Class hour "Lesson of mercy". Class hour “Mercy is the mirror of the soul No need to tear the attached bandages

Target: to instill in schoolchildren the moral concepts of mercy and philanthropy; develop the ability to reflect, think about people’s actions; promote the development of skills to work in a group, lead a discussion, defend one’s point of view; develop moral qualities and creative abilities; learn to express your opinion on a given topic coherently, competently, culturally; listen to and accept the points of view of classmates, find a common language when working in pairs, collective discussion.




Target: to instill in schoolchildren the moral concepts of mercy and philanthropy; develop the ability to reflect, think about people’s actions; promote the development of skills to work in a group, lead a discussion, defend one’s point of view; develop moral qualities and creative abilities; learn to express your opinion on a given topic coherently, competently, culturally; listen to and accept the points of view of classmates, find a common language when working in pairs, collective discussion.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time. Circle of Joy.

Students stand in a circle and turn in pairs to face each other. The teacher welcomes the students and invites them to imagine.

– Let’s imagine that our room is filled with sunlight. He penetrated into every corner of her, and she became cheerful and friendly. The sun's rays touched us too. Imagine that sunlight gives us joy, kindness, love. Now you can say something nice to each other, for example: “I am glad that you are in the same class with me,” “I wish you a wonderful and pleasant day,” “I want you to have many good friends.”

  1. Updating basic knowledge.

Look into each other's eyes and smile, shake hands. Now we are one big family. A family that has gathered to talk about something very important, something that worries many living on our planet. Want to know what it is?

Game "The Word Has Scattered".

Let's put the letters correctly and get the word (Mercy).

While we feel someone else's pain,

As long as compassion lives in us,

While we dream and rage,

There is an excuse in our life.

Guys, how do you understand the word MERCY? (Dear heart)

- One of the most beautiful words in the world is MERCY. Each of you has a little kind heart.

Mercy- the ability to have mercy, love, and pity with all your heart.

- How do you understand the word COMPASSION?(Worry about someone else)

Compassion - s the ability to experience another person’s pain as if it were your own.

What feelings should be in every good heart?

To whom do we show mercy? (To older people, to younger people, to animals, to nature, to the weak, to the sick).

Who needs our care?

How do you understand mutual aid?

  1. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

a) Working with dictionaries.

Working in groups with dictionaries from different authors, you will learn about the lexical meaning of the word “mercy”

A merciful person is a person who has a kind heart, responsive to the misfortune of others, pitying and sympathizing with others.

Why do we need mercy? What is the benefit of it?

b) Discussion of the situation.

One boy helped someone else's grandmother carry a heavy bag home. Is this a good thing? He put the bag at the door of the apartment and said: “Grandma! I helped you, and give me 10 rubles for it.”

Is it good? What's wrong with that? Why can't this be done?

Only the help that we do without any benefit is mercy, selfless help.

  1. Warm-up “One, two, three...”

The teacher invites students to perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

One two three four...

Stand in a circle, friends, wider.

Legs together, arms to the side,

And let's jump, my friend!

And now all hands are up,

This is how a man has grown!

One two three four five,

Everyone stood in a circle again.

Let's say loudly: "Hello, friend,

Come join our common circle!”

Let's smile more cheerfully

We have become even more friendly!

  1. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Game “Collect a proverb” (work in groups).

Combine parts of proverbs from different nations that prove that the theme of mercy is equally close to people of different nationalities.

His face is ugly, but his heart is kind. (Vietnamese).

It's better to suffer than to be tormented. (Russian)

Open reproach is better than secret anger. (Arabic)

It is better to endure yourself than to offend others. (Russian)

God gives to a merciful person. (Russian)

A bee flies to a good flower. (Russian)

The wind that does not bring good is bad. (Russian)

Even the sword is powerless against mercy. (Japanese)

It's like sitting in nettles with you. (Russian)

To do good is to amuse yourself. (Russian)

What is brewing in the heart cannot be hidden on the face. (Russian)

Creative activity “Carpet of Friendship”

The teacher invites students to think over the plot of the drawing or pattern and together make a carpet, which will be called the Carpet of Friendship. Students decorate the carpet with paper or fabric flowers, fringe, sparkles, etc. During the task, music plays softly. It is important that each student decorate some part of the carpet independently.

Students together with the teacher come up with a ritual of reconciliation on the Carpet of Friendship. If there are students in the class who are in a quarrel, they can be reconciled.

The friendship carpet can be used in the future if any quarrel arises in the class.

Friends can quarrel and make peace, but the most important quality of a friend is the ability to come to the rescue, no matter what the circumstances.

The teacher draws the students' attention to a quote written on the board: “A man without friends is like a tree without roots.”

· How do you understand these folk proverbs?(Students' answers).

Let's sing, friends!

The teacher plays an audio recording of “Songs of Friendship.” Students perform a song.words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev

Song about friendship

Friendship is strong

Won't break

Won't come unglued

From rains and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much

This is what real means

True friend.

We'll quarrel

And we'll make peace

“Don’t spill water,”

Everyone around is joking.

At noon or midnight

A friend will come to the rescue

This is what real means

True friend.

Always a friend to me

Can help out

If anything

It will happen suddenly.

To be needed by someone

In difficult times -

This is what real means

True friend!

It is scary to live in a society in which there is no mercy. Therefore, it is important to awaken in souls the desire to do good and perform merciful deeds. Uncover such feelings as sensitivity, compassion, philanthropy. Is it possible to cultivate mercy in yourself? How? (Do good deeds and do good deeds). Cultivate feelings of mercy towards the people around you and all living things on our planet.

  1. Reflection.

Today I found out…..

Today I was able to…..

I wanted …..

  1. Bottom line.

Do you want to do good deeds? I wish you all to live among merciful people, and to be, and not appear to be, merciful. I would like to give you a reminder of the “Rules of Life”. The song “Kindness” plays (music by D. Dunaev, lyrics by T. Belova).

