Valentina Gerbova - Speech development in a mixed-age kindergarten group. Junior mixed age group

Date: ______________20___ year Technological map of organizational educational activities Educational areas: Communication Sections: Speech development Topic: Sound [and]. Toys. Games Bilingual component: birthday-tugan kun Goal: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about games and toys; activate and update the dictionary on the topic; introduce sound [and], consolidate the concept of “vowel sound”; consolidate the ability to determine the presence and place of sound [and] in a word; practice sound-syllable analysis of words, setting stress, composing sentences with a given word according to a scheme; learn to form nouns denoting persons by their occupation (feminine and masculine), plural nouns in the nominative case; learn to select words with the same root, understand different comparisons in riddles; develop coherent speech, phonemic hearing, attention, imagination, fine motor skills; develop cooperation skills, careful attitude towards toys; Materials for the lesson: ABC - notebook, pencils.
Stages of activity Actions of the teacher Actions of children
Motivational and incentive Course of the lesson
Guys, do you like to visit? Today we are going to visit... guess what:
Sir, not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a bunny,
With hooves, but not a horse.
(Donkey) They listen with interest and solve riddles.
Organizational and search Conversation on the riddle of what is common. What animals do you compare a donkey to? (With a wolf) What is the stressed sound in this word? [o] Let's sing it (o-o-o-o-o-o). With whom else? (With a horse) What a shock in this word, sing (a-a-a-a-a-a). And also with a bunny. Which one? (Long-eared) What drum? [y] Sing it (oo-oo-oo-oo).
1. Isolation of a new sound. Report the topic of the lesson.
Do you know what the donkey's name is? (If not, then say - Eeyore.) Why was he called that? (Because the donkey shouts: “E-a, ee-a, ee-a.”) What is the first sound in the word Eeyore? [and] Today we will pronounce many words with the sound [and] and learn the letter: and. Eeyore invited us to his birthday. Bilingual component: birthday - Tugan kun Today is...(birthday boy). Do the math! How many sounds [and] are heard and pronounced in the word birthday?
Characteristics of sounds by articulatory and acoustic characteristics! Articulation gymnastics. Look, when pronouncing the sound [and] your mouth smiles, your lips part, your tongue drops behind your lower teeth. Say the sound [and] sing it long, long. Can you guess what sound it is? (Vowel). Which circle denotes the sound [and]? (Red circle)
Sound recognition. What is customary to give to birthday people? (Present). Let's take gifts for Eeyore. Select those objects whose names contain the sound [i] (bear, pyramid, ball).
1. The donkey’s grandmother prepared us a treat, guess what?
She brought ripe ones from the garden... (grapes, plums, peaches). I made a thick... (jelly) from the fruit. I baked it from flour...(pie with raisins). Stick treats on the table.
Who came to visit the donkey? Animals whose names contain the sound [i] (children’s answers). And they brought a cake and a poem as a gift. The donkey was very happy.
How happy I am!
How proud I am!
For my birthday I was given a delicious cake and a poem.
- Happy birthday, Donkey!
"Be healthy. Grow big!” - They wrote it in cream,
Absolutely all of us love you with all our hearts!
Expressive reading in chorus.
2. Selection of related words. What can you do with toys? (Play) This car (toy). We have a lot... (toys). Now I will invite you to (the game). You will... (play) with me. The words game, play, toys, toy are called related. This is a family of words.
3. Eeyore likes to play games on the table, what will they be called... what games? (Board games) What board games do you know? (Children's answers)
Chess - chess player - chess player.
What is the name of the chess board? (Chess)
Physical exercise.
Dance moves to music.
4. Work on a sentence (phrase). Donkey likes to watch games on TV on the sports channel, what games? (Sports) Make up sentences with these words.
5.Development of coherent speech (the bunny was scared of the fox). Show with arrows and tell what happened first and what happened next. Why was the bunny scared?
Performing exercises to develop fine motor skills. Answer questions
They reason.
They pronounce words in Kazakh. language.
They do articulatory gymnastics.
Answer questions.
They are thinking.
They answer questions and put stickers on.
Listen to a poem.
They read in chorus.
They are listening.
They reason.
Perform movements.
Answer questions.
Work in a notebook.
Reflexive-corrective Result. Let's say thank you to Eeyore for your hospitality. What new sound did we encounter while visiting him? What do you want to say in parting? They answer questions and share their impressions.
Expected result Know: vowel sounds (a), (o), (u), (i). Have: phonemic hearing, attention, fine motor skills. imagination. Be able to: read syllables, put stress, do sound-letter analysis of a word.

