but in addition, it also raises the prestige of military professions.

The provision of housing subsidies to military personnel will be implemented in connection with previous agreements that were in force during the implementation of the program for the provision of departmental housing. The first priority to receive a subsidy will be given to military personnel who were already on the waiting list because they needed improved housing conditions, or to officers who went into the reserves or retired but still do not have housing, or to preferential categories of military personnel. For example, family members of deceased officers with more than 10 years of service will also have priority rights. Finally, those who have served at least three years in the ranks of the Russian Army will be able to exercise the right to receive housing subsidies for military personnel.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: how it is implemented

To become a participant in this new project, you must, first of all, write an application for a housing subsidy for military personnel and provide a package of documents confirming the composition of the family, the need to improve living conditions, certifying the right of ownership of existing housing by the serviceman himself or members of his family. In addition, the package must include extracts from house books for the previous five years, as well as a service agreement with any bank.

The 2014 housing subsidy for military personnel is a unique alternative to the previously existing program. A one-time cash payment for the construction or purchase of housing is financed from the federal budget, but is paid only through a system of interaction with banking structures, which partly dictate the conditions for receiving the payment.

So, for example, a serviceman will receive funds for the purchase of housing in the amount of 80% of its cost - this point is determined by the terms of bank mortgage agreements. 20% of the cost will be paid by the purchaser himself. Of course, among the items accepted for consideration will be those that relate to the location of the future apartment or house, the personal merits of the purchaser, his rank and rank, and being on the list of applicants for departmental housing under the previously existing program.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: calculator 2016

Despite the seemingly complete freedom in choosing the location and quality of future housing, nevertheless, a serviceman who has received the right to irrevocable and free financial assistance will be limited by several points: the size of the subsidy and the size of the purchased living space.

To understand how significant the housing subsidy for military personnel will be, a calculator designed to simplify the calculations will help anyone do this. You can use the services of an online calculator to calculate housing subsidies for military personnel on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. After entering all the parameters, the calculator will give you the amount of a one-time cash payment, which you should count on.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: defining parameters

Among the parameters that will determine the size of the subsidy, the main ones are the size and composition of the family. Families, as you know, can be different: there may be disabled children, there may be a large family, etc., that is, those categories of the population who, among other things, also have the right to additional space.

Next, you must indicate the size of the living and total area, as well as the standard cost of one square meter of such housing (calculated annually). The calculator for calculating housing subsidies for military personnel includes correction factors that directly depend on the length of service: the longer the period, the greater the amount of compensation.

Another important point that is included in the calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel: the availability of living space in their own possession at the moment and living space standards for a given region. So, for example, if a serviceman owns 40 square meters of living space, and he is entitled to, say, 60, then the missing 20 meters will be included in the calculation for compensation. The amount of the subsidy is calculated at the time of issuance of the certificate certifying the right to use this type of subsidy.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: procedure for provision

How will the provision of housing subsidies for military personnel be implemented in practice? Unfortunately, the procedure for providing subsidies has not yet been determined. The Ministry of Defense has not yet made public the procedure for issuing subsidies, but, nevertheless, has already identified preferential categories of military personnel and members of their families who should first receive certificates. As of the current 2014, more than 10 thousand military personnel are already in line to receive a one-time payment.

A reliable and strong rear determines not only the degree of defense capability of a particular state, but also the effectiveness of the participation in this matter of each of those responsible for defense capability. Therefore, the family and life of every serviceman are decisive moments in creating a reliable defense of any state. It is the state that should help career military personnel in solving the most pressing everyday issues, including issues of acquiring their own housing.