Before we part,
And everyone should go home,
We want to say goodbye
While wishing you,
So that you can be kind
We haven’t forgotten the magic words,
So that with kind words

You were talking with your friends.

Back forward

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  • Fostering in children humanity, mercy, the ability to come to the aid of those in need, the desire to be noble in life.
  • To promote the assimilation of the concepts: “kindness”, “sensitivity”, “mercy”, “humanity”, as well as the development of moral self-knowledge.


  • Help students discover the content of the concept of “mercy.”
  • To promote the development of moral qualities of students.
  • Teach group interaction skills and the ability to work in a team.

Methods used: methodology for using information technology outside of school hours.

Technologies: problem-based learning technology, information technology, group technology.

Equipment: computer, explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language (S.I. Ozhegova), felt-tip pens, pens and blank sheets of paper.

Preparatory stage:

1. The class is divided into 3 groups, each group has markers, pens and blank sheets of paper, and explanatory dictionaries on the table.

2. On the interactive board there is a picture with the inscription “Do good.”

3. At the stand there is an exhibition of photographs “Our good deeds”.

Teacher. Good afternoon guys! How wonderful it is that a person does not live alone in the world. Everyone should understand and feel this. I suggest you watch the video and listen to the song “Do Good.”

Children! What qualities do you value most in people? Discuss this in your groups and come up with a list of qualities. (Work in groups).

Children read out their lists of positive qualities. The qualities that predominate from the students’ responses are: kindness, care, help, humanity, etc.

Now let's read the proverbs on the slide.

Slide 6. On the interactive board there are proverbs about kindness:

1) It is not clothes that make a person beautiful, but his good deeds.

2) Hurry for a good deed, and the bad will come in time.

3) The evil one cries from envy, and the good one cries from joy.

4) Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

5) Whoever does good will be rewarded by God.

6) The one who has experienced evil knows the price of good best of all.

What do they teach us? (kindness, care,)

Now I’ll read a story to you, and you listen carefully, and guess what the topic of today’s class hour is.

“This house is located on the outskirts of the city in a sparsely populated area. Old people live there who came from different parts of our country. And the reasons for their coming here are also, of course, completely different: some never had children and therefore, having grown old, they found refuge here, others did not find a place in the families of their own children, others could not find a common language with their daughters-in-law or grandchildren, fourth...However, is it worth going through all the existing reasons. It is as clear as a sunny day that no one ran away here from a good life.

Finding this nursing home is not that difficult. A narrow path leads to it from the bus stop, after walking along it for about two hundred meters, you come across the doors of a gray two-story building. Its windows are dim, which is why it seems that some kind of cold is blowing from the house. Not a single tree, not a single bush grows around him, there are not even flower beds. In the courtyard (if you can call the space in front of the house that way, where there is no fence), three or four pairs of old people walk in the mornings and evenings, talking about something among themselves. Sometimes stray dogs follow them, hoping to get something edible, but they soon fall behind.

However, the old people don’t really pay attention to them; the dogs simply run further down the street, in search of a more welcoming place.

The most favorite place for old people in the yard is the very area where the asphalt path connects with the path running up from the bus stop. They sit on rough-hewn benches and sit for a long time, thoughtfully fixing their gaze on the road along which buses and cars pass. They are desperately waiting for someone, but few people come here. There is no time for their relatives to at least occasionally visit their parents, grandmothers, friends... And if anyone comes here, it is only to leave another elderly person in the care of the nurses and their mistresses of this house.

A young woman appeared on the path, leading an old woman with a large bundle in her hands. This woman is 25-30 years old, bursting with health and irrepressible energy, so that the old woman can barely keep up with her.

She started to stutter: “Daughter, can’t you be quieter, it’s hard for me to breathe?” But in response she heard a cry that did not tolerate any objection:

I have to be home by six o'clock in the evening! One of Alyosha's friends has a birthday today.

Realizing that further conversation was useless, the old woman tried her best to keep up with the young woman.

Stepping onto the porch of the house, the woman somehow brightened up and, sighing with relief, said loudly: “Thank God, we’ve finally arrived!” True, there was no one around who could share her joy. Having edifyingly told the old woman: “You stay here, and I’ll see if the director is there,” she, opening the entrance doors wide, hurried inside the building. However, before the old woman had time to take off her faded scarf and even smooth out her hair that had gotten lost along the way, she heard a joyful voice:

Come on, grandma, let's go! The director is here. But he’s in a hurry to get somewhere, so he needs to get to him quickly.

The old woman hurriedly took the heavy bundle in her hands and followed the woman.

They were met by a grey-haired, short, stocky, friendly man of about fifty years old.

Please come in, sit down,” he said, getting up from his chair, “I am the owner of this house.” Who will you be?

The woman took a package out of her purse, carelessly wrapped in newspaper, and placed it on the table in front of the director:

Here, read it. Here, by the way, everything should be written.

The director, without saying a word in response, took the glasses from the table, took out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, slowly, carefully wiped the glasses. Then he untied the ribbon on the package and, unfolding the documents there, without raising his eyes, asked:

Khanum, who are you related to Marfuga Ebi?

How is this by whom? Daughter, of course.

Daughter? Sorry, but is she your birth mother?

Yes,” the woman answered, not at all embarrassed, and in turn asked: “Is there something wrong with the documents?” Social security assured me that “everything is fine.”

Of course, of course, “everything is fine,” the director said half-ironically, glancing at the woman, “only one thing is not clear to me: for how long, how long are you leaving your mother with us?”

And the woman had a quick answer to this question:

It's not about me. She wanted to come here herself.

Yes, yes,” her mother supported, “I asked for it myself.” I wanted them to live more freely. I will live as long as you allow.

Delighted by her mother’s support, the woman seemed to perk up and added:

How many times did Alyosha and I persuade her to stay. Doesn't agree with anything. She stood her ground like a village bull. And that's it!..

Now everything has become clear to me,” said the director, sighing heavily and getting up from his seat again. - Now you, khanum, can calmly leave, and you, grandmother, wait a little...