>> Literature 2nd grade >> Literature: A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come..."


Goals: work on the expressiveness of students’ speech; learn to find and explain words and phrases.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

III. Learning new material.

1. Message of the topic, goals.

2. Conversation about the life and work of A. Pleshcheev.

1) The teacher briefly introduces students to the work of A. Pleshcheev.

Pleshcheev’s multifaceted creativity is bright, lively, rich in spiritual content. Author of poems that became songs, translator, playwright, fine filigree of Russian artistic speech, brilliant publicist. The published historical and literary study “The Life and Work of A. N. Pleshcheev” makes it possible to restore the true significance of this extraordinary personality in the literary and social life of Russia in the 19th century.

Pleshcheyev’s poems have always reflected his worldview, which has undergone evolution over time - from a fascination with the ideas of utopianism to an understanding of complex social problems. Among his early poems, “La Marseillaise” became especially popular:

Forward! without fear and doubt
A valiant feat, friends!
Dawn of Holy Redemption
I saw it in the sky!

Pleshcheev's poetry is unusually musical. His figurative, melodic and melodic poems inspired the creation of wonderful romances by many Russian composers - Tchaikovsky, Cui, Mussorgsky, Grechaninov, Rachmaninov, the Rubinstein brothers. Many of them became real masterpieces of vocal lyrics - “Oh, if only you knew”, “Not a word, oh my friend”, “The gentle stars shone for us”, “Let’s go to the shore, there are waves.” A special place was occupied by poems dedicated to children: fourteen of the “Sixteen Songs for Children” were created by P. I. Tchaikovsky based on poems by Pleshcheev.

2) Reading of a poem by the teacher.


Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
It's just turning green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling..

The waters began to rustle
of the fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm regions.

– What feelings does this poem evoke? Why?
– Find confirmation of your words in the poem.

Physical education minute

3) Vocabulary work.

Winter – grains that are planted in fields in winter (autumn).

4) Work on expressive reading.

IV. Lesson summary.

Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the poem “Autumn has come...” (you can learn it by heart if you wish).

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans according to the “School of Russia” program. Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

Summary of direct educational activities of the second junior group.

Subject: Reading poems by A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”, A. Blok “Bunny”. Mastering song skills.

Goals: introduce to poetry; develop a poetic ear, the ability to memorize a poem; develop singing skills without tension and raising your voice, shouting; learn to correctly convey the melody of a song, maintain intonation when performing.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of preschool children: shows interest in participating in joint outdoor games, listens with interest to new poems (A. Pleshcheev “Autumn”, A. Blok “Bunny”), participates in the discussion of the content of poems, answers questions about the content of the text of the poem, shows emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate musical works (“In Autumn” (Ukrainian folk melody, arrangement by N. Metlov, lyrics by I. Plakida)), performs them.

Materials and equipment: texts of poems: A. Pleshcheev “Autumn”, A. Blok “Bunny”; paintings illustrating cloudy autumn, bunny toy. Repertoire – “Autumn” (Ukrainian folk melody, arrangement by N. Metlov, lyrics by I. Plakida).

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is, invites them to look at pictures illustrating cloudy, dull autumn, and invites them to listen to how this time of year is described by the poet in a poem.

2.Reading poems.

Autumn has arrived.

The flowers have dried up,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,

The rain is drizzling.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows

It's just turning green

Winter in the fields.

The waters began to rustle

of the fast stream,

The birds have flown away

To warm regions.

A. Pleshcheev


What time of year is the poem talking about?

What kind of grass is it like in autumn?

What do the bushes look like?

Is it possible to see green grass in autumn?

What is the sky like in autumn?

Is there bright sunshine in autumn?

Where did the stream come from?

Where and why do birds fly in the fall?


Autumn is a sad time of year, and many animals miss summer. And the hare too, today he came to visit us. Look how sad he is (puts a bunny toy on the table). Want to know why? Let's listen to the poem.

Little bunny

On a damp hollow

Before my eyes were amused

White flowers...

We burst into tears in the fall

Thin blades of grass

The paws are coming

On yellow leaves.

Gloomy, rainy

Autumn has come,

All the cabbage was removed

Nothing to steal.

Poor bunny is jumping

Near the wet pines,

It's scary to be in the clutches of a wolf

Gray to get...

Thinks about summer

flattens his ears,

Looks sideways at the sky -

Can't see the sky...

If only it were warmer

If only it were drier...

Very unpleasant

Walk on water!


Why is our bunny so sad?

What time of year is it?

Does the bunny like autumn and why?

Do you feel sorry for the little bunny? Why?

(The teacher reads the poem again and helps the children remember it).

3.Song performance.

Children listen to the song “In Autumn” (Ukrainian folk melody, arrangement by N. Metlov, lyrics by I. Plakida) performed by the teacher.

And now, guys, I invite you to perform this song with me.

4. Reflection.

What poems did we read?

What are these poems about?

What song did we sing?

MDOU DS No. 1 "Romashka"

Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory

Lesson notes

for the second younger group

Topic: Memorizing A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn”

Prepared by: Teacher

Shevlyagina Yulia Ivanovna.


Target:generalize knowledge about autumn, memorize A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come.”


Educational : expand children’s knowledge about autumn, its main signs and symptoms,memorize A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come.”

Learn to answer the teacher's questions.

Educational: develop attention, memory, intelligence, activity.

Educational : learn to listen carefully to literary works.

Equipment: text of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn”.

Vocabulary work : sad, naked, covering, howling, drizzling.

Materials and equipment: paintings illustrating cloudy autumn.

Preliminary work : Conversations about autumn, excursion to the park, memorizing poems about autumn.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is, invites them to look at pictures illustrating cloudy, dull autumn, and invites them to listen to how this time of year is described by the poet in a poem.

2. Main part. Reading a poem.

Educator. Today we will get acquainted with a new poem written by the famous Russian poet Pleshcheev, it is called “Autumn”.

Educator. Guys, who is a poet? (a person who writes poetry)

Educator. Listen to the poem "Autumn".


Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
It's just turning green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling..

The waters began to rustle
of the fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warmer climes . A. Pleshcheev

3.Analysis of the poem.


- What time of year is the poem talking about?

- What kind of grass is it like in autumn?

-What do the bushes look like?

- Is it possible to see green grass in autumn?

-What is the sky like in autumn?

- Is there bright sun in autumn?

-Where did the stream come from?

- Where and why do birds fly in the fall?

4. Physical training. “The leaves are falling, falling.”

Leaves are falling, falling, Children doing an exercise

It's leaf fall in our garden. for fingers Rain.

Yellow, red leaves Spinning with raised

They curl and fly in the air. hands.

Birds fly south - Perform an exercise for

Geese, rooks, cranes. fingers Birdie.

This is the last flock They run around in circles on their toes,

Flapping its wings in the distance. waving, retracted in

sides, hands, like wings.

T. Volgina.

5 .Educator. Now you and I will learn the poem by heart, but first we need to prepare our tongue so that it helps us pronounce the words clearly.