When the woman left the room without even saying goodbye, the director came close to the old woman and asked directly:

Tell me honestly, did you come here of your own free will?

Where does such a desire come from, son! – she answered in a trembling voice. – After the death of my husband, my daughter and her husband moved in with me. Since that day I have not known peace. I could no longer bear the insults and asked to be taken to you in my old age. So, don’t blame the old woman. (Vil Kazykhanov)

Questions for discussion in groups:

What do you think: what couldn’t this old woman endure? What did her own daughter do?

Insults addressed to you, disrespect, callousness, heartlessness, and so on.

How can you sum it all up briefly?

Ruthlessness, cruelty, etc.

What do you think: who makes up the majority of those living next to us today? More kind or cruel people?

Of course, merciful, benevolent, kind, etc.

So, what are we going to talk about in today's lesson?

About mercy and goodwill in people.

The theme of our class hour is “Mercy is the mirror of the human soul.”

Teacher: What is mercy? What does “mercy” involve? (children answer)

Sergei Ozhegov gave the following definition to this word: “Mercy is the willingness to help someone, to forgive someone, philanthropy.”

(the definition is printed in large font on the interactive whiteboard)

Teacher: Give words close in meaning to the word “mercy” (for example: sensitive, responsive, attentive). Let's add less common words to this list - compassion, respect, philanthropy, humanity, altruism. You can draw such a diagram.

There are explanatory dictionaries in front of you, you must find the definitions of these words using dictionaries. (Work in groups.)

Group 1 answers: (each definition on the interactive whiteboard)

COMPASSION - pity, sympathy caused by someone's misfortune, grief.

KINDNESS - responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Answers of 2 groups:

RESPECT is a respectful attitude based on recognition of someone's merits.

HUMANITY - love of humanity, respect for people, for human dignity, sensitive, kind, responsive attitude towards people.

Answers of 3 groups:

HUMANITY - love for people, humanity.

ALTRUISM - selfless concern for the welfare of other people.

Teacher: Well done boys! Did a good job. After completing this task, you realized that the words from the diagram are interconnected.

And now I give each group cards with statements about mercy, and each group must comment on the given statement.

(Each statement is shown on the interactive board one at a time.)

Card 1. We are all awakened by nature to mercy, and there is no other such good quality in our nature. Mercy comes from love. If we do not have mercy and compassion, we have nothing (St. John Chrysostom).

Card 2. Mercy is a pier for those in need, and the pier receives all shipwrecked people and saves them from danger, whether they are evil or good (Metropolitan Philaret).

Children comment on the statements.

Card 3. Mercy is love that does not require reciprocity, is possible for all people, this is its wealth and strength (N. Berdyaev).

Children comment on the statements.

Teacher: Great guys! Thank you!

Now let's try to understand what mercy consists of by solving the crossword puzzle.

1. A group of relatives living together.

2. The most valuable thing a person has.

3. Selfless, sincere affection.

4. Showing attention to your neighbor.

5. A sense of responsibility for one’s behavior to other people.

6. A respectful attitude based on recognition of someone's merits.

7. Pity, sympathy caused by the misfortune of another person.

8. Responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good to others.

9. Belief in someone's sincerity and integrity.

10. The habitat of all these feelings.

Teacher: Well done!

And now I invite you to express your attitude to the concept of “mercy” in color.

(Children in groups discuss the color of “mercy” and color the paper circle with felt-tip pens.)

Explain your color choice.

From student responses:

  • “We associate mercy with the color green, the color of people’s tender and caring attitude towards each other.”
  • “Mercy is the color red, the color of blood, the color of the heart, which gives strength for good.”
  • “Mercy” is the color of the blue sky, the color of the purity of people’s relationships to the world around them.

Teacher: “Mercy is active kindness,” says battalion commander, lieutenant colonel and Hero of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikolaevich Shevelev.

Man is born and lives on earth in order to do good to people.

Start doing good today, at home! Give the warmth of your heart to your grandparents, your old neighbor or your next-door neighbor. You will definitely see that the world around you has become a little kinder and more beautiful!

Student 1.

For cheerful spring branches
Roots are more than relatives...
Take care of old people
From grievances
Behind them -
The rumble of attacks
Years of hard work
And battles...
But old age does not have the same strength.
Days unlived
Small stock...(slide 15)
Take care of old people
Without which you wouldn't exist!
(L. Tatyanicheva)


This concludes our lesson. You did a great job today. Guys, I urge you: hurry up to do good, let’s decorate your life and the lives of the people around us with good deeds.

Student 2:

We wish you well
Good night until morning
We wish you all good dreams,
Good deeds and kind words.

Student 3:

Will the road take you away
From your favorite threshold,
Let someone tell you:
“Good morning and good journey!”

Student 4:

We wish that with you
People had more fun
To kind eyes
You looked at people.
Thank you for your attention!

Resources used:

  1. Rich E. “Nothing human.” - M., 1991
  2. JaFarmi T.M. “What makes us human.” - M., 1987
  3. Kazykhanov V. “Remorse.” - M., 1999
  4. Kazykhanov. V. “Lessons of morality.” - Publishing house “Creativity”, 1997
  5. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Any edition.
  6. Kaspina V.A. “So that a good person grows up.” - M., 1997
  7. Chepurov. And “Let us worship kindness.” - M., 2003
  8. Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren” - 2006, No. 6.

Kuantaeva Aelita
Lesson summary for 8th grade “Mercy”

Lesson summary in 8th grade on the topic

« Mercy»


Expand content concepts: mercy and charity;

Promote kindness and mercy, moral qualities; identifying the correct idea of ​​goodness and good deeds;

Explain the concept using specific examples "moral act";

To develop in children a sense of ability to correctly evaluate their actions;

Formation of spiritual and moral qualities in students.


Help students discover the content of the concept mercy, one of the fundamental principles by which all people should be guided;

Promote the development of moral self-knowledge;

Cultivate a kind attitude towards people around you, cultural behavior in all areas of life.

Equipment: presentation, computer, multimedia projector, visuals.

Progress of the open lesson:

- (Slide1) Read the epigraph to our event.

Truly great is he who has great mercy.

Thomas a Kempis.

– How do you understand these words? (Children's answers)

Those people are called merciful who are compassionate towards people, have a kind heart, and they are always willing to help people in need whenever possible.

- (Slide2) Today I invite you to talk about a feeling that may have become unpopular, but is so necessary at this time - about mercy,

topic of our lesson « Mercy» .

And today we will try to see the true meaning and meaning mercy, understand who needs to be shown to mercy, how to treat people, how you can help those in need, and we will draw up a charity project.

Main stage of the lesson:

(Slide3)Mercy and compassion, according to V.I. Dahl’s definition, is “heartache, sympathy, love in action, readiness to do good to everyone, pity, kindness.”

How wonderful it is that a person does not live alone in the world. Everyone should understand and feel this.

In our fast-paced time, the time of computers and unimaginable speeds, there is not enough time to stop, think, look back and see those who are next to us, who need our help, understanding, support.

How do you understand this word? (MIL- mercy, have mercy, HEART - heart hurts, soul hurts, love for humanity)

(Slide4)Mercy- willingness to help someone, or forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy.


What feelings did you experience?

Guys, what words do you associate this word with? « mercy» ?

(kindness, philanthropy, help, pity, patience, care, support, compassion, sympathy, respect.)

Why do you call this word, what do you associate it with?

(Slide5) Let's add less common words to this list - compassion, respect, philanthropy, humanity, altruism.

Working with cards.

Let's find definitions for these words. There are words hanging on the board, you need to find definitions for them. Cards with definitions are on the table.

HUMANITY - love for people, humanity.

COMPASSION - pity, sympathy caused by someone's

misfortune, grief.

KINDNESS - responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire

do good to others.

ALTRUISM - selfless concern for the welfare of other people.

RESPECT - a respectful attitude based on recognition of someone's

any merits.

HUMANITY - love of humanity, respect for people, for humanity

dignity, sensitive, kind, responsive attitude

Well done guys, you did a good job!

What do these words have in common? (All these words of manifestation mercy)

Have there been cases in your life where mercy? Tell us about them. (caring for the sick, caring for the younger ones, selflessly offering one’s help)

Reading a poem.

Music 1Student reading poem:

Mercy in my understanding -

This is affection, love, compassion.

This is to help a tired mother

This is to visit grandma.

And overcome your resentment,

And forgive the one who offended.

This is to feed the birds and cats.

And water the flowers on the window.

To love every living thing in the world,

And regret, and appreciate, and forgive.

If your neighbor is cold, warm him up,

If he is not dressed, put him on

If you're hungry, feed

If he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

If he grieves, console him,

If he gets sick, visit him.

The Lord gave you life

So that you love everyone.

How does this poem make you feel?

– People have always been famous for such qualities of the soul as mercy and compassion. Pay attention to the word "compassion". Explain it. (This is shared suffering, when everyone suffers, that is, they share the misfortune in half).

– Do you think the trouble will become less if you share it with others? (Answers).

– Formulate what kind of person can be called compassionate (A compassionate person is someone who, in a difficult moment, will take pity, say a kind word and sympathize with another. When someone is unhappy and it’s bad and difficult for someone, a compassionate person also suffers and worries with him, tries to console him, calm him down and help).

Example mercy.

Do you know what a parable is? (the parable contains all the folk wisdom). Listen to the parable and tell me how it manifests itself mercy?

(Video "Parable of the Prodigal Son")

“Parable of the Prodigal Son.”

“One man had two sons. The youngest son told his father: “Father, give me my share of the estate.” And the father divided the estate between his sons. Soon the youngest son collected everything he had and set off for a distant country. There he squandered all his wealth on a dissolute life, and when he had nothing left, a severe famine began in that country. He found himself in need, went and hired one of the inhabitants of the country to herd pigs. He was so hungry that he was glad to fill his stomach with at least the slop that they fed the pigs, but they didn’t give him even that. And, having come to his senses, he said:

“There are so many servants in my father’s house, and they have enough food, and here I am dying of hunger! I'll go and return to my father and tell him to him: father! I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son, but at least hire me as a servant.” And he went to his father. When he was still far away, his father saw him, and he felt sorry for his son. He ran to meet him, hugged him and began to kiss him. Son said: "Father! I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” But the father told his servants: “Go quickly, bring the best clothes and dress him. Place a ring on his hand and put sandals on him. Bring the fatted calf and slaughter it, let's make a feast and celebrate. After all, my son was dead, and now he is alive again! He was lost and now he is found!” And they began to celebrate. The eldest son was in the field at that time. When he approached the house, he heard music and dancing in the house. He called one of the servants and asked him what was happening there. “Your brother came,” he answered him, “and your father killed the fatted calf, because his son is healthy and everything is fine with him.” The eldest son became angry and did not even want to enter the house. Then the father came out and began to beg him. But son answered: “All these years I worked for you like a slave, and always did what you said. You never even killed a kid for me so that I could have fun with my friends. But when this son of yours, who had squandered your property on debauchery, returned home, you slaughtered the fatted calf for him. Father said to him: “My son! you are always with me, and everything that is mine is yours. And you also had to rejoice and be glad, because your brother was dead and has come to life; he was lost and is found.”

How moral this parable gives a lesson?

Was there a father merciful to his son?

Why was the eldest son offended?

Did the father do the right thing by taking his son back?

Why did father say “After all, my son was dead, and now he’s alive again.”?

Which of the definitions you mentioned is manifested in the parable?

(The father understood that the son’s repentance was sincere. The son in the parable was spiritually dead. The father thought that his son could perish, become completely a sinner. And a sinful man is like a dead man. But the son repented, that is, he came to life.

Every person can make a mistake, stumble, take the wrong path. But you need to understand this in time, sincerely repent, ask for forgiveness, and show someone mercy, compassion.)