Leaves are falling in the distance.

It's been raining for a long time now.

Ru-ru-ru I’ve been walking with the wind for a long time.

We pronounce pure sayings three times, first slowly, and then as quickly as possible.

Educator. And now I will read the poem again, you listen to it carefully and remember it, then you will try to tell it yourself. (reading by the teacher)

Whoever remembers and can recite the poem, remember that it must be recited in a calm and sad voice. Reading a poem by children (2-3 children).

6. Didactic game “When it happens.”

Questions for the game.

Is there a cold, light rain when?

When is the sun shining hot?

When do the leaves turn yellow and red?

When do you swim and sunbathe on the river?

When do the leaves fall from the trees?

When are vegetables and fruits harvested?

When do they walk in the yard in T-shirts and shorts?

When do birds fly south?

When does the day become short and the night become long?

7. Didactic game “Say the word”

Educator. I start a line, and you finish it.

Autumn...(children: it has arrived) Cloudy sky...(covers)

Dried up...(flowers) Sun...(does not shine)

And they look... (sadly) The wind in the field... (howls)

Bare...(bushes) Rain...(drizzle)

8. Reflection.

Well done, everyone told the poem very well. Who remembers the name of the poem? Who wrote it?

Autumn has prepared gifts for you - yellow and red autumn leaves, which she gives to you as a keepsake.

Handing out leaflets.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the younger group.
“Memorizing a poem by A. Pleshcheev
"Autumn has come"
EDUCATIONAL: help children remember A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come.” When perceiving A. Blok’s poem “Bunny,” evoke sympathy for the little bunny who is cold, hungry and uncomfortable in the autumn. Refine and expand vocabulary
DEVELOPMENTAL: To develop intonation expressiveness of speech, voice power, memory, attention, aesthetic perception of poetry and music. Continue to develop fine motor skills.
EDUCATIONAL: Cultivate interest in poetry and music; accuracy and diligence when completing a task.
PRELIMINARY WORK: Observing autumn changes in nature, flowers in the flowerbed, bushes with fallen leaves.

1 part.
- Guys, do you want to listen to the melody? Sit on the chairs. (The melody of S. Mike-apar’s music “In Autumn” sounds. Children listen.) - Is this music sad or happy? - Sad. Sad melody because
Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And the bare bushes look sad.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
This poem is called “Autumn has come” and was written by A. Pleshcheev.
And the music we listened to was also about autumn.
-What happens in the fall? (presentation show)
- Autumn has come...What signs of autumn are shown in the picture?
-The flowers have dried up and the bare bushes look sad. Dull means sad. (The children repeat the line after me, both together and individually.)
- A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine. (Children also recite this line both together and individually)
- The wind is howling in the field. How does the wind howl? -U-U-U. And now the wind howled even stronger, even stronger. (the line is also repeated)
-It's drizzling rain. What does drizzling mean?
Next, I read the poem again, the children with me.
-Let's play: I start the line, and you finish it.
- Who wants to recite the poem themselves? Don’t forget that you must first say the title of the poem. (2-3 people)
Physical education minute:
Game “We are autumn leaves”
We are leaves, we are leaves,
We are autumn leaves.
We were sitting on a branch,
The wind blew and they flew.
We flew, we flew
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
Part 2.
- In autumn, when “clouds cover the sky, it’s drizzling, the street is damp, dirty, cold, it’s bad not only for people, but also for animals.
-If only it were warmer,
If only it were drier...
Very unpleasant
Walk on water!
A. Block “Bunny”
- Guys, do you feel sorry for the little bunny? You should feel sorry for the bunny, because he is so cold and hungry in this autumn season.
- Let's treat the bunny with carrots.
Children attach tops to carrots using clothespins.
- What do we tell the bunny? (help yourself and take the carrots to your friends)
Bottom line.
-What poem did we memorize?
What else did we do in class today?

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