Which of the definitions you mentioned is manifested in the parable?

-(Music2) What do they do most often? merciful people?

(do good and do charity.)

(Slide6) Every year in our orphanage there is "Thanksgiving Day", where people help children, and a concert is held as a sign of gratitude.

What is charity?

(GOOD + CREATE. Create GOOD (good)- bring good to people for their benefit)

(Slide7) Charity is providing selfless help to those who need it.

To do charity, you need to be rich.

What can wealth be like (material and spiritual) (honesty, sensitivity, kindness, aspirations, knowledge.)

What does it mean to be spiritually rich? (focus not only on your interests, but also pay attention to the needs of the people around you, strive to help them, be merciful).

1) Since ancient times in Rus' they have observed "the law of tithing". Our ancestors knew that a tenth of their income should be given to those in need. If you don't give anything, you don't get anything in return.

2) Free shelters and hospitals for the poor appeared at monasteries and churches. 3) On the eve of major holidays, Russian tsars made secret exits early in the morning and distributed alms.

4) Helping financially is the simplest type of help. A person simply partes with a certain, not very significant amount of money for him, and that’s all.

5) It is very important to give money, love, care, attention easily, without regretting the gift. -Why do you think (It is very important to find the line, the so-called balance between giving and receiving. A person simply partes with a certain amount of money that is not very significant for him, rather than show respect and mercy.).

VOLUNTEERS were and are often involved in charity work - these are people who are voluntarily ready to spend their time and energy for the benefit of society or a specific person. Synonym of the word "volunteer" is the word "volunteer".

Each of us, either by word or deed, can sow seeds mercy and compassion. And there will be a harvest. According to the law of sowing and reaping, what you sow is what you reap. Mercy can be learned. First, a person must force himself to do good deeds, even if it is difficult for him or he doesn’t really want to. And then mercy will become familiar and natural.

Working with proverbs

Guys, connect the beginning and the end proverbs:

Do not boast of silver, / but boast of goodness

There are many good people in the world

Life is given / for good deeds

From the world by thread / poor shirt

Can't resist goodness/goodness

The evil one cries from envy, and the good one from joy

The world rests only on good deeds

What were these proverbs about?

Which proverb best applies to charity?

Do people do good nowadays? Yes, sure. Nowadays, there are charitable foundations to support scientific projects, help orphanages, hospitals, etc.

-(Slide8) One striking example is the activities of the International Red Cross organization.

Information blog

Guys, I gave you the task of finding modern sponsors and philanthropists. Who do you know?

Children's message "Modern Sponsors and Philanthropists"

(Slide9) Angelino Jolie

(Slide10) Chulpan Khamatova

(Slide11) Aruzhan Sain

(Slide12) Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

(Slide13) Elton John

(Slide14) Gosha Kutsenka

(Slide15) Leonardo DiCaprio

(Slide16) Davit Beckhom

(Slide17) Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Evgeny Mironov

Interactive conversation

Nowadays, there are various charitable foundations to support scientific projects, help orphanages, hospitals, etc.

What do you guys think makes these people spend their money on charity? (children's answers) - Mercy, compassion and charity are a manifestation of love for one’s neighbor. And we must consider every person in need of our help as our neighbor. Mercy you can and should learn, for this you first need to even force yourself to help others, and then it will become a good habit of your heart. When you helped your neighbor, you increased the amount of good in the world, brought good to yourself and your soul became brighter.


There are different ways to live in life

In sorrow and in joy,

Eat on time, drink on time,

Do nasty things on time

And you can get up at dawn

And, thinking about a miracle,

Reach the sun with your bare hand

And give it to people!

(takes the sun and sticks it on the board)

Write down on the rays of the sun who and what kind of help you could provide.

Help for the elderly, orphans, and disabled people

Fundraising for the orphanage

Helping homeless animals and birds

Collecting clothes for victims of natural disasters, etc.

Let's think about what charitable activities each of you can do in the future? Tell us about your charity project that you have prepared.

1 - What are we doing? (project topic)

2 –For what? (objective of the project)

3 - For whom?

4- Where will we do it?

5 - How will we do it? (Of what) 6 - What will I do? (analysis of your activities)

6 - How do I evaluate my activities.

Summing up

- (Slide18) Guys, what did you remember most about today’s lesson?

Guys, we talked a lot today about mercy, looked at examples, learned about charity. Guys, let's write in the droplets shown on the board the values ​​with which you will go along life: good mood, love for people, mercy, compassion, responsiveness, goodwill, respect.

Look at the picture - We got a cluster.

Today in class we were able to touch the origins of the true mercy and charity. And each of you personally tried to look at yourself from the outside and determine your attitude towards people, and perhaps reconsider it.

To sum up our lesson, we would all like wish:

Don't forget to give warmth while you breathe

Don't forget to do good while you live!

You can’t rewrite everything from scratch.

Over time, you will understand all this.

Life cannot be repeated from the beginning,

Departed loved ones cannot be brought back either.

And, no matter how life beats, rocks,

Walk the path worthy of this life!

Love people and you will

you are loved,

Always forgive, and you yourself will be forgiven,

After all, life is limited

flies inexorably!

And, with a kind word, you will be flattered! Go

try to keep up with the century,

Don't stumble, stay on your feet.

Try to remain a HUMAN

In a whirlpool, under


(Music2) Pupil:

Not noticing the pain, not knowing mercy,

Man cannot be the Main Being.

After all, for love and compassion for neighbors

it was conceived by the Supreme Deity.

So let's be kinder to each other,

Let's give our neighbor both joy and warmth.

And what we give to a neighbor or friend,

will return to us. And it will bring GOOD!

Mercy - sincerity, sympathy, willingness to do good to everyone, love in action, the ability to respond to someone else's pain. Compassionate people have compassion for an orphan, a disabled person, a seriously ill person, an elderly person, a person who is in trouble. (Explanatory Dictionary of V. I. Dahl)

Exercise. First find words that symbolize goodness. And now words that symbolize evil. Love, hope, honor, hatred, indifference, pain, respect, harmony, good, anxiety, tenderness, sad, illness, justice, war, blood.

Conclusion: Good is a spiritual category; it cannot be touched, smelled, or tasted. Goodness can only be felt: it is an affectionate, good attitude, it is a willingness to help in difficult times, it is love for the world around us. This is the one that makes us rejoice, love, sympathize.

Conclusion: To be good means to be careful about the weaker, the disabled, understanding that health is God's gift and we should not boast about it in front of those weaker than ourselves. A healthy and beautiful physical shell does not always indicate spiritual wealth and spiritual beauty, but a weak body can have rich inner content, love for others, and a merciful attitude towards others.

Conclusion: A person is a person to evaluate and weigh his actions and actions. Often human frivolity and indifference becomes the cause of suffering and instability for our younger brothers. Therefore, don't be indifferent. Remember that we are all children of the Cosmos and we were born to cherish goodness.

Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Respect others, especially those older and weaker than you. Listen to mom and dad. grandmother. Don't laugh at cripples. Love and take care of nature and animals. Do not indifferently pass by human misfortune, grief, despair. Don't leave animals in trouble. Love nature and everything lives. Treat beauty with care. Be able to not only sympathize in grief, but also rejoice at someone else’s success.

Lesson Topic: Mercy.

Goal: understanding the great gift of love through consideration of good deeds.

1. Define and understand the deep meaning of the sociocultural categories “mercy”, “compassion”, “indifference”.

2. Reflect with children about why mercy, compassion, consolation, charity have not lost their value to this day, work on developing the skills of showing mercy and compassion.

3. Formation of spiritual and moral values: the need for a friendly attitude towards others; to instill in schoolchildren the moral concepts of mercy, kindness of soul, sincerity, and philanthropy in words and deeds.

Lesson type - study and initial consolidation of new material.

Equipment: textbook “Origins”, cards with tasks for each group, for answering questions - the sun, multimedia projector,

During the classes

Slide 1.

    Getting ready to work.

Guys, today we will continue our journey into the world of origins. I think that our joint work will lead to success. I wish you in this lesson to learn to open your little hearts for good deeds. Good mood, pleasant communication.

And to start the lesson, let's give each other a smile. Let's sit down.

Close your eyes and imagine that in front of you is a street full of people. There are so many of them and you are among them. Some of them are in a hurry to get somewhere, others are walking slowly. And here...


2. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activity.

The blind man sang what he had learned from childhood,

I put my hand on my knapsack.

And involuntarily sank into my heart

Either a song, or a pain of the soul.

Clouds covering the sky,

The wind swirled over the trees.

The blind man sang, asking for some bread,

Offering some bread to passersby...

(Hieromonk Roman.)

How do you feel when you see such people?

How does a blind person feel when people pass by indifferently?

What is other bread?

How do we understand spiritual bread?

They justify their feelings and the feelings of the blind person.

Give your own examples spiritual bread


brain teaser:

selection of justifications and criteria for comparison

3. Statement of the educational task. Resource circle “Getting good or doing good”)

Slide 3

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “ Rich is not the one who has acquired a lot, but the one who has given away a lot.

Slide 4

What will the topic of today's lesson be about?

About mercy

Slide 5


How are words formed?

What did you imagine, feel, hear in it?

4.creation of a problematic situation.

Slide 6

Underline those words that refer to mercy - Pair work. Card No. 1

Compassion, indifference, lies, heartlessness, greed, charity, sensitivity, responsiveness, good nature, alms, hatred, tenderness

Let's check what happened.

Let's try to explain: What is mercy?

Slide 7-9

Mercy is a distinctive feature of the Russian person.

Help the fallen to stand up, Help the old, weak, and blind cross the road. And do it cordially, from the heart, kindly, without frowning. For every good deed is charity.

5. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (“discovery” of new knowledge).

So, any good deed, the need to help others is CHARITY

Slide 10

The origins of charity begin with churches. At first, shelters and almshouses were only attached to churches. This is what St. John Chrysostom says.

“With all our nature we awaken to mercy, and there is no other such good quality in our nature. Mercy comes from love. If we don't have mercy and compassion, we have nothing."

And there is an icon of mercy. It is called the Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”

Let's watch a video about this icon.


Watching a video about the “Merciful Icon of the Mother of God”

One of the most beautiful words in the world is the word mercy. This is a heart that loves, has mercy and has pity.

How is mercy born? Find the answer on page 79.


6. Working with the textbook

Mercy is necessarily manifested in deeds, because... At all times there are compassionate people. They feel other people's grief and misfortune as if they were their own.

Without compassionate people, indifference and indifference to one's neighbor would increase. They show mercy in action by their example. We know from history how rich, compassionate people used their money to build hospitals or soup kitchens, homes for orphans or vocational schools. Homes for lonely elderly people were also created everywhere - almshouses. If a compassionate person did not have much wealth, he tried to help his neighbor with a small amount of money ( alms). Good deeds were called blessings. Therefore, the mercy of people is often called charity, and people - philanthropists.

Open the textbook to page 80. Read the chapter “This is instructive”

Why do fellow countrymen still remember the name of the merchant Tokarev?

(gave money for the construction of a vocational school)

music pause “On the path of goodness”

7 Checking homework Your homework for today's lesson was to study the charitable activities of the Demidov dynasty.

How do you understand the word dynasty?

Slide 13

What did they do and what industry did they develop in Russia?

Who was the founder of the Demidov family?

Who else from the Demidov family do you know and remember?


How many years has the Demidov family been involved in charitable activities?

What did the Demidovs prefer in their charitable activities? (Russian science and education)

The names of Russian philanthropists – the Demidovs – are known far beyond the borders of Russia. These were literate people who did a lot for the development of Russia, education and science. All generations of the Demidovs, loving science and revering enlightenment, considered this basis well-being of any state and, above all, cared about the strength and vitality of this foundation in their Fatherland, Russia.

In the name of this, they truly performed feats charity, feats that aroused admiration not only in Russia, but also in Europe, feats rich in endless consequences for contemporaries and distant future generations of Russians. The Demidov dynasty was engaged in charitable activities throughout 300 years!

How can we participate in works of mercy?

Charity also includes charity.

Slide 15

Speaking about mercy, I cannot help but touch on the topic “Sister of Mercy”. It was they who saved soldiers during the war at the cost of their own lives, pulled them out of the battlefield to bandage their wounds. And they did this not for money, but at the call of their souls.

In Russia, the Order of Sisters of Mercy was organized by Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanovna.

Elizaveta Fedorovna helped the front and Russian soldiers in many ways. She worked until she was completely exhausted. She organized orphanages and hospitals.

On the night of July 17-18, 1918, a group of workers on horseback rode up to the building of the Floor School in Alapaevsk and, putting the prisoners into carriages (Elizabeth was among the prisoners), took them into the forest to the old mine. Those who resisted were shot. The rest were thrown alive into the mine. When they pushed the Grand Duchess into the mine, she repeated aloud the Savior’s prayer: “Lord, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Elizaveta Fedorovna fell not to the bottom of the mine, but onto a ledge at a depth of 15 meters. A man with bandaged wounds was later found next to her. Even here, the Grand Duchess did not cease to show mercy and alleviate the suffering of others, although she herself suffered from numerous fractures and severe bruises to her head. So she could respond to someone else's pain.

Slide 16

The “Sister of Mercy” movement received a response in peacetime. Sisters of mercy care for the sick and elderly.

Slide 17-18

How can we participate in works of mercy?


Slide 20

8.Work in groups. Task 2.

Training “Mercy or...” (Group work).

Two travelers. (Ushinsky K.D.)

Two travelers walked together and stayed overnight in the same hotel. At night a fire started in the village. One began to quickly get dressed to go to the rescue, and the other held him back, saying: “Let’s go our own way, what do we care about strangers!” But the comrade did not listen, hurried to the burning house and carried out the two children of the sobbing mother from the fire. The woman had barely hugged her children when the burning house collapsed.

What made the stranger risk his life?

Conclusion. Mercy means that when meeting someone else's misfortune and grief, you must put aside your own affairs, forget about everything except the fact that now you must help!

Slide 21

Card No. 3 Exercise. Determine what each of the following people needs most.




Kind heart

Healing juice



Slide 22 Examination

Well done, you did a good job with the proposed task. To confirm what has been said, let's draw a helping hand, let it be a symbol of our lesson, and extend it to someone who needs it.

10. Reflection. So what does it mean to be merciful? Answering this question, let's draw up rules of mercy.

Slide 23

Drawing up a rule of mercy.


Slide 25


And ending our lesson today, I want to extend a helping hand to you all.

One wise man asked the people, “Please tell me, what color is mercy?”

Color it the color you consider mercy to be. And when you want to do a bad deed, for which you will later be ashamed, look at this symbol and think - “Is it worth it?”

When they ask you for help, always help. After all, mercy is a priceless gift.

Deeds of mercy can achieve a lot! Hurry up to do good!

Know how to forgive, desire reconciliation, overcome evil with GOOD!

.Resource circle

What advice can you give to younger people to cultivate mercy in them?

Cognitive: brain teaser :

Analysis of objects to identify features;

Summing up the concept, deriving the consequence

general education:

Statement and solution of the problem;

Conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form;

(sign - symbolic)

- create and transform models.


Plan, determine the sequence of actions;


Ability to work in a group;

Take into account different opinions;

The ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Planning educational collaboration with teacher and peers

5. Primary consolidation. Active activity. Group work

6. Consolidation

7. Consideration of the reproduction of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” in the textbook “Origins”, 3rd grade.

8. Independent work

9. Practical work.

10. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Joint performance of the song “On the Road of Goodness”

1. Determine what each of the following people needs most.


Sick bread

Consolation orphan

Shelter offended

Repentance beggar

Forgiveness of the guilty

Healing juice

2.Which is better? Underline the answer in each pair of verbs

Listen - shout

Envy - rejoice

Quarrel - give in

To be offended is to forgive

Extend your palm - show your fist

Console - remain silent

3 .Arrange the following stages of spiritual growth in a logical sequence: good thoughts, good name, good words, good deeds, good memory.

4 . From the listed words, choose those that can tell about a merciful person:

Kind-hearted, indifferent, indifferent, benevolent, heartless, generous, compassionate, complacent, envious, patient.

Through what actions can you give to charity?

Have you ever been involved in charity work yourself?

Were your parents involved in charity work?

People who do charity work are called philanthropists.

Who knows the patrons of our school? Their portraits are on the Honor Board on the first floor. What kind things do they do for our school?

Why are compassionate people needed?

    The Charity Law was adopted in August 1995. “Charity is understood as the voluntary activity of citizens and legal entities for the disinterested (free of charge or on preferential terms) transfer of property, including money, to citizens or legal entities, the disinterested performance of work, the provision of services, and the provision of other support.”

    Charity Day August 22. Day of Mercy and Charity (in Russia). Another church and public holiday in our country. Celebrated since 2004. Established in honor of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the relics of St. Juliania Lazarevskaya, who lived in the 17th century in the city of Murom, famous for her rare gift of doing good to the sufferers around her.

According to legend, the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful-Kikskaya” was painted by the holy Apostle Luke. Together with two other images he painted, he sent it to Egypt. From there the image was transported to Constantinople (Constantinople) in order to preserve the shrine from the persecutors of the Christian faith.

Despite numerous attacks on the ship, the image reached the shores of Constantinople and was kept there in the royal palaces until the 12th century, after which it was solemnly transported to the island of Cyprus.

As soon as the ship with the miraculous image landed on the shores of Cyprus, not only believers, but also trees and flowers bowed their “heads” before the Lady. A temple was erected for her, which marked the beginning of the life of the Kiksky monastery.

Until now, people resort to the help of this icon, they are healed from infertility, female diseases, through prayers to the Kik image, rain descends on the earth in dry weather.

The faces of the Mother of God and the Child of God on the icon “Merciful-Kikskaya”, according to the custom established in ancient times, are hidden from people’s gaze by a dense cover that is never removed. Even when the monks change the cover due to dilapidation, they take the image out of the temple, lifting it and turning it towards the sky. According to a legend preserved in Cyprus, anyone who dares to lift the veil may go blind.

Each of you can do a small charitable act now. If you dial a short number on your cell phone 5541 and send to this number SMS with the word “Good”, then 70 rubles will be charged from your cell phone to help sick people. The amount is not very large, but when many people send it, it becomes significant. And, of course, all the money received by this fund goes to charitable purposes.

Do you expect praise for your good deeds?

Are you capable of doing good even to someone you dislike?

Do you first think about whether this is good?

Is it easy to be a kind person?

What did you learn that was useful for yourself today?

Find words of mutual gratitude for working together in class.

As a souvenir of today's lesson, you receive a paper cut-out hand of a person. On this palm are written the words of folk wisdom: “ The hand of the giver will never fail! Find out with your parents what meaning lies in this wisdom. What does the word mean - will it become scarce? Think about who needs your help now and provide it in time.

Details (written on the palm of your hand) for transferring funds to help sick children.

My good friend, please

Don't be afraid to do good.

But I just ask: don’t complain.

Please, I need more.

Don't expect gratitude

For what you have done,

For those unexpected joys

Gifted with kindness.

Read and connect pairs

Perform relevant tasks, check and prove

Good thoughts, good words, good deeds, good name, good memory.

Charity concert, charity fair, charity sale, “Help get ready for school” campaign, collecting things for fire victims.

Charity concert for disabled children, participation in a charity fair, collecting items for fire victims

Examining a reproduction of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful”

Mercy (according to Ozhegov) - kind, humane attitude

Did you know that there is an “Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”

5.Work in pairs

Choose from these words those that relate to mercy?

(empathy, tolerance, indifference, sensitivity, love, cruelty, sympathy, kindness, ruthlessness, respect, pity, selfishness). Explain your choice.

(Transfer money to an account for the treatment of seriously ill children, collect toys for the children of the Orphanage, give alms to a beggar, buy a newspaper for a charity fund, buy a ticket to a charity concert, etc.)

7. Training “Mercy or...” (Work in groups).

Assignment - read the story, discuss the situation, is there mercy, charity there or not?

Newspaper note.

One woman, a wonderful embroiderer, read in the newspaper about an orphan boy from an orphanage. The woman embroidered a T-shirt and sent it to him. After some time, she received 20 letters from the same orphanage asking her to send the same T-shirts. The woman did not shrug it off, she worked for a long time, embroidered 20 more T-shirts and sent them to an orphanage. The guys were happy.

How can you characterize the woman’s action?

Eagle. (L.N. Tolstoy)

The eagle built a nest on a high road, far from the sea, and raised its chicks.

One day, people were working near a tree, and an eagle flew up to the nest with a large fish in its claws. People saw the fish, surrounded the tree, began to shout and throw stones at the eagle.

The eagle dropped the fish, and the people picked it up and left. The eagle landed on the edge of the nest, and the eaglets raised their heads and squealed pitifully, asking for food.

What did people do towards the eagle and its chicks?
Kittens.(A. Shchelygin).

I brought the kittens home, and mom and dad say:

"It is forbidden! Bring them back, this is not a cat zoo!”

I look at the tiny kittens: they are probably hungry!

They crawl towards me, sliding, they don’t know what not to do...

And mom and dad, squatting down, look at the kittens.

They sigh at once: “That’s the trouble... Well, if so, then, then...

Let them live with us for now. Pour some milk into the saucer!”

Why did the parents decide to keep the kittens?
Peaches.(Ushinsky K.D.)

The father brought 4 peaches from the city and gave them to his sons. Two sons ate their peaches, one sold them so that later in the city he could buy a whole dozen, and Edmund took his peach to the neighbor’s son, little George, who was lying in a fever. Edmund put the peach on the sick man's bed and ran away.

In the evening, the father asked how the boys disposed of the gift.

Whose action was considered the best and why?

Sister of Mercy. (Kamkin A.V.)

“Well, that's enough! Who abandoned you? They see that you are better, so they go to others who are worse. They’ll send you home soon, and you’ll recover at home.” From these words the face of the dying man brightened. The sister's tired hand remained on his hot forehead. She did not stop smiling at the dying man and talked for a long, long time about his distant family, who were waiting for him - they couldn’t wait.

Did the nurse help the dying person?

Deeds of mercy can achieve a lot! Hurry up to do good! Know how to forgive, desire reconciliation, overcome evil with GOOD! Spiritual and moral support and a kind word of consolation cannot be denied to anyone, especially if a person or animal really needs it.

One wise man asked the people, “Please tell me what color is mercy?”

People began to guess. Green is like the earth. Yellow is like the sun. Blue - like the sky.

act, because no one loves them, and the world seems alien to them, hostile and cold. They are like sick people who need treatment.

- How can they be cured? And is this possible? (Kindness, cordiality, sincerity, attention, sensitivity and love)

This was more than 100 years ago. There was a war going on. After the battle there were many wounded. Some had their wounds bandaged, others were operated on, and others tried not to be disturbed - these were mortally wounded. Almost everyone was unconscious.

“Well, that's enough! Who abandoned you? They see that you are better, so they go to others who are worse. They’ll send you home soon, and you’ll recover at home.” From these words the face of the dying man brightened. The sister's tired hand remained on his hot forehead. She did not stop smiling at the dying man and talked for a long, long time about his distant family, who were waiting for him - they couldn’t wait.

Listening to these heartfelt words of consolation, the soldier fell into oblivion again. His breathing became weaker... Soon he died with a calm face and a smile on his lips.